Saturday, March 30, 2019

Facebook Marketing Strategy: Crush 2019 with Facebook Sales Funnels

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hey everyone who's just tuning in my , name is Russell Bronson and today we'll , be talking about Facebook funnels every , Day'd go through a bunch of questions , you guys asked me about building your , company and growing your traffic in your , cells and your leads and all sorts of , fun stuff and today we're talking about , Facebook funnels so the question is how , do sales funnel sand Facebook funnels , match up how should I be infeasible , so that's a good question and the , strategy change soften in a lot of , different ways but I'm going to kind of , walk you through the basic principles , that we do we folks on here at click , funnels as we'regrowing ours so for me , and for our team everything kind of , starts at the offer level right so we , figured out first off like what is the , offer we want to make okay so it offers , like I'gonna sell this and we're gonna , get this and I'm gonna this we fee lout , the offer right let me come back to say , okay cool that's the offer they're , getting then how do we how do we sell , that okay which is this usually , primarily like the story what's the , story to use to sell it's like cool , here's the story maybe wounded us around , a webinar or a video sales letter or a , long-form sells that or whatever but , there's some there's some story that , we're telling here it's gonna sell that , offer right pretty simple and then the , last thing is like what's the hook where , you used to grab them okay and so the , hook then for me comes back here let's , say this is Facebook or YouTube or , whatever platform you're selling on now , I want to count of caviar real quick , every step in this process there's gonna , be a hook story an offer there's a , Hucksters offer and Facebook the hook , story offer in the sales video there's , hook story offer the up selling every , piece has that but it's an overarching , strategy if you look at it from a high , level it's like the the macro before the , micro the macro is like the ad is like , the hook right then the sales message , the funnel is the story and what you're , selling is the actual offer okay so you , come back to like our core framework of , hook story offer okay so this is the , macro looking down now the micro looking , down again ISS hook story offer in each , every single element of this but for , this question we're gonna get to the , bigger one right so the question is how , do sales funnels Facebook match up so , for me it'slake these two things are , tying together very very very very , similar right , Facebook is the group of people so over , here there'Sally these people all of our , dream customers are over here Facebook , or YouTube or wherever you want to , target makes , simple first finding who were the exact , customers who want our product right so , I start selling my the book doc I'm , stickers I was like who are the people , that would want this book I'milker hey , it's entrepreneurs who are , mission-driven who whatever and I figure , exactly those people are and Facebook , gives me the ability to UM to find out , exactly what peppering't so Icahn , target them perfectly right sou'm , putting like a target here like we can , find exactly who are trying to target , almost perfectly on Facebook okay now , the goal of this Facebook gets to this , up hook right so people on their feet , and they're scrolling through the Feb's , fast they can they're doing it their , desks or in the bathrooms they're doing , it while they're walking they're doing , it while they're driving it's horrible , but that'SWAT we'redoing right and , they're your job in Facebook the first , step of the funnel is to stop them and , grab them and hook them right so we hook , them and get their attention for just , long enough to send them over here okay , and so that's kind of the first step , it's like it's the pare funnel everything , happening Facebook's like the pare funnel , right and from here then the message , needs to match okay so whatever my , whatever my my hook and stuff that's , gonna be over here on the sales page has , to be similar over here we don't we , don't funnels in the pa strike our hook , on Facebook is amazing then they , come over here and there's a mismatch , and it dozen't convert no matter how , good that is here or here if there's , disconnect dozen't work right in fact a , lot of times our headline for the ad , will be the exact same headline that's , over here right , come on congruence in between the first , step in the second step and from there , for them to take the offer okay so then , the strategy is like well how do i how , do I do this how do I create the hooks , and the ad sand it obviously is always , changing all the time but one of my , favorite things to do is we never know , what hook is gonna get somebody to , listen right so I'm trying to hook them , to have them come listen to a story , about why they should buy my offer and , inside the story there might be four or , five or six or ten different things , inside the story that I'modelling right , and so inside the story there might be , bunch different Huck's and something , like what are the hooks can grab someone , is that how quick I did it how much , weight Lost how much money I made how , much time I took you know what my , success where's my students all these , little hook sand so I look at Facebook , like a big pond I'm throwing these , different hook sand I figure out which , ones are gonna work which ones won't , work one of my favorite examples of this , was Anthony Clement he owns a company , called bio hacking secrets and he had a , book he created it was a free book teach , people how tieback and first we said , the funnel it worked awesome but then we , could't get people to come over and we , could'figure out like what hook would , actually get the right people to come , how do we get his dream customers so I , told Anthony go to Facebook live every , single day and each day try different , hook so one day he did Facebook live , like hey I'm gonna show you guys my , number one way to bio hack my , mitochondria or something weird like , that right and he does Facebook live , about that puts out there guess what it , was a horrible hook nobody bought on it , like nobody nobody came and watched it , so the next day tried a different hook , and try different hooking he kept doing , different hooks all of them leading back , tithe same free book offer he created , and kept trying thing after thing and , asked like day eleven day twelve he made , a video that was called how to bio hack , your vegetable sit's basically cooking , your vegetables interrogated butter , something really simple but for some , reason that hook it grabbed his dream , customers and that video and I'm getting , viewed overs million times so have tons , of people into his funnel sand made a , bunch of money okay so if you look at , this in the macro its hook story offer , and Facebook or the ad platform we're , starting a whole bunch different hook , should I find out which the ones people , grab onto now if we get it under pull , mark here tell them the story and we , make them they offer and that's , basically how Facebook and how our , funnels how they kind of coexist and how , they how they work together is , Facebook's we're replacing a whole bunch , of hook sand over here is where we're , actually telling the story to them to , make them the offer so I hope that helps , you guys understand how those two things , Facebook funnel sand sales funnels how , they work together thank you so much for , watching every single week we publish , new secrets just like this so make sure , you subscribe so you don't miss any of , them and Will see you on the next , video  

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