Saturday, April 20, 2019

Step by Step Tutorial w/ Templates | How We Send Cold Emails to Get Clients

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I'm Alex permit from experiment W most , of our sales still come from cold emails , which is completely opposite of most , agencies who get alto of their sales , from referrals referrals is the number , one channel we get most of our sales , from cold emails and today I want to , jump in and show you exactly what I do , when I send these cold emails out I'm , about to go in show you the exact email , script I'm using right now to get , clients this has a W% meeting book rate , I'm probably gonna ha veto rewrite it , after this video the exact channels I go , in to find my clients'm probably gonna , ha veto change them after this video as , well because this is so valuable so , let's jump into it so it all starts with , the lead generation document so I like , to go into Google Drive doc and just , create a few different columns so here , it's company website name email , portfolio item and channel you also want , to write your email template here here's , mine , question about company hey name came , across company on channel recently and , I'serious impersonal what you're doing , Congrats on working with portfolio item , I run X W I'm in charge of growing the , number of clients agencies like company , get then it keeps going you can pause it , you can read through it so we have a few , different points we customizing the , email company name first name the , channel you found them on are the only , points so I found all of these guys on , dribble you go to where your clients are , right if you're looking for restaurants , it might be Yelp if you're looking for , financial consulting firms maybe it's a , Forbes list anyway find a channel where , these guys hangout even if it's just , big list of client sand copy paste that , into your channel section here so for , today I'm going through dribble , there's still lot more there are still , a lot more agencies on here that we , could reach out to next you want to find , some things that the people can relate , to so I'vie got company name we'll pull , the website the name of the contact for , us normally it's reaching out to the , founder of the CEO for you guys it could , be the director if it's a slightly , larger company or even the founder , themselves and then the portfolio item , I'm going to send emails today so , I'll copy this times next you go over , to where your clients hang out for me , it'scribble and you have to create an , account hereto find the people so then , I'll go over to all the design teams for , hire if they're looking for design work , they're most likely looking for leads , all right so I got a bunch of these open , next step is to put them in this doc so , I use this tool that splits the tabs to , two different sides it's called tab , scissors you can grab that for free so , let's do it , all right we got W in the dock company , names and websites now we'vie still got , these three things name email portfolio , item to do so how do we get the name of , the contact so I'll show you right now , there's another plugin called open , multiple tabs that will basically if you , paste in a list of URLs will open them , all in different tabs lazy loading style , which is super cool , so let's paste them in don'told tabs , until selected open URL sand then we'll , use that same plug-in to split we our , Brotherhood a new design studio based in , England with Jaime Fa bio and Cassius at , the helm so Jaime boom and it's actually , Cassius not Jaime will also find a , portfolio item from their site and for , the email address I like to find first I , find their first and last name so it's , Cassius Kano found them on twitter and , basically there'st his thing called , email hedgehop on over to it we'll , type in first I like this type in the , URL here an email hunter will show you , if any of these URLs and published , online anywhere for this is we are at , Brotherhood day oh but that dozen't help , us , sou'll if that dozen't work I go to , this website to thrust OH , and it's Cassius Kano company website , and there to look for the email address , for us and there it is Kasai yes at , brother hood day oh so perfect now I'll , do this for all W all right well that , took couple hours had to remove , about of them so I'going to add the , six that we're missing and then we'll , jump into the mail merge so I have , the script in streak CRM and I just look , through one more time to make sure it , work sand it looks like it does so we're , going to send it alright the emails are , sent looks like we only have one bounce , so I'll resend this one too think Moho , otherwise it looks like it's working and , just so you guys know the email script , does work here's one I sent four days , ago with the reply and you can see , instincts tracking people are already , opening them I'mat experiment from , experiment W if you liked this video , give it a thumbs up if you want more , content like this feel free to subscribe , to this YouTube channel for more , tutorials and if you need marketing , support for your digital agency check , out experiment CO thanks 

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