Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Perfect Law Firm Landing Page | ClickFunnels for Lawyers Landing Page Design

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hey everybody its Andy wit ha Lao and , am very excited to show you this quick , presentation on how to create the , perfect law firm landing page you know , we'vie been working with alto of law , firms over the years I work with all , about law firms right now doing their , internet marketing and as we'vie as we'vie , tested thing sand as we'vie you know , driven traffic to websites and and , seeing what work sand what dozen't we'vie , we'vie kind of started to perfect the , perfect landing page fora law firm and , this is a format that we use and if you , see any of our clients websites you're , gonna see that pretty much as a pattern , here because we pretty much use the same , format for almost all of our all of our , lawyer clients because these these , elements to this page really work so , what Wanted to do is I wanted to kind , of go through this and I wanted to map , out each element show you why we put , where we why we put the things we do how , it works , everything is there's a purpose for , everything that we do and maybe you can , take some of these elements and apply , them to your own website or if you're , building new website maybe you can , just copy this you know I'm giving this , away for free CZ I want to provide a , lot of value here so with that said , let's get started but before go into , the elements Want to talk about one , very important element with Ala fir ma , law firm landing page and that is do not , under any circumstances whatsoever use , slider sand what a slider is is that's , when you're at the top of the website , and you see and it's got a really it's , goat really pretty picture and it says , fighting for clients since and then , the text fades down and the picture , slides tithe left and then another one , comes in and it's a picture of you you , know sitting behind your desk and it , says more than million dollars in , verdicts won since W or whatever it , says whatever you do do not use the , slide ruse static image with with the , the elements that we're about to talk , about and the reason that say this is , because think about how short people's , attention spans are well first of all , actually it dozen't really convert well , on mobile but second of all think about , how short people's attend , fans are you know I mean you'vie Giotto , get someone's attention span in half a , second and basically what you're doing , is you're adding moving text and moving , pictures and all kinds of stuff and , people just have a blind spot for these , things we actually have done tests on , websites and'm a test basically we'vie , had instances with websites where we'vie , replaced the slider with a static image , and instantly we'vie doubled their phone , calls or we'vie gone from website I was , getting a lot of traffic and not getting , any conversions to all the sudden they , get conversion sand it's simply because , we we got rid of the slider we put a , strong call-to-action we put some of , these benefits in here that we're going , to talk about and and it just works , really well so whatever you do do not , use a slider on your website so the , elements that we make sure that we have , on every law firm landing page are we , have seven elements there's benefits , features proof trust image offer and , form and if you look on the right here , you're gonna see that we have all these , elements on this page this is what I , consider to be the perfect law firm , landing page this is a made-up law firm , that Just created a Dell indolence PA , Adela's my daughter's no name Linux is , my son's middle name so a Dell medics PA , is what we got so I'm gonna walk you , through this entire mock-up and show you , how all seven of these elements are used , why they're used and how you can apply , them to you so the first and most , important element on here are benefits , and you know next we're gonna talk about , features but benefits differ from , features because benefits are how is the , client how is your client going to , benefit from hiring you as their , attorney so in this case you can see , we're really highlighting get , compensated for medical bills lost wages , and pain and suffering and then in the , second box we have received personal , attention on your casework directly , with an attorney Nita case worker and , pay us nothing unless we're successful , for you now the reason that this is very , important most attorneys want to lead , with at the very top more than , million dollar sin verdicts , and you know I'vie been an attorney for , this long and all this kind of stuff and , you know all that great stuff about , yourself and it'natural to want to do , that because your favorite topic is you , my favorite topic is me most people's , favorite topic isthmuses but you need , to remember that the person looking at , your website their favorite topic is , themselves as well so the most important , thing for them is not how long you'vie , been an attorney the most important , thing for them is what are you gonna do , for them so that's why we lead we'vie get , compensated for medical bills lost wages , pain and suffering if you're a criminal , defense it might be you know aggressive , aggressive defense for your pending , criminal charges or you know we do , whatever we can to keep you out of jail , or you know whatever it may be I'm just , kind of coming up with these all top of , my head but if you lead with the , benefits how you are gonna how the how , the the viewer is gonna benefit from , your service instead of how you , basically talking about yourself you're , gonna see much better result sand , another tip her ewe found that adding a , list if you see it says one received , personal attention in your kit on your , case to work directly with an attorney , Nita caseworker 3 pay us nothing less , we're successful we found that using , numbers to 3 are the most effective , we'vie tried check boxes we try bullet , points different things like that and , for some reason a numbered list seems to , work really well there so just kind of , keep that in mind I think that this is , probably the most important part of the , landing page just because of the fact , that you know you'reusing psychology , here you're just just appealing to what , the person is looking for and that's , how's this gonna help me next is gonna , be the features and as you can see we do , highlight features because after they , see what you can do for them then they , want to know that you're qualified so , that's why we do highlight the features , fighting for injury victims since W , more than W million in verdicts and , settlements one for our clients and , that's fine you can make those bigger , you can make them look good but you'vie , got to make sure that you balance out , the features with the benefits and and , that's the most important thing , you know so this is a good example , there's obviously other things that you , can say about yourself but you know , these are just some examples of what you , can use for features so proof now when , we talk about proof we're talking about , social proof and social proof can be , awards that you wan tit can be , testimonials we don't have testimonials , in here but you could have a testimonial , I typically like to either have those , logos like like like we have right there , we'vie got what is it that's the , California Bar Association lawyer calm , and AVI now something that's , interesting about this if you don't have , a lot of awards you can list bar , association sand things that you that , you belong Tao lot of times people see , these logos and you know they think that , there's an implied credibility we call , these credibility indicators one tip if , you're going to use logos don't put W , logos on there we find three logos works , be stand make sure that they're , rascally can see these logos here , are all black and white the rest of this , website is color but these are black and , white so make sure you use gray scale , logos if you add too much proof we found , that people think that it's desperate or , that it custodian't outdoes't come , across as I don'TKO people think that , maybe it's desperate or it's it'snot , legitimate don't know but we found , that three is the magic number here now , the other thing you can do is you can , add a testimonial in this area so if you , have a really good testimonial now don't , put five don'tout A's-word , testimonial in there but you can put , maybe one or two lines fro ma client , that works really well too now don't do , both don't have testimonial and a and , these these logos a lot of times when a , lot of times what we'll do is we'll put , the logo sin the top here and then we'll , put a testimonial on the sidebar on the , website and that'll go site-wide or , we'll put it somewhere else on the page , because we want to make sure we do have , testimonials but you don't want to , overload this top part with testimonials , another thing on the right side here , this is something we put in your 5-star , rating with Google and we put these five , stars here now it's important to use the , same color orange that Google uses and , that's something that--mess this works , really well people are getting trained , to look for those stars when they go to , Amazon when they go to Google when they , go anywhere they start looking for those , stars so there's a little bit of a , psychological factor there when they see , those stars you know it works well one , thing that actually works little , better which we did is we actually , changed it one time to 4.8 star rated , with Google and that actually worked , really well the reason is because , think that it's guy think it feels more , real because someone would say why , would'thy would they say 4.8 why , would't they just say why would't they , just say five stars lot of times you , are not five star rated with Google a , lot of times you're 4.6 or 4.8 or , whatever Otis and this makes a little , bit more legitimate it makes more , accurate it takes away false , advertising element from it so if you , can be accurate with that be as accurate , as possible and keep it updated you know , now obviously if you drop down if you , get some negative reviews there's , obviously some things that need to , happen both you know from a reputation , management standpoint and also probably , making this so it's so it is still , accurate but when you add those those , stars in there people subconsciously or , not they they do feel they do feel , better about it so those are two things , that I think are pretty important so now , another thing is trust one thing that we , found is the padlock at the bottom of , the contact form it's literally just a , picture but we found that it doubled , convergence for some reason people see , that and they think oh well this is , secure , I don't know but it works it works , really well in terms of making making , increasing the trust the other the other , thing that's , to notice at the top of the form we have , no obligation case evaluation now some , attorneys don't offer free consultations , if you're you know we actually have some , divorce lawyer clients and some , different types of clients that don't , offer free consultations so if you don't , then you might have to figure out , something to put there but you'vie got to , have something that makes it safe for , them to call you lot of people don't , you know most people have never had an , attorney before they'vie never been in , trouble they all they know is that , attorneys cost a lot of money and you , know so we found that basically , including friended no free in-depth , no-obligation case evaluation that seems , to work pretty well , people love the word free there's no , obligation so so they feel better , they're not going to get tricked into , signing a contract or whatever it takes , away the fear of the commitment some of , the other trust ideas that you can put , in there you can put Better Business , Bureau that can also you know that that , can you can use things like Better , Business Bureau over here as well and , that kind of battle service two-for-one , that's people love the Better Business , Bureau for some reason over here you can , also overusing and McFarland and and , different types of security logos I just , had a meeting with the guys from trust , guard a couple days ago so you might , want to sign up fora service like that , and anything in there they don't really , mean whole lot but people feel better , about them and I mean it's you know it's , it's just it's just lot of psychology , to get people to to trust you enough to , fill out the form or or make iPhone , call the interesting thing is these , things also increase phone calls so it , wan'just that we got more contact , form submissions we got more phone calls , and in reality what we find from our , clients is that the phone calls are the , better leads typically the contact forms , are not the best leads but you know we , still put it on there because we do get , good leads in the contact form so , another thing is that you always want to , put this kind of sales one-on-one you , always put the picture that you always , put a picture of the product in there , the product is the main attorney so in , this case the Delta Lynx those are not , my kids my kids are like two and five , but maybe that'SWAT they look like one , day , no but you know we try to put the , picture sin there you know if you're the , lawyer you're the product sometimes we , used to use black and white pictures for , the we used to use black and white , pictures for the photo sand and it , worked really well but the clients , did't like it you know it's it kind of , comes down to one of those it's a , balancing act between search engine , optimization and conversion rate , optimization and well we always say , there'three parts there's SEO search , engine optimization which is how does , Google like your website there's , conversion rate optimization which is , how do the clients like your website or , the potential clients that do they pick , up the phone and call or do they book in , a consultation or whatever and then , there's also kind of the personal style , of your website and none of those three , things want anything to do with the , other so if you have a website that , converts really really well we found , that our attorney clients really hate it , because it's resales and and a lot , of times that's not great for Google so , if you do something that's really good , Fosse then the conversion gets taken , away so it's kind of a delicate , balancing act and we try to keep that in , mind with our clients so when we use the , black and white images it worked really , well but we just got so many complaints , from our clients that we decided that , we're not going to use it so if you want , to try a black and white image my advice , is go with a black and white image but , that's that's totally up to you you can , see what it looks like and kind of go , from there now the next thing is the , offer and we kind of talked about this , with the trust also but there's got to , be a reason for them to call you so we , have an offer free in-depth , no-obligation case evaluation we'vie got , free consultation on the button , sometime sand I did't do this but , sometimes putting something that's , actually first-person conversational , works really well like you know instead , of instead of the buttons saying free , consultation we probably could have done , a little better with this when we , probably could have said something like , book my consultation or contact meas , soon as possible or contact me for my , free case of my free consultation , something like that we find that things , like that work a little bit better again , they're a little sales sometime sin , novice , national as some of our clients would , like so you can play around with your , your comfort in that one also we have at , the top call for afire consultation it , did't highlight it but we have that as , well that's another call to action in , this in this form like I said free is , always gonna be best we do have clients , that charge for consultations they don't , get as many calls because people are , expecting free consultations for certain , services you know it really depends on , on your business model but we found that , free ISIS always going to be best now , the form and we kind of talked about , this also and a lot of these you know a , lot of these kind of go together but the , form they have to have some sort of way , of contacting you and I know that this , seems obvious but I'vie seen a lot of , websites a lot of attorney websites that , don't have a phone number at the top or , they don'thieve and alto of times the , contact form is hidden below mean the , main thing you want them to do is , contact you you don't want someone to go , to your website and just get information , if somebody who's been in an accident , somebody's getting a divorce or , somebody'Sgt been arrested or their , family members been arrested you want , them to pickup the phone and call you , or at the very least fill out a contact , form right away so a lot of times I'll , go to websites and they have a contact , us button and that takes you tithe , contact page but there's no it'just it , seems obvious to me but in the header , you always want to have I like having , the phone number at the top right and , like having contact form in there and , you need to make it extremely obvious we , add elements like this red arrow right , here and you can't see it and when we go , back to this real quick so this one , right here there's no markup in this so , you can see the only thing in this color , the only thing in that color re dis is , that red arrow so it really stands out , something else that that that stands out , is the green in the contact in the free , consultation button and if I were to do , this again I would probably make that a , little bit darker green but if you can , make those two elements two colors that , don't appear anywhere else on the page , that red does not , here anywhere else on that page and if , we made that a darker green that green , would not appear anywhere else on the , page those really get the attention in , the contact form and you know they just , get people's attention and and it just , stands out in it and it work sit works , really well again you know you typically , want to have something you don't want to , use the word submit in your button we , talked about little bit before free , consultations okay it's better to use , conversational you know give me my fries , you know honestly you works really well , is give MEGO MM II for some reason , whenever we're selling products give me , my free this or give me my free you know , give me my Reebok I don't know why , but it works really well , definitely not professional so use that , I meanie you know I don't think is any , risky using it's just lot of times , attorneys don't necessarily want that , now something else that you can do with , the contact form that that really makes , it stand out and we did this little , bit but if you're if your contact form , is on a light background our background , happens to be dark it's a dark blue , background well it'actually a , courtroom bu tit's got a blue overlay to , it but what you'll see here if you look , on the edge we'vie got this black line , here it just kind of separates it but if , you're on a white background use a dark , a dark border around your contact form , and I don'TKO why but it separates it , and and people like it when you you just , seems to work better when you it gets , guess outdoes't get lost or or it , dozen't blend in or whatever it is so , you know all you ha veto do is kind of , surround that with a a dark line and I , mean any web developer can do that but , yeah if you can if you can make a dark , outline then that that's a great , strategy and it just kind of we found , that to increase conversions a little , bit so these concepts are great to keep , in mind if you'rebuilding anew website , but you should also use these elements , if you're running Facebook Ads or if , you're running Campaign these , types of ads typically require a landing , page and this format works really well , for that modifying your website to meet , these criteria will be really difficult , if you don'thieve a design , our own staff or a coder that you can , call so what you can do instead is use , software called clickfunnels , click funnels is landing page software , that we use for almost all of our , landing pages simply because it's , drag-and-drop and it's extremely simple , to update so what that means is that if , we want to change any copy or change a , picture or change color or adjust the , formatting we can do so with just a , couple clicks we created this exact , landing page for you to use and click , funnel sit's totally free to use and all , you have to do to access it is visit , landing Page Lao org once you have the , landing page loaded up all you have to , do is change the colors change the copy , add your logo put your picture in there , and then you should be good to go it's , really really easy so once you go to , landing page that Lao org you'll be , prompted to set up a click funnels , account click funnels is free for W , days and then it's $W per month after , that however if you're running a , Facebook campaign or a Google Ad Words , campaign it's absolutely worth it we use , click funnels for all of our clients , that need landing pages just because , it's so easy to put one together so , there you go that's the perfect landing , Page wish you a lot of luck with it , and as always if you have any questions , just let me know thanks  

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