Saturday, March 30, 2019

Top signs of an inexperienced programmer

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hey tech light here and welcome back to , another episode today we are going to , talk about the top signs of an , inexperienced programmer it is coffee , time we are having coca-cola a lot of , people like to hate on coca-col abut , it's not so bad nothing wrong with that , this video is sponsored by coca-cola for , fun times have a coca-cola is what I , would not say because I'Mont sponsored , by coca-cola this video by the way is , sponsored by slash tech lead , check them out for your free audio book , I use all the time I'vie been listening , to audio book son my commute saving a , lot of time currently I'm listening to , to by Peter Theta's great book , lots of lessons from experienced people , they'vie got tons overbooks available , whatever you're interested in reading , remember that audible is actually owned , by Amazon so their selection is massive , check them out get your feedback , of the boat ride home slash tech elite , you know it's a funny thing that all new , engineers exhibit certain traits and , just by looking at the way they act the , patterns that they go about in their , daily routines the code that they output , you can pretty much tell who'San , experienced engineer and who's new and , these new engineers all go through the , same things and it takes them sometimes , months sometimes years to outgrow their , behaviors to turn pro so to speak every , new engineer has to go through this , training and every single company and , it's just tiresome these same lessons , need to be repeated over and over again , I thought I would just give you guys the , basic tip such that when you get started , or if you're already working then you're , going to be well on your way and people , arena't going to have to give to you the , same lessons over and over again you , know it's funny that when you start , working at say accompany like Google , they like to haze you in your first code , reviews they will leave you hundreds if , not millions of comments in your first , div output that you're trying to commit , and people just say hey this is wrong , this line of code wrong this line of , code bad there would be so many pedantic , comments that many people just end up , quitting the next day and that'st he , funny thing lot of people don't know , is that of the people who get in to say , Google as an engineer about half quit , before they even submit their first line , of code so let's get into it the first , tip and this has been repeated over and , over again is keep your Devi sizes small , keep your commit small chances are when , you first start you're going to , a starter project that's going to , require size able chunk of code to , complete some feature and the key to , know here is this USN't so much about , completely in the future it's probably a , useless feature that nobody even cares , about what people really want to see you , do is start learning the coding practice , is the development process in which you , get code submitted and this really , involves the process in which you break , down the project into bite-sized chunks , and you submit targeted small pieces of , code one at atom instead of submitting , the whole thing and chances are when you , submit this whole piece of code for a , code review and it's thousands of lines , of code people are just going to look at , it and say hey yeah this one line here , this one way that you did this was , entirely wrong and the whole thing needs , to be redone when you get started , there's a high chance you're going to , fundamentally get some pattern some , design or architecture of your program , wrong it's going to change the whole way , that the thing is going to be written so , if you submit small-sized ifs , incrementally people can help make sure , that you're on the right track you're , not wasting too much time and it also , makes it easier to land your diffs , because it's simply easier to get , approval on small size chunks of code , are very targeted instead of a whole , menagerie of random dipsomania times , will actually write my code in an editor , that shows line by line tips of what , changes are making like Visual Studio , code or Adam will show this and this , helps ensure that you're not just , changing random lines of text that don't , need to be changed almost every company , I go through they beat this one lesson , about having small tips over and over to , new engineers if you go into the company , already knowing this you're going to be , set , now the second sign of a new and , experienced developer is just crazy , tangled code crazy logic all over the , place huge functions tons of if , statements all over the place random , helper methods everywhere premature , optimization over engineered garbage , code and so country- what you might , imagine bad code is not simply code that , has a ton of backsides't compile , dozen't work decent engineer will at , least be able to get their code to , compile to work and is even going to run , and function okay but the way the logic , is set up the way the code is written is , going to look completely horrible it's , gonna look like garbage code tangled , totally messy complex stuff and it's , pretty much going to Beau complete pain , to read many times I would just get , headache after reading some beginners , code and then I have to get up and get , coffee break my recommendation here is , write at design talk , right a document that describes what , you're going to build what the future , requirements are how you're going to set , things up which functions you're going , to need which classes what data , structures you might need and then just , go build those out and that should help , you organize your ideas is very obvious , actually when I see code that was , written without design dog because , there's just repeated duplicate code , logic if statements all over the place , it somehow manages to work I mean the , code is going to work fine but it'just , going to look like pretty crazy code'm , probably going to go ahead and approve , your code anyway but I know it's going , to cause you a lot of hell later on as , you're going to become the one , maintaining this code throughout your , career and it's just going to slow you , down through the rest of your job over , the months as you're going to have to , start adding features to this code , you're going to have to star treading it , and there's just going to be bugs , introduced every single time you tried , to modify the code you're going to have , to make change sin the whole bunch of , different areas the logic is going to be , pretty loopy right design dog save , yourself sometimes gonna make you look a , little bit better too the third trait of , a new and experienced developer is low , effectiveness now don't get me wrong , everyone's working hard everyone's , trying to prove themselves they know , they're new they're trying to do things , but they're just not effective and they , end up wasting tons of time know guy , who was working on this feature for , months and it was a pretty complicated , Uni fact the UI was essentially , impossible to do you know the UI , designers just came up with it and he , started trying to work on it and coming , up with totally convoluted code none of , it was really done well it was very , hack stuff and Think he justest't , having his eye on the goal he was just , obsessed with maybe doing bunch of , groundwork this project never launched , by the way and later on Acme up with a , better solution for Ito pushed back on , the UI designer sloop and said hey if we , do it this way it's going to be much , easier to implement it's going to look , good too and so I would say don't just , code for coding sake look at the forest , not the trees keep your eye on the , vision the goal that you're trying to , make happen and make sure that your code , at least ship sand if you don'foresee , your code ship and try to clear the , roadblocks for that make sure that you , can get your impact in where you can you , also want to keep an eye on your APM , actions per minute I don'Love , engineers they go in and they spend the , whole day surfboarded checking , Facebook social media blogs Twitter , surfing news and I look at these new , engineers , half the time they're watching YouTube , video of someone playing the game maybe , they're the one playing the game maybe , they're even broadcasting that game and , that'Sally great people can work like , that think of work on their own time if , they like and I used to sort of do this , - I was going to work and would have , one window maybe'll do some online , shopping whatever it is I want to do but , the thing is when you play game like , Stagecraft notice that whoever has , the highest APM usually wins the match , in the Star craft game not always but , usually it really goes a long way so , that's really the same thing for , developers as well if you're spending , any available time you have on the job , for instance just imagine how much more , productive you might be able to be you , know you could get probably a lot more , code submitted read alto Co learn about , debase come up with ideas you , could get a whole bunch done and Would , say that one flaw of new engineers is , sometimes I'll take look at that code , output aft era whole week and they may , have submitted like one or two pieces of , code the whole week and just a reminder , how is it possible that somebody could , spend five days I had a job and some , only two pieces of code or even one , piece of code or none in the whole week , and then I remember oh yeah that's right , they were probably playing games that , whole time maybe they were doing online , shopping who knows and it's kind of no , wonder that for a lot of these people , their productivity is just very low my , recommendation is tried to get at least , one piece of code so made that per day , that'll keep you on track make that just , a personal go for yourself that'll keep , you going the fourth son of an , experienced engineer is they usually , have a lot of pride a lot of ego a lot , of arrogance and this is something that , you see other lot of computer science , students coming out of college for , instance their arrogance is just , incredible the worst is when I'm , reviewing new engineers code and I , decide to leave like says hundred , comment sand then the engineer comes by , my desk and personally asks me about , each comment and tries to justify why , he's right about each one and then , ha veto get in a little argument about , each one with him and he's trying to , defend himself and laughing at other , people who may be more stupid than him , trying to sound cool trying to sound , smart it's like look I don't care if you , think you're cool I don't care if you , think think you're cool if you want me , to say you're cool fine you're coolie'm , cool we're all cool everybody's cool I'm , just cooler than you okay so the thing , about arrogance is it has a lot of other , effects as well for example it causes , engineers to over engineer their code to , make it look really smart and clever , keep it simple also would recommend , that you swallow , your pride and go as for questions as , for help when you need it it can save , you a ton of time this kind of goes back , to being ineffective love new engineers , just want to tackle everything on their , own they spend alto of time doing , things on their own a week or two later , they surface again with a bunch of , garbage code that they'vie written and I , have to say this whole thing was wrong , this whole thing was just no good I wish , they would just asked an experienced , developer like myself what I would'vie , approved and that could have saved , everyone lot of time my last time , final tip the sign of an inexperienced , engineer is somebody who does not , identify and respect the tech lead , that's me make sure that you know who , the tech lead is I'm not talking about , your manager I'm not talking about your , boss you may already have a tech lead at , your company that may not be the tech , lead that person could be X Microsoft , for example am X Google X could go , tech lead you want to make sure you know , who the tech lead is now Have a story , for you one time there was this engineer , he did not respect the tech lead he , dared not to and let me just tell you , what happened to him because this is , going to be a good lesson for all of you , he started proposing tons of random code , for his project no design doc huge tips , very complicated logic and I pushed back , on and said yeah this USN'toking to , work he did not respect my comments and , kept pushing forward with his code he , kept proposing tons of code disappeared , came back two weeks later with a bunch , more additional code did't listen to a , single comment that I suggested for him , and I blocked every single code that he , tried to put in that'aright I would , block his code I would just spend all my , time writing millions of comment sand he , would have to write millions of replies , back eventually we started just writing , essays on these tips we stopped coding , really his effectiveness his code output , dropped to zero you know what happened , to him he got fired that's right so , that'sine lesson for you if you don't , respect the tech lead would recommend , if I are you to actually be nice to the , tech lead do whatever you can for him , you know bring him lunch bring him tea , one little trick you can do is instead , of having you submit code come up with a , diff , mail it to the tech lead and then the , tech lead to a patch your dip in and , then submit that for you and that way , the tech lead will get credit for the , dips , it just helps increase the number of , dips that the tech leader is putting out , what you can also do is when you write , design documents but the tech Lee's name , on it even if Have no part in the , design dock or presentation or email or , post or whatever it is that your , writing just put my name there in the , authors to credit this line that would , be great would appreciate that that , helps me get little bit more credit a , little bit more awareness for people , like me who are here to take credit for , your work buying me stuff give me things , give me money any of that I'll take it , respect the tech lead they'll do it for , me feel free to share your table signs , of junior engineers in the comments , below if you liked the video give alike , and subscribe I'll see you next time bye  

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