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Russell you were mentioning yesterday , and your talk that fit oftentimes you're , mistaken for like oh and look years , old , oh poor Russell looks like it's W , you know Russell have you considered my , friend maybe the fact that you made a , product on how to build potato guns , might have made people think you were W , I don't know I'm just just a fairy just , a theory , my name is Russell Bronson and I'm part , of an underground group of entrepreneurs , that you'vie probably never even heard of , before we don't rely on cash from , venture capitalists to get started and , we don'tavern have goals to go public , either in fact our motivation is the , exact opposite you see we have products , and services and things that we know , change people's wives because we're , fight against the big brands people with , literally unlimited budgets we have to , do things differently we have to do , things smarter we don't have financial , safety nets because every test we take , with our own money we ha veto be , profitable to day number one so how do , we do that how is that even possible if , you ask the MB As or look at your college , textbooks they will tell you that what , we are doing is impossible to get it's , happening every single day and it's , happened to an art and science that we , call frontal hacking it's not really , something that I can explain to you it's , something I ha veto show you these , stories are a glimpse of entrepreneurs , just like you we have a dream and , vision you want to change the world in , their own little way I use the phone , hacking process they'll make their , dreams become a reality yes we are , funnel hackers and these are our stories , every year people ask me how do I pick , the speaker for funnel hacking live when , I first met Sean Stephenson for the , first time I knew within half a second I , was like I want Sean on our stage now I , had no idea that he was going to spend , the first like W minutes with , presentation roasting me and making fun , of me but it was really really cool for , a couple reasons one it was cool to see , how it tied the audience and bonded it , to bonded them to him which is really , cool and second off it was just always , funny to hear what people really think , about you so clean and goo dhow many , people deep down inside have a little , bit of the the feeling that I have you , would just lo veto see Russell like in , sweatpants with like Cheetos ripped , ottoman and like he's like angry and his , hairs all messed up and he's like , cussing like sailor how many people we , might only wonder fantasizes about this , every phone hacking lab we're trying to , build Australian a bite of what what , are the community as a whole like what , are they struggling with where they , where they stuck were they trying to , figure out and so many people in our , community are trying to get their , message try get their voice try to get , things out and they get frustrated , struggled by the fact they're trying to , help all these people and lot of times , no matter how many people you try to , help a lot of times you just can'help , them a lot of times it's family members , or friends or people that you're trying , to figure out how can I change that , person's life but they won't come and , listen to your product or your service , and thing you're trying to sell an done , of my my favorite parts of Sean's , presentation and they talked about that , talked about how do you know who to save , how do you know who to help first and so , Actually understand you guys that clip , from flying tonight because one of my , favorite fro mall the clips from all the , speakers ever ins idea funnel hacking , live was this this part of the , presentation of Sean game , how many people have ever made a video , on YouTube or Facebook and it only had , like W:W or a hundred views and you , kind of were pissed , ah I wish had more visibility by these , Souls neither what you'just , sentence when the Coast Guard goes out , in a stormy night to rescue boat that , is capsized , they bring their helicopter and they , they hover over top of the boat and they , realize there's more people in the water , than there's space in the helicopter who , do they save you know what their motto , is they can only save the people who , swim toward us I can only help those , x-wing toward me , you'll go nuts if you try to help people , but do not want your help , but claim that they do the moment you , try to help somebody and they push you , back and push you back you have to say , look you know what I love you'm gonna , be over there hopefully you'll swing , towards me at some point if you don't , this helicopters leaving the bleakest , wait for you to drown it's Uzi don't , help somebody that's flailing around in , the water bu tit's swimming away from , you when there's all these people that , are actually wanting to swim toward you , you don't know likes I'm at YouTube , video yours they're the ones who need to , work here , as you can tell from that that clip , Shaun's entire presentation was amazing , but that was definitely the part that , was most imperatively me understanding , that we can'help and save everybody , but we can start working towards helping , with people who are swimming towards us , and a lot of times inside of our , community people ask me out like how do , Get my message out how do I find the , people and get them to come tome and I , think at first it takes you learning , your voice and and and finding it , practicing doing Facebook lives doing , podcasts doing things to kind of figure , out what your message is and as you , start doing those things people will , start resonating with you which is , magical but then the second piece is , like how do you capture that story in a , way that'serially going to be impact , for people because Shawn gave us such an , amazing gift of funnel hacking live we , wanted to give him a gift as well so we , decided to jump in a plane both Brandon , Fisher and I and fly to Arizona to help , capture Shawn's story in away that he , could use to bring more people to him , all right let's get going all right , Shawn what does Snoop Doggy wash his , clothes yeah laboratory success laughs , now we first came to Arizona we're , planning on making one core video but , after spending time with Shawn and the , white board mapping a bunch of things , out we decided that it wan't just one , video we needed we actually needed , probably about three or four different , indoctrination videos to take somebody , on a journey help them understand who , Shawn was build connection with them , build rapport and make them want to be , working closer with him and so that's , what kind of decided and so we went and , actually went and filmed these videos , capturing Shawn's story I want to show , you just one of them right now , people are always curious about like , have I always been this positive and I , always had a good outlook on life and I , said you know it it really all stems , back to one moment I was having , challenges growing up with broken bones , with my condition and people would stare , at me and I'vie dealt wit ha lot of , challenges living in this container and , my favorite day of the year was , Halloween and loved Halloween and most , kids liked Halloween because the , costumes and the party in the candy but , I loved it because there was the one day , out of the year that everybody got , dressed up and I could finally blend in , and it was like a magical day wellie , did't have disability in people's , eyes and my mom was in the kitchen and , she was packing up our lunches and she , was giving everything out for the , minivan and I was laying on the floor , and I was rolling around and I catch my , left leg on the corner of the door and I , bent it back and I snapped it at the , femur and in that moment there's a bit , oaf time delay between hearing the , sound oaf snap and feeling the pain but , it's like an eternity because you know , what'coming and was just so angry , because knew I was gonna miss the , party and I knew I was gonna miss that , one day where I Giotto feel normal and , my mom comes running in the room and she , kneels down beside me , see she could just call me down there's , nothing really she can do for me , medically because my beclouding't be , set like somebody else'stake tithe , hospital and so my mom just had to keep , me immobilized for four to six weeks , we're not where ever Would break , bone and she would play this game with , meas any parent who would want to take , their children away from pain she's she , said what was your favorite part about , our last vacation but that day I was so , angry and she can see that anger in my , eyes so she leaned back and she , formulated another question and then she , asked me Shawn is is this going to be a , gifted or a burden in your life and I'm , thinking is she crazy the gift and , something magical happened though before , I could respond like I got clarity on my , life and I realized that she was , basically saying are you going to use , this as an excuse the rest of your life , is why you're not happy and why you're , not gonna take positive outlook or are , you gonna use this as an example for , yourself and others to love your life , amidst your pain because we all fracture , we all have fracture sin our marriage or , fracture sin their business or fractures , and raising our children and when you , find that there's a purpose to your pain , it dozen'make the pain go away it just , gives you the fuel to keep going through , it and know that it's it's not gonna be , there forever and it really just shifted , my whole attitude about life I realized , that you have control over what you make , things mean and how you interpret things , and it was in that moment I really , honestly started to see myself as on a , mission here in this container the , purpose of this whole Club is to bring , together a group of people who want to , support each other and empower each , other to win you have to have a tribe , you cannot succeed alone and like it's , so hard Togo through life by yourself , and , and try to Bethe only person that is , picking yourself back up it's good to be , in a space where you have people that , are not just your cheerleaders but , giving you good suggestions on how you , can handle those challenges so it's , something I'morally excited about , because this is where people can go to , get their mind and their hear ton the , same page as you can tell Shawn's go tan , amazing story but people always asking , like Russell how do how do I do videos , like that and I think that they need , emotional videos like they think that , they need to be crying the recorded , video they don't cry and they'll try , again that like I did't cry it's not , emotional but you understand motions not , just crying like that there's a time and , a place for that but emotion is , excitement its energy it's it's it's , showing how you actually feel if you , watch any my videos watch this to you , like I'excited right now you can , probably tell for my eye sand my voice , my my voice fluctuation sand people are , attracted to energy so the more emotion , Keys show it could be it could be , emotional crying it could be sad it , could be happy you could be joy could be , just energy could be excitement like , that's the key to really making video , that people are going to emotionally , connect with is actually showing your , true emotions about how you feel know , it sometimes you put a camera on you get , nervous and you get awkward but the the , key is is really getting coming back to , a state and remembering what it was that , got you so excited and a telling people , a story from that state if you do that , they're gonna feel exactly what you felt , when you we rein that state the first , time it actually happened to you , one more marketing secrets if so then go , get your copies of my two best-selling , books book number one is called expert , secret sand you get a free copy at , expert seekers calm and book number two , is called calm secrets and you get your , free copy at com secrets calm inside , these two books you'll find my top , secrets we'vie used to become the , fastest-growing non VC back-sass startup , company in the world one of my favorite , things about hanging outwith Sean is , just like how he made fun of me on stage , and front everybody pretty much made fun , of me and ran in the entire rest of the , trip while you other slim Shady's , please take one , latch'm a unicorn hmm gosh carry on , bag rustle double my celery jeez I got a , funnel for you hmm , I mean I even cut the tater tots for you , all right so Brandon has been working on , this business called video Endears , they're basically the end of a video , there's a thing that points you to like , click down here opt-in over here it kind , of tells you what to do in fact created , a brand new tagline for him from from , his jokes somehow through your ranch , video Endorse tell you what it goes , stupid one more marketing secrets if so , then go get your copies of my two , best-selling books book number one is , called experts secret sand you get a , free copy at expert seekers calm then , book number two is called dot-com , secrets and you get your free copy at , dot-com secrets calm inside these two , books you'll find my top secrets and , we'versed to become the fastest growing , non CBC-sass startup company in the , world all right we're back from Arizona , and this week we're spending alto of , time working on videos because the , videos are the connection point in , almost every single fun way every single , ad and if you remember the episode a , little while ago the W episode we built , out three or four funnel sin a W hour , period of time one of the funnels we , built was for product called wake , shake and wake shake video if I'm , completely honest when all is said and , done we Warren't very happy with it , and we wanted to redo we want to make , something that was funnier something , that caused emotion we got people to , laugh but also something that placed a , seed of doubt one of the most powerful , selling mechanisms we have and the most , powerful tools is a place seed of , doubt inside the mind of a customer for , all the other alternatives besides your , product in your service now inside awake , shake the core the type of protein is , collagen protein which has a whole bunch , of really good benefits helps your skin , helps your nails but it Alston't , have way in it and so with from this , video wanted to place seed of doubt , showing that , is the thing that causes the problems , that causes the gas and the bloating and , a lot of the different problems inside , of protein so that way next time , somebody wanted to grab a protein shake , they're gonna look if it's way they're , not gonna want to drink it instead , they're gonna want a wake shake and so , we had a lot of fun refilling this video , with Jared and Nicole who helped us on , tons of different projects as you'vie , probably seen in the pa stand this is , the new video we made for weight shake , after drinking your protein shake do you , ever have bloating constipation cramps , increased bowel movements problem moving , Nadia reduced appetite swelling of , your limbs brain fog sore joints upset , stomach and worst of all is it giving , you gas no that is not a natural side , effect of good protein it's your body , freaking out because it's allergic to , the whey protein found inside your shake , yep , USA Today said that% of adult scan't , actually digest milk products so what , happens when you can't digest something , you guessed it , , so that makes your protein drink about , slimming as this way Phil Ben and , Jerry's might as well polish that off , chances are if you're drinking anyway , protein drink that's what'smacking you , fat you need an alternative something , that will give your body the proteins , you need but without all the gas you , need weight shake you can drink a , caramel latte wake shake or dump your , sugar full Starbucks into your way shake , and in fact if this video is live now , then we have weight shake and sock and , you better get it before it's gone again , in fact'd recommend stocking up you , hate for your kids to go hungry or have , to go back to eating Ben & Jerry's for , dessert , or worse yet go back to Way and start , fumigating your house all on your own so , get some weight shake now everyone , around you will be happy you did it so , important lesson Want you learn from , this is that every time you put a video , out there it'snot always gonna work the , first time sometimes you have to do it , over and over and over again have fun , with the process make it enjoyable like , all of us are literally running our own , little mini ad agencies which is so , exciting to think about and so have some , fun with a creative and figuring out how , to capture the stories in a video that's , gonna get somebody to move and take , action now next video want to share , with you guys that we created was one , for Friend named Tim Larking Tim , runs business teaching people , self-defense not normal self-defense , this is basically if somebody comes and , attacks you how do you how do you put , them out how do you pop their eyeball , out how do you how do you kill them by , karate chopping him in the throat before , they have Chance to attack you and , he's totally out for a long time and he , wanted to help with a funnel said okay , this is the Dali would love to help , you with a video from your funnel but , first off I want you to come to Boise , and actually train me and training my , team so that way if somebody meets me in , the street Icahn pop their eye out or , choke them out whatever is we needed to , do it's lucky for us Tim and his entire , team flew out and gave us two day , training in my wrestling room showing us , how to defend ourselves in case of an , attack , right , , first or second knuckles we want all , five of them to be wet and I do this , yeah yeah I'redone that correctly , coming off the wall with my body way and , the highs available to hi thigh sternum , it goes right up into the neck every , time it'gonna resist for a second and , then break and what we're doing is we , want to compress and crush the bones , find the target strike the target , you'redrawing something with body ways , finding organs , not doing anything I'd much rather be , here everything I need right now is here , and that's back there , , come through , , all right and after Tim spent two days , with us training us which we had so much , fun we started looking at his funnel and , figure out why wan'twerking as well as , they wanted to well the biggest problems , was the ads they were using we're all , showing tons and tons of violence which , worked good through email and through , banner ads but when you started trying , to go to Facebook and other platforms , they just don't allow violence in their , video ads and things like that I said , you know Tim your story is amazing let's , try to capture in a way that's not , violent showing people attacking each , other but it'finding in a way that's , emotional actually telling your story , like why you do what you do why you're , so passionate about it and so we set up , a camera and we had a chance to capture , this story of Tim telling his story , about why he does what he does one of , the presentations I did they took us all , on a really nice Cruise and they had , asked me at one point that a lot of the , girls were going off to college in the , next year and everybody's concerned , about their self-protection and would I , do an extra class where the dads and the , daughters could come and they could go , through training had one girl that , came in and she truly if you'vie seen the , movie Legally Blonde , this was the Reese Wither spoon character , in life I mean totally had the LA talk , down and she was not happy that dad had , her come and take away two days , basically of the cruise she went through , the course and she she did she did , everything and about two and half , years later she came in unannounced to , one of my New York seminars and she knew , right away she looked at me she was oh , you haven't heard what happened no no no , what what happened she'd gone College , the following year she had a dorm room , on the first floor of a dorm they , constantly left her door and their , windows open the guy that attacked her , had been casing the place for about two , weeks and he got their patterns down and , he understood that her roommate would , spend at least two to three nights a , week with her boyfriend in another part , of the campus and one night she woke up , literally to a guy on top of her you , know he'SA W pound male and the first , thing that popped in your head was the , training that she had with us and she , understood that bigger faster stronger , threat he's on top of me I can't change , this , but I also know I only have that one , chance she was able to draw him in he , adjusted and when he did that he brought , his head closer and that's when she was , able to reach around and attack his eye , and she knew to hold on to him because , he's much bigger sorry because you know , she knew that people violently react , away from that type of an injury so much , so that he pulled her up off the bed and , you know they went down hit the hardwood , floor when they hit the hardwood floor , and she kind of felt his body just just , kind of relax and felt like that and , that gave her opportunity to run down , the hall and start screaming for help by , the time they came back the therapist , had had asphyxiated and and died they , later found out this guy been going for , the last six years to various campuses , and doing this type of you know sexual , assaults on women and when I hear from , somebody like this girl or I'Head you , know various doctors people that are , they're just trying to help people or , just completely innocent it makes it all , worthwhile to do that because often , times you're not sure you know like well , I did'think I reached her at all I'm , gonna literally show you how to injure , the human body break a structure or , sensory system the human body to save , your life , and you're going to know physiologically , what happens to the body and why you , need to be able to do that and what the , ramifications are and the idea is if the , brain ha snot gone there before it won't , be there for you in the perfect example , is you know in sexual assaults , oftentimes with women the perpetrator , when they catch him he'll have scratches , all down his face you know all down his , face so you know that she had the , ability to reach to there all that did , was put his skin underneath her , fingernail snow that helps solve her , murder , whereas if she just understood that if , she just penetrated the plane into the , eye that would have affected a real , injury that would have given her a much , better chance to survive in that , situation unfortunately to get people , there and to have them trained correctly , I have to give them physical training of , how to actually protect themselves when , they have no choice and that involves , using the tool of violence , now the last video were going to dive , into today was a really fun project we , had it was a product we created called , funnel graffiti which was basically , these little stickers you can go and you , can put on a window or Ina mirror and , map out your funnels before you build , them aside click funnels and so we have , the product we're trying figure out , what'st he what's a fun exciting way we , can make a video for this so I call the , brand Ithacan't come over Called up , Jared Nicole we sat down we started , brainstorming like how can we how can we , make something fun and exciting to get , people to want to buy this product and , so we started brainstorming what are all , the different ways that people build , funnels right now and one of them it was , kind of funny was you know maybe in the , shower you're you're mapping it out in , the shower and then we kind of took it , the next level like well what if you use , Good wife's lipstick naturally enough , to have a lipstick in the shower and , that what if what if the couples out out , to lunch you're out to dinner and , they're there making it inside their , food we talked about what if there's , this place in downtown Boise called , freak alley which is this big huge , graffiti street and and they ran out , different spots different local artists , to come new to graffiti and we thought , how coo lit'd be if we could actually , like like graffiti us doing the funnel , there as well and it's kind of a funny , story because we called them up and it , just turned out it happened to be that , they once a year they they bring in new , artists to go in and do graffiti here in , freak alley and it was just during that , time where they're about to have new , artist come in and said well you can , come in but you'vie got like one-day , window you ha veto get the whole thing , done today because next day of new , artists coming in with all the new , graffiti and so I call it my buddy Rob , and if you haven'Tet Rob yet Rob did , all the graffiti design painting in my , wrestling room he's done tons of logo , design art for us he's on the most , amazing talented designers I'vie ever met , my WiFi called my said Rob I want to , fly you to Boise to come do funnel , graffiti and literally spray paint , funnels on the side of a wall and , obviously he was in we flew him down and , went freak alley to go and create some , of the footage for the funnel graffiti , video , , I'm ready to start yeah ready to run , with this if he's ready all right so we , got the time-lapse setup we got a bunch , oversell gear going and then we got , other time lapses going we're just time , lapse ting time lapses that our time , lapse saying those time lapse sit's a , pretty crazy , , , , , other things I really wanted to do is I , wanted to cop car so that would be , really really funny but apparently it's , harder to get a cop to come and just , flip the sirens on than we thought so , Brandon figured out a way to make that , possible and so we had these cop car , lights in the anyway it's amazing and so , I'gonna show you guys this video for , my graffiti right now , , , honey baby my book funnel it's an opt-in , right here with their name and their , email address and the submit button in , the video then they come over here to , the confirmation page if they don't , opt-in they can come Jared Jared is that , my lipstick don't know is here's the , rouge DE livery , it's my lipstick honey and there has to , be abettor way , Jared are you using my noodles yes but I , have this great idea , it's an opt-in funnel with the video , sales that are right he reconfirmation , this is ad own self they don't purchase , very you know there has Giotto be a , better way maybe the email addresses , confirmation page and then up her ewe're , gonna have some email confirmation sand , some follow-ups like this and there we , have the webinar registry okay honey , this is great but we have a reservation , in five minutes , you can't tell me that this USN't the , best date ever , , we gotta go you told me anybody could , paint here may have overstated let's , go let's GIGO Giotto be abettor way , [Applause] , about what this time well there is a , better way I got you present what what , is this , funnel graffiti are these stickers , reusable stickers you can do it on a , window obviously you do two on white , board you could do it you could do it on , the refrigerator as long as your , daughters arena't using the refrigerator , magnets you can do it on the TV even as , long as I'Mont watching The Bachelor , Bachelorhood nice you know you can even , do this in the car , as long as I'm driving okay we could do , affiliates on our webinar to promote the , webinar no more lipstick no more noodles , no more spray paint how much does this , cost three I could build funnels all , right that project was ton of fun it , was lot of work but it turned out , really really cool and sold a ton of fun , on graffiti for us and so if you felt , leader in his episode watching these , different videos seeing what we did with , Sean seeing what we did with wake , sheikhs he was there the funnel graffiti , any of these things one understand that , this is the type of artistic mensches , funnels are very much like the science , like page on eon page two page three but , it's the art that gets people to buy his , figure it's thinking like an ad agency , where the videos are gonna hook people , make them laugh make them cry get them , to want to move forward move towards you , and that's really the goal this entire , episode we want to share with you ISIS , have some fun while creating your videos , and your messaging because that's what , gets people to come towards you just , like Sean talked about at the very , beginning from funnel hacking live , want you guys to remember that as you're , building your funnels and remember , you're just one funnel away , , next time on funnel half conceived II , wanna take behind the scenes to meet my , original mentor the godfather of , internet marketing himself mark Joyner , watch let me take one of his , best-selling books mind control , marketing create new video trading , funnel and launch it to a brand new , audience , we are funnel hackers and these are our , stories .