Saturday, March 30, 2019

Gmail Mail Merge: How to Send Bulk Email with Gmail & YAMM (Tutorial)

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today you're gonna learn exactly how to , do a mail merge in Gm ail sending out , bulk emails bulk cold emails that are , customized and designed for the end user , using their first name really nice , template sis a great tool not having me , use Bright not having to do CC right , there's a there's a lot of reasons why , you would want to do something like this , so we're gonna go through the entire , process now stay for the whole video , because we're gonna do the exact , step-by-step procedure that you need to , do airmail mail merge'm Tommy rivers , with click mind ac com let's get going , [Music] , okay so how to send bulk outreach emails , with Gm ail so we're gonna dive into the , click minded SOP library for this one , SOP stands for standard operating , procedure it's just a fancy way to says , really comprehensive checklist we have a , huge number of digital marketing's on , our website at click minded calm all , right so high level overview first , what's the goal the goal here is to set , up a system that will allow you to send , bulk outreach emails directly from your , gm ail account the ideal outcome is that , you're able to easily send customized , emails to multiple addresses which you , won't have to write manually that's the , huge piece of this so the only things , you need area calderas and the , ability to gather all of your , information in a Google sheet right so , Gm ail and a Google sheet and then a , couple of plugins as well so why is this , important outreach emails are incredibly , important to advantageous fora number , of different reasons , you knew this for business development , if you're not using an email service , provider like Mail Chimp or an active , candidate something like that you can , manually keep your emails in one place , and then sort of send emails out to your , users I would't really recommend that , but some people do their email lists as , small or if they're just getting started , where is this done this is done in your , browser mean your actual Gm ail client , when is this done anytime you need to , send out bulk emails then who does this , this could be you you could be your VA , it could be someone doing manual , outreach on the SEO team or maybe , digital marketing agency that you'vie , employed so a couple things you'll , need for this obviously fir stand , foremost you need a , Gm ail account to get this going we're , gonna be installing a plug-in called the , yet another mail merge we have the link , to that down below if you want to go , ahead and grab it and we'll also be , enabling a Google Labs a Gm ail Google , Labs feature called canned response , we're about to go through that those , steps next , okay so first you're gonna create , database with all of your contacts , information so however you got these , email addresses you're gonna want to put , them Ina Google sheet so let's go ahead , and do that next , okay sou'vie opened up a Google sheet so , I'gonna give iota name something like , you know Gm ail bulk outreach database , something like that go ahead and set , columns first for your database will do , something like first name last name , email phone company title and maybe you , know another piece of data something , like that and then go ahead and however , you can use as much or as little of this , as you'd like , obviously the email is critical usually , you want a minimum their first name as , well I would'really imagine you'd do , something like this without at least , their first name and their email address , but you can use as much data here as , you'd like so go ahead and write your , own columns here again first name and , email are really the only requirements , everything else is optional , okay so set up your database go ahead , and populate that I just I just went and , did mine however you got your list , whether it's current customers you're , using like Linked In scraping tool , something like that go ahead and , populate in Google sheets and get that , ready Togo so once you'vie done that , head over to Gm ail you can hop into , Gm ail and in the top right you're gonna , go up and click settings the little gear , you're gonna go down here and click , settings , head over to labs in the top right and , under labs you're gonna search fora lab , you know type canned responses you , should see canned response you're gonna , want to make sure to enable it and then , go ahead and click Save Changes next , we'vie got our database setup we'vie gone , to Gm ail we'vie enabled canned response , now we're gonna add the actual Google , sheet plug-in that helps us do all this , so go back over to , Sheets you're gonna go up here to , add-INS and click get add-on sand top , right search add-INS you're gonna write , yet another mail merge go ahead and do a , search for that okay so we'vie don ea , search there we're gonna go ahead here , and click plus free it's gonna ask you , to authenticate it go ahead and , authenticate with your email address and , then and then you'll be good Togo okay , so it's asking for all different kinds , of permissions here's your gonna go , ahead down here to allow and install it , from here okay sou want to quickly , explain what we just did you some solve , bunch of stuff and maybe like what are , we doing how does this work so let's , talk little bit about this first we , have your database ready that's in , Google sheets all the contacts the , people that you will be reaching out to , are there right next we installed canned , response in Gm ail the idea here is that , we can write an email template that's , used right to send out to each person in , that database with certain variables , held out right so we're gonna take , fields in the Google sheet and replace , them into the template you're about to , write yet another mail merge is the , Chrome Google sheet plug-in that allowed , that kind of connects everything , together right so next we're gonna use , canned response and we're gonna write , the actual template so let's go ahead , and do that the way I usually like to do , this is just write the email like I'm , writing it to one person and then go , back and swap out the variables that I'm , gonna change a little bit later so let's , say this is a sales email and we are , selling widget sand we're trying to find , the best person at the company to reach , out to to talk to you about widgets , right so I might grab my email and my , subject line start with your subject , line there's no recipient yet but sort , of if I might be quick question an email , might be hey Billie wanted to ask you , who the best person is to talk to at , Disney world about widgets , I have a great idea'd like to run by , them , thanks time something like that let's , say that's our sales email to kick off , the whole process and kind of get , embedded into the company so that's our , Bright so now let'replace out the , variables so the way we do this in pain , response and yet another mail merge is , we use curly bracket sand double curly , bracket sand the actual field in our , column header if we're gonna go back to , column take first name I'gonna go , ahead and replace the actual name you , can remove the balding if you'd like and , then I'gonna actually go in here and , do double curly brackets now keep in , mind so when you do this it's case , sensitive right and so in my column , header at first in name are both , capitalized so that looks good if I did , it lowercase it would work all right so , keep that as is company name my company , is company with a capital CI'm gonna go , ahead and replace that remove the bold , and slap some curly brackets on it um if , I wanted to do an additional piece of , data Could write so another piece of , data I have a great idea I'd like to run , by them by the way I heard you another , piece of data um something like that , thanks Tommy , so once I'm done here I'vie written my , template and I'm gonna go into canned , response and I'm gonna go down to save I , have a bunch of them here and so I'm , gonna call this yeah quick question , should should be fine , or quick question for you it will be the , name of it and I'll go ahead and hit , save so I exit it out of here I can go , up to canned response I can insert it , and you see it pops right up so we have , that email saved right and we are good , Togo on the , in response at okay so some other things , before we get sending here so make sure , to be really really particular about , what the email outreach data privacy , laws are in your country this stuff , changes all the time this is certainly , not legal advice but as of right now in , the United States there's couple , things you need to think about here , first of all you want to be honest about , your email outreach don't be deceptive , about it don't make the subject of the , email something entirely different than , whatever you're doing that's the kind of , first sort of rule here the next is they , you want to include an unsubscribe link , so give the user away to opt out easily , where you won't contact them again and , the third is to put your actual address , right so if your company go ahead and , put your company name and your address , in the email and as long as your company , name and address is in there and a way , to unsubscribe is in there and you're , being generally honest about how you're , reaching out to them you should be good , again this is not legal advice I'm not a , lawyer don't get your legal advice from , YouTube or any online video and in the , European Union they're particularly , stringent about this so make sure to , check Inonu that if you're sending from , the EU so yet another mail merge makes , this pretty easy they say okay if you , want to do an unsubscribe link all you , ha veto do is link to yet another mail , merge comm slash unsubscribe yet another , mail merge each space is a- so we're , gonna go ahead and add that to our , template so I'm gonna go ahead and do , something like click hereto unsubscribe , from these email sand I'm gonna go ahead , and highlight that and paste in yet , another mail merge comm slash , unsubscribe and add that in and then , maybe up top I might do my actual , company name something like that , and then maybe make iota little bit put , it there but make iota little bi ta , little less obvious'm gonna do , something like this oops you know maybe , put the address below it in this down , here or maybe remove part of the link , don't leave it in there or just click , hereto unsubscribe that might work and , we are good so we have our company name , or address maybe the subject line of a , quick question for you about widgets , we'vie got their name as the very well , we'vie got their company as a variable , they'vie got know we'vie got another , piece of data as a variable we'd like , this lot , now we're gonna go ahead and save this , canned response one more time because , we're happier with this one overwrite , and we are Good so now we're gonna go , ahead and do the actual mail merge so , jump back over to our database okay so , we're gonna go up hereto add-INS and , then yet another mail merge and click , start mail merge okay so with the free , version of yet another mail merge you , can send up to emails a day for free , if you pay for it you get a little bit , more and you actually get even more if , you're using a normal address or if , you'reusing Google Enterprise there's a , little bit more trust there and you can , sort of send more emails this can change , a little bit but the basic idea here is , if you're using the free version of the , plug-in and free gm ail address you can , send less if you're using the paid , version of the plug-in and you're using , Google Enterprise account you can send , a little bit more right so our sender , name we're gonna leave that as Otis I'm , gonna go ahead and find the template , that we wrote quick question for you , about widgets we're gonna leave check , track emails open click there bounce and , if you click the alias button here , there's , a couple of things going on so you can , change the reply to address if you'd , like so you send fro man address and the , the way they default reply comes back to , someone else right so Could send from , Tommy I click my no calm and have all , the responses go to hello at click , Medic om yam yet another mail merge is , detecting our unsubscribe link so that , is enabled so we are good to go there , and I'm gonna go ahead and receive a , test email first click that and check my , inbox next jump into my inbox I see , quick question for you about widgets and , here we go so hey Joe so if I go back to , my database alright you can actually see , my first variable in there is Joe Hey , Joe want to ask you the best person to , talk to at Acme Co about widgets have , a great video that I'd like to run by , you by the way I heard you loves dogs , right so that and obviously USN't , written correctly because are the data , we gave the tools worded awkwardly but , it worked right it worked here so this , is great our unsubscribe link is there , and our company information is down , below so this is all looking good so to , prove that this works I'm just gonna , make one quick change here I'm gonna , change the email addresses to my own , email and append them with different , number so that they all kind of get , different numbers so Joe is one Sally's , to Bill I's I'm gonna hop into yet , another mail merge and so we are good to , go everything set we just changed up , these right so I received the actual , email so we can see if it works you can , delay the delivery if you like so sort , of schedule to send but we're just gonna , go ahead and click send so you see a new , so I'm gonna click OK a new column shows , up in the Google sheet merge data so , that'st he emails actually been sent and , because we enabled tracking we get a , nice little tracking report over here on , the right-hand side so that's a loading , up here'm gonna go back into my inbox , and there we go so here are the emails , quick question for you about widgets so , we're Tommy+1 at click landed hey Joe I , wanted to ask you act me , by the way I heard you loves dogs hey , Stonewalled , I heard you hates cats right and then , the last one bill Google Inc I heard you , loves hamburgers if I comeback to the , database you can see all three emails , have just been opened their data is , actually being tracked I can go ahead , and reply as well and say yo go away go , ahead and send that and write as I send , it , the response rate goes up just like that , and there you go , that's how to do a mail merge in Gm ail , so that is it that's how to do a mail , merge in Mails I hope that was useful , if it was helpful and if you learned , something today go ahead and click , Subscribe down below for even more , digital marketing tactics and tips from , us if you're on YouTube would Love , comment from you what do you think is , this how you're gonna do it are you , gonna do your mail merge in a different , way , we'd love to hear from you I read every , single one finally if you want this , exactwalkthrough along with a free , downloadable guide to do this the , step-by-step process along with all the , links to the resources I mentioned today , go ahead and click the link down below , to click mine ac com to get your free , downloadable guide now thanks alto .

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