Saturday, March 30, 2019


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hey there Rachel Isle here and in this , video want to tell you about funnel , builder secrets poets for why you should , get it how it can save you money on your , click funnels account how you get a , bunch of extra stuff with it and all the , bonuses that I give you and Just want , to summarize what it is and my thoughts , on it so click funnels is a sales funnel , software that does way more than sales , funnels way more than landing pages , opt-in pages membership sites webinars , webinar funnels have a all my funnels , on there and members my online course , and my coaching program bunch of cool , stuff I use it all the time web sites on , there it has email marketing it has a , built in affiliate program you may , already be using click funnels or you , may bethinking about getting click , funnel sand you may have saw that , there's like two plans , the $W a month which gets you the , software and you could build a W pages , W funnels or the A month where you , got unlimited pages and funnel sand , actions the email marketing and , backpack the affiliate software it's , what I use it's what alto of marketers , use maybe they start on the W a month , and then eventually upgrade to the a , month , there is another package called funnel , hack system where you get six months of , the pro click funnels full suite for , just SO you end up saving almost , dollars and I'm going to put my link for , that below it or you can type unravel , tracheal slew comm slash funnel hacks , the thing is you can only use that deal , once and you might like this deal more , or if you already use funnel hacks , system deal the next best deal i'm going , to show you what the next best deal is , what Think the next best deal is so , let me make my face smaller on here and , show you these different plans so the , way that click funnels framed , it and Marcus it is that you're actually , getting like like this for free you're , paying W to get all the training sand , the fun months access to funnel , script software and getting funneled , full funnel University course and , traffic course and they're framing it to , to be that that the click funnels part is , free but if you're already using click , funnels you might not even like want to , go into so many training's or you might , not even really care about the training's , even though they're amazing or you might , not even have time to watch training's or , not make the time so really the best , deal if you're just trying to get the , best deal on your click funnels , subscription is this middle one.W , for W months of the pro because then it , breaks down to $W a month instead of , W a month so you still do end up , saving money on your click funnels , account plus you get all the training's , and bundle scripts which you don'thieve , to pay for then next option that they , have right here is the-W and you get , its its additional three thousand , dollars and you get eight coaching calls , from click funnel sand someone that I , work with has it sou took the coaching , call and did it with one of their , coaches and we're doing more call sand , it actually was very helpful but still , like kind of expensive like Id on't I , don't know think just all put research , below have team ofclickfunnels , experts that can also help you so yeah , this is I'm putting affiliate links , below will make an affiliate , Commission on all of this that's why I'm , gonna give you guys bonuses I'm going to , show you the bonuses that I give you so , if you do buy the coaching from click , funnels you'll still like the coaching , but also me and my team offer some , coaching so let me show you the bonuses , that I offer and then I'm going to have , Russell Bronson , Blaine the what's actually in the , course sand what you learn from Ito , just did a little overview so I'm gonna , have my link below for the funnel , builder secrets Rachel S Lee comm slash , funnel builder secrets and I only right , now on this page I'm listing the two , options but you can click any link and , it will take you to that page and then , at the bottom I have bonuses so I have a , full online course for you I have an , affiliate marketing online course but I , also have a funnel online course I just , need to add it to here so by the time , you go to this page the bonuses are , probably gonna look different but the , gist of my bonuses is that I give you a , course with a ton of videos I'vie made , and videos from some other coaches that , I work wit hand a ton of funnel , downloads in training's on how to use , those download sand email swipes to go , with it and that is if you use my , affiliate link we're always updating and , always putting more on there so after , you sign up just email us or email me , Rachel out Rachel ESL comm so we can , get you your bonuses and get you in the , next thing I'm gonna do is just play the , middle part of this little video that , Russell Bronson made where he is , explaining exactly what comes in the , training's and then I'll see you guys , right after that and this is what you , get when you sign today the first thing , you're gonna get six month account to , click funnels for free means no monthly , payments from click funds for six months , and if you act before the deadline is , over we're also gonna throw in backpack , and actions for free for the next six , months that's number one number two , you get the funnel builder secrets , master classes is A's-week program to , take you from to There I'm figuring , out what's your idea what your offer , what's funnel should you be using what's , how do you write the copy for all the , page show you design the funnel like how , do you get traffic so if like , everything you need this is like , literally going to college except in ten , weeks you'll get something that at the , end of it will give you the ability to , produce money as opposed to college you , get a degree that dozen'help you to do , almost anything so this is your college , curriculum you can you have my , permission to drop out of school if you , need to because this is the most , important thing my kids will be going , through this training like this how , powerful this is so that'st he training , part number two for those who want to go , deep and want to really get into the fun , of it , we give you access to the final hacking , W spy for profit this is what we want , to go really really deep understanding , your competitors and what they're , getting their traffic from and how , they're writing their copy what their , offers arena'talkie it's a deep dive this , is like graduate school right so that's , right therefor those who want to go , really deep right here you have the , traffic seekers training course this is , literally I spent almost million , dollars buying this entire training , program from John Race the first person , in our market view over a million , dollar sin a day so I could give it to , you guys for free in case you're getting , this as part of it this shred this will , actually teach you how to get traffic , from over W different sources online , obviously don't do all of the ones pick , one of them set it up start driving trap , into your funnel then do the next one , and the next one and over the course of , the next year you have traffic coming , from everywhere getting you leads , generate you cash it's gonna be awesome , and then the last thing because the , hardest thing people have when they're , trying to create their funnels is the , copy like what do you Putin all the , pages and and things like that so you're , gonna get a year access to funnel , scripts okay what that's gonna do is , gonna give you all of the software you , need to write your headlines your bullet , points your slides your your PowerPoint , slides your your emails like every all , the copy all the word son the pages , we're mostly we get stuck this is , software we'll do that all for you can , you fill in the blanks ask some , questions you whack button boom out , pops all the copy follow-up emails like , everything again it'll in write your , Facebook ads for you it gets insane what , it does this alone is like hiring a , copywriter and you're getting it for , free as part of this package in this , program and so that's the game plan get , started down below there's also some , options down below as you will see where , you can actually upgrade your counsel if , you don't want six months you want to , actually have it for a year or two years , those options will be down below also if , you want we have program that'sour , click start program or if you know that , you're someone who's I want a coach to , walk because I want someone one-on-one , to know that calls me help me get things , set up get my funnel launch we also have , that down down below as an offer as well , if that's called click start you want to , click start program you can click the , button and then you have one-on-one , coach to help get your first funnel set , up as well so okay so to recap all three , deals of funnel builder secrets are , great but the funnel hack system is also , a great deal I have information and , links below think the best deal if , you're just trying to save money on your , click funnels account is go with the , middle plan but either way even if you , want to do this , it's still great deal just make sure , you also take action in using the final , script software and watching the , training's and seeing all the strategies , and funnel sand extra things that they , give you in there so you really can , become an expert at sales funnels people , don't get to comic Club awards or have , very successful sales funnels without , knowing what they'redoing and learning , about it so it's one thing to have the , software and another thing to not just , know how to use it that like the tech on , how to use it but strategy behind it so , even if you don't know what you're , selling right now or you don't know , exactly what you want to do or how it's , going to look these training's from , click funnels and Russell Bronson are , going to guide you through it you have , it right in front of you you have a , whole master's college degree or without , however a Russell explains it and if you , guys need anything just reach out Rachel , at Rachel s Lea calm  

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