Saturday, March 30, 2019

Email Database Categorization | Frequency And Flow | Hindi | Email Marketing | Digital Marketing

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Whenever we make an email list , We add this category for sure , 1- New net , means this person is recently added in my list , and i took this data from somewhere , Or i purchased this data from somewhere , So people coming in this category are called new nets , After this, comes acquired , I gave you a link, you gave me your email id , and you received a mail , So this is called acquisition , If the person gave their email to us with their consent , then it's in acquired category , Now i am running an commerce store , And people buy and sell things , If person bought a product, i can not add him in the new net or acquired category , That purchase means retain , When i sold a product to a client , I will add him in the retain category , Now this segmentation has it's benefits , Let me explain, when we send mail to net new , Chances are , that mail will go in spam W-W% , Because he did't give me his mail , If we tactically brought him on our landing page and he did't like us. He'll add us in spam , Or he'll unsubscribe us , So we don't need to send mail to these people , Because it takes money to send , Be it 1 pause , When we work on bulk mail and we are getting losses , Next thing is acquired: Here we took the consent , Many times, we add our email id on a site , and we forget whether we did fill in or not , So we need to send them welcome mail , Thank you for joining us. Extra , Withing 4 days, send them mail again , Proper sales flow , Means first of all, welcome mail , I'll tell you the flow and the last step is retain , With retain category , We can send them mail that you bought this on Sunday , And company came with a new product , Why not you buy it? In amazon , After buying a product, you are their regular customer , Whenever you add/remove something from the cart , You receive a message that you added this product in your cart , Buy this that , It's a part of email marketing , What about the frequency, if someone is in new net , 1 mail/week is enough , If someone is in acquired, then 2 mail/week , and in retain, mail/week , Not more than this , Many people do this mistake , They irritate them with surplus mails , And even one conversion will be profitable , Because the campaign i am going to run , there i need to pay W pause for a click , And here i need to pay 1 pause/click , And here , If a person sees your mail again and again, they'll add you in spam , Worst case: Unsubscribe , Don't consider it a free thing , Just send it , without thinking whether the person will open your mail or not , They will open your mail according to their timing , Now let's talk about the chain, how are we going to send the mail , First of all : Welcome mail , Who sever is new in our list.V , thank you giving us your email id or etc , After this, we can send them personal mail , That we'vie made this specially for you , If you are using mail chimp , there , You can send them personified mail , Like Hi Sahel, , Right now, you have joined our email list , We'vie created a special offer for you , Use this coupon and use that coupon on our site , and only for you, here person , Connects with you , Now we are going to send third mail , and this dozen't mean keep on sending mails every 5 minutes , after some time , Means within 6 hours , then our second mail , Send it after 2 days , Now comes our third point , I added something in my cart , We can send notification of that , Or we get to know that the person has opened our mail , Took the coupon but did't apply it , We can send them mail like your mail will be expired in 2 days , Hurry up , An thing like this , In the middle, if we want , Like my digital marketing course, if i want to tell the other person about it , I can add that in welcome mail , and second, i mentioned that this course is for you , Third, i sent them a mail on how they can do SEO , Basically in for about our free digital marketing series , In the fourth mail,  i used newsletter , Any blog on SEO? , Basically this length can change depending on the business , What i am telling you  is a basic chain , And if you want, you can change this chain , You can increase in the personal level , then final add to cart strategy , for the final conversion , One thing, the mail you are sending , Should't be available everywhere , If i'vie given you a discount offer then that offer , will be used only by people who have subscribed our email list , and those who did't, they won't , This dozen't mean , Your coupon is same as in the website , Your consumer won't feel important , make sure of these points , Consumer won't like this , Or i gave you an option to download my brochure , That you can download the brochure through mail , Or early access , That you can receive a notification of some offer , Or you'll be notified about our demo class a week ago , If we have any tools , We can offer free tools in that too , and you can download  from the given link and one more thing , You can write in a mail , That you want to know more about this person , Don't say it directly , But indirectly , and do tell us about them , Basically we need to take data , In the last email list, i'vie asked whether you are a student , Professional or freelancer , So you can get details like this , So that you can categorize accordingly.  

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