Saturday, March 30, 2019

ConvertKit Demo by Pat Flynn (& Why it's the Best Email Marketing Software) - Seva Demo

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hey what's up everybody path line here , from and in this , video i'm gonna give you a quick demo of , convert kit , a brand new email service provider that , i'vie started using that'vie fallen in , love with and the reason is because well , it sends emails and allows you to build , your email list like many other tools , but convert kit is special because one it , is extremely easy to use and set up it's , beautifully designed Nathan berry the , creator ISS UX or user experience , designer and he's made it incredibly , easy to understand , number two the statistics are incredible , it allows you to see exactly what's , going on within all your campaign sand , all your forums and all your broadcasts , it's really easy to understand number , three and my favorite are the advanced , features that come along with convert kit , for your email marketing such as , segmentation and tagging which a lot of , other tools have but they're more , expensive and they're more complicated , to use convert kit makes it extremely , easy so let me take a few moment sand , show you around alright so here we are , inside convert kit and you'll notice , right here at the top a section called , subscribers which gives you a quick , snapshot of what'seagoing on in terms of , the growth of your subscriber base so , for example today I'vie had , subscribers over the last week or the , last W day sand in total how Mani , have so that'serially great to see quick , and easy but also this bar graph here , has become very handy for me actually , and I love this because not only does it , allow me to see certain trends for , example that spike there which , corresponds wit ha brand new lead magnet , that I just came outwith but also if I , hover over the different colored , sections of this bar graph could see , exactly what forms are driving the , subscribers into my email list that , particular day so for example the large , chunk here is email the smart way which , is that lead magnet that came out with , that particular day like I said same , thing for the next day and so you can , notice certain trends and see exactly , where those people are coming from and , what forums people are going into to , subscribe to your list which is really , handy down here you'll notice the , section called forums and this is where , you can create opt-in forms and then , embed them on your website and it also , has a really nice way of keeping track , of a stats for you for each of those , forums too so for example this forum , here called book club which is where , people can subscribe to become a part of , my book club and get my book club emails , this particular forum has seen two , thousand seven hundred and seventy-five , visitors it , has been subscribe to W times and has , a percent conversion rate which is , pretty coo land like the bar graph above , I can hover over just the bottom part , here you'll notice this is coloured and , is actually a line graph to showing me , just what has been happening over the , last few days in terms of the number of , subscribers which is really really cool , and handy now I want to walk you through , what it's like to create a form real , fast now you could also create a landing , page which is fully hosted by convert kit , but for now we're gonna create a form , that you can embed anywhere on your , website you can customize the copy here , you can add your own image sand , description but for now let's go into , the settings and there's a lot of , options here on the name this really , fast let's for example say this is for , your start here page and the cool thing , about this is you can redirect people to , another page quite simply just by , pasting a link there but most , importantly what love most about this , particular option here in convert kit is , you can have people subscribe to a , particular course through this specific , form so of course by convert kits , definition is essentially a sequence of , emails that you'vie setup and have , number of those already set up I'll show , you those I'll show you those in just a , second but when you set those up those , become options here so when people , subscribe through this form I want them , Togo into my level 0 nurture list or , course for example those are people who , are just starting out and I know if they , subscribe on the star there Page can , put them directly into that particular , email sequence that is specific for them , I can also have an incentive email so , for example this is what is , traditionally called , a double opt-in now what'school about , this is you could actually upload a file , that people get immediately so if you , have a lead magnet for example when , people subscribe to get overbook or , something like that you can upload that , file and the act of people downloading , that file which comes in that first , email becomes their way of confirming , themselves onto that list so if you , don't know what that means don'worry , about it but again this just makes it , really simple for you to have people , confirm their email because they get , this email it says hey just make sure , you want to make sure you're human well , here's that download link and when they , click on that download link which is , actually abut ton in that email it , confirms them for you so you actually , save a step there too which is really , cool you can change the styling and you , can also , so embed it on your website this is , where you get the embed code there's , also a wordpressplugin that makes it , easy for you to do that too you can , create Twitter card if you know how to , do that and there are other options to , duplicate the form if you want to put it , on another page and just have it be able , to keep track of the stats on that page , you can archive it if you're done with , it and you can also delete it too which , is what I'm gonna do now now the last , thing I want to show you related to the , forums and actually Just noticed that , I'vie collected a few more subscribers , since we started this recording which is , pretty cool but I'm gonna click on this , form here because it'll show me some , more information about the stats related , to this particular form so if I click on , subscribers here at the top what you'll , end up seeing is some more stats so , you'vie already seen these these these , are what's shown on the dashboard there , but I also see my top referring websites , too so I understand now which other , websites are driving traffic and , subscribers to this particular form , which is super powerful so I can see , that a lot of people are coming in from , a resource page from Pat Flynn comm , actually that's that's the number one , thing unknown which is probably a , private Google user for exam plea , particular piston smart passive income , and also Google again some really cool , staff that other email service providers , don't really show you or make it very , difficult to find okay so here we are , back on the dashboard and I want to show , you now the courses section which is , where you can create different email , sequences for different purposes so for , example Have different email sequences , base don the different types of people , and who I know are in my audience so , level 0 for example are people who have , yet to start on all my business and I , have a specific email sequence for them , it lasts currently days with nine , emails so it's essentially meals that , span across days and you can see a , lot of the stats here too which makes it , very easy to see what'seagoing on so , W,plus subscribers with an open , rate of.7% nine point seven percent , click-through rate and unsubscribes , but let's get into this and show you , exactly what's going on inside so here , are each of the emails that go out this , one is immediately after subscription , four days afters after you can set , these to however many days you want and , all these emails go out again these are , nine emails across the span of W days , and what's really cool is you can easily , see these sequences you can rearrange , them if you want , people don't get double emails ever and , you can add new emails to the sequences , and the editor is just really easy to , use and it just makes it so simple , don'TKO why other email service , providers arena'talkie this but here's , the really cool Patti'm gonna click on , reports up hereon the upper right hand , corner and you can you get to see some , of the magic of what I love most about , convectors I'm gonna clear that click , on reports and this shows me exactly , with each of these emails that I'vie , created the open rate for each of them , that click-through rate and the number , of sends and then a number of , unsubscribes so I can quickly see if , there are any anomalies which ones to , address if there are any ones that are , for some odd reason there is a lot of , unsubscribe rs like for example this one , I might be able to address that and , change that it also gives me some some , of the quick stats that mentioned , earlier there but just this is so easy , to see what'seagoing on so again it's , just I love this now there are other , settings you can do too for example when , these emails go out what time you can , exclude particular subscribers from , getting this course so for example if , people are already customers I don't , necessarily have to have them go through , a nurture sequence which tries to sell , them stuff that they'vie already , purchased so that makes it really easy , here can exclude based on different , tags other courses people are in forums , they subscribe through and that sort of , thing so that'st hat I'gonna cancel , because I don't want to change anything , same thing here with level nurture , this is currently emails in the span , of W day sand same thing with the , reports Icahn get quick snapshot of , what'seagoing on what the click-through , rates are and all that sort of stuff so , again very very simple and very easy to , use now I'm gonna click here on , broadcast to show you exactly where the , broadcast emails go out and these are , emails that you send out at a particular , moment in time like right now or , whatever you'dike of course it gives , you some great statistics on previous , broadcasts that you'vie sent you can also , view reports of those particular , broadcasts too and you can also send to , unpin so people who have not open edit , you can just click a one butt onto , resend to those on opens I know a lot of , people who like to use that particular , tool it's kind oaf hack in other email , service providers that allow up you , well this one is just simply you just , push a button and that's it now let's go , back to broadcast and create a new , broadcast there's a lot of things you , can do here you can select which people , you want to receive it for example let's , say I'm sending an email out to people , who are I know our future podcasts , Want to make sure I exclude people , that are in level zero nurture so honest , I want to send these to people who say , that they're going to start a podcast , they haven'ts tarted one yeti know that , because I'vie collected that information , based off of tags that have had people , self-select into over time I'll show you , exactly how that works in the automation , section and just sec but I don't want , to send to people who are just sorting , out because Id on't want to overwhelm , them so that's that so I'm gonna hit , next step and then I get to do my email , here my copy can select from a , template or I can create one if I'd like , and I can test this email out if I want , Could send Otto a particular email to , get preview now I'm not gonna go ahead , and do that everything in the broadcast , area is pretty straightforward but again , the powerful part is quickly and easily , being able to send to particular , segments and excluding particular , segments so I'actually gonna delete , this email because I don't want to send , an email outright now okay next let's , click on subscribers to get some more , information about those who are on my , email list now the most useful part here , are these tags this is where you can , create new tags and be able to start to , define different parts of your audience , based off of certain interests or what , they'vie done or actions that they'vie , taken for example Could see there are , 5,W people who are in my book club so , whenever Have a book club email we , just sent to that particular tag there , are people who are interested Ina , weekend digests over,W for them , actually who want to get a summary of my , content every weekend , I'vie also tagged people based on , interests for example this one here , email marketing these are people I'vie , tagged as being interested in email , marketing based off of a particular form , that they have gone into which is the , one for that lead magnet that I talked , about earlier email smart way now I , have W,people who are tagged as , being interested in email marketing so , if I come outwith a course in the , future or if I have a course to promote , that I'm an affiliate for that involves , email marketing I can just quickly say , hey convert kit send this email to these , tags are these people who are tagged , with being interested in email marketing , and , to say I could say hey thank you for , downloading email the smart way check , out this new thing and there's some , other tags here too the other cool thing , about the subscribers section here is , actually I can click on a particular , subscriber and get some information , about them for for example if I click on , this one I can see that this person , subscribed on this particular form I can , see that this is the email that they'vie , received already that they'vie got it , delivered and you can also see which , ones they have clicked on or haven't , opened yet you can also see what tags , they'vie been added to and you can also , add them to new tags and also delete , them from here too all right , and I'vie saved the best for last let's , talk about these automation's this is , something that other email service , providers either leave out completely or , make really hard to execute which then , you don't end up using them anyway but , convert kit like everything else makes it , super easy Soto show you'm just gonna , click on add rule don't worry about this , other stuff it all makes sense in just a , second I'm gonna click+ add rule and , quite simply you can see here on the , left hand side when this event happens , there's an umber of different things , that can happen below this action , happen sand again the way this is setup , just makes it really easy to understand , so for example if somebody subscribes to , forum and I select the book Club forum , I can add a tag to that person which is , the book club tag very easy if people , click on a particular link that I want , to put in an email so for example if , that link is was HTTP smart passive , income comm slash session W which is , about affiliate marketing this is a , session W affiliate marketing can , have them tagged as being interested in , affiliate marketing , which allows me to collect more , information about them so for example , the email might be about affiliate , marketing if they want to learn more , click on this link so let'Sgt rid of , that if people have a tag added they can , remove themselves from another tag so if , people are tagged as subscribing to one , course I can intake them from another so , they stopped getting those those emails , if somebody becomes customer so let's , say somebody purchases a product and , right now Have it just integrated with , Gum road , if somebody purchases the smart podcast , player Icahn remove , a tag so I can remove the smart podcast , player interested tag which takes them , off of that email sequence which then , tries to sell them that product that , they'vie already purchased so again like , I said there's alto of different things , they can do here there's also the digest , email you can set up if a new RSS post , comes out you can have it send up or , create a broadcast draft that then you , can send outlet's see what else could , you do here if if if they complete a , course let's say you have A-day email , course if they complete that and they , get to the very end then you can have , them unsubscribe from something or , subscribe to a completely new course or , add a tag as being completed and then , you can send them new stuff and there's , again so many things you can do and , convert kit is adding new things every , day to make email marketing experience , better I found so much success already , through using convert kit and recommend , it for you if you're just starting out , even because a lot of these features , which used to be very difficult to use , and understand like you can see here , convert kit makes it extremely easy if , you are interested in convergent you , go through this link do get a , commission that link is , slash convert kit , and that's at no extra cost to you but I , do get paid a commission just want to , be completely upfront with that and also , I'm here to answer your questions too so , if you're watching this YouTube ask a , question below I'll do my best to answer , it if you're watching this on the SPI , blog go ahead and leave a question in , the comment section or if you want to , send me an email that's totally fine too , happy to help because really believe , in this product I'vie put a lot of time , and effort into really understanding , which email service provider best suits , me and a lot of other people too and , I'vie landed on one that I that I feel , like is great for everybody so go ahead , and check it out , slash convert kit , and I look forward to seeing how you are , able to use it and again like I said , convert cuts coming out with alto of , other stuff in the future too to make , our live seven easier so hopefully this , is helpful , Cheers I appreciate you and again that , affiliate link one more time which I do , get a commission from if you do go , through that link is , slash convert kit , thank you so much and I'll see you in , the next video , you  

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