Saturday, April 20, 2019

How to Write a Landing Page ( That Converts )

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how to write a landing page that , converts a good landing page gives , visitors exactly what they are looking , for and converts them from browsers to , customers you will need a list of , keywords website copy and pictures of , your products or services step develop , a list of the most popular keywords for , websites similar to yours break these , keywords into groups and create a , landing page for each group step 2 title , your landing page with keyword phrases , and include those keyword phrases in the , text of the page this increases your , visibility to search engines step 3 keep , the copy or text of the site simple and , easy to read avoid confusing jargon , include keywords strong selling points , and motivating language but multiple , Callisto action in the coffee step 4 , offer only one choice avoid putting , several navigational links on the , landing page the only link should be the , option for the customer to choose your , product or service step 5 include a , picture showing the product or service , that you are offering step 6 test the , landing page and measure how effective , it is at converting clicks to money or , sign ups there are online services that , provide landing page analysis did you , know in October two thousand nine , YouTube reached 1 billion views per day  

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