Monday, April 22, 2019

Sales Funnels - Building Effective

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how to build sales funnel what you need , to know in less than six minutes , welcome to fortify where we help you , fortify your business now each week we , pick random topic chosen by the , fortified button let's see what this , week's episode is gonna be about , building effective sales funnels sales , funnels are nothing new but with the , tracking ability and the impact of , digital marketing along with new , automation tools on the internet things , like lead pages and click funnel sit's , becoming popular topic but remember , please don't get seduced by technology , want you to focus on the customer , journey you know everything fro ma , suspect to a prospect Tao qualified , lead to a client or customer funnels , really work so let's demystify the , process but keep in mind'm not gonna , teach you everything you need to know , about funnels but I'm gonna certainly , give you the key elements that you must , have if you're gonna use funnels , successfully first I want you to keep in , mind that there are two main outcomes , from a funnel you might have an active , funnel which means you're actively , driving traffic to a sales process and , you're involved in that sales process , maybe you're selling a higher ticket , item where you're actually going to be , involved like it might be Facebook ad , to a landing page that offers a webinar , or a free consultation and then from the , free consultation you're gonna actually , up sell them to a higher ticket item or , you might wan ta passive funnel where , that funnel is just set up to create an , automated lead or sales maybe it's an , e-book or a video that you're selling or , a training program but it's something , digital or something that you're giving , away that's automated so once you set it , up you can basically create passive , income now there are three main things , that you really need to know about , funnels to make this successful the , three things are number one traffic , sources you want to look at where your , traffic sources are coming from , now there's three subsets of this a , you're gonna create traffic you're gonna , use content marketing video marketing , blogging social median you're gonna , borrow the traffic you're gonna borrow , the influence of people that already , have big lists or big influence or , you're going to pay for it C is you're , gonna buy the traffic so create borrow , and buy and buying the traffic might be , Facebook ads or YouTube ads or direct , mail or some other way where you're , paying to drive the traffic to a , particular landing page which brings us , to the second component landing pages , your landing pages are just what is the , page that the traffic source is being , sent to and that can be on your website , it could be on third-party service or , it can be on social media yes you can , actually use social media as a landing , page where you can embed the code right , Facebook or right on social media to , help drive them to another action step , and the third component that you need is , a lead capture device a form you need , some way of capturing the lead or a , shopping cart where you can actually , have them buy a product right so those , are three things traffic some type of , landing page and some type of lead , capture or making a sale so you're gonna , you're in a map out okay I'gonna drive , traffic from these source sand I Drive , the trap from these sources to this , landing page and when they get to this , landing Page'm gonna give them this , information what information do you need , to give them before they take the action , step you want them to take what's the , copy gonna say what's the layout and , then what technology are you gonna use , used to use a tool lead pages I have an , account love it it'great it has some , great features and functionality but , recently in the last six months I'vie , started use click funnels that's , probably something a lot of you have , heard about'm not gonna go into click , funnels today but full disclosure I'm , gonna give you slink where you can get , a W-day free trial because if you're , not using click funnels now and you want , funnels you're probably going to end up , using this tool in the future go to , smart business funnels calm again smart , business funnels com it'll give you a , W-day free trial of click funnel sand , again Id on't have time to go into click , funnels but what I love about click , funnels I'll just tell you this is it , eliminates having to have a web , development team having to use Ebert , eliminates my shopping cart , it lets me actually do it with , non-technical , experience well I'm a marketer so I , understand what want to do and it's , always hard to get that translated to my , web development team to my copywriters , and to my my graphic designers and click , funnels eliminates all that it even , includes affiliate programs and , transponders mean I'm just amazed at , what it does and Occluding't be more , excited about it alright so here's your , action step for this week's app , look at what you're selling now and ask , yourself how can we automate this , process to engage and improve the , process of capturing leads and sales you , have a sales funnel no wit just might , not be working so you have one whether , you using click funnels adages or , a website now I know I'talking fast , but this is because this excites me so , much , businesses franchises organizations you , can really improve your sale sand your , lead process by looking at the customer , journey and asking where can we place , automation that will help engage the , user to do what we want them to do well , that's it for this week's episode of , fortify have questions want you to , type it into the comments below and , share this video with everyone you know , everybody who's in business and if you , like what you see make sure you , subscribe to be notified of upcoming , episodes thanks for watching I'll see , you next time on 4 to 5 where we help , you fortify yobs knees , do you want me just to go or you want me , to tell you what we'redoing here whoops , I just popped the button off my shirt do , I need mirror then I'll get a min , I can't tell by looking at the camera , don't cut out the bad don'thieve , any control over what he does he's the , boss he decided that it would be good he , did it so did any of what I said me , ex tensors did you go into coma because , Talked too much .

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