Friday, March 29, 2019

How to design a custom landing page from a template (Pagewiz)

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whether you are a pro marketer a , designer or a small business owner with , the page whiz builder you can easily , create pro looking high converting , landing pages in page wiz it's quick and , easy to tweak templates text and swap in , your images to make the page work for , your business in this video I'll take , the changes a few steps further and show , you how to turn Page with template , into fully personalized landing page , it'll look so different from the , original template that people will never , know that you did't build it from , scratch let's dive inside say you're the , proprietor of nutritionists business , you'd like to promote we'll go to , lifestyle and wellness , let's preview this one , this template looks fine , select choose this template in this , campaign we want to collect potential , customers emails by giving them free , health strategies in return this , templates call-to-action USN't quite , right for our purpose because it says , scheduled a consultation but we'll see , how to change it in a minute let's name , our page health strategies campaign , now suppose you don't have a logo no , problem just remove the placeholder logo , and enter your name here plus let's add , that your certified health coach let's , change the headline , and the sub-headline , next let's swap in a cool custom image , click on the section then background , background image and click here , if the image is bigger than the section , size it's easy to change the section , dimensions accordingly , great but now the text is covering the , image so let's align the text to the , left and let's make this form vertical , instead of horizontal you could also , customize the text little bit leave , your details to get my super strategies , in your inbox pineapple not included , since you're planning on collecting only , email addresses and since minimizing the , number of fields a visitor has to fill , in often boosts response let's get rid , of the phone field you can do that by , clicking the form setting button form , fields edit the phone field delete field , and applying this Pink's no longer , complementing the page color scheme so , let's change it to black and since we're , not scheduling anything let's make the , button read want to know now by the , way there are lots more ways to , customize button you can round corners , adjust the font type and size and even , use an image as the background plus for , each text element on the page you can , choose from an endless variety of google , fonts or even use your own alright , moving from this to this was a snap , let's do some more quick fixes first , since we're not promoting consultations , let's just delete this section , this section has two more lead forms and , they're different from the top form , which reminds me page wiz lets you add , as many forms as you'd like to your page , each form can also have as many fields , as you wish and those fields can include , text boxes text areas radio buttons , drop downs , check box seven hidden text boxes for , this page let's remove this sections , content entirely and replace it with , another pineapple image and let's make , sure it fits you can also make quick , work of adding a headline by copying an , existing one right click then click the , duplicate icon paste in a fresh headline , now let's add avid underneath it drag , a video element paste in a video link , there the video is ready to go okay to , save time'vie prepared the next two , section sin advance it's very easy to , use Google Maps to embed a map of your , business location from Google Maps enter , your address , share select embed map and choose custom , size to specify the exact dimensions and , pixels then copy the code and paste it , in the HTML element like so for this , last section just copy the top form and , adjust it horizontally in the footer , it's helpful to add your social media , icons they create trust and encourage , conversions for visitors eager to know , you'vie goat committed web presence to , add links just right-click on them hit , the link to and add your URL so there , you have it we started with regular , template and in no time produced a , distinctive fully personalized landing , page hope you enjoyed the video and for , any questions feel free to contact our , live chat or mail support at support at , page Wiz calm  

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