Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Best Way to Optimize Your Landing Pages [Webinar]

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Welcome everybody, I hope you'vie all made it into the room okay and you can take a few , seconds to get settled before we go ahead and get started with everything , I want to thank you so much for joining us today we are incredibly excited to have all , of you with us today , So excited to hear Chris Go ward from Wider Funnel talk all about landing page optimization , and I know you guys most certainly are as well , I want to have a couple of quick announcements before I hand it over to the Wider Funnel , team , This webinar is being recorded so have no fear , If you want to be able to re-watch this or you need to leave early or something like , that it is being recorded and will be provided to you so don't you worry about that, and , if you have any questions for Chris about landing page optimization or things like that , feel free to write them in the chat pod and we will be taking note of them during the , webinar and then at the end of the webinar we are going to have a Q&A session where Chris , will be able to answer some of those questions , So if you don't see your question in the chat pod it's just because we are internally taking , note of them and then we'll answer them at the end , So again thank you guys so much for joining us , I'm going to hush now and bring it back over to the Wider Funnel team to continue on with , a little intro and then Chris can get going , Thanks Abby , So I'm Jacqueline MacDonald the community manager here at Wider Funnel and I'll be introducing , the webinar for you today and then passing it on to Chris , So as Abby mentioned Chris Go ward is our presenter , He is the brains behind the LIFT Model , He helps clients such as eBay, Magneto and build with their conversion rates , and he is the author of the bestselling book with five stars on Amazon, You Should Test , That , Chris started Funnel in W with the idea that agencies should prove their worth instead , of basing decisions on their gut instinct , Wider Funnel is a business class services agency with a pure focus on lifting conversion , rates for our clients , Before we get started I just have a couple of housekeeping items to mention , As Abby mentioned before the webinar will be recorded and Get Response will be sending , an email with the recording on Monday , If you would like to ask questions during the webinar please do so , You can use the moderated chat window to your left , We will be watching the window and approving all comments that won't be distracting during , the webinar , For questions we will save them for the Q&A period at the end of the webinar with Chris , so you may not see them in the general chat window, but rest assured we do see them and , we'll add them to the Q&A period , Finally we are giving away of Chris's book You Should Test That , If you would like to enter to win go WWW.wider , So that's it for housekeeping, I'm going to pass it off to Chris to begin the presentation , Great, thank you Jacky and thank you Get Response for your invitation to present today , So I know Jacky is going to put that URL as well into the chat window I believe so you , can go ahead and enter to win a copy and we'll making that draw so one of you will get a , copy of the book , I'm just going to turn on video so I can see you, say hi to everyone there and we'll get , right on to the content , We'vie got some really interesting case studies and frameworks to share with you today , I'm going to start with a little example, we were talking about landing page optimization , today and we'vie got a few examples that I think will blow your mind today with some , of the learning that we are gathering here , So all we do at Wider Funnel is test on thousands to find out what really works and this is , an example from a landing page, this is a snippet from a landing page where the goal , was to get visitors on the page to sign up and enter their email address and sign up , for a monthly subscription for makeup delivery , Now this is the control page and we often start with a simple test when we are starting , with a new client and this one we are actually testing buttons , So this says get brand new, can't miss color and beauty every month enter your email to , get your welcome box free and you enter your email address and click submit , Now everyone knows that submit buttons are the worst possible button , You never want to ask your customers to submit to you, why would you do that? , And this is a well known best practice in conversion optimization that you should get , rid of submit buttons , So this was a simple test where we want to test two different buttons and normally we , don't spend a lot of time testing buttons, but this was an interesting hypothesis that , we could aim at different value proposition approaches with different buttons that hit , a different aspects , So this one says become a maven which tied into the brand and had a sense of inclusion , it was a social signal that you could join a tribe that you could relate to , The other one is a sense of urgency it says I want in , So rather than just guessing that one of them would be better , Now if we followed any practices become a maven should work the best because it's tied , to the brand, it's also action oriented and it also ties into that social signal , We actually tested it, it turned out that the social signal button reduced sign ups by , 6.5% , So we actually found two buttons that are worse than submit buttons , This is really interesting , Nobody is going to publish a blog post about this, but it's true , The thing is you should be skeptical of best practices because they don't work , Best practices only apply to a certain context and a certain situation , Sometimes it turns out submit may be a better button than another you may want to try , Now of you we continued to test and found many buttons and whole different landing page , designs and approaches and flows that worked dramatically better that were just one example , of why you need to turn best practices into tested practices, because then that's the , only way you know what actually works in your situation , Let's look at another example, this is for Iron Mountain, this is a landing page from , paid search campaigns in email marketing where they come to this landing page for off-site , data backup storage and recovery , So it's a data backup service for corporations and Iron Mountain is a BB company so what , they are doing is generating leads for their sales team , So variation A were called concise benefits where it's got an introduction to Iron Mountain , and the service and it's got the call to action on the right and then the content below is , presenting the overall value proposition of working with Iron Mountain building credibility , with some proof points , Variation B is the same content, we moved that value proposition to the right hand column , and put more information about the service that they are actually getting , So it's a longer copy page and what we were testing here was to find out how much information , people need before becoming a qualified lead , So this is a spectrum of content test, that's the hypothesis behind this , So I believe we have a poll to open out for this one , I'm going to ask Jacky if we have a poll to open up to see which one you think , We're going to test you a couple of times here today and find out what you think won , between the concise benefits of working with Iron Mountain or more information about the , service , So you can go ahead and vote right there while we wait for a few seconds here , So variation A was the concise benefits of the overall value proposition of Iron Mountain , and variation B was the same information plus more about the service and then becoming a , lead , So we have the votes coming in , I think Jacky is monitoring your votes coming in right now , Yeah we can see those coming on the screen and she'll go ahead and count the votes , Yeah we can see that coming in , Let's take a look at what you guys voted for , Alright so we see the survey results and yeah that's pretty fairly even with W to W, variation , B has a slight lead in the survey results , So let's see what actually happened, take a look at these test results, it turns out , variation B did win dramatically W.9% increase in the lead generation conversion rate , That means essentially W% more leads coming into the sales team from the same amount of , traffic , Now think about this for a second, these are free leads , They have already paid for them to arrive to arrive on the landing page and all they , are doing is getting an extra W% of them to raise their hand and become a qualified , lead for their sales team , Another example, this is another paid search landing page where we had three variations , in this case , Variation A says this is also for data backup service , Variation A is the request a free quote button on the right , Variation B we are isolating against that to find out the button or embedded form worked , better so as a single step or two step landing page funnel, the best performer , Now variation C is isolated against A test the call to action where variation A asked , for a request to quote , Variation B has a call to action to download a white paper , So what we are doing is testing the hypothesis that content marketing will get more leads , into the funnel versus going straight for the quote request , So now again we have an opportunity to vote, so go ahead and open up that poll Jacky and , we will see which one of these three won , Was it variation A with the request to quote button, variation B with request to quote , form embedded or variation C with the white paper download content marketing approach? , Go ahead and put your votes in , Let's see what you think won , Was it A request a quote button, B request a quote form or C white paper content marketing , call to action , We see your votes coming in , Very interesting , So go ahead and just click on one of those options , Alright we'vie got the results , Oh look at that dramatic vote for variation C, so most of you are looking at variation , C as the winner content marketing , Everyone knows how content marketing works , Good so let's take a look , Of course we just don't make assumptions , Every good smart marketer today will take this as hypotheses to actually test them and , the way we test them is through a controlled test with every visitor that's arriving on , the page, we randomly selected to see different variations at the same time and then we can , track the conversion rates to find out which one of this actually wins , So when we actually tested it, it turned out that variation B had a W% increase in lead , generation , That's four times the leads of the control page , Now they also learned something that the embedded form in this case for this type of audience , and this type of prompt in conversion and this number of fields worked better than the , button, and they also found out that request to quote worked better than the content marketing , approach , So even though a best practice maybe that content marketing as the flavor of the day , and content marketing plays a role absolutely, Wider Funnel use content marketing all the , time it's not always the right approach, sometimes people just want a quote, sometimes people , are ready to buy and by the way they are also more qualified if they are asking for a quote , They are raising their hand and saying hey I'm interested in the service , So that's something that Iron Mountain can build on , Now that's an insight, but their marketing team can change their marketing strategy to , focus on thinking about what are the right calls to action for the audiences , It's not always about the early stage content , Conversion optimization has been undervalued generally with most companies, people are , still think about just button tweaks and colors and headlines when really there is two things , conversion optimization should be do, dramatic conversion opt-in absolutely, but also proven , insights that can impact your marketing and your company , That's smart conversion optimization and landing pages in particular are the best place to , learn about insights because these are virgin eyeballs coming into your website and you , can find out what motivates them to act , Let's take a look at another example , We'vie got some audio issues here, but let's take a look at this example , This is a product landing page on mobile for subscriptions , Another similar business model is the earlier one , This is a mobile landing page for a mystery box of monthly toys and gadgets aimed at geeks , and game rs, and the goal was to lift subscribers and the profit for this company, but the question , is what motivates this target audience to act , What motivates them to subscribe , So why does your customers subscribe, right? , How do you find out which motivators drive this person , Is it intrigue, is it the quality of the product, is it the service of the company? , Is it the concept of being included socially like we saw in the early example? , Is it about the fun? , There is a mystery of getting this box of toys and gadgets every month , What motivates them to act? , So this is an opportunity for testing and you are going to see a theme throughout here , because we believe the discipline of testing in every aspect of your company is what separates , great companies from mediocre today , So we'll talk about value proposition and I'm going to show you two frameworks today , that you can use to understand and test your value proposition and the best place to understand , your value proposition is on your landing pages , So this example we started with this control page, this epic geek and gamer gear delivered , monthly and you could subscribe , Alright, so that was the control page , What we wanted to do is start again, now this one started with the button , Now I'vie got two examples of button tests, it makes it look like all we do is button , testing, but these are actually pretty rare, but simple examples that show some isolation's , that lead into insights and so we took this subscribe, it's a very clear you know simple , explanation of what you're doing, your subscribing, but variation B we swapped that to say join , now , What we are doing is trying to get a hint about whether joining a community is more , powerful than just subscribing to a service, and then the third option was select your , plan which is much more tangible , It's much more about finding out what you get, right , It's more about value , So which one of these have the best performers? , Turns out that join now had a slight increase in sale subscriptions, select your plan the , tangible one actually had a dramatic decrease , So now we'vie learned something potentially , So there is some increase in revenue and that's good, but even more important we'vie learned , about what drives this audience , Maybe there is a hint there about their social inclusion , So now let's take it even further and change the control page to be the join now version , and then add two more variations where we build on to that button new value proposition , headlines where this headline ties in social inclusion with something more tangible and , clear about what you're going to get, a monthly box of geek and gamer gear , That's as clear as you can possibly get about what you're getting , So it's a tangible attached to social inclusion , Variation C moved the needle even more on social inclusion with something we call social , proof , That's where it says join a W,W geek and game rs just like you , Now that's not even talking about the product at all, but its talking about the community , your joining, now why would that work better? , We already had a hint about what the value proposition might be for this target audience , and when we tested it, it turned out to be true that in fact joining a community, joining , a tribe for this target audience was actually even more powerful than what they are getting , as a product, a monthly box of geek and gamer gear, W% more everyday were signing up with , this headline, just by changing the headline , Now Robert Chaldean has been talking about motivational drivers of persuasion for a long , time and he has said years ago that social proof works is that we put trust in the collective , knowledge of the crowd whether or not that's a good idea, but it works to motivate people , Social proof works for this target audience, but it dozen't always work and in fact social , proof is just one of many dozens of motivational tactics that you can use within your marketing , to drive people to act, but you can't use them all , Can you imagine the page where you try to use all of these psychological triggers? , It would be a mile long , So you'vie got to find out which triggers, which motivational aspects are important for , your target audience and that's done through testing, powerful hypotheses , So I'm going to show you two frameworks today as I said that are going to help to test important , questions and value proposition components , Now so how do you know which value proposition you should test? , You can't test everything , The most important aspect that will determine your success and your landing page optimization , is the questions you ask , Asking powerful questions will mean powerful results , You can't just test randomly and try and look for a blog posts of top tips for conversion , optimization, that won't work because it dozen't address the particular context of your customers , and your product and your competitive environment and your situation , So I'm going to show you now a framework to understand how to test powerful value proposition , questions , I call it pods, props and poise , It sounds complicated perhaps, but it's not , Essentially it's a Venn diagram , So you'vie got your prospects desires at the top, your features and your competitor's features , Now most marketers are focused in the central area where what your customers want and what , your prospects want overlaps with what your competitors offer and you offer , So this is called the red ocean , This is where your competitors are offering something that your customers want and you're , up there too saying, hey I'vie got the same thing as my competitors, I can do that, I'vie , got low prices, I'vie got great service, they are all the same things , Everyone is fighting over these few fish that's the red ocean , Where you should be focusing is in this other area called your pods, your points of difference , So avoid the points of parody because everyone is out there competing , Points of difference is what your prospects want overlaps with what you would do and no , one else is there , Your competitors can't touch those spheres , Those are powerful, that's the blue ocean , That's where you'vie got clear sailing to take market share and to own your customers and , get their loyalty , Now a lot of times in engineering companies they get stuck into another area where they'vie , spent a lot of time focusing and building a product and a bunch of features that they , poured their blood sweat and tears into and no one cares, it's called your point of irrelevance , So definitely don't get stuck down there, but spend your time thinking about what are , the points of difference that you can focus on and you can actually brain storm in this , area, by making a list with three columns , So what do our customers and prospects want, what do our competitors offer, what do we , offer and look for the overlaps and look for the points where you have a differentiate , that you can test and then you will come out with various aspects that are different about , you and you can go into the market on your landing pages test those different aspects , and then find out which ones actually motivate your prospects to act , Alright so I want to talk a little bit about warning signals because if you don't test , properly you can back yourself into a corner and do things the wrong way , Now I'm going to show you another framework in a moment that will encapsulate all of the , aspects to help you create powerful hypotheses to test powerful questions and I'm going to , show you an example on how to do that , So we have been working with Magneto for a couple of years now , You might know Magneto as an commerce platform, but we are actually working with them to help , generate more enterprise leads for Magneto itself for customers to sign up for clients , and retailers to sign up as Magneto customers , So Magneto is our client part of eBay and Magneto is the leading commerce platform , largest in the world and we'vie been working with them on their website and their landing , pages on all aspects , Now this is one example where they have a landing page and the goal is to get more customers , to fill up this lead form to request a demo and become a qualified lead , So the challenge was how do we optimize this page, what should we test on the page that's , obviously been created by a talented team of designers and marketers? , So when you have a question to ask about your optimization you might be asking where should , I test, what should I test, how do I test? , What you want to do rather than going out and looking for tips and tricks because what , we could have done is gone and said, oh well enterprise is BB landing page, what are the , top W things we should test on enterprise BB landing pages and we get a bunch of lists , of useless blog posts that probably haven't been tested before, but more importantly think , about how to answer this question using a framework , So I'm going to show you now a framework that you can use and apply in your business right , now that shows the conversion factors, the conversation barriers that are impacting your , business today then I will show you how we use this for Magneto and all of our clients , at Wider Funnel , So it's called the list model and some of you may have seen this, the LIFT Model has , become the most popular conversion optimization framework in the industry, and what it shows , is the six conversion factors that are impacting your conversion rate right now , The core of it is the value proposition, that's the vehicle for your conversion rate lift , Now the value proposition you probably have your own definition of it , I like to think of it as an equation that goes beyond that line, this is between the , perceived cost of taking action and the perceived benefits , If the perceived benefits outweigh the cost they will have motivation to act and if it's , the other way around, if the costs are greater they will bounce right away , Now the perceived part is very important , There is all the intangible as well the tangible features , You'vie got your brand aspects, the experiences they'vie had with your company before, even , your graphic design and social cues , So the value proposition determines the potential for your conversion rate lift and you can , test with it , All the other factors enhance or detract from value propositions , So relevance is relevance to the source media, does the headline match what they clicked , on and how they got to that page , Clarity of the presentation, it clarity of the eye flow and the imagery and the call , to action, and anxiety and distraction reduce your conversion , So anxiety is anything that creates uncertainty in the prospect's mind in taking action , Distraction is anything that redirects attention from the primary message, anything that confuses , and reduces clarity , And then urgency is why should they act now? , You will have aspects of all these that maybe impact your conversion rates now and you can , test them to find out which ones are important to focus on , Now there are actually W sub-factors, but starting with these six will give you the , best start on creating powerful hypotheses , Now let's show you an example using this Magneto landing page , So here is the landing page and what we always do at Wider Funnel is bring our strategist , into the room , We'vie got a team of W here that we work on all of our clients to come up with the best , ideas to improve, and you might see some examples in here of things that might be impacting , your landing pages and you can apply to your business as well , So there wan't a clear eye flow , There is some disjointed alignment and nothing that draws attention to the main message they , should focus on , There are a bunch of different graphical signals on the page , The headline actually should be up here, even the button, that arrow skips it over, but , the headline up here you're going to skim over because as a human your eye is drawn , to a person's face first so you're going to skip right over the headline and miss the , main value proposition point , The video dozen't give a lot of information about why this company War by Parker chose , Magneto so maybe there were some quality issues there and the form here gives a sense of a , false bottom , So you're looking at the whole page right now, but the fold is actually here about halfway , through the form and it looks like this is the bottom of the page, but the main value , proposition features of the tool, of Magneto are actually below this area , So a lot of people arena't scrolling down and we looked at our click heat map analysis a , lot of people arena't scrolling down past that area , The copy dozen't match the incoming traffic source, there is relevance issue, no mention , of the demo or the free trial on the page, there is no backup content, a value proposition , building up why the visitor should watch the video, why that's important , There is more , Secondary calls to action, the video is actually taking over prominence versus the primary , The key differentiates over competitors is missing from the page, no prominent form headline , So this form headline is small and not very compelling and there is no mention of free , So there is a whole bunch of more, generally we are coming with dozens and dozens of this , lift points that are barriers to conversion , Now the next step is you'vie got a whole bunch of ideas here after you'vie analyzed the page , what do you do with that? , You need to turn these weaknesses into strengths to create a hypotheses , So within each of this some of them are probably problems, some of them are hypotheses that , maybe proven false and now we are going to test that , So let me show you a few variations that we tested for Magneto and see there might be , some ideas here that you can build on as well , So the first variation is, what we did is we called this variation, the type of variation , the variable cluster , So we are changing several different aspects to try and get a higher watermark, a high , benchmark for continued improvement and what we did was we made a more clear value proposition , about why this case study is important , War by Parker managed W% growth using Magneto enterprise , Now that's compelling, that's a reason to look at this case study , Reduce the size of the case study at the same time increase the prominence of the form by , moving it up above the fold completely, also reduced it to a one step form on the previous , poll went out to a second step on the form to complete it and then added the privacy , statement we are not going to spam people , So this what the entire variation A landing page would have looked like , A better headline, a more prominent form and then variation B we tried something, an isolation , against the case study approach to focus on clear value proposition bullet points, why , Magneto Enterprise is one of the most important features, the most important pods for Magneto , Enterprise , So the question is which one won? , Now of course we are going to test this , Do we have a, put this up there, okay open up the polls and take a look at which one , you think won , So was it the case study approach or was it the value proportions bullets approach , So vote A for case study with the stronger headline and War by Parker case study prominence , moving the form up above the fold or variation B isolating the value proposition bullets , So let's see, we'vie got your votes coming in , Go ahead and vote, I see some of you are chickening out from voting, lost your confidence there , Just go ahead and vote, we are not tracking it, we are not going to embarrass you , We're not going to tell you if you lost , Alright go ahead and vote in and let's take a look at the results , Okay what did you vote for? , Wow it's again fairly evenly split , You'vie got variation A W% and variation B with W% of the vote and half of you voted , and half of you have decided to chicken out on that , Alright great well that's a good result because now imagine you're sitting in your room, your , designer has come in or your agency has come in and presented to you your knew landing , page design concepts, how do you choose which one goes live and a lot of people are using , the HIPPO method, you'vie heard of the HIPPO method, the Highest Paid Persons Opinion and , they pointed the one they like and that's what goes live , Other people are using the black turtleneck method , The guy in the room with the black turtleneck and sun glasses decides which one goes live , but now you are a smart marketer and you're going to pick by testing it, finding out what , really works , So we tested this and found out that variation B actually won, removing the case study completely , and consolidating value proposition feature list, a bullet list of pods from Magneto Enterprise , actually dramatically lifted their qualified lead generation, a W% lift over the control , Now it also had all the improvements that we had made in variation A, but continued , the improvement dramatically over that case study , So the point is the best way to get results is to test to solve the conversion barriers , through your situation , Your landing pages are unique and you need to ask powerful questions rather than just , chasing after tips and tricks on what you should do for your landing pages , There is no best landing page design , There is no best landing page copier or content or approach , Sometimes video works, sometimes it dozen't , Sometimes images work, sometimes it dozen't , The tactics should support the strategy , The tactics are how do I communicate my value propositions pods with clarity? , That's how to get the best results , When you look at this example you know what great case study, compelling headline, great , features, but removing all of that distraction and focusing on the pods dramatically improved , conversion rates , Here is another example from Magneto where this was a page after, on any part of the , website when they click on the try the demo free they land on this page , So this is selling people on why they should get a demo from Magneto Enterprise , So they'd been anywhere on the site clicked on that, tried the demo, landed on this page , So it's part of the conversion funnel , It's probably after the landing page, but it's part of the funnel for converting , So just like before how do you test and improve this step in your conversion path? , You just start by analyzing, asking powerful questions , So there were a bunch of problems that we unidentified, you may notice some of these , things on your conversion paths , The headline is very long it's wrapping three lines that's the maximum we'd ever want to , do and probably a little too long for this stage in the funnel , Try the demo USN't in the headline even though they'vie just clicked the demo, that's a massive , relevance point , Now when you understand how your customers navigate , When they are searching for something they stop understanding what they are reading and , they move into a pattern recognition mode, it's called a scent trail because your prospects , are animals, they are out there sniffing for information and the way that works in our , brain is pattern recognition , They look to match what they see with the concept, the need that they have in their , brain , So that was missing on this headline , There is a lot copy on the page persuading people to try the demo, they'vie clicked on , try the demo already, maybe that's not needed, maybe that's over kill, right , Small font makes it difficult to read if the more work someone has to do to read your content , the less likely it is they are going to , A whole bunch of other points, there is no mention of instant access , The call to action copy is not focused on the action , There is no hover treatment , The CTA button really is lacking , Its far down the page , Demo is being used in two different ways , Demo Magneto Enterprise versus view the demo or try the demo could be interpreted differently , and unfortunately there is no mention of free on the page, it's a free demo, most powerful , word in language and then here on the right we'vie got an image, but there is no caption , Now captions under images are powerful , That's one of the most read portion of any page is a caption under an image and they , are missing what I call action caption , Alright, so after you click on that demo you arrive on another page where you actually , have to fill up the form to get the demo , So there is some problems in this page too, there is distraction , They'vie already clicked on the try the new button , They got into the try the demo sell page, now they'vie clicked and gotten to the form , now that try the demo button is there , There is more text describing what to do , The first form field USN't auto-focused , If you'vie got forms auto-focus and make it easier for people, they don't have to click , on that first field , You'vie got a whole bunch of fields , Maybe there is another submit button, right killing conversion rates in most cases and , the call to action design is inconsistent , They have an orange button on the previous page, now they got a blue button , Again a scent trail so losing that connection , There is a disconnect in design , All of these things add up to make a dramatic difference , Sometimes they are little aspects, sometimes they are big questions like value proposition , Sometimes it's more user experience questions like we'vie got here with the second step in , Magneto form , Okay so we create new variations , Let's take a look at what we tested for them , Variation A, this was the original we changed it to be focused the value proposition, so , again three bullets, much more compelling concise headline, try the Magneto Enterprise , demo for Free , Three powerful value proposition points, a strong button, try the Magneto Enterprise , now and then adding the action caption under that screenshot image , So these are all the things we did , We referenced the try the demo in the headline, reduced the length of the headline, increased , the font size throughout the page, shortened the copy, updated the call to action button , added a link under the screenshot that was also a second call to action with what I call , the action caption try it now and including free on the page , So all of these things combine in a variable cluster test to make a dramatic improvement , Now variation B we actually changed it completely, reduced the amount of content, pushed it off , to the right, put that form right on the page so combine the form, got rid of that second , step and got them right into filling out the form , The hypothesis here is hey they'vie already clicked on the try the demo let's just get , them right into that form , Variation C is another user experience idea and this is really advanced, something you , might want to try called a progressive reveal, we invented this a couple of years ago where , what happens is you fill out certain forms and then once your near the end the rest of , the form field is up here so it creates momentum and also reduces anxiety by making the form , seem short and approachable and then progressively reveals that there are more fields to fill , out, that's a powerful hypothesis you can test , So after you fill out a few forms, the rest of the fields appear , We'vie innovated this, one of our strategists came up with this a couple of years ago to , work with some of our clients on and it's worked out very well for a lot of them especially , the longer forms , And then variation D we removed column content, reduced the distraction, get people filling , up the form and reduce the number of elements to look at on the page , Okay so which one worked? , We have a poll for this one? , Okay we do, we have a poll for this one too great , Let's go ahead and test your skills, was it value proposition focused, was it integrating , the form variation B, was it progressive reveal of the form or was it removing all the value , proposition all together, remove the distractions with D , Let's go ahead and get your vote, which one do you think had the highest qualified lead , generation conversion rate , Go ahead and put your vote in there now and I see the votes coming in , Did you pick which one you like or are you just picking randomly at this point , Go ahead and guess your conversion skill for , Okay , Jacky is here in the control room, control your polls and we'vie got a pretty dramatic , preference for variation C that was the progressive reveal form , Nobody likes A, wow this is interesting, so which one won, are you will to put money on , it , Alright variation A increased demo requests by 3.8%, wow , Oh variation B increased it by W.4%, W a third more demo requests , Look at C W%, we are rolling here , If you voted for C give yourself a raise , But do even more W.6% increase in demo requests, nearly doubling the demo requests that's huge , for a company like Magneto , But I alluded early that if you run your tests incorrectly you can really be messing up your , end , If we had implemented D we actually could have hurt the business results, but we are , not going to do that , We always look for what is driving revenue for the company , You always want to test for profit , How do you dramatically increase your profit, not just your early stage indicators? , So variation D yeah got more votes, but when we looked at what got more qualified leads , it turned out variation B had the highest number of qualified leads , So we got a third more demo requests and a lot of those were qualified , So what we'd done is we'd improved all of the value proposition messaging, integrated , the form and that had the biggest impact , So value proposition of the demo and Magneto Enterprise was still important , So we got an insight that you know what people Warren't quite ready to fill in the form at , that stage, they still needed some motivation and those became higher quality leads , Variation D without the value proposition, yeah it got more people through the form , but more of them were less lower quality, they were the right people to be filling out , that form , Alright so the take away is you want to optimize for what really matters , Don't optimize for early stage clicks , Don't optimize for getting to a page or for adding a product to a cart or things that , done generate revenue, optimize for what matters for your business , And the other tip is that optimization is never done , None of these pages were the best pages yet , There is still room for improvement so we continue testing and that's what we do, at , Wider Funnel we work with high traffic companies to rapidly cycle iterative testing to continuously , learn what works and what dozen't and all of those patterns were for thousands of tests , were building these frameworks and patterns and motivational principals , So for Magneto we then drilled into the headlines to find out the value proposition components , These are powerful tests even though they might sometimes be simple , We spent a lot of time thinking about the right wording and our strategists take insights , from other tests and other clients and other industries to find out the types of wording , that's going to lead to better improvement , So get instant access increased urgency and increased conversion rates by another 5% , additional 5% on top of that , Social proof headline in this case hurt conversion rates, so what I was saying before social , proof worked great for that subscription product, terrible for Magneto, did't work at all , hurt their results , Good thing we tested it so we could eliminate that idea , Removing the right hand content actually in this case when we found out another way of , presenting the value proposition increased the conversion rates by W% , Removing the top navigation they are already in a form funnel once they are in that funnel , that focus on filling out the form, removing the navigation helped conversions, it was , just a distraction , So the before and after this was the two steps in the conversion path in the end removing , all proposition headline, making UX improvements to the form increased their conversion rates , that's the current state of that page and we continue to test from there , Alright so those were a bunch of quick examples on things you can take away to apply to your , business, two frameworks you can use, some examples that hopefully you take insights , from and apply to your business , Now we have some time for Q&A , Jacky has a couple of announcements to get into before we do that and then we'll look , at all the question you'vie been asking and get to those in a moment , Thanks Chris , So just to mention that marks the end of our main presentation, but before we start the , Q&A I just have a couple of announcements , So as I mentioned before the webinar Chris Go ward is the author of the bestselling book , You Should Test That, with five stars on Amazon and we are giving away a free copy of the , book if you go to WWW.wider , So I'll be adding that link to the chat panel on the left , So just click it if you would like to enter to win , If you like to learn more about Wider Funnel email want@Wider or visit our website , WWW.Wider , So I'm going to start the Q&A period with Chris , So our first question that came from the audience today was Chris do you find that there are , more opt-ins when there is only an email address to enter versus a name and an email address , Good question, typically we are seeing that acts on conversion rates , It depends though if you look at is the quality of information important for you , Do you need to qualify your leads and maybe a couple field actually a net benefit for , the business , But usually you are going to find that just asking for one field, just email is going , to get a higher opt-in , So it's a good idea to test , Great, okay our next question is for those that are using a one man company or it's a , small company how do you test successfully with a low budget? , Yeah, so you're talking about a small company with lower budget and probably lower traffic , So usually what we find is that the effort and time that you have to put towards conversion , optimization scales along with your traffic which works because with lower traffic it's , going to take a little bit longer to get statistically significant results and you always wanted , that's another thing I haven't really talked about today is the technical side of testing , and how you need to get statistically significant results using proper controlled methods and , you want to run until you get that W% statistical significance , On a lower traffic website that's going to take longer and so you may be able to devote , whatever time you have to building some tests and then letting them run until they get results , and then maybe by that time you will have a little bit more bandwidths, some more resources , to go in and run your next round of tests , But it dozen't hurt to test run it even at a smaller company with lower traffic if you're , not going to get results very fast there is no downside in having a few A/B Tests, ABCD , Tests, ABN Tests we call them out in market and then when you do get results you'll have , some insights that you can build on , So everyone should be testing and it's very easy to get a simple test in market , Now the difference is the experience you have will lead to the insights that you can get , into your tests, how powerful are your questions, you can ask very simple, you run very simple , tests , They might be headline tests focusing on value proposition that might be really powerful , for your business , It dozen't take a lot of effort to set up those tests, but it does take a lot of insight , So go ahead and start with those , There are some easy tools you can run those kinds of tests with today , The next question we have Chris is how do you drive and split the traffic among the , different tests , Okay so yeah I guess a question about the tools , So the way it works today is there are a lot of tools out there that enable this type of , testing and how it usually works is you take a little piece of JavaScript put on to your , website in your code, usually near the header or sometimes the footer depending on how you , have to do it and then once that script is installed you can do into the tool and modify , your pages and set up variation , So then that tool will randomly select different visitors that arrive on a page to see the , different variations and then track the goals that you want them to be measured by, so you , conversion goals , Whether it's a thank you page after your cart or where there is a thank you page after they , fill in a form, whatever action is that make sure that they are a conversion and then the , tool will track the statistical significance in the conversion rates between the variations , So your visitors will come to the page, they'll see the different ones that the tool serves , and then they will tracked throughout their visit and throughout multiple visits if necessary , to get their conversion , Thank you, and that answers another question that we just got in on how to implement parallel , A/B tests on a small website , So we are going to move to the next question, what is a good sample size for a text? , A sample size is going to depend on your situation , There will be�achieving statistical significance depends on a few things , One is the number of conversions you're going to get into your sample , The conversion rate and the difference in conversion rate between the variations , So if you end up with a high difference in the conversion rate you need a lower sample , than if the conversion rates are very similar and so by testing dramatically you can test , with a smaller sample size , Now the good thing is that tools today track your conversion rates as you run and will , tell you when you have achieved statistical significance when you have a high enough sample , size , You want to set goals before hand so you know roughly what your sample size is expected , to be and test whether that achieves statistical significance , Usually as a rule of thumb you're going to find you need between a W and a W conversions , per variation to achieve statistical significance , Now that's a huge range and that that's what I mean when I say it depends on the difference , If you have a high difference in the conversion rates, so if you tested dramatically and your , making a big difference you might only need as few as W or a W conversions , But if it's not as dramatic and the differences are small you might need a lot more , Thank you, and so our next question is the heat maps and what are some good heat maps , tools that the Get Response audience should be looking at? , Yeah there are a few of them out there now , The most popular one is Crazy and it's a click heat map analysis tool where you can , just very easily go on subscribe and put a little piece of script on your page, it will , track where everyone clicks on the page , There is also Click Tale which does click heat maps, it does user recording so you can , actually see individual users as they are filling out forms and clicking on buttons , and where they run into barriers , Another similar to that is called Session Cam, but Crazy Egg is really focused on the , click heat and its more affordable option of those three, but it dozen't show you the , full video recordings , Now I know we'vie just about five minutes left so we'll have time for maybe one or more questions , Okay, so our next question is about segmentation and demographics , So have you found any difference in male versus female prospect motivations in landing pages , or maybe you could explain just general demographic differences that you might find in conversions , Male versus female conversions, I have not seen a significant difference in the conversion , rates between male and female targeted services , Obviously the products that are going to be targeted toward males and females will likely , be different and if that's a significant segment , But different segments can lead to different results and if you can track your segments , by demographics then you can look for sensitivity , So the way we'll approach segmentation generally is to see there are two ways to define your , segmentation , One is replant segments and the other is post planned , With replant segments you are going to go in and make hypotheses and look at the , different ways you can identify your segments coming in and create different presentations , and test whether those different presentations targeted at the segments actually perform , better , So that's a replant segmentation test , The way to do is to run your tests and then track the different demographic segmentation's , whatever it is, demographic, psycho graphics, source media, device access point, all of , these things can be tested, geography, as potential segments , Look at the results of your test, high variation, and look at the segments by variation and , see if there is any difference , If there are some segments that perform dramatically different on one variation versus another , then you might be able to see a reason to create different segment messages there might , be different motivations, right? , So the pods might be different for different segments , And this is a complex and very popular topic and actually we're planning on doing another , webinar in the next couple of months at Wider Funnel on segmentation entirely focused on , this topic because it's really interesting and we have some really great case studies , actually showing how the different segmentation methods can lead really effectively , So if you sign up on our blog you'll get access and notification when that comes out , Its wider and Jacky can put that into the chat window as well and we'll , make sure you get access to that segmentation webinar if you want more information about , that , So there's just about two minutes left in our hour today , We don't think we have any more time for questions, but before I do pass it back to Abby I just , really want to thank the audience today for all the great comments and all the great questions , And as we noted in the chat and on the webinar we have an archive of webinars on our website , That's wider resources/web videos, I'll post the link in the chat , We're also giving away a free copy of Chris Go ward's book, You Should Test That, and if , you go to WWW.wider you can enter to win , And then finally as Chris just mentioned a great place for conversion optimization resources , is our blog so that's WWW.wider , So I'vie just added those links into the chat panel and I'll pass it back to Abby to close , Thank you so much , Thank you Jacqueline, thank you Chris, thank you everybody , You guys all took a great hour of your day for all today's experts , So I want to thank you guys again , We have reached our hour and I want to thank you again as promised many times all of you , will get a replay email commune, and I think everybody is going to have it on their website , for replay as well , So you'll have access to that and we will be sending you that on Monday and also please , enter to win Chris's option for the free book that is an incredible option so please follow , all of those links there and get all the good information you can , If you have any questions about Get Response feel free to contact us and we'll be happy , to help you , Thanks so much again everybody we really appreciated having you, please have a great rest of your , day, thanks again, bye , END  

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