Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to make money with CLICKFUNNELS in 2019? - Affiliate Marketing with Spencer Mecham

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You have probably wondered , how people get one of these plaques right here , for making over one million dollars , (cash register ringing) , Online with their own business , and how a random guy from his backyard , is beating the top celebrities, entrepreneurs , literally in just W months by just using Click Funnels , affiliate marketing, completely, completely , with passive income , ♪ Woo ♪ , (cheerful techno music) , What is up, my name is Josue Pena helping you grow , and monetize your brand, business and influence , with social media and marketing , Today we have the number one Click Funnels affiliate , that's literally making like more money than the top 1% , just completely passively with Click Funnels , That is Spencer Mocha, dude thank you so much for taking , the time to be here , Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got started , and all that good stuff , 'cause your results are incomparable to nobody else , It's crazy 'cause your competing against Tao Lopez , Grant Car done, all the big top players , and you're just like you know a guy chilling in his backyard , and you're like the number one in everything , when it comes to affiliate marketing with Click Funnels , and that kind of stuff , so it insane to think about the numbers that you have , which is crazy , Anyway just introduce yourself , and we'll take it all from there , - Yeah man, I mean it really is crazy , I'vie only been a part of the Click Funnels affiliate program , for like W months and before that I was nothing , right I'd tried a bunch of stuff , and none of it had really done well, so I really was , like W months ago, I was in my in backyard like this , but not necessarily succeeding you know, like stressing out , Until I started doing affiliate marketing I tried , so many things and I feel like everyone's kind of , in that same boat , I did stock market for a while and lost so much money , it's just not even funny, you know, I did real estate , and I did't do well, I did't do bad , I spent a ton of time and sucked at it, you know , did real estate, did what's the word, agency , and that was super tough for me , that's just not me , But yeah just in the last W months , started to find things that worked , and you know finally things have started to pay off , that I spent years just learning and not applying , and not getting anything from, and it's just been crazy , - That's awesome , So W months ago, did you have a Click Funnels account , W months ago? , - Yeah I signed up W months ago , (speakers laughing) , - Okay so W months ago, and a day, like W months ago , you did't even have a Click Funnels account , - I did't even know what Click Funnels was you know , - Oh my, that is insane and today, W months later , you are the top number one affiliate for Click Funnels , How many people do you have on your affiliate right now? , - It's hanging around W, W , - Just like for people to know, I'm just going to throw , some bulk bulk numbers up there, 'cause that's like , W at W bucks a pop is $W,W, basically K , And times W, you're basically making like K a month , passively, that is assuming people have the lower end , ticket program, which is again, boom, mind-blowing , - My mind's blown too , - Yeah, that's frig gin' awesome dude , So again, so thank you so much for taking the time here , so everybody here watching , I want you to like this video right now , and all the links with Spencer are going to be , somewhere included with this video , For the YouTube channel, your Instagram, Facebook , your even, I know you have a webinar as well , which we're going to talk about later , but basically, okay, tell us a little bit about , how you got started in this whole thing , Because like you said, most people are like man , I don't know where to start, I don't know how to start , I don't know what to do , like a lot of people are talking about affiliate marketing , for example, I have a very good friend that , building marketing strategies are revolving more , around blogs and ranking them and that kind of stuff , like for example OD which he's extremely great at , he's you know, six figures a month passively as well , but his strategies are a little bit different than yours , So what is your own unique, and with anything , like agency, e-commerce, digital products , affiliate marketing, whatever you came to be , there's different angles, different things that you can do , and still get to realms , There's not just one path to get realm , there's different paths , So what is your own unique approach and strategy , that basically separates you from everybody else , I'm still like, man you're competing with Grant Car done , Tao Lopez, like you're still out beating them like crazy , so it's just like, insane , So it's just awesome though , - I mean Grant and they probably still have no idea , who I am but , - But still like you're beating them , - I know , Okay I know I'm beating them (laughs) , I guess I would say I came into this with some skills , so and previous to W months ago I was trying , all kinds of stuff and as part of that , you know I was buying courses and doing all kinds of things , so I came, when I heard of Click Funnels and the opportunity , to be an affiliate of Click Funnels came to be , I had already developed a ton of marketing skills , I just Haydn't figured out what to do with them , They were just kind of like there and I was using them , as like an agency and things like that , so I had a ton of good SEO knowledge , and good ad-works knowledge that I'd been applying , like helping other people build their businesses , you know, and Haydn't quite figured out , how it would work for me , So in the beginning, I was like everybody else , no money for ads, I'm married , and my wife's not just going to let me blow more money , because I'd just lost a lot on the stock market , you know and I'd just lost a lot on other things , so she's like no you don't get a third try , So it's kind of like you're looking at it , and I actually got started with Click Funnels at least , was YouTube, a lot of where I got started , And YouTube is still, people hate making videos , and so because they hate making videos on YouTube , it makes this much smaller market of people, you know , - Yeah , - And so I just started totally free, YouTube and Instagram , actually, I started doing a lot of stuff , on YouTube and Instagram, they're both free , I need time which I had and I don't need money , And then I guess that's what set me apart , is I started to take that money and the tendency is like , hey I made two grand, I'm going to go to Hawaii , or I'm going to go blow this somewhere, this is awesome , And instead I made a commitment for the first year , to never spend a penny on myself , all the money was going back , And so then I started to do paid ads , and that's where I think I'vie really set myself apart , is paid search advertising , Billions and billions of people searching Google everyday , and a lot them with a buyers intent in mind , Ready to spend money if they can find a solution , to their problem, right , And so I'vie been able to just start figuring out , where Click Funnels can fit into that world of search , and what people are looking for where I can solve it , for them and then just pumping money back in , You know I made W and the next month it goes up , a little more and the next month it goes up a little more , and I'm able to spend more each month , And so it was very very exponential for me , where it's kind of like this and then as it starts to go up , it really started to go up , because I was able to do a ton of paid search , You know even as simple as people searching , for Click Funnels , you know that's the most generic, easy, like hey , someone's looking for Click Funnels pricing or a demo , or a review and these SEO guys they'll make a review , and that's awesome but it takes them like nine months , to get that review to rank and then a month later , some other guy comes in and he starts battling him for it , But paid it was just, hey I made some money last month , let's just dump it back into paid , and I know that I can convert at least some of these people , that are looking for Click Funnels , and then it just grows from there , okay what are more problems, more keywords , more ways I could solve peoples problems with Click Funnels , and it just explodes , - That is fracking' awesome , It's funny how you mentioned that because I think Russel , always says, if you can out spend , the person who spends the most money will always win , So meaning if you can out spend your competitors , you will always win , Basically right now you are out-competing everybody else , because you can just spend more money than everybody else , This thing is like your making more than anybody else , (speakers laugh) , - That's so true, I spend almost everything I get still , I pull out money but I spend , almost everything goes right back in again , because then I get this big budget the next month , that I can spend more on and keep building , that passive side of things , - That is crazy , so basically you're just taking your passive income , that you're making and just putting it back , into the business to grow it even faster , which then in turn, builds your name bigger , which then in turn builds your own business as well , - Yeah and then next month I'vie got a bigger budget , that I can go out and find more ways to promote , you know it's just awesome , - Yeah it just snowballs , Okay so let's break it down to , I personally like to break it down , to simple little steps for people , What would you say for example, if , assuming you lost everything, whatever, W months ago , what would be the next W steps, or five steps , or whatever the case may be, three steps , that you will take right now, starting today , for anybody who may be watching right now , that's like maybe I don't know where to start , I don't know how to start, actually what to do , what would be the next logical progression of things , in order if they wanted to build a passive , with Click Funnels, being an affiliate for Click Funnels , or any program that's out there , Your system is replaceable not only with the Click Funnels , affiliate program, that's just an amazing program , but it's replaceable with almost anything, right , So what would you say is the next steps that you would take , if you had to start all over again , - Dude it's YouTube and Instagram, all over again, no money , both those two places are just crazy awesome right now , They require no money and there's a billion people on them , all they require is an understanding of algorithms , which anybody can learn you know , Start there and then do the same thing over again , every penny would go back in , and then I'd start using the money that I got from those two , on paid search ads, or paid Facebook ads , and just do it all over again , You're going to make money eventually , if you keep doing that, if you keep doing Instagram , you keep doing YouTube , you're going to start building an audience , you're going to start finding good things are going , to start happening and then you just need to take that money , and continually reinvest it and it might be slower , I may not do as well the next round but, yeah , - What would you say for example , have you ever had a mentor? , I know you mentioned courses , like where do you learn your marketing skills , what you actually got, and helped you got results later? , How do you learn that? , Because you were saying you bought courses, you got mentors , like all that stuff, like how did that even happen , how did that attribute to your success today? , Because most people are like okay , he told me what I'm going to do , I'm just going to go with it , but in my experience it almost never works , when you just wing it yourself without having a direction , or some type of coaching or mentor ship , How is that working before that, before the whole W , in sales per month, from Click Funnels passively , - Yeah I was just buying everything right , I bought your Instagram course , I bought a guy's YouTube course , I got on to Idem and bought all their courses , And there courses tend to be more generic and stuff , but there's still a gem in each one , I'vie never bought a course and got nothing out of it , there's always like a gem or two , and you combine those know ledges , I would say I'vie bought six or seven YouTube courses , and now I could probably honestly say I know more than , every one of those instructors , because I took all the good stuff from him , you know and then I took all the good stuff from him , and then I out-rank the first guy , because I added some things that he did't know about , and then I did everything he was doing too , Yeah it's just a matter of buying them and applying them , and I mean you know, you're a course creator , W% of people buy these courses , and they'll never get to the end , and then of those that get to the end , they'll apply it once and it dozen't work , and they'll back out , So it's buying and then applying, buying and applying , over and over again , - What would you say is the importance of that though , would you recommend a beginner to buy a course , or would you recommend a beginner to just wing it , and see how it goes , - Yeah you gotta buy a course , because every beginner wings it, we all wing it , like I wing it in the beginning , and that's how I blew three grand in the stock market , (speakers laughing) , I could'vie spent one grand on a course and saved two grand , - And your wife would'vie been fine because it would'vie , - Yeah so don't spend money until you'vie gone , to those people that Russel says have arrows in their back , and learn from them because otherwise you're going , to get an arrow in your own back , - Yeah that is true , Again for example, from my own experience, funny enough , the more I invest in learning, the more my business grows , right W I spent two grand , by the end of W I made K , In W, I spent K, by now I have a business that's doing , a seven-figure run rate , Now I'vie spent K right on just one mentor , and now the next goal obviously is to get to three million , or five million or W million , and we'll see how it goes from there , But it's funny because the more you invest in yourself , the more it grows , Which again you just said, dump the money , and throw it back into the system , just like you were saying , - I'm not talking about K day one, can't do that , but you build up to that and you'vie just gotta grow , - And what would you say for example , I know a lot of people are wondering , like man, I want to borrow from Spencer , and by the way I forgot to mention , like Click Funnels also gave you like a fracking' car right , what car do you got? , - So I have a Toyota Forerunner but it's way better , than the Toyota Forerunner that you're visualizing , (Josue laughing) , It's higher, it's got bigger tires , it's got the lights, the rack , you know it's not your standard Forerunner , - So basically it's like Jurassic Park , - Yeah, it's the Apocalypse machine, it's awesome , - So, that's hilarious , Most people are like oh my dream car is a Lamborghini , or a fracking', I don't know, like whatever , And you're just like ha, I just want a Toyota Forerunner , - Yes, well it's funny dude, you know who JR Davis is? , - Yeah , - Yeah he just talked today about how he's thinking of , getting rid of his car that he won , because he's like, ah I won this nice car , and it dozen't like fulfill me the way I thought it would , - Well I don't know if you get a Limbo, I rented a Limbo , for the weekend so I'm like here in San Diego , I don't know if people can see that , but the view is just gorgeous , I mean here in San Diego, we got a Limbo yacht , which is fun so , I don't know about that though , anyways so tell people how they can , they're probably wondering, how can I learn more from you , I want to like, even I myself , I'm just learning from you a ton, because I don't have , I don't know even know how many people I have , under my Click Funnels, but it's not that much , I don't have a free car like they give away , I don't have any of that, I'm just learning , just soaking up this information , like I'm definitely going to apply this , but how can people like, let's say , if they want to find out more , they saw this free video , they want to dive into your own world , how would they get access to you , I know you have a ton of free accounts, free resources , free training and Masterclass webinars , all these different things , how can they get access to that , and why would should they basically, why should they? , - Yeah well so the place to start is always the free stuff , right you can tell a lot about somebody , by what they're giving away , so the biggest one would be the live , we'll be doing a live, I don't know if it's a webinar , I'm not sure what I'm calling it yet , but it's next Wednesday, it's going to be live , Basically just going to go behind the scenes , and look at my business and look at the progression , and kind of see what happened there , And then we'll talk about the specifics , of how I was able to do it , So that'll be next week and that's super important , just to be able to see a road map , of how someone else did it , The road map is what everyone's always asking me for , could you just give me a step-by-step and it's like , I don't know, and that's what I'm planning to do next time , Here's your road map, you know, get going with it , - Yeah , - And so there's that, and I have free training as well , and my Facebook group , And then I have paid training , for people that are serious about , people are all at different levels , and if someone's serious , like I want to be an affiliate marketer , that's where I have the paid training , and we'll introduce a lot of that on the live training , next week as well obviously , But I'vie had, if you look at the last W dream car winners , I think more than half of them have purchased my course , - What? , - So if that dozen't sell me, I don't know , - Yeah you buy Spencer Mocha's course , and you got not only the affiliate permissions , and passive income you also get a car , - Yeah I mean it's just part of it , but yeah if you go look at those names , that are all popping up there now , a good chunk of them have invested in that course , and have given reviews, either W% of it , was learned from the course, or a good chunk , of what they did was learned from the course , - Yeah , - I mean that to me should be reason enough right there , - Yeah that's fracking' awesome , So again all the links are going to be somewhere , description, top, I don't know, included in this video , so you can check out Mocha's stuff , You also have I believe, a whole list of different offers , that people can promote, and once , and obviously you teach them how to promote , all that stuff, all the sequencing , behind the scenes and how to do it , but you also have that as well , Because some people are like I have the Click Funnels , but I don't really want to promote just Click Funnels , what else there is to promote, right to make passive income , or affiliate permissions, right , You have a whole list of different things , actually myself, I'm like, ha did't know this , - Yeah they're all recurring , and I'll talk a lot about that in my live training , next week, so many affiliates push these JB Zoo offers , you know, and it's great you can make a lot of money , but as soon as you stop building that list , and stop evaluating that list, it's over , And you don't make money, you go on vacation , and money turns off, versus if you can choose , the right affiliate offers , you actually get a passive income , instead of just an online income right , - Yeah, I mean it's funny, even with me , I know you're an affiliate for me , sometimes I see like my affiliate stats are , Spencer made like W, W bucks , I'm like he Hans't even promoted in two months , - I'vie got an email, and I teach that in the course a lot , is these like massive email automation's , that if you can just get somebody in , then it'll email them till the end of time , without you ever having to think about it again , and that's passive income , - Yeah that's fracking awesome , So again all the links are going to be included , with this description , If we get, I want to, let me see , Everybody who's watching right now , I want you to comment down below , how to create, wait , how to do affiliate marketing, okay , how to do affiliate marketing down below , I usually give away $W dollars , (cash register chiming) , to two different winners , so W bucks each , So just comment below, how to do affiliate marketing , included with this video , and if we get enough comments , we're going to bring Spencer for a second round , where he's actually going to , maybe even share your screen and break it down into steps , Just exclusively right here for online CEO's family , so again, how to do affiliate marketing , comment down below and if we get enough comments , we might bring Spencer Mocha again , and you're also going to get participating in , a $W dollar giveaway that we're going to be doing , We do on every single one of our videos , and we announce it on my personal Instagram , So how to do affiliate marketing comment down below , Any last words dude that you want to say before we leave? , - Last words, no seriously you should come to that , live training, you're investing a little bit of time , that's all, that's all were asking right , You know it's a live training, it'll be followed by a sale , but it's going to teach you a lot of stuff , It's going to give you a road map , and so if you're serious about winning the car , or whatever your goals are, that's a good place to start , - Yeah, people are like, well should I attend the webinar , or not, the worse thing that could happen , is you lose one hour , The best thing that could happen , is you win a fracking' Lamborghini, and be an affiliate , - Exactly, what's the balance? , - So dude, frig gin' awesome , Thank you so much for taking the time for being here , again comment down below , how to do affiliate marketing , and we might bring Spencer again , All the links also for his training, for his group course , everything's going to be included , with this video right here , So make sure you go check it out , dude thank you so much for taking the time , and we'll see you on the next one.  

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