Saturday, April 20, 2019

Landing Page Builder Tutorial ( Instapages & LeadPages Alternative Faster Than ClickFunnels )

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is welcome today's video make sure you , visit podcast for marketers dot-com for , more information over there I have a , really kick-ass course on how you can , make at least a few grand a month on , simple reoccurring revenue right and , it's called freedom funnel sand make , sure that you like this video and , subscribe to my channel man I'm put out , videos every day so you don't want to , miss what I put UPC I put out some , pretty dumb kick-ass content and Mani , always want you guys to comment below , man I love absolutely love all the , comments you guys bring let me know what , you'rethinking if you have any , questions I'm always in the comments , section I really love the community , let's get into the video alright guys so , before wanted to start this some kind , of like review tutorial whatever I want , to show you that back here in your , settings that you can also add other , users for your team back here and you , can also there's just Little thing , back here called the lab sand this will , like open up wider landing page sand , they were kind of like oh great for this , but you don't have to do that just hit , them down herein customer support and , they're going to be like you're going to , tell them just like open up the lab so I , can have wider landing page sand pop-ups , right so when you do you can come over , here and make pop-ups and your landing , pages or whatnot right so when you want , to make a landing page you just come , over here and create a new landing page , and then they have got tons of of , templates but I'll just show you like , one template or whatever right so I'm , just pretty easy to deal with this , landing page builder I'm not like one , for builders like I don'you know I , pretty much liked Word Press and what I , like about this is just how you can just , drag things around like on click funnel , just kind of pops you know it like pops , into place but this is really smooth , they don't have an alignment tool but , you see this little , little snap-in thing here it'serially , cool for that right so you just kind of , move things around um it's pretty simple , guys I mean that's it so let'just say , for instance you wanted to put an extra , section here you just drag it down here , let it snap into place and it's going to , ask you how many sections you want let's , just say you wanted to put four pictures , down there and it's a done deal , another thing I like is how big you can , make the sections big or small and then , you just take and put it in there , so let's just say you want to put a , video in here right that'sit it's not , like rocket science and so there's your , little video alright nothing Alike on , here is that you can automatically put , border son videos alright um you could , do this on click funnels but not so , smoothly put a drop shadow it's not so , smooth Anglicans , right so um borders do matter you can , use them on clickfunnelsborders do , matter because uh they did it some kind , of test or whatever on like different , colors on borders and so they do matter , for people to see things down here to , kind of remember but I just like it that , it raises off the page it's really easy , alright so and images are the same thing , you know you just kind of put the min , there and then shrink it down and then , you got that snap to thing in there you , know then you could also size it over , here if you want to and again you can go , with the border another thing I like , about the borders is that you can choose , you can choose favorite color sand then , I made one like splices you want to , put a border around this whole thing you , can also make sure that when you do the , sections here if you want to stretch it , across the whole page just hit this full , width and it'll stretch against the , whole page and then I turned on the , borders before now this is really cool , don't be so gaudy about it I guess you , do that so you can see the border in the , beginning but so you can kind of , highlight highlight the border and then , you can still come with a color right so , if you want to turn the background on , you can some beckon color is this , color she's having a color favorite it , there right so you can kind of see where , you're coming to putting this together , right so let's just say you want to put , another image there or a button even , it's real simple like with the buttons , and certain things you have they'vie got , a templates for buttons here so you I , mean this is really cool so obviously , you can still like edit this but like , this button is pretty cool so you can , choose that button there and it's going , to be there you can still come over here , and edit the button edit the shadow edit , where it's going to go label it and , there's monkey business here too like , when you label this button like button , zero one when you start getting advanced , you can put in advanced code later on , I'll show you where to put in your , JavaScript code the next thing I'going , to show you is your email you guys , can see I'm moving around this thing , pretty Good don't do like , demonstrations or like thesis't like , really a tutorial this is pretty simple , but I'vie recommended this to you guys so , I decided to shoot a video it's a pretty , kick-ass little landing page maker right , so when you want to edit this you hit , the forum options , and then your integration's is right here , and it integrates with active campaign , Weber a bunch of here man , MailChimppretty much everything that , you need it will connect tithe one , thing that does suck ass is that , obviously I'm with Cindy right but , what's cool is that you have is a peer , down here so if you choose zapper zapper , connects withstand or what like five , hundred other applications or whatever , so if your mail thing USN't in here you , can always use that , okay so dudes this is like Arno-brain er , right keeping it real and then there's , your forms you can kind of slide those , around anywhere as well what's really , cool again is you can edit the form sand , then they have templates for your forms , so you can say okay want to choose one , of these and then work from that and , they also have horizontal ones right so , you can say okay I wan ta horizontal , form and I can kind of work with that , right and so let's just say for instance , you wanted to use that , there you go all right so then you can , still come around let's say you wanted , to change the color and still change the , color to something you want to change it , to it whatever right and then still , connected to whoever you want to connect , the two useless let's trash the button , all right some of the coolest also , is you want to add a portiere so I , always had to tablet everything so you , automatically see what the tablet is , going to look like and if it looks like , garbage and one of the coolest things , they show you where your fold line is , right so everything that you want to bub , the fold like here obviously bit above , the fold so if you wanted to move this , section up you know you just well my bad , if you want to move the section up well , you can actually just move it or you can , slide it right here slide the section , right there done right now you see , start to look funky so you can lose , around like you want to write sort of , look right bu tit's not going to change , in your desktop view your desktop you , staying the same which I thought was , pretty awesome all right so and , then here like maybe this is looking a , little funky for you so you can you know , scoot this over which I like , click funnels was not this intuitive it , is not again you can change the view port , again to mobile and you can see that , mobile stays pretty cool but then like , chicken look sand funky so if you want , to make stuff smaller you can kind of , make it look better on mobile which is , really cool so let's just say you want , to make this whole thing there you go , all right and then again , do you want to make sure like this would , be above the fold right so you can , actually like kind of make the text , smaller just kind of move around , you know I'm not like I said I'Mont the , you know dude to be trying to , figure out how to do a goddamn review , right but I'm just kind of showing you , that you can move things around so and , again you just kind of move things , around something's different and mobile , which I really like and it's pretty easy , you guys see I kind of just made my own , changes looking kind of wonky like right , here but this is just demo right , changing like this kind of stuff is just , like really simple to just double click , um best page builder I'vie dealt with , honestly um now when you want to add , Facebook codes and right so , you get your say button over here when , you want to save it , you also have a preview button so you , can look so now you could like preview , it in regular browsers if you want to , but they do have a little preview , function that you can hit right here and , so you can preview it what it's going to , look like in desktop what it'seagoing to , look like inside of the iPad and then , what it looks like inside of mobile and , that was above the fold which is awesome , right so now you can kind of get a good , idea of what you pay what it's going to , look like an either one again , click funnels has this I won't lie about , that right clips I don't have this but I , don'TKO I was like this crazy little , better Id on't know it'just a lot , smoother a lot easier to work with they , have this what they call conversion , pages right here which is their Thank , You pages inside of there what's they , have are ally good English they're a , Polish company but they have a really , good , FAQ sectionknowledgebase just going , there and you can skip this conversion , page so you can actually make funnel , right other ways it'just two page , funnel but they have it to where you can , put it in the code somewhere in here to , skip this like if you put if you know , when they opt-in it's going to take you , to just conversion page to say thank you , right well once that was in December to , the sales page so just make another , landing page and it have this forward to , the next landing page and you can , actually build funnel right and make , sales pages and everything now they , don'thieve like stripe and things like , that but if you have st riper PayPal then , you know you can embed your sales page , inside of your cart inside of a page , right so that's not hard to do and you , do have this custom HTML widget right , here so you can add custom custom HTML , which would be an embed that would be an , embed for sales of a sales cart right so , let's go out and I'm going to show you , where you do have JavaScript code so you , come here you add a script and you can , name it whatever it is like I have , welcome app that I did you put your , scroll like if you had a Facebook pixels , or whatever you just put it right here , that's it - done deal right you can , actually add your Facebook page to this , and they have Facebook page tabs so you , can make a landing page like a proper , landing page for your Facebook tabs on , your own your landing pages on your on , your page and so instead of having the , crap that Facebook has there you can , actually have that tab show and have a , landing page there from them to opt-in , or whatever which I'ma gain I'going to , do myself , and I thought that was awesome as well , that's something else click funnels in , half and so what I want to talk about , why I keep bringing up click funnels , right and here's the pop-up now I have a , major like a proper pop-up pop-up but , I'll let you see this great should I put , together so they also have hack for a , exit pop intent too , right so this is APO-up I made right , it just has a video and put your email , in it's just it wan't serious I was , just kind of around right but , this is what it looks like and so you , still have all of your elements that you , can put in over here you can also add in , video sand everything to in the , background bill Patel was talking about , how so you can upload an image for the , background you can upload adjust a , gift right you can upload GIF as a , background here and it if you like say , for instance you were talking about a , PDF our checklist actually putting that , in the background and showing it , scrolling through has up this conversion , rates or if you're talking about a class , and you actually show some of the class , and what you going to be talking about , just not not awfully on like video just , the background being a big GIF image , showing a portion of that changes your , conversions you can actually do that , here just put YouTube video in here , just to be smart ass and an email right , here so this could be your pop-up and , then what happens is if you want to put , a pop up in your landing page you can , excuse me you can go over here and it , says like add APO-up or something like , that , in here don't give me the line okay with , your form options right so pop-ups are , in here somewhere like when you use AI , think we'vie made it when you use a , button let me see if Icahn , let's see if I can stop looking like , dumb ass , yeah she'll pop up so when you click you , pick APO up that's the one that did , and that'sit so when you click this , button here that's another thing so if , you publish this right they're going to , give you like Little demo link you can , also add your own domain right so , basically what what happens is you saw I , loaded pretty quick right so there's , your button and there's your pop-up , right there I did't put the video in , there clearly right but you do have that , you also have it to where they'vie got if , you look in their knowledge base where , you have an exit intent pop-up as well , it's not something that the offer is , just a workaround but it's really cool a , pretty decent workaround and then also , what I did with what's the name of that , place , oh the hello bar and also sumo be they , have the whole like full page takeover , sou added that code it works fine and , the one thing I like about this again is , the pop-up thing there you can add your , JavaScript and then they also have a be , testing which is really cool right so , automatically when you make another one , of these you have a be testing right to , see what your conversion rates is what , your conversion rates are and then how , many leads you'vie collected so on and so , forthright so theclickfunnels does , have that when was talk about , click funnels before number one is click , funnels is not just a page builder okay , click funnel sis all in like compasses , am ail thing it's a marketing it's a , marketing software right these people , just do landing pages which I like , because they clearly do a good job at , just doing landing page sand they're , their templates are pretty kick-ass , haven't I mean I'vie seen better template , before but click funnels dozen't have ten , paper ten places look just good but , like to kind of have you know you know , things that normal people use and you , can kind of take some elements put them , somewhere else use different elements , with different pages in the future , they're supposed to be and I would't , look forward to this'll be like call , it because you don't know what these , guys but first of all they'vie been in , business for couple years which I like , they got one more year to be in business , they're pretty much going to stay in , business the one thing that I like about , this is they're saying they're going to , add about five thousand of these little , image sand doodads to add in right but , these things arena't hard to get icons , and things like these these things , arena't hard to go download from the , internet and add these into your deal so , you want to put a page like this , together it's not too hard you just like , here they have a gradient over the top , of this right so you know you can kind , of like reverse-engineer what they have , going on and then add your own do your , own pages or whatever but now you can , see like if you took off the full width , image it would just show this right and , then you can see that that's what's in , the back back there so that's it guys , that's what I wanted to show you it's , not necessarily like full-on tutorial , like Iowans't going to show you how to , build whole page or whatever , but I just want to show you how easy it , is to move around this is a pretty , good page building the link is down at , the bottom if you're interested up I , thin kit's going to be a full license , for W bucks for about eight more days , then you're going to have to go to like , the pricing of a regularity pages so , this video is only going to be up until , that's going to happen and then I'm , going to take the link out from the , bottom and if you are seeing this then , you can still click the link down there , and go to Ito don'TKO what their , regular pricing is I mean Id on't give a , you can stack the deals that you , have opossum so you can get like five , different deals because they have like , okay you only get W thousand unique , visitors , if you're getting W thousand evening , business visitors you got a kick-ass , site I have nowhere near that but I , skills bought deal sat W bucks each , so I get a hundred thousand unique , visitors you can get up to 5 deals right , so if you're getting that many visitors , to give you an example click funnels , charges you bucks a month for like , W,W visitors or some like that , right W,W is enough but if you need , more or you're an agency blah blah blah , you know that type of thing then ya , stack them up you'll get extra user sand , you don't get any sub accounts which , would mean that like the person like you , could use it as an agency and charge , other people for this builder because , you can white label it then they don't , do that unless you get their agency deal , and then other people can log-in and I , build the pages themselves that would be , kick-ass if they did that right but , anyways that'sit guys Just wanted to , show you what this was about it's a , pretty cool landing page builder , again they don'thieve a word press , plug-in they are putting it out within , the next W to days , I would't bet the farm , on that it's it's so easy lockup I , don't even know why you would be worried , about it's a landing page just throw it , some whereon your site and forward , people to that particular page for a , landing page you can update you can , actually download the landing page sand , put them upload them on your server as , well so you got tons of options here and , then adding a domain is right here , just add ado main and that'sit and you , can also do a sub domain so like , off at off comm right so you can , actually add sub domain or a regular , domain here all you have to do is like , and Go Daddy or Nameless point your , root domain or the sub domain to their , and that's it and just go in there , go into their uh their knowledge base , and they'll tell you exactly how to do , that from what I'm understanding you can , it's as simple as adding uh whatever , domain you wanted to go to you can add , that in in the settings haven't done , any of that yet to be honest with you , I'just still kind of playing around , wit hit , I really I really like the the page or , whatever so I don't see it is but just , just look on there what you cal lit , there uh , I like that too is you can change what , it looks like on Facebook and the , thumbnail option that's pretty awesome , and in your SEO right here which is , really cool , um but you can change the domain , whichever one that your it's going to go , to because you don't use Facebook does , not they do not like these , links repeat that , they asked me for like a CAPTCHA every , time I put it in there so don't use that , coffee break  

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