Saturday, March 30, 2019

LifterLMS Landing Pages - Free Plugin To Help You Sell Your Courses The Right Way

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in this video I'gonna share with you a , new free plugin that's gonna becoming , out soon if you're inclement and , lifter LMS it's gonna do some really , neat things and it might expand to other , page builders and maybe even another , learning management system who knows , I'll show you all of that in this video , if you don't know me my name is Adam , from WP crafted-com where I make , word press tutorial videos for , non-techies if you're new here consider , clicking on the subscribe button if you , don't want to miss a thing click on the , bell off to the right and YouTube will , notify Isfahan I not if I when I , upload a new video well I'm kind of , rusty today it's that New Year thing so , alright so one of the prop Airlift our , LMS okay and I'vie got maybe,W , students enrolled in the various courses , on my website it's probably one of the , larger implementations of lifts or LMS , and it's been working great for me , there's a lot of reasons why like , lifts our LMS but there's one thing that , has always bothered me about it and I , talked tithe folks that make Astor to , see if there is anything they could do , about it and they said yes there is we , can do that so one of the problems that , I'vie always had with lifter LMS is when , you create a course you come up with , your title and you really spend the time , to think through your course syllabus , and you'vie got your list of lessons and , everything and lifter LMS will make a , course page of course index page where , someone can see your your syllabus and , they can purchase actually here let me , just show you instead of just talking , through this video let me show you I'm , gonna go here and I'm gonna show you , what you typically get when you make a , course and what's publicly available , when you make a course singlet or LMS , and all the learning management systems , work this way so this is typically what , you sets not typically what you see let , me set this well so I'm prepared for , this video that'soak alright so this , right here is what you normally see let , me do a quick little refresh here and , you'll see what people normally see when , someone there , okay so this is what someone normally , sees there on your course index page , they see the title any little written , information they see your pricing , options in this rigid type of pricing , grid and then they see your entire , course syllabus this is just the demo in , for a demo course when you install , lifter LMS so I'veal ways had problems , with this because number one the biggest , problem is this is not a true sales page , if someone is interested in your course , and your course costs money you might , want to present it in a better way in , order to have the greater chance that , they will want to enroll and pay the , money for this course and this dozen't , really do it for me so right here is you , know it'soak so that's one of the big , problem sand the second big problem that , I'vie always felt is you're basically , giving the keys to the kingdom away here , so basically you put all this time , coming up with this structure for the , course it's the way that you do it it's , your secret sauce you're coming up with , this course structure you break it down , into modules and lesson sand it's there , for anyone to copy and as a matter of , fact I'vie had that happen to me I , created a course on beaver builder and I , had someone pretty much copy all of my , lesson sand just remake it themselves , and it bothered me and part of it was , because the way the learning management , system works as it just puts it out , there for anyone to see that Hans't , become a customer of yours okay that's , the problem and this is what I came up , with as absolution it's a simple plugin , it'll be in Theodore's Rep soon it's , a simpleWordPress plugin that will , allow you to choose to show a different , page if someone's not enrolled and when , they are enrolled show them that this is , good if someone's enrolled they'll show , them this link and jump around and and , see the different lessons so let me show , you how easy this plug-in is to work , even if I'Mont explaining it the best , when you activate this plug-in right now , it gives you one option one option , right here it says course landing page , and when you go to the drop-down right , now this is made to work with Element or , but it will actually work with any other , tool right now so if you see right here , it's going to show you templates that , you'saved in your element or library , and what happens is when select one , like this we'll actually here let me do , this course coming soon and then when I , click on update what's gonna happen is , now when someone goes on this course , page and they're not enrolled they're , gonna see something entirely different , and this is where you can really make , your course shine you can have a true , sales page with a countdown time rand a , really beautiful pricing option sand , frequently asked question sand , testimonials all in full control that , you'll have over that so this is what , someone would see before let me do a , refresh and show you that because I'm , not enrolled in the course it's showing , me this instead this USN't actually , anything I'vie put any effort into making , it's just one of the landing pages you , can get firmament so it's gonna , show you this but the minute someone's , enrolled as a student one of the , features I like about lifter Lamest's as , viewing as myself and I can click right , here and view this as an enrolled , student so right when Toggle that this , is what an enrolled student will see , they got their normal get started button , and you have the entire course syllabus , so someone can jump around and what you , can do now today with this plugin is you , can choose a template that you might , have added to the element or library or , a particular page I actually haven't , even tested this and it will actually , just show this page instead this is , actually pretty interesting , I haven't even tested it out let's see , if I put this about me page actually , here let me put the home page instead , and click on update and see what happens , actually if this is working fine then , you actually don't need Element or for , this you could use any kind of page , builder for it so let MEGO ahead and go , back to viewing this as myself and it , should show me the home page of this , website and there it , is the homepage of the website this , would be so much better for selling your , course then the default page so actually , you can today use this plug-in if you , wanted to use it in this way for any , page builder Di vi or whatever now one of , the caveats with it right now it's the , the goal would be to make this plug-in , work with other themes but there's some , technical challenges because a theme , different themes have different ways of , setting up how a page is so with the , Astor theme which is this is working , with right now with the Astor theme , it'll be able to make that content that , you're using to show instead of the , course syllabus it'll make it full width , that'll remove the page title exactly , how you want Otto look if you're using , something built with a page builder now , other themes are all a little different , so there's a good chance that this , plugin might only work withdraw maybe , it might also get to a point of working , with generate press obviously those , developers are welcome to adding code to , the plug-in to make it work with their , theme if that is something that they , were interested in doing so anyways this , this plugin solves two big problems , number one it's going to help you sell , your course and have full control over , the sales page and number two it's going , to protect your syllabus which is your , secret sauce to your course it's gonna , help you protect that from prying eyes , that just want to copy you in all of , your hard work so I think what I might , do is put a link to download this in the , video description and you can if you , wanted to test it out and then you can , test it out but this is gonna go in the , Word Press repository so you'll be able , to just go to plugins add new and add , this at some point here in the very near , future so what do you think about this , plugin if there's any better ideas that , you may have for it that could be easy , to implement it go ahead and send those , my way and I do want to let you know one , little piece of information if you if , you'vie , made Otto this part in the video the , Astray theme they are adding special , lifter LMS integration I can't tell you , too much about it right now but if they , can pull off what they'vie told me that , they want to implement it's gonna be , really exciting stuff it's gonna make it , so easy to have a beautiful online , course website that it's gonna basically , redefine how the learner experience is , and make it look beautiful that's if , they pull it off and I'm sure they can , and we might be seeing something some , movement there in the next couple of , months for sure so anyways thanks for , watching this video sorry if I'vie , rambled a little bit but I appreciate , you thanks for watching and I'll see you , in the next one  

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