Saturday, March 30, 2019

Email Marketing: How to Go from 0 to 100,000 Subscribers

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let me see if this describes you you'vie , got an incredible product or service but , you're struggling to build your , subscriber list by tens of thousands if , not hundreds of thousands you're not , getting enough people opting in you may , have lead magnet of some kind it could , be webinar a freed a report or even , a free consultation and even when people , actually opt into your email list or , subscriber list or messenger list even , they may opt in if they're not , necessarily buying on the back end , well in this free three-part series I'm , gonna step you through some of the top , and hard-earned lessons from building , email lists of over W,W and Counting , so grab Aspen and paper because I'm , gonna dive straight in the number one , reason that see people failing to , build a huge email list is that first of , all they don't set the objective on , building a large list they're just , trying to get through to the end of the , way get enough leads and make enough , money to pay all of the bills the first , thing that you must have is a grand , vision because having grand vision , means that you work back from there and , you have map out strategy that allows , that vision to come to full fruition now , many of you are thinking oh hey Ben I , don'tavern have a thousand email , subscriber show the hell can I set a , vision and goal for generating , hundred thousand especially when Id on't , have a budget well the first thing that , I'm gonna tell you straight up is never , let an excuse of zero budget stop you , from having a goal such as that when I , first started out a number of years ago , Had zero budget to play around with , that was in fact an incredible benefit , and I'm very grateful for having that , lesson because it taught me to innovate , and create and be resourceful when I had , a lack of money when I was first , developing my business by having no , budget it means that you do have to be , more creative I be more creative it , means that you typically stand out more , than some of your competitors that have , huge budgets in the marketplace but , they'vie become lazy because they're , relying on that cash flow that just , funds the marketing campaign sand if a , marketing campaign dozen't work for them , it'snot necessarily a big deal but when , it's a big deal for an individual that , dozen'really have the funds to play , around with it means that you fine-tune , every little cog in the machine until , you get your outcome and that will put , you in really good standing for the , future because when you set that up from , day one or even right now you might be , rebooting your business but when you set , it up initially it means that any kind , of advertising spend that you have in , the business you'll get a greater return , on investment and that's where you take , the revenue from those initial sales and , funnel it back into future advertising , campaign sand that could be W% of the , income that's coming back into the , business back into marketing so you can , grow and that's how I personally grow my , business without having budget to play , around with if you're sitting there , thinking hey we'vie got really cool , products and services but got no money , to market this use that as your reason , to grows strong and solid business and , not as an excuse to give up and never , ever look at any of your competitors and , say hey they'vie got money I don't , they'vie got a huge list I don't how the , hell am I gonna make this work you will , make it work if you have a large target , so I want you to set that target right , now maybe a hundred thousand and maybe , mo rebut seat damn target that you can , aspire to reach the second reason that , people really struggle with building a , huge list is that they failed to jump , the shark now if you'vie ever heard of , that term before it's a term use din TV , jumping the shark is where our TV series , the ratings may be dropping and so all , of a sudden they put a plot twist in , there that gets everyone talking about , the show it goes viral and all of a , sudden the show turns around and it's , rebooted or any of you Game of Thrones , fans , then please let us know in the comments , below you will remember the red wedding , and if you don't know what the red , wedding is then that google it because , it was a huge twist in the plot line , that I know for me got me absolutely , sucked into the series- what is this , got to do with your lead generation , strategy or put simply is your lead , magnet or opt in or the way that you try , and drive people to opt in to your email , list is it imaginative is it capturing , people's attention or is it like , everybody else's in the past year social , media has changed significantly which , meant the lead generation strategies , that we employed overs year ago don't , necessarily work like they did back then , and here's one of the reasons why , everyone's offering the same type of , lead magnets , there's nothing imaginative about them , remember several years back when I was , kicked starting my public speaking and , consulting career decided to giveaway , one of my first books for free you can , probably imagine that spending tens of , thousands of hours creating book and , selling it that a year later going hey , you know what I think'm gonna give it , away for free to build my email list you , can imagine that that was pretty , nerve-wracking well as my dad used to , say if it dozen't make you nervous it's , simply not worthwhile doing I did decide , to give it away for free and it , generated overs hundred thousand , downloads within the first year which , watched my career and I'll forever be , grateful for that back then no one else , was giving away free books yeah there , was some free PDF but there Warren't , that many people in the industry so when , you go out and make major statement , like that and jump the shark you will , have that first mover advantage which , means generating leads for your business , will be really cost effective and really , cheap so what I want you to think about , now is the current lead magnets that you , have in your business that are driving , the leads in that you hope to convert , whether it be a newsletters freed a , quiz which we're running a lot lately , which is smashing it or even messing , two marketing campaign sand building up , that list with some kind of opt-in offer , have a look at your lead magnet right , now is it really inspiring do people , want to opt-in for it because if people , arena't opting in for it then there's , something wrong with that particular , hook and with that particular offer and , I want you to take a look at it and , compare it against others in your , industry does it really stand out or , could you jump the shark in in some way , that will make you stand out from , everyone in your industry , it may seem totally crazy to everyone , and even you right now but it's going to , boost the profile of your business and , yet people opt-in in it like crazy you , need to do this especially if you have , zero budget when it comes to building a , list and converting it before I dive , into the next point do you want to test , how good your list building strategies , are if so yeah jump over to Ben angel , COO /list building that's been angel , Cove /list building we'vie got a free , diagnostic tool to help you out the , third reason the you're struggling to , build a list over subscribers that they , can buy your products and services is , pretty simple it's your opt-in page , where are you driving prospects to go , when it comes to opting in for that lead , magnet is it a landing page or is it a , general website will always advise to , set up individual landing pages that are , free from all of the other navigational , elements then the rest of your website , has its standalone page that has one a , core message one core hook and one core , problem that you hope to solve when a , prospect actually opts in so when it , comes to that particular opt-in page , which I'm going to cover in more detail , in the upcoming videos when it comes to , that page take a look at it does that , page clearly outline the one specific , problem that your prospects need help , with right there second one of the best , things that you can do is to survey your , email list and , ask them what are the top three problems , that you're having right now in relation , to X Y or Stake that feedback and , assess that feedback if you get W OR , answers you're going to find that there , are going to be some specific patterns , that start to unfold and some very , specific keywords that your target , market is using consistently so make , sure that those keywords are reflected , on your opt-in page so it immediately , grabs their attention and draws them in , and makes them want to opt-in , immediately focus in on this core page , especially if peppering't currently , opting into your list but you are , getting people to visit it and finally , the last reason why people really , struggle to build a huge subscriber list , and this one's pretty simple you don't , know your number sat the very start when , I started out growing my list really , have no idea what numbers I needed to , focus in on at that particular time so , gonna tell you what they are right now , and you need to write them down because , these are the numbers that you need to , be looking at every single day to ensure , that people are opting in as well as , obviously converting on the back end so , you can scale your campaigns up the , first one what percentage of people who , visit your opt-in page are actually , opting in and taking some kind of action , if you're not getting at least W% , opt-in rate the nit you're going to , really struggle to scale campaigns , especially any kind of paid advertising , you might be doing for the past twelve , months we'vie been using lead quizzes to , drive our opt-in rates through the roof , and in some instances we're actually , getting knocked in rate up to percent , or the lowest opt-in rate that we're , achieving right now often paid , advertising I's percent so you can , imagine that when you achieve that that , kind of opt-in rate it's very easy to , scale your campaigns as well as grow , your revenue really quickly the second , thing is what percentage of people are , actually purchasing off the back end now , that's obviously vital nobody you need , to know so they'vie opted in , are they actually buying so what , percentage off of that back-end is it 2% , is A% what is it there area couple of , numbers that weened to hone in on and a , third number that you need to know is , what is the lifetime value of a customer , for you so we look at it in how much , does an individual customer spend over , the course of months because the , initial purchase that they may make , whether it be$W let's just say that 4 , is an example if that initial purchase , is $W but we know that over the course , of the year that they spend$1,W then , it means that we can really budge tour , advertising campaigns and work out how , much we can afford to spend upfront to , acquire a new customer once you know , that Mel but it's very easy to then , structure your advertising campaign sin , a way that grows the business really , quickly because you have abase line to , what you're working with and like me , when I started out'm sure if you're , starting outright now or you're getting , used to all this information and , knowledge then you won'thieve any idea , what those baseline numbers are so where , you need to focus Inonu right now is , jumping the shark making sure that it's , a creative option that stands out from , everyone else in your industry as well , as optimizing the percentage of people , that are opting in for your lead magnet , as well as converting because if you , double the number of people opting into , a lead magnet you can very quickly more , than double the sales and the profits , and then if you double the number of , people that are purchasing after they'vie , opted in once again you can see where , I'm going it'Avery easy to grow your , business really quickly and those few , things once you hone in on them there , are actually simple little tweaks that , you can make in the business but it will , really mean the difference between , whether your lead magnet and subscriber , base grows or your business fails , because as you probably have already , worked out right now you can't have , sale sunless you have leads so with me , you can't have sale sunless you have Lee , you're not generating leads on daily , basis or your target number of leads on , a daily or weekly basis in your business , USN't gonna grow how you want Otto grow , having Strong a lead generation , campaign is the thing that will really , stabilize cash flow in your business , otherwise cash flow will be like a , roller coaster ride some days it's great , and you're at the top of the world but , the next day you can have that anxiety , is when is this thing going to bottom , out and if you have that constant , anxiety happening in the background and , if your stress levels are through the , roof then it's not only gonna cause you , anxiety it's gonna make you constantly , worry every single night before you go , to bed I remember what it was like but , your cash flow is never ever gonna be , consistent and you're never gonna have , that strong grounding that will help you , grow the business from if you want to , know if your list building strategy is , set to generate over a hundred thousand , leads and more and convert them into , paying customers head over to Bennett , Angel Co forward slash list builder to , take the quick quiz- immediately and , yes Oman immediately in less than W , seconds identify the holes in your list , building strategy I hope you found these , tips super useful and be sure to tune in , to the next video in this three-part , series coming out very shortly leave us , comment below get like subscribe and of , course Shari'll catch you next time , take care  

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