Saturday, March 30, 2019


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 ,  you did't know thank you so much you , know what's interesting was sitting , there and listening hey Dan , and I realized Jesus it's fucking crazy , that I can literally give this entire , keynote in about one minute given the , context that was just created and I , think it's just gonna make sense to , everybody , right which is everything you'vie just , heard I's% mathematically correct , the reason they spent a lot of money on , that fucking rad ass video that you saw , is W% correct and the reality is is , the only reason that I'standing here , whatsoever and being you know feeling , good about who'switching me because so , many of you guys are doing your thing , out there is that just respect the , fuck out of both of them and I just , genuinely believe the rest of this wing , dozen't that either it'S's W or some , of you are hundred percent math the , world I now live in these big agencies , they'Re% art it's you know they have , no respect to sale sand and that's it , like I literally feel like leaving thank , you like that's literally like but but , but it's interesting that that'serially , it like honestly there'SA lot of my , energy and Have a lot of time that I , and Icon a lot of you and really I'll , talk for next W minutes out of the , respect that I'm sure a lot of you don't , know who I am or context but I'd much , rather get into the Q&A part and just , answer the detailed shit that's on your , mind because the theory is simple like , it'just the same old shit it's math , and art and you better deploy it where , and then the thing that Think I'vie , done well I guess there's the thing that , Should probably actually now spend , sometime on is why was I in Seattle , yesterday doing so the amount of three , days I have in my career now or , non-existent righto don't I don't speak , for free everything's about the , businesses that I run , I don't like leisure so like there'Son , free days right like like everything is , calculated I do things for a reason , why the fuck was in Seattle yesterday , spending a free day which ISS rarity , for me it was because I was talking , about what I'redone but mainly I was , trying to extract value fro man , incubator in Seattle run by tech stars , around the voice space these are people , that are building businesses and apps on , top Alex and Google home and things , of that nature I think the thing you , know actually this is pretty funny this , since I'm improve down , I'm starting to realize Hui'vie always , thought that I respected you no I , literally just two minute sago said I , just respect the art and the science , better I don'think I'm really or nor , have I ever really been better or really , that good at others and would actually , probably argue now that I'm thinking , there's plenty of people that somewhat , respect both Think the thing that , actually in a lot of ways has worked for , me that'd like to talk to you about , because I actually think if Think , about how much I respect everybody in , the room the thing that maybe I can , bring you the most value on is why do I , bet on things that tend to work out well , it's mainly because I'milling to lose , money in the short term think that I'm , willing to waste time and lose money , much more than most perplex I'm , patient as fuck even though my energy is , frantic righto know for a fact that , whoever has the best Alexis skill in , this room is gonna make a fortune in , seven years bomb wasting money and time , trying to be that person in this room , and so I think the other variable that , you want to leave this talk from besides , if you only believe in the creative or , if you only believe in the math how do , you squeeze those two together it's can , you allocate an additional% of your , time and money and mental energy to , start betting on where we're going , instead of where we are right noway lot , of you are winning because we're playing , in where we are right now while all , those fuckers are playing in the , question is are you , to waste money while you'remaking money , right now being right on W that is , what has kept me consistent had an , email newsletter in that W% open , rates did't want social media like if , I was making content back in the day you , would have seen me sad as fuck about , social media I did't want to learn , Twitter I did't want to learn tumble , did't want to like I had email and you , know SEM and SEO figured out I was good , it was probably the laziest part of my , career because it just worked but I , recognized that the thing that got me , here is never the thing that's gonna , take me to the next place and I think we , rest on our laurels when we'vie figured , shit out and so I'm spending an ungodly , amount of time on everything that USN't , the math it's incredible that we now , live Ina world where the people that , are building great companies in this and , they do great and they make a lot of , money they deserve it because they take , things that we don'thieve to worry about , out of the equation and the fact of the , matter is math will always be that one , the quaint part of our worlds is always , the thing that'gonna be salable and , then commodities but things that , arena't are the art the creativity and , most importantly the intuition and then , the audacity to leave money on the table , every single day of your life to invest , in the world that you think is going to , be there in months and then you have , to be right otherwise you lose and so to , me it's very clear it's a little bit of , a left-field conversation and has , nothing to do with me being there , yesterday you need to get very serious , about sound because let me tell you , something about why what they make is , successful we care about only couple , things as people money health religion , there's not a lot of things we really , really give a fuck about but one of the , things that we care about and always , have but now we're at an all-time high , is time ooh BRR , became huge company by selling time , not transportation time is imperative we , don't like friction we don't like , friction on our landing page sand we , don't like friction in our lives and , everybody even when they don'thieve a , lot of money spend a lot of money on , convenience commune's is king , Time Matter sand I'm gonna tell you , right now and you'll think back to this , talk one way or the other even think , back this talk because this was the talk , that means you get very serious about , investing into audio or you'll think , back to it when other people are making , real money real opportunities changing , the world whatever they want to do with , the attention and you'll think about you , wish you started earlier and I lived , this whole life with social right and , it's it's fun for me because it's just , black and white and obvious so we're , gonna all be invested and winning on , time excuse me on audio because it saves , us time audio saves you time every , single person in this room when brushing , their tee thin four years will be , listening to some sort of voice telling , them what they'redoing that day what , the weather is where they're going , what's happening it's just gonna be that , and if you're smart you can penetrate , somebody's first seven minutes every , single day of their lives and talk about , whatever the hell you want them to know , about and so I would give that ton of , thought you know obviously between you , and me I'm sure a lot of you seen it , like it'snot even close to too late to , start a podcast podcasts are imperative , Lu important because people you know the , way we roll now is we can listen and do , something else , it's hard to watch one of my videos and , do something else it's super easy to , listen to what I'm talking about and do , something else anything that aligns you , with the end consumers time is an , imperatively big advantage for you and , listen there's a lot of people that are , comedian sand and actor sand actresses , and things of that nature you got to , figure out how you mold in into these , new platforms you got to figure it out , bu tit's coming and so to me the big , things to really think about is pairing , art and science together and then really , recognizing the consumer behavior , because we're in the later innings of , social like we're in mature platforms , which means really good things for , Facebook stock you know but dozen't mean , as much for a lot of us Oman I'm , looking at somebody in the crowd right , now and I'smiling the whole time , because we sat , in an old manor office and I was like , guys this vine thing'm telling you and , I got them all together all of them and , I was like I'modelling you it'slake , you're like I remember telling them , you're all gonna be famous of the year , and I remember looking at them and some , maybe live if it was just so obvious it , wan'obvious tome because I saw , Twitter before that and YouTube before , that and it just it's the same guys it's , the same shit it's the same shit over , and over there's under priced attention , and there's overpriced attention , there's headline reader sand there's , practitioners mean let me give me an , example of headline reading versus , practitioners headline readers snap chats , dead practitioners , holy fuck snapshots product is so , under priced CZ everybody thinks it's , dead that it's two dollars and cents , CPM to get in front of everybody who's , under W in the world and at least in , the US world in a couple other countries , and holy shit , the swipe up conversions of these people , since they live in that world , are so fucking incredible there's no , platform on earth not YouTube and , Facebook combined they can get somebody , under to watch three-minute video , continuously even remotely close to , snapshots it's two fucking dollars , and W cents of CPMpractitioners versus , headline readers and this is a pretty , fucking legit audience and I know a lot , of you and I watch a lot of everything , there's just a lot of people who , headline read there's a whole lot of , people who have a whole lot of opinions , about whole lot of shit in here and , they'vie never done that thing thank you , mom so it'sit man like honestly it's , gonna be the same shit I'gonna sit , here fucking at W years old and I'm , gonna be like you know , VR fuck faces like how do you know like , you know it'just the same shit like I , really feel like I'm done like I'd love , to go into QA I don't know where the , runners are like you know I'll tell you , anything you want to know like I , Linked In super super super interesting , to me right now just because the by rat , they're really desperate to become the , BB Facebook so they're seducing the , algorithms to try to big the outcomes , always pay attention who's desperate , always pay attention to who's desperate , right that's always where the upper me , I'm impossible I'm expensive have a , book coming out , I whore myself out that's when you get , me right like that'show you get me it's , just not super complicated on me like , it's easy , um it's easy snap chat not so much , momentum pay attention , always always always look to the other , direction of the conventional wisdom , because that's always where the fucking , magic is understand that if you're the , best math math oriented person in this , room that you're vulnerable to the art , if you're just a creative bad-news math , matters find somebody right that's what , this is and it'been this for the last , W year sand it's gonna keep going but I , will say the big white space for the , collective is sound what is your podcast , what is parallax briefing like what do , you say to everybody for the first W , seconds in the world and how to use your , enormous attention on Instagram to get , W hundred thousand people to download , it and the nit's early so Amazon's like , who the fuck is this person and they fly , you out now you'restarting in the , commercial it's the same patterns my , friend sit's the same pattern sand then , ultimately overlaying everything I'm , talking about does your mouth match your , ambition there's a whole lot of , billionaires in here out their mouth but , they go to every fucking concert on , earth and that's cool like fuck make , W,W oh it's not about the money it's , about do your actions match your , ambitions so that's the framework and , then the last thing gotta figure out is , what you want in your work-life balance , in your legacy and how much money you , want and what you want to do with that , money and a lot of people get caught in , the rat race at the most basic level , followers and likes which is fucking , ludicrous at the next level which is , pretty fucking ludicrous too money , without realizing you wake up and you're , W you're like fuck I did't you know so , two frameworks the things I'vie just , talked about very easy to understand , second part this last minute a little , harder you got to get real into , self-awareness but once you know what , the fuck you're about it's ironic and , intriguing how the shit just starts , happening not because you fucking , thought it into reality , it's because you know what the fuck , you'redoing and all your , map to that reality cool thank you how , many how many mics yeah awes omelet's go , you guys are in control I don'wanna , get Id on't have feelings Junior , what's up Oh Gary Eric thanks for being , here thanks mom , my name is Jerry with digital marketing , hack sand my question is I know you you , say that it's gonna end all with robots , killing everybody hope so , but until then yes what role do you , think AI artificial intelligence and , robots have I mean are going to have in , the next five years in the marketing and , digital marketing space huge even in the , minutes that'vie gotten a better , taste of what these characters are up to , they're gonna love it like the math , people are gonna love it because machine , learning and AI just do shit that we , should'tube doing like it's just , efficiency it's gonna have an enormous , thing like but the good new sis like , there's so much that we still can do and , and so basically how Think about you , know ml and AI back at the pad is get me , to fucking third and half base and , I'll take care of the rest , and whatever AI can do for that cool and , whatever low priced employees that can , do cool but like everybody is spending , way too much money to get the third and , a half base and then the magic is the , last part so that's what AI is gonna , mean for everybody here there's a lot of , dumb shit that people have assistance , for or managers for that's nonsense zero , value that the biggest say companies , in the world are gonna get their nut off , on , yeah hey hey it's uh it's really , exciting to be herein this room with , you and everyone here this is awesome , appreciate it yeah'm really , experiences that help people save time , awesome and I'morally interested in , experiences that are time-bending and , how people just lose time and I'm , interested in creating the most hardcore , drugs no no no so here we go , the world's most connective music , festival okay all right we're festival , goers are connecting with each other , like never before , yep and with the artists and the artists , with their fans okay and so in we , are now I'm talking about on the mixed , reality so twenty twenty-one got music , festivals connection the best time of , people's lives what do you see happening , in the context of music festivals that , you're excited about and that you're , excited about creating so if dissect , that right couple things one thing I'm , super fascinated by that I would have , never seen by the way I never spend any , time predicting like like voice not , predicting shit it's happening right , what Think I'm good at is like , recognizing winners when it's practical , and then going pot committed right which , means you'll lose money for a couple , years and then get it you don't lose for , seven years and never get there the , thing that's been super fascinating to , me that would never thought which is , Fox social media is making people do , more shit in real lifelike literally , some dude is hiking right now just for , the fucking Instagram photo , right so so what's been amazing about , music festival sis because everybody , here now is not only themselves but , they're the PR agent of themselves for , what they're putting out people are , going to more concerts than ever because , of that whole dynamic think what , you're alluding to is kind of like , what'gonna happen in society like in , general like mixed reality things of , that nature it's you know it's gonna be , funny technology's making music you know , going to music grow and then it's gonna , take it away but don'think it's as , soon as but Think that right now , a lot of music festivals are failing , because they all have the same bullshit , act sand it's just supply and demand and , so when you were first four or five six , year sago you win and now there'S's , micro festivals and big companies signed , the same artist sin a shit right so I , think there's huge white space for the , next generation of that like the people , that the streets fuck with right and , then and then I think that ultimately , it'gonna be really interested in just , in general what happens when we lived in , a mixed reality world I think the big , arbitrage the only thing that's gonna , break the Internet is VR but ours , quite a ways away like nobody here , spends an hour on Vein a month in real , life so we're a long like it takes time , behavior takes time but eventually when , we're switching between completely , virtual like Id on't even see you guys , right now my contact lenses have me in , Afghanistan switch it off'm right here , switch it of fin its AR and Santa Claus , is sitting right there you know Santa , you know that world think is super , interesting and it's gonna change all , our businesses thanks man , cool yep hey Shawn Gary you just came , back from August and you said I'm , bringing you to fire new shows are , coming out and you took the Sakharov , show to Facebook only I did so what are , your latest strategies and why for both , YouTube and Facebook I think you have to , make content that is native to the , platform you put it out on I'vie always , thought about that , Fucking wrote a book called Jab Jab , hook , five years ago on this wan't doing , that so now that Sakharov show is on , Facebook watch and redeliver is on , YouTube , Wendy rock is where i'm - fuck the rock , okay you know now i could say what's up , YouTube , whereas I could't do that before and , knows little nuances fucking matter , and you know all the action is in those , little edge sand so I broke them up , mainly because of Facebook video now , that there's watch I'm fascinated any of , you watch as how yet on Facebook watch , just raise your hands just curious , higher right so this intrigues me like , everybody you're asked to watch one not , because like I don't want shit I mean I , watched one Thelma Ball family , because I just want to see the fuck , they're doing like to me this is the , most interesting thing that'm doing , that the good market USN't you'vie Giotto , taste everything like if you want to win , and fuck there's no way you'rein , fucking Boise Idaho if you don't want to , win right now no I mean that like like , like when Think about who's here , I'm like fuck these people are hungry so , like to ME hands which means maybe W , because people get shy to two weeks into , Facebook watch that haven't watched , that's that's that'sit that's that's , where I play that's my margin so that's , why I did it because wanted to make , them native I have two active shows I , needed to do something on Facebook and , because I watched face actually fuck it , I'll tell you it's not fully announced , yet but'll see how this goes because , watched watch and I watched it for for , you know kind of like four days in a row , looked I understood what the fuck they , were doing so I sent them an email I , pitched them a show and they bough tit , right so now I'll have kind of anybody , can put a show on Facebook right like a , page a watch page which everybody should , be doing here I'll have my YouTube , know show and now I'gonna have a , produced by Facebook show that's gonna , get big dick even more listen Mani talk , and like do in and hustle and all this I , just like I do so much more than I talk , which is fucking crazy's my mouth is , always running but I'm just doing I'm , doing doing doing because I'm tasting , I'm tasting never think'm fancy so , many people inhere I know you like so , many people here make it a little bit , get fancy stop stop doing the shit that , got them there , that's the minute you're fucking dead , okay Marshall have a question is yeah , I there's a guy I fall in line you might , have heard of him his name is Gary , Vanishes he told me to push all in , on whatever Otis that you're good at , yes'm making this big push as Marshall , live I'm going to everything live like , straight to ask me questions I love that , aspect of your brand so the question is , if everything is moving to voice is , live-streaming podcasts going to be end , up being bigger than say iTunes are , recording that you can come back to so , first of all you said something , interesting that we all do if everything , is moving to voice nothing moves nothing , is everything like we will always have , the written word you could have them do , you know much by reality there is , through long form written Facebook and , Instagram posts like if you sit in here , and you can write write long ass posts , on Facebook and Instagram and watch what , the fuck happens we are humans we'vie , been around long fucking time bro , Marshall written word audio video shit , is locked in got it so it'snot like , you're gonna lose it like fuck if you're , great at smoke signals get the fuck up , there you know like you know like , communication dozen'change the the , pillars of communication are set where , we communicate changes right and then , you have to be contextual right , some people are incredible at making a , six-second video I keep looking at him , because it's fun to see him Haven't , seen him all others arena'talkie I can't , put two fucking sentences together in my , life have five New York Times , bestselling books because I have a , ghostwriter because I did't try to , become a great writer when the blogging , thing happened because I'Webern on my , strengths and so I do believe that , everybody here should bet on their , strength sand surround themselves with , their weaknesses I actually think back , to earlier question I think AI and , machine learning is gonna help alto of , us in here who are creative close the , gap Ina lot of our weaknesses which is , gonna be really awesome you got it yo , yep yeah think a lot of people in here , usingclickfunnels or not have kind of , come into lot more money than maybe , they'vie ever been used to making okay um , and in one of your previous sentences , you said yeah you only care about money , and all oaf sudden you're W but then , you did't finis ha sentence was , hoping to like hear you elaborate on , yeah I you know for I'm sure lot of , people here real who let'SSA have come , into money it's not as great as , advertised for a lot of people some , people love it they like watches and , Lambs and houses and that'fucking rad , like Marcel TV you know other people , don't and you start questioning what the , fuck right because when you're when , you'vie got nothing and you're on the , come up and you'vie got number sin your , head whether it's a million or five or , three or whatever the fuck it is it's , fuck in empty when you get therefor a , lot of people and so you know I'm just , I'm just trying to make sure people are , being thoughtful there's just much like , what I just said the marshal like life , is pretty simple like people play on , legacy on family on money like there's , just a couple pillars just think in , our space right now you know I know a , lot of you have heard me rant on this , do think entrepreneurship has taken a , turn towards club promotion like you , know and like that's just dangerous not , it's just dangerous for the people , they're gonna it's not honorable give a , fuck it's it's dangerous because people , don't realize they need to build , business Nita perception that they're , good at business , because nobody's you know when the , market crashes nobody's going to Vegas , with you when you work at Bank of , fucking America you know I'just trying , to get people to be more thoughtful sure , hey man I'super well so Russell and , you or too , last year Iowas selling websites was , getting really frustrated yeah Iowans't , helping people felt like they Warren't , growing their sales but they had a , really nice site so you guys inspired me , to start a podcast awesome did't know , exactly what for but just like fucking , those guys are doing it I will too more , along the lines of us listening to a , podcast in the gym host asked the other , guy what would you tell your W year old , self and the guy answered I would , divorce my wife earlier I was super , pissed off I'm married with two young , kid sand wanted to have podcast fro ma , different perspective and so you're , later thank God , two weeks ago Giotto publish my , interview with Russell I'vie had bean , Gracie see and so my question is number , one is how do you grow even further and , number two is not just for me but , anybody's starting or in progress , what should your priorities be so let's , sit here you know both both of those , things I can't answer because you need , to decide you know what firstly you have , to define growing for me is growing , being a top W podcast mean like we , all get into our micro game sand by the , way I think micro games are good you , know little short goals micro it's kind , of good you scratch it it's fun fora , little bit I think you got to have your , macro point of view like if you were if , you're telling me the truth that you , felt like the conversations were going , in the wrong directions and you want it , Togo different place well the answer , to your question is just do it everyday , until you're dead right like that'Sm , plan my plains you know hopefully it , gets me to like this one little funny , weird thing that want to buy a , football team but other than that my , plan is to put out shit for free that is , historically correct so that people so I , can continue to live the life I'living , which is I made the money I wanted to , make a long time ago but getting W W , W email's emails a day of people like , fuck you helped me like that's just like , intoxicating but that's what gets me off , tonight and by the way , I'm not sure that like you know like I , understand why that would't be , meaningful to somebody else like so you , just have to do what you have to do for , yourself right like that's how you grow , by consistency you know you grow by , you're a year in you grow when you're W , years into your podcast more , specifically in terms of numbers yes , taking the what you'vie done and now like , specifically on the number aspect of it , what do you recommend in terms of taking , your platform and kind of skyrocketing , numbers by under priced attention whether , that's buying ads on Facebook and , snap chat right now CZ they're under , priced if that's working with , influence rs because many are still under , priced whether that's taking the high , risk of trying to make at en to$W,W , version of what you just saw their , incredible video because that one video , can be your Dollar Shave Club of your , brand saying yes to everything like if , you want it if you're hungry you do what , Id id which is four years ago when I , did't jump into podcasting right away , the first two years Just went on , everyone's and so I could have went to , sleep At's:W p.m.or I could have went , on Lois houses podcast p.m. like that , was a decision it's just about awareness , like weird or the eyeballs and so just , put your time and effort into that some , of its bringing some of it costs money , you got it hey Gary , my first time seeing you your honesty is , so beautiful and it's just wonderful , listening to who should if someone's , trying to like build brand yeah you , know get a podcast and get more to , Facebook and all these other things , Eternal yeah what kind of some tips you , have for building like a powerhouse team , around you to help you accomplish all , these things first it has to be practice , so stay here first has to be practical , so some people inhere can afford people , other people can't so they either have , to learn how to do it themselves by , spending hours looking at YouTube videos , on how to or read or finding people like , we're an incredible era right now there , are so many kids W to that want to , be creators and think it's cool to like , do it for free you know so you just , to test and learn everybody's guys , everybody's overthinking just do like I , don't know post right nap like literally , right now as soon as you sit down like , goon fucking whatever platform has the , most go on all of them be like I'm , looking for a video and audio intern and , see what the fuck happens like again I , always tell people watch what I do not , what Say like you I know a lot of you , know there's good amount of people I see , there that follow me like randomly out , of nope , Fucking tweeted today does anybody , makecustomizable retail floor mats I , needed I needed I need like like you do , good do you do them for free and , exchange from some awareness you know , some you know like like would ask and , then try somebody and be like you know , like the amount of people I'vie hired , when it was earl yin something and , did't know if they were go odor bad I , just thought it was much smarter to just , do it and then figure it out if it was , working and I'm like oh fuck they sucked , I'm just not scared to waste money or , time and everybody's petrified because , you worry about what other people think , about you that's why if you're curious , that's the fucking answer that's the , fucking that's the fucking answer every , like you're ants are so easy how do you , build team hire some fucking people , bro , right but it's like you know but you're , like but I don't understand like people , are scared to get haddocks they don'Tet , it okay , put in a shitload of time to learn the , craft or bring someone in and watch what , they'redoing carefully instead of like , outsourcing it and fucking falling , asleep because you're all fucking , passive income and I got a team doing , shit and'm fucking stupid got it , Thanks , yeah hey Gary Jay my name is Jay and I , run the unchangeable podcast and I , want to Asoka question that goes , little deeper with what you're saying in , terms of sound and you're watching what , you do sure we'vie noticed that you know , you'vie launched a couple other podcasts , outside of excrement within within , my experience mean like the brown paper , bag sand paper bags kind of like , daily so it three sixty-five and Alexis , skill write a briefing excuse me so I'vie , been doing sub branding in my podcast , yeah because I'm testing to see if , there's traction and I'll spin them out , and creates new pillars okay so I guess , my real question is for content creators , yes started on like one platform for , example I started an interview based , show right there's kind of like you have , you know Q&As how yes if you kind of , have that urge to kind of branch out do , it within the interview showbiz you , have audience there yeah don't worry , that you may lose a couple people like , right now as I'm sure everybody has seen , for two strategic reasons out of nowhere , I'm talking alto more than I should be , about wine right I'm doing it fora , reason there is no question that there's , peopleunfollowing mucus like yo bro I , fuck in came here and if I can get pumped , up because I have no fucking juice the , fuck are you trying to sell me actual , juice right like you know like so so but , I don'give a fuck because I'm playing , I'mp laying up like a macro game like I , don't want to lose people from it I'm , sad I don'twat to I don't want to , disrespect your attention and and know , what you came for but I need to test , something and this is what I have and so , I think it's better off for you to like , try it because one you may Hotpoint , you know one thing a lot of people don't , realize is your numbers look good but , they're disguise , the fact that you'vie plateaued and , you're tired and so I think you try it , within it and you take the risk of a , little decline for enormous upside , because you can always go back right , instead of starting a whole new thing , that'gonna take energy got it got it , cool appreciate it welcome what like , your hat bro thank you appreciate that , my name is Prince , I want a company called art of visuals , we have over a million content creators , in W countries you said something , earlier about everyone wants to be , a content Creator absolutely agree , with that and have a tons of those , people in my community , the problem is with there being so many , content creators now how do these , content creators how do they create , business how do they make money when , have thousands of people doing it for , free I think being better go yeah it's , you know it guy sit's supply and demand , and then once there's too much supply , you have to be the best and just move on , to the next thing , like bought all the Goldwater's of , every wine term for five cents a click , the day it started that was good then , everybody jumped on they started , becoming two and three and four dollar , words and became different then I had to , be better than I'd be more crafty than I , had Ethan what Is tarted doing is the , day the Wine Spectator would come out , with good scores we would buy that exact , wine that exact vintage that became our , new arbitrage for a year or two before , everybody caught up when a markets , mature you'vie got to be better do you , think it's good enough just to be a , content creator do you think those , content creators need to also have , product sand other things that they're , pushing as well if you're fucking Steven , Spielberg you probably could end up just , being content creator but if you're , like Sal you know maybe you'vie got to , consider other revenue streams you know , it's just very basic business supply and , demand prince right four year sago there , are people that land grabbed they were , good and they were first it'just real , estate if you were the people that , bought Malibu beachfront property first , you won right boys you won you made , money but , the reason you were the first it wan't , fuck in Malibu yet Prince and now people , buy Malibu beachfront properties they're , just better so all those kids that like , they're gonna aspire to Bethe next this , they'vie got a rude awakening they to be , the next this you'vie got to be five , times better its evolution when people , debate these athletes versus others yet , these athletes would destroy every , athlete from other generations because , they work out W/NOW they have data , now you know like it hurts my feelings , to them my childhood kid they would get , fucking destroyedLeBron would step on , people's head sin the eighties like , people don'Tet it it'just fucking , evolution you got it great hat next time , I don'really have asked for you have , listened to us I mean I'vie watched your , stuff ton thanks yeah I just want to , say thank you for giving me permission , to pursue my passion and now do what I , love everyday and spend time with my , family and make things and I I'd be , remiss if did't say thank you because , I don't know if I'll ever see you if you , ever want to play bubble hockey I'll , destroy you dude I know I know that you , say that you'll - I know well first of , Allie live here there's a spot right , this is Street I can take you to play , listen listen that's gonna happen now , I'm a winner in Boise Idaho it's so , crazy you see you're funny you're smart , you know me you know that now I'm , getting slick now I'm blacked out and , want to destroy your face but the only , you know what's more interesting though , your fucking Wailers hat is fucking me , up because I'm like I'm like fuck man , he's got a Hartford Whalers have this , damson't been in the league for , fucking years he probably is awesome at , bubble-hockey I'm gonna do something for , real based on what you just said I want , you to come to vanned for a day , I'll pay for your flight in the hotel , and during , and and during that day will play , bubble-hockey and we'll see what's up , [Applause] , hello Gary um first want to say thank , you to both you and Russell you two are , kind of like the Jesus of marketing and , branding come off Bordeaux low , country Dominican Republic and it wan't , for you two I would'tube here so I just , want to say thank you so my question , right now is like what are you doing in , other languages because right now like , my main language is in Spanish and I see , like blue ocean Russell is always , talking about blue ocean he's right and , all the language is ridiculous the blue , ocean that there is marketing Fitness , whatever you name it the oceans blue so , I want to know why are you doing CZ I'm , going balls deep into so much so what , I'Webern doing over the last six months , I'vie poured an ungodly amount of money , into infrastructure to transcribe all my , content into ton of languages and paid , distribution in them'm spending sunup , or which is my second trip to Asia in , the last three months go to Manly , mainland China and January going to , India and February I'm spending an , enormous amount of time and I'll spend , millions of dollars next year just on , the transcription the distribution of , the content that'm naively making in , America in the English language so a , solid amount okay influence marketing , language like it's cheap in English in , Spanish is pennies on the buck so it's , super creamy you know agency Just , can't Uzi'd miss and I haven'see , like I remember when Jerome and I I was , like Jerome you need to go and figure , out who these fucking influences are in , Mexico because they're like like even in , music right now there's so many like I'm , spending a lot maybe you guys are paying , attention because I love hip-hop I'm , spending more time with these artists , like I keep telling them you know like , you need to go down to South America , there's so many artists there that are , really popping you have the leverages , the brand of America mean they're much , bigger artists than you but your America , so you're automatically bigger than them , yeah Oman it's very totally agree , well thank you you got it good luck , [Applause] , Gorilla Maddox's dad I want to thank , you personally for your your impact in , his life between you and Russell Bronson , seriously I mean coming from a dado , there's no way I can repay you just that , the character that you'vie taught him so , I thank you for that , I have two-part question one you gave , him some advice last time you're with , him about patience I hear you talk about , that a lot and I want to know is that , dad you know can you expound a little , bit more on that and then the I'll wait , to answer that have one more part about , that right so you know it's super fun , for some of us in the space we're , literally watching your son grow up and , I mean I just saw him like fuck dude , yeah you don't look anymore you know , like you know so you're and now he's , hanging around with all these fuck faces , so he's gonna get into trouble right , like like he's like patience is , important because you know he'Sgt more , swag now his sneaker game is stronger , like he's going into that time of his , life where dumb fucking decisions are , gonna be made because he'smacking , decisions to make short-term cash , because he's trying to arbitrage it for , other things in his lifelike why do i , preach patience because it's the only , thing that keeps people away from being , straight fucking assholes that's good , thanks alright so what did your dad do , you know you talked about he I did't , have my dad in my life like mean , luckily still have my dad my I did't , know my dad until I started working , liquor store like my dad left before I , woke up and came home after Isle pt like , ass matter fact it's probably funny how , I feel about you guys it's fun to watch , you know because I did't have that you , know but when my dad did do for me , ironically is because I have that kind , of salesmanship and charisma , I was completely full of shit like I , would be everything I make fun of subtly , I would be if Ottawas't for my dad CZ , At Went to that liquor store and , you would walk into what was called , shoppers discount liquors back there I , was W years oldie look 9 you'd walk in , and be like do you have this product and , I'vie been like yeah that we had because , I was already full sales kid'm like we , have that product but I knew we made , more money on this one Iowas like but , this one's better had it it was , phenomenal , W , if people are like you had it like dance , my dad store I taste I meanie don't , think Talked about making shit up I , don'think I said a real thing once and , so my dad took me and he taught me that , my dad thinks embellishing is straight , lying and he suffocated me over a , three-year period that really changed , the course of my life and I think a lot , of my success comes from have all the , skill sets of that character but between , being you know old country and really , really my dad really not allowing me to , be that guy so that's what he did for me , and Think that's what you if you know , as a dad you need to just keep watching , him evolve and when he goes into , territories that you think are , historically incorrect not new idea sand , doing new shit no tried-and-true fucking , human but dynamics that win and lose , that's how you try to guide it yeah one , more if you don't mind I'm sure lot of , these people probably have kids as well , so like your dad was powerful , businessman and you you had a lot of , ideas and passion as a young age what , did he do to not like how did he how did , you guys balance that was that decision , of him making you stop sell baseball , cards to come work in the liquor store , was that the right decision would you do , that for your kids I'm only asking out , of curiosity because when I hear that , I'm just very curious it's a tricky one , man first of all we were too insular , family were an immigrant family we , did't know shit there was no internet , like we did'TKO anything like like , we literally just thought when you turn , W you go work at the store we were , merchants like right like you know , people like that you know that cliche , story just what it was was my Th , birthday it was fucking time you know my , d's and's in schoolwork't helping me , with any compelling reason that could , get out of it so you know as far as how , we did it we fucking fought toot hand I , thought for every inch I had and then I , got lucky what happened was when Acme , from college my dad had saved IPA lot , of money through these years and started , building a dream house for him and my , mom and he took that year off that was , and he was just not around and that year , Took the business from three to ten , million dollar sin sales and that was , the end of the debate , awesome thank you man thanks mother hi , hi my name is Sarah hi Sarah'm really , enjoying her thank you um I was , wondering in retrospect you'vie built a , brand around yourself in your niche um , is that what you would recommend looking , forward or rather more of a brand around , a Brandi think you Think you have to , do both if you're gonna build it around , yourself because what you're alluding to , is you can get pigeonholed and you live , and die by the person think lot of , people forget with me , I built my library festive came , later so it's not like I went to Kayla , brow furrow say yeah I did't come up , the game has me and so I know how to , build like like I'm seriously it's a , little bit fucked up now Id on't think I , could pull it off but I kind of want to , actually you just inspired me Sarah I'm , literally gonna build A's million , dollar business in the next three years , that nobody knows is mine just to remind , everybody for myself because'm weird , like that and Indeed it like that , built businesses , now let me promise everybody in this , room one thing Fame is the number one , arbitrage in our society fame is not , snap chat ad snot being the first result , on Google Fame full brand awareness is , the number one arbitrage so I'vie built , my brand as a biz Devi machine sure well , I'm glad I can inspire you , and it let me know if you need a goalie , god I might he's got a whaler sad I'm , scared , awesome hi Gary , hey Rachel oh you have animates I got , so excited'm Rachel wow that was like , cool for a second then Ottawas't so I'm , the mom of two young daughters they'vie , got a third on the way and it'awesome , being parent is obviously quite , challenging as an entrepreneur you talk , a lot about what you were taught through , entrepreneurship through your dad's , mistakes and successes and you'Head a , lot of success as an entrepreneur so for , your two kids right I do what are the , three main things that you hope that , they get out of life and how are you , going to instill those three principles , into them , the biggest reason I'm obsessed with , entrepreneurship is it's the clearest , thing and most obvious thing to me that , allows you to do the following which is , do what you want to do today right like , being like waking up and being able to , do whatever the fuck you want to do is , incredible so the only thing that I want , for my kids like from that standpoint is , the ability to do what they want to do , every day now , what scares me about that is they're , probably gonna have that no matter what , because they're gonna inherent extreme , wealth so much so that'vie really been , having feelings used to make fun of , Warren Buffet and Bill Gates am I , headed like you're gonna donate% of , your money until you know it's funny you , talk shit until you live shit right now , I'm like fuck I don'twat to give these , kids shit fuck that like because because , rich kids have a huge disadvantage , because when I wanted Sega Genesis in , my mom is like cool go get it right , you know like when I you know when I , wanted to go to a Nickname , I had to sell baseball cards and shit , sit in the fucking you know like fucking , top row fucking Carmelo's coming over my , Hampton's house to play with Sander like , it's fucked up so I , I don't know what bu there are the , things I give a fuck about number one , more than anything and Will kill them , murder go to jail they have to be kind , kindness is the most important number , two if Ever see them even inkling even , a innuendo even subtle little joke of , imposing my and my wife's wealth on , somebody else because they think they're , part of that I'll break their fucking , neck and then number three will not , raise the min the political correct , environment we live in now they know , there is no such thing as fourth place , trophies or participation prizes , [Applause] , now if they want to be nonprofit you , know look they're gonna look at daddy's , mountain and I'm like fuck that or they , maybe do what I do you know my dad's , things seem big mine's gonna Beau hell , of a lot bigger but like other people , have made it bigger than me and kids , have done this they're gonna look at , that and they're gonna say fuck that I'm , going the other way'm building schools , in Afghanistan or they're gonna be like , fucking I'm gonna climb that mountain , I'm gonna stick it to bigmouths , I don't care I don't need my kids to be , entrepreneurs just need them to be as , lucky as like my mom , I God's and F's every immigrant got , good grades in the there's a couple , of people little older here , there was no entrepreneurship school , good school that was it my mom spit spit , in the faces of all those parents that , made fun of my D's and F'sand gave me , air cover to be me and it really fucking , worked out not only for me but the world , became it right if my kids want to paint , in tomato sauce will back them to the , Earth's end as long as that's really why , they'redoing it not because they're , doing something to like runaway from so , there's a manager so just blind support , as long as they're kind and the last , thing I wanted to say is I'm gonna buy , the Minnesota Vikings so I'll see you , Super Bowl the owners club no no Super , Bowl jets Vikings , W:W I'll see you there , [Applause] , my question is about time time so you're , an angel investor and hundred , companies you have books an W person , agency and a family and there's it's , unreal to watch how much content you're , putting out how do you choose between , the thousands of startup pitches you're , getting and the which which interview to , do or which speakings it's just , you so much W% blind belief in my , intuition Christine you know this in you , and brain you everyone's hustling right , like eventually you lose right like , eventually time you don'thieve enough , time to do all the opportunity so you're , crippled by opportunity you just ha veto , go that route otherwise you're just , gonna spend all your time thinking about , the process of making the best decision , and it's you know and you're gonna waste , being able to do four things which would , have included the two things you'Webern , debating for the last fucking day so , just the belief in my intuition and then , and then lots of making fun of yourself , this one is a perfect example I ha veto , I'm like talked about time my son has , a birthday now CZ he's an August per , day I did't realize it was like this , Saturday like and I think it actually , came after we booked this but like like , all the money and from this talk is , going into the fucking I was originally , gonna go to Seattle now I have to take a , private plane not to miss the play like , Just fucked it up and the whole day , I'm just complaining to you I'm like'm , a fucking idiot so like you're not , always gonna make it right like you're , always gonna like play micro/macro but I , think everybody's saying no everybody , sing notice shit because they think , they're being thoughtful or they're , smart like you know me people are saying , no that arena'tavern a fancy enough to , say yes yet so I just say yes man a lot , thank you yeah hey hello hello great to , meet you great to meet you to pursue , part name Frank Clove it how are you , Frank very good thank you and I want to , appreciate you and your dedication your , consistency and your communication we , own a company called International tribe , design where we bring a style of , communication which is very simple but , yet rare in the society which is , honesty and authenticity and feel like , you embody this and I feel like a lot of , us entrepreneur swell at least for me it , was like shall I present myself , strategically or authentically yeah and , what I want to ask you is the first by , the question what do you think sells , more or influence more people authentic , honesty or strategic marketing near , linguistic programming communication I , thin kin the short term it's a real , battle I think either could win I think , in the-year macro the radical candor , authentic way always wins mm-hmm , what do you know what I mean yeah and , the thing that fucks with people is a , lot of people can win on strategic , you're being very politically correct , like a lot of people can win on bullshit , play it out for four years get out of , the game with their chips and win not a , lot of people can though but then once , you know of one of those example sit , sounds exciting because it's a fuck load , easier huh what do you think the future , is for collaboration first competition , so what we're all about is collaboration , let's bring us all together I think we , can all do great things I think think , both will work right the competition , matters right like I want to destroy , fucking wheeler hat I want to kill , want to kill Vikings girl like you know , like like competition matters right like , I'm not gonna like liken miss , all-out but I'll tell you like in real , Federico five let's just put it even , in black and white Drogue five David , drag phenomenal businessman has an , incredible agency he's gonna get his let , me tell you one thing that alto of you , are making mistakes CZ you're saying , shit behind people's backs , you can't stop winners from winning , winners win so something I don't , remember when it became obvious to me , but it's unbelievable if I see a winner , I'm like she's a winner it's binary , even if she's taking David dragooning , in my world alongside wainwright , I'm pumped I'm happy for him because if , you're also winner you're gonna always , eat winners win a lot of people see , somebody as a winner and there , there ye tor they feel like they're , taking away from them and they're , talking shit and really all that's doing , is exposing where you're at like it's , unbelievable when you know I hang out , with a lot of people you know like , people start yapping a little like I'm , like winners win right and so unless , you'redoing something really not Noble , or things of that nature winners win and , so I think that I collaborate with other , winners who take from me complex and you , know vice and these are women they're , gonna win yeah not you not gonna stop a , winner and so keep that in mind I think , that's something that does hold back , this competitive driven hungry demo more , than you might realize , Envy is stupid it's just not practical , it just I just don't spend any time but , like why hey Rob Gary great to be here , with you man seriously a lot it's been , about three years since I'Webern I you , came across Facebook feed you were , talking to some millennial kid and you , just owned him you just had me hooked , from that moment but a couple things I , so I apologize I'm I'm really anti the , downplay of like millennial kids like , and don'think that's what you're , doing but I just figured I'd put it on , film like like I'm there was plenty , of lazy losers entitled fuckers when I , was to like this notion that gladioli , Millennia ls are first and foremost , dramatically better human beings than , any other generation it's actually not , even close , and you can't be mad at them the market , this has nothing to do with Millennia ls , and over parenting this has to do with , economics the last nine year shave been , phenomenal we haven't had a crash how , many people here are under W raise your , hand you'vie never tasted the game when , it was hard , you'vie never been punched directly in , the fucking mouth yet , you don't wake up like Id id in April , W and the market collapse at every , invoice that every order is over you , don't know what it feels like when the , corporations that want to give you , $W,W for a selfie don't spend money , anymore it's a little harder to bean , influence when there's no cash in the , system so I'm not mad at Millennial's , mad at people's not understanding of why , you know they're awesome human beings , because they're far more well-rounded , and they just had a good and that's not , their fault we could have had that I got , into the world in New Jersey mm got shit , ON got shit on W got shit on so , I'vie tasted that so just keep that in , mind and by the way the reason I told , that story is please keep in mind that , the economy has been phenomenal for the , last nine years like a lot of the good , is coming for you , because of what's happening at a macro , level you're just average'm being , serious and I'm not saying that to razz , I'm saying that to make you reflect so , that you can step up your game so that , when the fucking ravage comes you don't , die so good you got a little zing that , your average but now you can actually , stay alive and not go work fucking go , back to business school sorry bro , did't know that was gonna take it on , that course but so you talk about how , companies are kind of behind the 8-ball , on on the whole social media Facebook , marketing it's ho wit's it's a good , value right now do you see you're , starting to see that trend diminish and , and when do you see you know that being , Nita value Facebook as soon as math , against and art combined to not be , valuable like on television meanwhile , Super Bowl is the best set anybody here , it's got W million thrown around run a , super wad this year the problem is , they're seven it's only seven for the ad , which is phenomenal but the network , makes you buy some other shit so where , it gets buck up but Super Bowl is an , incredible value , I don't know I'm stunned that these big , companies that I work with still , question its ROI and want to run , commercials and billboards it's it's so , fun to watch them all go out of business , over the next years they deserve it I , can'twat seriously last thing is you , mentioned political correctness and your , your kid roots is awesome and I think , that's what everyone loves about you is , you just say what's on your mind , and Think we can all take a page out , of that book of just being sure honest , you with this crazy climate of you know , the whole you know the Google guy that , got you know fired from there the whole , ESPN thing like how do you how do you , see this political correctness and what , do you do to to mitigate that in your , company , so it's a really good question Rob and , it'SA really tough one couple things , number one said something the other day , that finally articulated how I feel , about all of it which is Is aid the , friend like fuck people so there's only , one place in my life where'm not , logical or practical American football , right like against all data think that , you know the Patriots are cheaters and , and Bill Belching's a terrible guy and , even though Tom Brady's like clearly and , I'vie like literally spent money on , investigative journalism he's the nicest , human being ever , I still say things like yeah he left his , pregnant wife forgoes he's a piece of , shit like I will do anything blindly I , I'vie chemical like even talking right , now the chemicals in my body are , different feel Ito hate them so much , I I really Ire ally want Bill Belching , to die like I don'tavern I don't you you , know it's funny wonder if people think , like I'm going for like I want it so , cool we'vie established that right I'm , clearly irrational over emotional not , logical and just the worst version of , mys elfin that one narrow place if you I , mean there are people who are fans of me , who'vie DME or have tweeted that'm a , bad Oman I yell at children'm ab ad , games'm I'Mont joking you know how , people get beer muscles you know that , term you drink and you want to fight , I have sports muscles like I go to a , game and even though everybody would , probably be able to beat me UPI want to , fight you because it feels better than , feeling the pain of your team beating , mine right like a week ago realized , holy fuck that's how blindly everybody , is now about politics , you're either red or blue and you deploy , no logic no rationale you are blindly , emotional you have no idea what the fuck , you're talking about and that'sit you , mean we're about to turn every issue , into applet how the fuck is climate , political like what are we doing here so , Have a huge office in New York in LA , W% of my employees are liberals W , right , and so I have liberal points of view all , daylong the thought of hating anybody , or disliking another human being for any , reason other than maybe being a patriot , is insane tome insane tome insane to , me but I have clearly you know , Republican put like an eighth place , trophy is why China is gonna shit onus , with such a big fucking dump that we'll , never be able to breathe again how I , handle it is by one by one one by one , it's very hot you cannot handle this , at macro right now because our , society's on tilt that's how I'm so , fucking pissed was born in fucking , Russia would fucking run went easy and , fucking dominate really would'd really , feel like I could do it josh wedgie in , the airport man yeah absolutely thanks I , hope my influence for marketing yeah , you tubers vloggersinstagramers a lot of , people are talking about Facebook as , Instagram and snapshots ROI we can , measure Alonzo's it's you can , measure with influences you can but , it takes a lot longhorns't Hausa , you'vie got to make the creative be a , sales creative instead of a brand , creative you can't measure the Roof , Facebook either when you do it the way I , do it CZ I'm pumping it for Brandi'm , not trying to sell you shit I can , measure it if I had a $W course so how , much people are confused between , branding and selling make fucking , phenomenal and fucking influence rs go , for the sale in the creative if they , choose to and you can afford theologian , Paul sold a fuck load of dun kin donuts , fucking gift cards sales super fucking , measurable Josh so would you focus like , let's pretend you're not Gary anarchic , right let'stake you out of the equation , you are ma'am I you're you are a year , old W W still W zero , you're a year old nobody right you , have say million dollars of invest , behind you then you're definitely not , nobody for you but let's just look , contact shortish all right fine fine , you're on your own nobody yeah you're , getting ready game right yeah will you , focus on growing your personal brand or , would you focus on leveraging other , people's personal brands that I already , think so you would you would you ride , the backs of using the people that , you're building like that you're , investing in and roar yeah okay like if , you're trying to are you asking let's , Josh what are you asking I'll give you , the answer you're trying to build your , personal Brandi am trying to put my , personal brain thank you yeah absolutely , are you thinking about the place I want , to build my personal brand in a , different niche than the influence rs , that I want to invest in understood , think that is long understand this just , because they may be in different niche , they have so much awareness that the , people that watch them may will be into , other things got it yep so if it's a , good deal on awareness you might be able , to convert and then your product has to , be good cool do you know what I mean , yeah like that's the math you're looking , at you don't have to use the targeted , nature of the ads if influences a , better deal even though you might lose , W percent of the audience because , that's not why they're watching them but , they're still gonna get% of , opportunity and then the whole fucking , kit and caboodle is are you good enough , all right well last question , um I'm a die-hard die hard Patriots fan , if if Tom Brady makes it to a Superbowl , this year will you go to the Super Bowl , with me on me no no and not only that , I'vie been to the last six Super Bowls , they'vie been there two or three times , you know and I'm now wishbone sports , and Steve Ross tuner dolphin's my , business partners I go and the owners , dinner it's all fun the last two Super , Bowls two of the last three Super Bowls , I left the city Sunday more I'vie not , watched the Patriot splay a down of a , Super Bowl game in the last four Super , Bowls that they'vie played in because I , refuse everybody's like the greatest , comeback Ina Super Bowl'm Good have , no idea what the fuck you guys are , talking about did't see shit , well you like winners and I'd like to , invite you to the winning seat no no , Josh Josh you're confused my friend I'm , a winner you root for winners dick yeah , be careful that by the way you just , witnessed my favorite mavericks heat , game seven year sago dude walks by beer , remember sports muscles guys I get up , I'm like you fucking sucks , sit the fuck down I mean it I get weird , you said he look sat me goes yeah we , suck look at the scoreboard asshole go , not them you asshole you suck , by the way the darkest version of what , you just swain John and Josh knows I , love them but the darkest version go , to Fox borough for every game we always , get shit on around the third fourth , quarter when I'morally getting shit on , because I bring my jets'm fucking , running in their proper right somewhere , around the fourth quarter when I'm , getting shit Ono change the , conversation'm like Lockean I'm super , pumped that your entire self esteem is , wrapped into your football team because , you work at Pizza Hut and so fuck you , my life's better than yours maybe your , football team is better than mine but , I'm better than use an Jared , so going back a little bit you talked , about intuition right and belief in your , intuition yes'm two day idea guy , right yea hand then after two days I'm , like like a seven that you let to write , more right to call like eight that like , he bothers the fuck out of you right , yeah he's like what about a drone , ice-cream company , go ahead so how do you develop that , intuition and how do you like support , and strengthen your belief in your own , intuition to Maya flight by acting on , some of them the biggest problem is , especially when you have like people , around you is like you want to be right , right like it's much better than getting , made fun of for being wrong consistently , but like by fucking picking like just by , I try to do stuff every day you know , everyone's like oh you you're always in , it , doing like just try and shit like nobody , talks about the stuff that'm doing , that guys nobody remembers the part , where Michael Concluding't get to the , finals because the Pistons were beating , him every single time you know what I , mean guys let me really unleash you , doing more shit nobody remembers the , losses as long as you have a win and you , know like listen some of you know my , stuff and like I'm starting to like , figure out my own stuff it comes down to , six people your mom your dad your , siblings your loved ones you're doing so , much shit based on their points of view , on stuff you can't even imagine , you can unwind that you're off to the , races it scares me how much I value my , wife and parents opinion and how much I , don'tat all and in that balance win , at a macro I value them but on a micro , my decision snot at all you know George , so you just got a do one or two of them , you go you go one four seven it's a lot , better than going oh four oh yeah thank , you , you go tit last question yeah sign it , yeah just have my book% high let's , do it well I'm signing what's your , question Katie hi Gary I'Katie , Richardson and I was first introduced to , you AIs was trying to go to bed at , night and my husband'Sgt his phone on , and I'hearing this guy make a ran tin , a cab throwing throwing f-bombs in the , other word I'm like what the heck is , this and turns out you speak tons of , truth and so you have won over this , mother of four whose business owner and , Olive it and since I'mp art of what my , question to you is is like you own who , you are and Olive that and like that's , what people are so attracted to right , and for procedure up there being Gary at , what point like you talked about how you , worked with your dad and it was a three , million dollar company and then you took , it at en million after he left at what , point did you give yourself permission , to be , you and then realize like tell us that , story but when you are like wow this is , working people are connecting with me , and my way of being and like what was , that like when you're like this is , working feel like I'gonna keep doing , this you know it's funny , there'st hank you first of all there's a , lot of things there number one it I's , percent because of nature-nurture being , an immigrant and always having a chip in , your children you're always an outcast , to begin with at some level and I was , Russian immigrant which was our major , enemy when I was a kid so I had some , weird shit going on that I held a whole , lot CZ it's not as relevant these days , but there's a lot of parallels to , whoever the bad guys are now I was the , bad guy it was kind of weird fora , little while number two my mom came a , mom blind like I remember walking , sophomore year in high school no , freshman year in high school'm 4 foot , W my freshman year high school , spurred it in sophomore year I'm well I , have the worst fucking mullet you'vie , ever seen in your life I'vie goat , backpack that I'm rolling with that's , bigger than me and I'm walking down the , hall and I go I remember I remember as , vividly I'm like wait a minute'm not , the best-looking awesome st dude in the , world like my mom had me so brainwashed , I'm being serious on straight positivist , that like that never went away like my , mom if Io pen the door fora woman like , my mom was super smart and I'm doing the , same thing she would make if I opened , the door this is a true story kitty I , opened the door for a woman when I was , at McDonald'sleet's that'st he story I , went to McDonald'woman was coming I , held the door open for her my mom , reacted as if won the fucking Nobel , Peace Prize and she did that about all , the shit that matters which is what , makes me who I am today , fourth grade Katie fourth grade I got an , F Ina science test needed to get it , signed because I guess that'show they , used to do it I don'TKO if they still , do that shit I flushed it down the , toilet because my dad Haydn't gotten to , me yet and and and then like I was like , but was still skid so my conscious , was still around and so I just could't , sleep and I told my mom , basically three weeks later was , sitting in social studies fourth-grade , and said fuck this amount and from that , day on I decided to fail every class , work on my business skills and become , who I'm gonna be I love it thank you , you're welcome , right it's my second time sorry sorry , Brett I just had a quick Saki make , amazing baby products and I don'TKO , if you're still having babies or not but , if you need like the awesome st baby gift , for Friend come to me and my company's , called like baby Pudgy send me an , email to Gary of watermark in the , title right our entire story I was the , one with the four kids okay the husband , and the bed and you won me over , yeah Hodge and this all of it awesome , and then we'll interact , yeah'll make you look amazing ass , gift giver thank you you're welcome , Bret it's my second time seeing you and , it's funny how different energy of , different audiences like the first time , I went you were like you even told the , audience am NOT excited to be here , looked at your stuff it suck sand and , the lady had been like talking about , coaching the whole time then you're like , don't do it just do stuff anyways it was , awesome it waist was just a couple of , months ago in Provo but it was funny um , but anyways quick side question was like , do you sense different energy and , audience a hundred percent okay because , it's like it is this thing I own , I have my religion sand my beliefs then , I have my craft so I'm doing everything , state-of-the-art right so I have my , thesis then I have my work was in , Seattle yesterday spent nine hours , understand the voice space left my craft , my craft so I have my thesis is Brett I , have my craft and my the reason'm , doing well in speaking is I take my , thesis'as I take my craft which , sometimes has some nuances that are , valuable right usually always ahead of , the market and then I reverse engineer , the actual audience reverse engineer , the audience like what I give a lot of , thought and speak to the people that , organize who are you where are you in , your funnel of life and like what can I , bring to the most general and how quick , can I get to QA so that whatever I miss , in the , we can get to in the details totally , agree because it's just a different , energy but I feel this time versus last , time but my big question is please you , think of likelier ball or yes Kim , Cartesian even Donald Trump for that , matter like in culture yeah like what , are your thought son them and like is , that the kind of Fame you want there is , that the comment you talked about Fame , being the biggest arbitrage what are , your thoughts on those kind of people so , there's are ally interesting thing that , I belie vein which is until you know , somebody you don'TKO somebody right , and so like look I mean getting , political never works but like you know , Trump's got his shtick right and the , like he won on my thesis for the last , ten years right Kim Quadrilateral , is like like we are all living in , reality TV people shit on reality TV in , Hollywood then a shit on influence rs , they're all gonna pay because if you're , not abiding to what the consumer wants , you will always lose outdoes't matter , what you wanton your ivory tower it , matters what the world is consuming but , I don't be very very very Frankie don't , think about it a whole lot right I know , why they're winning , they were native DJ Khalid's an , unbelievably important case study in the , in the last years and the next , years his personality was native to a , platform at the right time in the right , moment and he disproportionately changed , his career on that back Kim Cartesian , Donald Trump navigated reality TV when , reality TV was what social media has , been for last years somebody here's , gonna get inspired and make a voice , application for their business that will , be that for one voice is herein two , years for the next six years from W , to IT's literally the same game , over and over Brett so I want what I , want , listen Fame and exposure you know like , it dozen'change you it exposes who you , are so Id on't know how you personally , judge those three and everybody here , judges those three differently just , want to be known for what I Amanda who I , am and how I roll , appreciate that thank you you go tit , Regather rich how are you um I'here , with my amazing husband Josh who is like , my backbone an amazing business partner , I'm a little googly talking to you , because remember meeting Justin , Timber lake when I was W but you're like , my thirty Trawl Backstreet Boys he was , an Sync yeah I love the mall but I , love you more for the past seven years , you'vie given me the ability to be really , authentic'm in a niche where it's very , Club promoting its network marketing yep , so I basically for the last seven years , have sold my soul to direct selling , companies and they made alto of money , and have built an incredible following , of network marketer sand direct sellers , and now that I built great team that's , passive and I serve them and love them , but Ire ally want to branch out into , more mainstream impact primarily to , female entrepreneur sand I want to know , what's your recommendation for somebody , like news had this huge niche they all , expect me to be the prospector the close , of the lead generator the team builder , just now to say all right imagine if we , had coffee , I'm gonna give you the percent answer , because there'S's% that's too personal , I don't want to do it here you will know , you ha veto I ha veto figure out how , mainstream you want to be I'll buy you , coffee'm sure I don't know how , mainstream you want to be so like if you , want to be mainstream like the cover of , Forbes and like like mainstream like all , the way mainstream you'll have to give , up network marketing yeah completely and , I have no problem with whatever God has , for me I just no I mean actually it's a , stunningly binary answered Christ if , you know if you want Togo mainstream , you have to give it up because it ISS , danger what's that stigma a hundred , percent yeah and the my last question , I'm the math around how many people make , money and how many don't correct my last , question is is there any trends that you , see or platforms or any advice that you , see with women entrepreneurs primarily , my age S's Sayers so the thing you know , it's funny Katie right , hey she hi Katie said the most important , Patti'vie become unbelievably fascinated , and empathetic about the difference , between men and women you know I'm super , fascinated by it fro ma business , standpoint that's my lens tithe world , it's harder to Be% yourself when , you're airwoman that a man I genuinely , believe that because men are dick faces , right and so the answer to your question , is to be W% radically transparently , you'm also massively empathetic how , that'difficult for everybody , especially attractive women but that's , the answer , thank you you go tit what'sup man so , how you been'vie been good man so four , year sago I was couch surfing and living , out of my ca rand I sat in a room with , Gary and you know they're W other , kid sand Gary told us that this app was , gonna change our lives forever and it , did and Gary was such a positive change , on my life now unfortunately they , deleted the app fuck actually Just , wanted to make that joke but what I knew , but but the real question real question , for you when you run into your failures , and yes you're like you're at your rock , bottom yes what's your next move because , I'm always trying to reinvent myself yep , and I'll do things that work and then , I'll do things that don't you and some , of the friends you guys have a big , advantage and and all of you have gone a , little bit different with that , transition of mine and what happened on , snap chat and Instagram and things that , nature but you have something very , special first of all you'vie talent right , second of all you'vie once tasted what , it's like to buy beachfront property in , Malibu no I live in an apartment so you , know what I mean yeah , aka you knew what it meant to your , career by being one of the first forty , people that mattered on platform that , became fresh right yeah instead of , trying to what you and others that have , you know why I wish you could see the , goosebumps I have right no wit happened , to Meir won Twitter and then you know I , then wan'tat the top of stuff like I , was in that two thousand six seven and , eight world , you know right why do you think the vine , thing and this is where I'm going with , this it's you basically if you choose to , it's gonna happen again and let me , explain why the reason I got you guys , all together and I flew to LA and met , with others of you like the reason did , that was it was black and white I'm like , Fucking seen this show before right and , like yeah you said that you actually , said that you were like saying this is , the new YouTube it just was so black in , November and obviously it took different , tacks and the ones that kind of tripled , down on Instagram had what happened , happened , but you instead of trying to catch up to , what's now I give you the recommendation , that I took myself because It end to , only give advice that I'vie actually done , CZ it just feels better you got it you , go tit , either hibernate make do grind through , and spend all your time looking for that , next one that is one that you should be , downloading you you should be down at , you you should be downloading top W , app in the Apple Store that is social or , consumer facing every day of your life , creating an account and producing the , first piece of content okay I'm gonna do , that awesome you got a brother fellow , W freshman here I love it a really , quick question right a little personal , you know we have this engine all of us , in this room have this engine we can't , we have a hard time shutting of fit's , yeah makes us successful how do you do , you balance work and family how do you , do it by fir stand foremost not adhering , tithe current state of political , correctness that everybody here is , deployed on me most of all right and , second extremism almost took the whole , entire month of August off like I go all , in righto go when I'm in this like , Monday through Friday do not see my , kids pretty much at all W weeks of the , W weeks in a year just what Otis and , then on weekend sand you know seven , weeks eight weeks of vacation a year'm , all in the other way that's how I do it , for me but that is only uniquely gonna , work if me and my partner and crime are , aligned on that strategy audit that , strategy every day by the way Id on't , even want to do it anymore , as now they're eight and five and not , five and two they're just more , interesting to be around you know so so , like for example guarantee you In's , more months this exact trip they're here , and we go to you know we go and seethe , Grand Canyon or something you know so , like like you know I'm so sad that so , many people do certain things in , parenting because that's what the other , parents think they should be doing like , I don't know like just want to make , very important statement that I implore , every pair in this room understands , everything that is right in parenting , right now by the common standards will , not be In's years you're gonna be , judged one way or the other so thanks , you got a brother oh hey Alex hey how , are you good , fellow W year old I think your mom and , my mom should hang out bro CZ Think , similar stuff mom's yeah she sounds , amazing and then uh just want to let you , know like validation on the sound , totally trucks I like literally take a , shower with you every morning so thanks , brother dude I just play it I got a , little shower thing listen to your , audio get it , gets me going so thank you that visual , is fuck in awesome , I did'tavern think about you seeing the , visual but not I think about Ana , could'vie gotten way thank you so I got a , two-part question for you one is on , culture so our company is grown and now , we're we'redoing pretty well and I'm , you'vie been to like nine figures and , that's where we want to go right so my , first question is okay from a culture , standpoint when you grow rapidly how do , you embed the culture and to make sure , that it grows with the right people , right so we built values manifestos , ready yeah how do you get muscles by , doing push-ups you do it consistently , every day I spend an ungodly amount of , my time on HR like NOW have police , the biggest thing I'm working on for , SO I have an open door policy which , is not working for me it's real open , door like the key big thing for my two , admins and assistants is when an , employee ask they get booked whoever , first day nine years done not working , they think I'fancy and graver they're , scared nobody wants to really talk to , their CEO so next year I'm gonna mandate , that see every one of my employees , every six months for minutes which is , gonna eat up big amounts of time culture , is the only thing you trade on so you're , gonna see all eight hundred employee's , minutes yes twice a year okay so , literally an thinking I wanna is , daunting when I do the one-on-one time , it always works but'm just thinking , that from scale at standpoint like how , the heck scaling the unsalable how , you build long term wealth damn dude , that's a good one thanks bro any I , did't get up here from my fuck now we , know why you get paid to stand up second , my second question was okay as you grow , obviously have things you get you'vie got , haters right I'measure that people don't , like you and whatever sure so I always , focus on the mission and the vision and , the people that we're helping right but , when you get like certain people mean , still effects like me like so how do you , overcome that so you can keep growing , empathy for them yes , and like just with their life , circumstances or sure if a human being , can generate hate they're not in a good , place , okay so what do you do mentally and , mindset to just keep going deployed , gratitude that I'm not them okay got it , thanks man thank you hey man so I , started on vine as well doing like yeah , and now I do it on Instagram and I grew , a large following on their various , branches yeah and it's still growing a , lot but I want to be ahead as you saying , I know I have a lot of meetings about VR , yes and creating content with NV art I'm , a very anti consumer VR guy in the in , the timing that I like so everything for , me is W W months yeah right I just , don't know how many people are consuming , at the scale that you would be giving up , opportunity costs in other place sin W , months of ER until I see even one person , consistently consuming VR like an hour a , week like if I can find one human who's , not fucking really weird nerd who , spends one hour right so I think the , reason you are feeling that is in your , in the LA bubble , everybody's pumping a ton of money from , venture capital into Veranda it's , literally don'TKO like I mean the , thing you should study is what happened , to the web in MM yeah the hole you'vie , probably see nit pets calm all these , companies were worth their trillion , that's what I feel about VR it's coming , amazon's coming right eBay is coming but , I think for you and knowing the , arbitrage that you can trade on I don't , believe like if I was talking to you , every week'd be like that's Nita good , place to be spending your energy that's , my intuition yeah do think voice is , incredible and then I think for you , specifically I know enough from afar , we don't know each other super well but , I know a lot from afar you might want to , think about what you want to put that , energy into what bucket that's why it's , good that you're here right what I do , think these guys do that's , and and quiet-like or if it's you know a , brand or an even tor you're gonna be , able to push that energy towards , something you need to take a step back , and get thoughtful with yourself on like , what other interests you have or you , know that that would't come natural as , the first thing you would think like the , five or six things you think of health , and wellness and lifestyle it's , interesting it's probably something , subtle putting your energy into building , in that world if you want to really , double down on entrepreneurship is a , good idea you're welcome all right guys , we have time for only three more , questions so we'll go miles over there , and then we have two here and that'll be , it Charles get up there we'll do four , stand up I saw your face hey Gary'm a , big fan of mental models and challenges , yeah and I like understanding other , people's processes so my question to you , is what is your number one business , challenge right now and what is your , process to come up with that solution , I'm crippled by opportunity is my number , one business problem and it's similar to , what I gave over there I'm I'just , attacking it with blind intuition I , every ti meme and my team try to attack , it from a quaint standpoint it's too , foreign it's moving too fast on us and , so that's it man crippled by opportunity , which is blessing in a fucking half as , you can imagine but it's the truth you , know it's the truth , like do I say yes to a second season of , plan of the apps do I like do I mean the , mixer for sale it's like running through , my mind you know like like there'just , a lot there's alto going on man I have , alto going on right but Oman other , than intuition I mean Igor imagine if , there's a bottleneck in terms of , leverage , where's my China yeah I mean intuitions , to solve for the bottleneck which is , making decisions in deploying my , energies against those decisions should , I leaving everything else on the side , you know decided year ago was , raising W million dollar fund gave , all the money back I lost it was the , biggest financial loss of my career , because hired the staff and I was , gonna pay the staff with , percent if you know venture of you know , the overall fund that was gonna read , out one hundred fifty million dollars on , that's a lot of money two percent had , a pretty expensive staff was going , through the process and I'd raised about , eighty million dollars and one night I'm , flying home and I'm like don't believe , in this I don't want to spend this one , hundred fifty million dollars on , startups think there's too much fake , shit in the market Id on't know where to , deploy Ito think I'm gonna lose it and , I gave it all back right , that's intuition thought process , understanding you know so I'just doing , that everyday awesome it's like you got , it no big fan again but my girlfriend is , an even bigger fan and I basically , could't live down the shame of not , asking a question I love it sou'm a , social media manager and I would just , love to hear about what you think is the , best campaign you'vie ever ran and why do , you qualify it that way , sour patch kids candy we made it a , cultural phenomenon because we gave we , took all the money from television , commercials which go figure twelve to , fifteen year old's don'twat ch and we , gave it to all the people that sit at , that table or the ones that look like , them we took in four and half years , ago we took Sour Patch Kids marketing , budget and put into snap chat and , Instagram when nobody was thinking that , way and if anybody Haas 9 to W year , old in her life they eat sour patch kids , awesome thanks oh my god and Sabrina , answered a question the reason I , quantify it that way wan'there's been , campaigns that we'vie done that have made , more money have you know gotten excuse , me made more likes or awareness or more , views you know he he stands up here and , he goes thanks to everybody we have a , hundred thousand views I already know , him enough to know yeah and what's what , what'sharpening with those views you , know a lot of people in social media , they plan vanity metric snot sales the , sour patch kids is the answer because we , have had campaigns getting more of you , this Budweiser Derek Jet er and Harry , Ca ray the stuff we'redoing for , Budweiser'sin sane we'vie really crushed , sales we're changing a tough brand in , the US but sour patch kids became the , fastest-growing candy in twenty years , over here Gary real fast oh okay noise , Hollands hi so I'm a course creator yes , I also help entrepreneurs teach better , so there's things get better results I'm , a little bit at a crossroads heard you , talking about being in a space that's a , little over seven right and so of course , creation is a little that right of , course see though the chance to make , better teachers to make their products , better good that's one thing good and I , think Could do really well there great , but I'm also around the opportunity of , I'm a past tenure track professor and I , left academia okay and as I was leaving , fellow professors were like you figured , it outlet go I also feel calling to , help professors kind of do what I do you , should definitely do that so that scares , the shit out of me no no I have great , news but this is easier like helping , entrepreneurs is so easy okay no shit , Lind's , I know but this is back to that Kevin , quite like it like you got to decide , what you like by the way I have a crazy , thing to tell you based on something , I'Webern looking at please tell me the , professors are about to become easier I , knocks they're all about to go out of , business there are no it's thinking , shit yes okay one guess what this is the , thing I wrote about in crush in I said , all these newspapers and magazines are , in deep shit it's that the writers are , gonna be better not worse they think , that mean these professors are about , to get the money they deserve yes and , then there'singlet peat lands eat , shit for months leave money on the , table that was easy from the , entrepreneurs that are never gonna make , it and go help what fast move start I , mean your first move is to build the , business structure like what's the , business that you want to do do you want , to be TED conferences do you want to be , a course do you want to teach one-on-one , do you want to sell a product I mean , what you need to decide what I want to , help them plan an exit strategy and to , realize that there's actually money that , there's a lot of professors that could , probably make courses really good that's , wrong yeah okay so charge like charge , them money for your knowledge if that's , what you want to do okay and you know , you can put that in seven different , buckets yeah right I'm telling you right , now you're walking , right into the one of what is going to , be an enormous large space and the fact , that you were one of them do you know , how much kill with small businesses , yeah , not because it's funny and ha ha it's CZ , I was one of them yeah thank you you're , welcome , hey Gary I'Marilyn Thank You Lee this , is crazy to like literally be , face-to-face to see right now so thank , you so much for answering my question um , one of the reasons that I love you so , much and love following you so much is I , really resonate with the whole , chip-on-the-shoulder thing yeah that's , that's what drives everything that I do , I grew up super poor at least standing , here with all these people right now is , just insanely surreal right and you want , to kill them right I don't want to kill , them I want to like work with all of you , and just go hit me up please , but this thing that'sharpened is I'm I , feel like an entrepreneur on accident , honestly okay and the things that I love , to do is is the business that I do , that's making me money but recently I'vie , started being like way more vulnerable , about the whole chip-on-the-shoulder , thing and like in telling my story and , that's resonating with a lot of people , but that's fucking hard like I hate , doing that because I'm very introverted , I don't like being out there that much , but that's what seems to be making the , biggest impact my dreams , what's binary either you do more of it , and you get used to it and like , everything in life once you get used to , it it just becomes your norm and you , did'realize it now you may never be , the most extroverted but you just , expected everybody here can be a better , singer dancer and basketball player they , may not become Liberian but if you do it , everyday you get better you keep , putting yourself out there every day , you'll get better so you can either , choose to do that or you could say I , don't like it I'll leave the money on , the table because I love the privacy in , the private life and not having to , engage and you do that it's your choice , you're in charge are you an advocate for , doing like what's harder though I'Mont , I'm an advocate on doing undoing what , you want to do not because said so or , your friend said so it's I'm an advocate , of you doing what you want to be doing , but I always encourage to taste , mores it works any people here you , know me people here hate oysters but , I'vie never had one think about that , shit everyday , that'show I think about business like , you'vie made judgment on something yet , you'veneer done it so um you know you , know what I'm gonna say , you know you'vie like consumed it the , fact Oman I already know you're gonna , do more of it because you'vie already , done the hardest part which is you'vie , done it you're now a foregone conclusion , to me KP you're just gonna keep doing it , you know like that's what you're gonna , do okay you're just looking for me to , give you Little more juice to do it a , little bit more and little bit more in , a little bit more which is amazing and , I'thrilled to do it CZ it'fucking , for you here you go go thank you you're , welcome , just really quickly is there anything , that is hard for you like I know Icon , like your mindset the way that you think , about things you're like I am confident , I can do this but like is yes it hard , yes get up in the morning sometimes no , anything no part it's spelling is , fucking impossible can't read for shit , if I was reading from a teleprompter , right NOW would crumble and be out of , here , can't read for shit like you know , fencing probably hard oh I'm really way , below average and swimming poor swimmer , like always think like fuck I'll be , super pissed if I like that's out if I , die because we get fucked uh like , somebody hits tree and I first ha veto , swim further than everybody and like , like the other shit you know with you , know why you ask that question , validation no it's the because what know , why you asked me of that question , validation the first part the second , part you're asking me that as somebody , who knows a lot about me because Id on't , spend any time on it we all suck at shit , so like Id on't care how you judge mine , you got shit too , so because Id on't care about that'm , the only reason people spend time on , their weaknesses is it because it's , everybody else's opinion on it that , they'retrying to avoid I don't care , about your opinion about my weaknesses , I know you'vie got them too , so let's just move on thank you so much , can I get photo with you and you're , done , yes thank you hey Charles hey Gary , if you ever swim a lot so I'm W so I'm , not you know where you are at age wise , but you know I'Webern lucky few times , in life and you know I'vie done well and , done that so well and everything and I , have done wellie guess my question is , you know it's always the concept of the , encore right you know when my one , company you know I'vie had eight digit , companies before and now I'launching , another one and I guess it'slake how do , you get into it make bets on it but feel , accomplished if you don't outdo your , last time because Id on't I do not even , remotely think that the financial part , is the way I score it mm-hmm you know , what I meanie mean that's really simple , like outdoing the last one is you know , even the way you precision listen to , your words you're positioning it like if , you're putting pressure on that I need a , Wainwright mm-hmm , then you're then you're probably gonna , specially you know it's funny about , positioning a Nineteen you'vie had an , eider it's hard to get going that's the , that's probably the channel I know , exactly what's going on with you Charles , yeah , and so that's why I'm asking you are you , doing the ambition of A:W or W:W or , because you see the white space and , you're gonna strike like fucking Cobra , or is ictus you really just want to , fucking do it so let me give me an , example what I'Webern doing for the , last seven years I don'Love it , client services like having thirty , two-year-old brand manager from the , University of Chicago telling me what , she should do with Captain Crunch when , she can't sell shit no I'm actually from , the USA so great yeah so like not fun , for me yeah but I know why I'm doing it , I decided At's W that I was gonna , spend years of my prime as business , person building a Death Star of , communication by eating shit and , building a very big business and then I , was gonna point thirtieths the , Vainer X machine , against the Croon's and Colitis , foundation because my brother has it and , I want to cure it some business that , somebody comes along that did't know , how to run it so I bough tit fora , million and then I can get it to a , hundred , but I realized six seven years ago fuck , I now know who I am let me build the , biggest infrastructure in the world , around it and then whether it's to help , you know hurricane victims or sell , sneakers'm gonna be able to point this , fucking thing so for me I don'look at , morbid I don't care how much we're , growing'vie made A's-year decision , that I'm in the process of and I'm gonna , execute against that and the numbers and , dollars are just not the way I score if , you'Webern lucky enough to have the , success you'vie had and you're this young , I would take a big step back and try to , figure out you know what is like the , most fun or the most macro thesis you , can come up with great thanks you're , welcome , guys thank you for having me thanks , Dawson thank you so much.

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