Saturday, March 30, 2019

CLICKBANK - How To Make $5574.10/Day - Landing Page Included

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see what make quick and easy money , online but don't have anything to solve , or even know how to solve well in this , video'm going to show you exactly how , to how you can make five thousand five , hundred seventy four dollars per day , sitting other people'credits , hey it'Jean oh yeah from the Pen nines , news Esther calm and in today's step , past it Easter fella tutorial I will , show you all the necessary products , steps pages procedures that you need to , create setup and integrate your high , converting affiliate offer that will , ultimately reduce produce that five , thousand five hundred seventy four , dollars per day with affiliate marketing , so in this overview video I will be , revealing the exact product to promote , in Click bank the promotional strategy , that you need to promote this product , and I'll also be showing you the , affiliate marketing model that will , complement this product and if you stay , on until the end Will give you a , three-part special dip the first being , the actual landing page and the actual , Thank You page that has already been , developed and so even built up all of , that will be will be given to you it's , already got the product images the , product logos the the features the , benefits the enticing headlines the , input and the submit submit buttons or , in the actual form already so all you , need to do is click a button and all , it'll come through into you system the , second part is I will give you free , access tithe detailed training that you , need to get this this marketing one , model up and running with all the moving , parts hard to hard to integrate how to , set up Hannah cried the entire process , all the training completely free and , obviously include obviously the the , training specifically for this , particular product and the last , component or the third and last , component ISO will give you the free , traffic report that takes you through , all the processes that that you need to , drive traffic , your your landing page so that people , can obviously see it and then obviously , update happening and it looks at looks , at Facebook and we said YouTube it looks , like Google and looks at native ads , Facebook ads YouTube Google ads so all , of that has been incorporated in this , free traffic report so all of the , components that you need is then , included or Hans'been given or , prepared for you all you need to go it , is then obviously gun going to get all , those details so let's start off by , first looking at the affiliate marketing , model that I'mt hat I'talking about so , that you can obviously understand that , as well so let's go ahead and look at , look at that , now the first the first component that , we need to look at is the affiliate , offer we need to obviously find the , affiliate offer that we will be , promoting within Click bank then we need , to look at a landing page or and I was a , little any page builder we need to look , at it I , we need to enlist the services of an , transponder so that we can incorporate , lists that we can have you sent in , emails to the subscribers to communicate , with them both at know like and trust , factor and then obviously saw to them on , a continuous basis they after that asked , the last component in the model is , traffic which is which is way last we , first need to build the entire model , before we can look at traffic now we , obviously need to make sure that we can , make all the other parts together so , that that all works seamlessly in , together , NOW must also stressed that the the , power of life lies in the actual model , now if you if you previously not made , any money with affiliate marketing this , is probably one you policy you might not , have been you might not have used this , in the standard model to leverage the , benefit from the phone from , affiliate marketing courses they started , to startup in affiliate marketing and , obviously once this once this model is , in place it becomes the newest system , your automated system to drive leads and , traffic that other thin git's basic but , it's very victim and then you need to , make sure that you incorporate all the , points so that but all works works as a , unit and , this this model also touches on biased , psychology where you need to take the , the the the visitor from where they are , and drive and take them through tithe , buying phase so they're obviously , reading to buy so in this case we are we , are we are starting the engagement we're , giving them the free report reporting , that that that rapport that trust and so , that we can obviously start them later , stage , this model facilitates the know like and , trust factor so that we can obviously , continue from from thee so from you , listen it's good let's go to this goes , look at the first compiler which is , which is the effect offer and for that , we're gonna be looking to be going to to , concubinage so let's go concubinage , now Click bank and this is this is the , the Click bank marketplace and as you can , see the the Concubinage's have quite an , array of products they have arranged , them in various categories and you can , also search for mid or search for a , particular product at the top there but , if we to look at this pick a topic let's , say business and investment investing , let's have a look and see what what , Click bank says is the most popular okay , that's that's not that's not surprising , but kind but but Queen Creek Bitcoin , crypt currency and that'st hat's the , the most popular at the moment let's , search bay gravity and gravity is major , to see the number the number that we , finally gives that particular offer , based on the amount of cells by a , village within last twelve so we stop I , think so then you can see is going to , gravity of W.3 , but for our for our model at the moment , Ora profit that we're gonna be looking , at he sits within their half and fitness , and Capri ca so let's go ahead and have a , look at that at the moment based on , popularity the lean bean breakthrough is , is the most popular and the others , follow from the rebut really we need , we're going to be looking at , now if we search gravity you will see , and notice that the red tea detox system , is the as per the highest gravity and , that is because the figure associated , with it is W 1.At number one and , number two is sitting handle and he's , sitting so this is quite a big , difference between between the two and , it's obviously very popular throughout , so this go ahead and have a look at the , sales page or the info page it's expert , weight loss and weigh tor weight loss , experts are baffled by the ancient , African Realty and its penalty powers , now that's a general part but we are , interested in the Elliott patient so , let's go to the affiliate page and and , see what what they say they now the , reason why we are looking at and at the , health and fitness category's every , and never never , so the flutter is that the thing so in , this particular case the really detox , they say we look you're looking at , seventy-five to annelid percent , commission levels this is $W W or , like cashback bonus which is quite , converts : room traffic that's very , important but this is this is the the , sonic on to the round , it's got A's Trina plus $W plus , personal Commission factory so even , though Think they thought the starting , price is $but based on the app source , and the down-south within the actual , funnel on the R's the you are then able , to if it's let's say if Icahn if you , don't if you drive traffic to the sales , pad and there'SA particular customer , that goes through the entire self final , and buys everything is nothing then you , obviously be looking at that there now , to get started we need to click on that , day and we need to enter our name and , email so that we can be taken to the , next page which is the actual sales a , finished promo page , so that's what you need to do into your , details email and then pres sin today so , I'vie already entered my name and my , email and I'vie really gone through this , process so I'm not going to go through , it all but I aim this is this is my , page so once you're obviously into the , details you'll be landing at this , particular page here and at the top you , on the side you can see this is a few , links and this is create your affiliate , links which is which is very important , about the product about the product , writer list Swami who is the creator , customer demographics banners , images videos email swipes and so forth , so you can have a look at that but the , important bits that we need to take in , our job is the gradual fin aid links , anything banners product images , maybe videos there's email swipes we're , going to need that we're going to need , the keywords , easier for the page or row although the , page has already been being setup with , the worth the keywords Inuit so if you , go if you do go through the process and , I'll tell you what process I'm talking , about and then you'll be able to get the , landing page blaster the Thank You page , we build on with these keywords , already in place then there's the free , report that is the obviously the report , that we're going to be we're going to be , using us as a lead magnet now for this , you just need to click on listen to get , your free report which is in PDF format , or you can drink this on emphasis the , the word format now once you'vie got that , you need to change the your phonetic , links that are on the actual page or the , hyperlinks that that's on the page so , the window window when is a particular , kind or subscriber that that does , download the free report and read sit , and thinks they need to go ahead and buy , the product they click Ina link you , need to make sure that you having mainly , those things so that that cell can be , attributed to you is it so that is part , and parcel of that it's quite it's , pretty easy process it downloaded and , then obviously just change like like , they said each page has a happening you , need to change change that weened to , look at the product , just because we are going to be using , we're going to be promoting the free , port so we need that that that image did , and then for for the the the landing , page our base it is used a copy from the , free report but so from here let's just , refer back to them to that affiliate , marketing model that we can sort of see , we we things that are fitting from there , so let'sago ahead and look at that like , Is aid at first first weened you could , need a fitted outfit then when you look , at the landing page then when you get , transponder to be able to see in , the emails we need traffic and we also , need to connect all the parts but what , is not China is we cannot confirm that , the red tea detox system is our chosen , an affiliate PRO to market for this and , for for this instance so we can confirm , that has been met and we can and , obviously go through the process from , the nine now at this point I want to , just touch touch on this this affiliate , marketing model here and that is it is , that is that is very important that you , that you incorporate all the components , because it work sit complements each , other and and it sort of touche son the , on the conversion metric that that , proves or that has proven that that on , average you need at least seven , interactions with a prospect to be able , to drive them from where they are to , take it into the buying phase so you , need that interaction with the the , prospect to ensure that you make the , sale with them because no person just , went when they see it they bite that , unless they're obviously reading the , buying the buying mode which is , resistant , now the next component in our marketing , model is the landing page that we need , to create we need to find the science , software that can allow us to make the , landing page so that software needs to , be reliable and used to be , and it needs to be robust to be able to , allow us to change these things ahead of , all remain intact so as far as landing , page graders are concerned is quite a , few this fig finals , there's lead pages there'optimized , place there is ten million federal , funnels these advance there's Lander , there's instant pages page with no wall , of those are great but my preferred , landing baccarat is click files and I'll , show you why in a minute the class , for me is the be stand there's this sort , of five reasons reasons why If eel that , way the fir stone is it's really easy to , use the drag-and-drop functionality , within the page sis really easy to use , you ca neither click we can use the , drag-and-drop functionality but beyond , that and you'vie got the actual pages , that sort of connects within the , different steps and within the the , funnel itself because within the step , and you can have two separate pages , because you want to drive you are , testing different different versions , stepping so that you go to two different , versions running at the same time so , it's not just pages it's also first , first reason is it's really easy to use , the the components within the page or , stretch it Ina way so you can , understand the really the pages as well , within the phone is really easy that , shows your hard hard session , secondly and they done their tracking in , and out and analysis or analytic is is , really good is really reliable and if , anyone is worked on with Wardresses , will understand and appreciate that , connecting Google Analytic with with , Word Press through the plug-in and all , sorts and getting the the key in all , that is quite a process , we is with withclickfunnels that's , already done , if you want you to keep on track and , track on sales that's what it does you , know keep it right on up teens or views , that's what it does so reason number two , tracking and analytic reason number , three this support system is amazingly , fast and really helpful I'vie had , in the past if I if I if come across a , sticky situation and the explain dozen't , help they'vie actually compatible video , send it to Meir watch the video and I , can change what if I need to change to , alleviate the problem so this support , system is very very good the fourth , reason is that chief analyst is mobile , are compliant you can change from from , from desktop to mobile with one click , and back and forth you can you can also , you can unlock another you can you can , allow click files to do the automatic , configuration or you can go into the , mobile change to mobile and then change , based elements so that it can obviously , comply to to what you obviously want at , the end of the data building so the , mobile competency is extremely good the , last reason is the shopping cart , integration now if you could if you if , you if you are using any other software , or landing page builders you might need , to get in this third-party , shop shopping cart to integrate with , that which cost an additional sort of , set of fees and then obviously they're , sitting in the sitting up with the , click funnels it'Sally really built in , and to really include in you in your , mighty subscription so cliff Alice's , defeats the top of my recommendation , does fall for the landing page for the , landing page building software because , of the shopping cart and the membership , and you know obviously those two as five , unions that I'vie mentioned earlier so in , this particular Case'm recommending , and I'm using click panels to two for my , my illustration purposes , so it'sill iterate fur back to theft , model that we looked at initially and I , see if we if we can include the , components that we obviously just just , spoke about we see it the first company , to offer the second was landing third he , is the auto res ponder the news relocated , emails last the very last component is , traffic when he jumps make sure that we , connect all of them then we said we can , confirm that the real TD does is the , affiliate offer but we now can we can , also confirm that quick final is our , preferred landing page border , job information that we usually find us , to build that landing page now the next , component in the invent in this , affiliate model is the your , transponder we need to find a suitable , transponder to be able to set that up , integrated with click funnels so that we , can catch these subscribers details that , we can obviously build it an online , class vector so we can build the , communication build the trust and then , obviously canoed continuous on to those , prospects so let's go of it and now auto , responds are quite a few this , river these Mail Chimp these eye contact , there is constant contact , there is entrapped the his active , campaign is convert kit the you know , convert kit right so so those are basic , and mine in my chosen autoresponderat , nominees is a river and sou'm going to , be using that in in this this marketing , model so this is this is refer back to , the actual marketing model and include a , river into the marketing model that , we'vie obviously looked at from the start , up building with you affiliate offer , Raking ducks landing pages if you , fellows now we can include every bit as , being transponder and responsible , for delivering the emails from one to , two to however many which which are both , both included link sand and the , communication building case , copy should say now for me are we , going to go back to you to click back , and we are going to look at this this , off it will continue with with the red , tea detox now it's got over to create , your affiliate links you need to include , you your affiliate ID what we need when , you signed up here when you were , assigned in the film ID you need to , internet in a places , show you what happens for you to say the , purposes when you into as we entered , those things change and once you'vie , entered the affiliate ID that will then , be complete you can copy all of these , links , keep , save installed in a safe place so that , when you when you when you board your , landing page you can drive the traffic , to those through those landing page snow , I'vie said before weened we obviously , the the affiliate links , we need the we need the product images , we need to download those and , incorporate that in our landing page we , need the the copy from the freedom , report sou'll download that I'vie taken , the copy from there I'vie got the images , and I'vie got email swipe sand so forth , so from here we can go over to to click , funnels now I'm going to assume that you , do ha vein fact in fact what I would at , this stage I would like to touch on on , those those three special gifts that , was speaking and speaking about in the , beginning and if we discover over to - , what Would call the acute bank of Phil , edition a quick study , this is this is a quick study purely for , this particular purpose where we're , looking at the the product being the , Reggie detox when you can trick , depending for for the for the product , bender you're looking at kick panels as , being the landing page creator Willie , Kendall however being transponder , service that they're going to be coding , upon to save and deliver the emails now , thisClickbank a finished commission , quick study there's quite few videos , that shows your heart to create , Trenton's gradual your Click bank account , shows shows you exactly what what to do , there's a link in the as well understand , in the marketplace creating hopping , hopping is okay this this is the pop-up , will explain that now the hop links is , if I were to go back he recreating your , link with your own ID that is referred , as the hopping so these are the these , all the halftones terms of clip banks , terminology so i'shown you how to do , that but the video also explains that , select your preferred payment payment , method , now there is no why think that is , because , currently dozen't dozen't partner worth , with Python you need use it at click bank , either sends you a check or transfers , the faculty into your bank account now , I'm currently using the services from , Pioneer to be able to receive the funds , from the farm to the back and then , either transfer that into my account or , forepart so I'vie included a link to , the in payment models overview click , back overview sobriquet you can go , through that and and see what is what is , the best best way to go but this is what , I wanted you to direct your attention to , it these videos for each tip so as you , what to do what you need and so forth , all you need to do it for this to train , your free-day account is just click , this button here which is the pop up , enter your name and email to be able to , go to the next page so that you can , obviously go through and and claim your , prizes no I said before I'm gonna give , you what I'm giving away the free , landing page the Thank You page it's a , really built on from start to finish and , in fact agree with me that we quickly , show showed that you just open that this , is this is the actual landing page that , I'll be giving away it's got the loader , is that the enticing headline sub sub , headline sit's got the benefits and , features the product image the images at , the top this is the input function the , submit button has also got the my own , term is privacy contact and things both , in now obviously when you get yours your , free funnel you will need to amend a , certain things and the video that is , that is that is contained within within , this this this affiliate Commission , click that it will explain to you what , what exactly you need to do so all you , need to do on this section component on , the to get this free landing page is you , need to go through this process and this , link for this page will be included , below in the in the description so , plenty of free W-day accounts if I can , maybe just in fact this is quickly have , a look and see'vie got asp number six , claim your free-day account seven I , think fans correct your Click bank I can , find an investor hope you found that I , was referring to which is which is this , one yeah this is the European funnel so , really credit repopulated so it tells , you hard hard to do all of that you can , you'vie got the option to connect a , custom domain with the click funnels to , make sure that the links of the top , stays stays compliant it shows you the , SMTP settings hard to say that I'vie been , within within click fellows right the , reason for that is if you're going to be , using if you're gonna be selecting the , the full package the click finals allows , you to use transponder which is , actually which is why which which is , when you would then need to set up the , SMTP otherwise if you'vie using any but , you won't need to do state number nine , simple game shows your heart to get your , feeder today Amy Bukhara using to click , on that did but we'll get Toto those , tapes there if I can just come back to , this yeah final to get your free well , in it what do you need to do to claim , your free folder glances to click that , then it'll pop up that that that appears , enter your name and email address let's , just put my leaders in the implicate , give me my free a free account your , information won't be shared with anyone , that'll take it to the next to the next , phase which is which is the verification , and reducing for click funnels , which is which is listeners number , number reason one is chilled this , this different benefits feature that , comes with it with either one you can , have a look at the the family have sweet , sweet but in this illustrate the purpose , for illustrative purposes we're going to , be looking at the basic accounts then we , need to be refined I mean to go to then , we can go to the free landing but we , feel any petal any pledge the free , training and additional bonuses so what , you'd need to do then , yeah is once you click here you'll be , taken to the search of the click , finalists sales page into yours this , is free then you need to come back to , this place oh it is but it's quickly go , through- click funnels this is where , for to populate okay that's the that's , the landing page that is acquit a nice , nice nice video to watch there is a demo , but it's this is click on the W-day , triumph for illustrative purposes you , got a future yeah you can select money , handling there is it need that this tube , sure options like I said is the basic , and is the full package both it are both , have the free W-day trial but for this , one list become on basic you're going to , be taken tithe waterfall but in your , name address and password now this even , address that you're gonna be entering , here you need to make a note of that , and come back to this page and then into , that email address in here that that I'm , addressing here interview you on which , package you'vie selected and say submit , info to your bonuses once you'vie done , that then you can go through and , actually get the free landing page the , free Thank You page the additional , additional training that showed if your , hard to use your free funnel shows you , how to include your affiliate link sand , it also gives you the chance to download , your feeling traffic report now that's , not just to confirm how to go through , and I should use the sort of the crease , that did that put together how to use , that and get and actually go through the , entire process so let's go back to the , tithe to that marketing model now as I , stand we're going to be we'vie confirmed , that when you'vie got the affiliate offer , being in the red team detox system we'vie , confirmed that we are that we click , funnels I'm not showing your heart , actually get you , or a copy of the your pare-finals account , or how'd you get your your free-day , click funnels economy with you with all , the training and additional bonuses net , up I think so now we need to go back and , look at every bit so let's go back and , it's code okay so now we're back at the , we're back at the the page that offers , the concubinage affiliate Commission , quick study which which I will include a , link in the description of the video now , we have look at all these other steps , excluding I really know you sign up for , you for your free W-day trial all you , need to do is click that this button , here will take it you two however but , the video explains it as well if you get , stuck so just click the video like it , like it like it easily or not but not , long video to choice on this so so you , want just so you know let's come in and , click this link and go through - hey , ribbon so that we can so we can see how , did how to clamp our free-day trial , okay we on the the landing page let's , click on click on free trial okay on , this page is login first name last name , email and phone number all those , teachers need to be need to be completed , then we're looking at the billing , address's each every country we need to , look at the credit card the CVV the , expiry dates then we need to select the , payment plan monthly poorly handling , then you say start my free time and , that's that's basically it , so I'going to continue from here as if , you'vie already got your account so so , let's go back to click click funnel sand , then see see hard to if you did't if , you did't get my free landing page how , you would need to go ab outbuilding your , own , so once you'designed up for click three , panels this this is the this is the page , and list all your your files these are , all my final sat the moment now what are , we going to need to do is we need Togo , to the to this add new button now just , to just a brief overview at the top , we'vie quite funnels bran ham's contact , cells with actually at least but , depending on which package backpack it , is the affiliate product affiliate and , system that they use but it's not a , bellyful basic you'begot account and , those are the subheadings account , details integration domains digital , assets my team USN't EP their system , people need to go to change it we'vie , watched domains to try and change that , as well but for this this instance we're , going to look at adding new building a , complete new new your funnel we need to , talk about why we're building fountain , to generate leads so the product create , an event for other they'd say generate , leads the our various templates we are , we are we're going to be using the free , report so we're looking for a lead , magnet funnel so it'Good we got a lead , magnet phenol let's keep that and it , takes us to shows you at the top which , what what you know what what top it is , how many pages how long it takes we are , going to be looking at using the blank , lead magnet there are others that you , can use you mu stall come to go to that , then we continue to say get Farrell at , the no and it's freely obviously so once , you'vie got that then we can go through , it it's now boarding boarding the actual , fennel for you now we need to look at , for template snow the template that I , that I received that that I use for , audience is this one yet which we should , go for free report you move on obviously , see the feed that the similarities , between being the one that created and , this one yet and there'opposite , reasons for that , so this is wait for two - booklet it's a , hidden page okay now you obviously need , Togo around it and change these , element sin yeah just to give you a , quick view have already uploaded the , image so let's add that it's in the logo , let's include that wisdom over there , it's include that I mean you'changed , it to about and and and and that's , how you basically carry on and change , all the solicited maybe include that , this the let's change that okay let's , change that to red font color red and , that we can we can add a shadow to it , and then you go through the process of , setting up our bugs you move all of this , year because it's a bit it'SA bit into , the bowl sou'vie taken that out and , think good my against the bottom and , once you'redone that you just need to , click Save and the template is said no , once you'vie said it asks you to into the , easier meter data that is the title of a , page the title of the page now this year , you will you will see that reflected at , the top of the pipes at the tab tab , things that will show up in there's a , description there'keywords your name , and your images you get included as well , so all of that all of that already been , done in the free free landing page that , I'm that'm giving away so all of that , is already done once you'redone what , you'vie once you'vie done that then you , need to go into the integration's and set , up your respondent and then , then basically good to go and if you , might be looking for a pop of us all you , can design APO-up as well , you just need to click Save and and from , there you can obviously go now you need , to remember in order for you to make , money online with concubinage're going , to need all of these tips you're going , to need that the transponder you're , going to need the landing page you're , gonna need the the affiliate offer and , then lastly gonna need the traffic but , in order for you to make that money or , to make money from big files Otto make , money from fromClickbank you need all , of those parts to be included and , obviously once once you watching boat , out your system now the only the only , portion that that we have a look at is , variable you know to set that up this , this particular page then let's go back , to this year the training the free , training that I give away the Click bank , affiliate Commission quick study cursed , you every single step everything was it , it go through the setting up you free , trial at I showed you it shows the how , to integrate'm going over the click , funnels that shows you how to create a , list within the neighborhood it shows , your heart to create a new sign up form , it shows you the heart to create an , email follow-up series so all of that , has been included and if I were if I , want to just display that for you , it'll show you heart to heart to heart , to basically create a sign up for , witches which is vitally important , because you need to create the sign up , in this so , and then create a sign up form there and , then sign up for them okay listen this , is have a look at that it goes through , this particular go through the entire , process and here's the sign up form so , all of those all of those things are , included in the actual training so those , are things that that will obviously help , you the last component is is the traffic , which which is which once the system has , been boat out has been tested then you , can start driving traffic now the free , traffic report that I am that I'm giving , away and looks at look sit looks at both , free and I'm tired you'vie got under free , you'vie got Facebook you'vie got you to be , but Instagram , you'vie got blogs you'vie goat podcast , you would under traffic and the paid , traffic is what Facebook Ads , you'vie got YouTube ads you'vie got Google , Ad words you get native and Being ads so , all of those components are included in , the free report so if you go through the , process you'll be able to find it but , but from from my side once you want you , to obviously go go through and build out , the entire process this is go back to - , to this page here through the entire , process then we can look at look at , these sort of figures yet because once , you start and you're producing results , and you scale it up and you scale up and , eventually it'll get you a person and , and and and with this offer being so so , hot like approved Union in in Click bank , we the gravity amount is so high it's , because of because of the the way it's , structured enough and how thrillers , obviously getting paid so if you take , all of this yea rand so every time they , need you looking at that five five seven , four so in India I'm obviously not sure , the hard , how did I sit see hundred on you look , for the for the for the affiliate offer , Howard she got and what model to use , what strategy of giving the different , components'vie give you the training , and I'vie given you the the landing page , as well as the Train which is the , traffic that you need to then finish off , all of this here that's it for me thank , you for for watching until the end I , hope you found found this video very , informative if you'vie got some daddy out , of it then then please please make sure , to click the like button , likewise you can subscribe hit the , subscribe button so that you can , obviously be informed as to win when new , videos are upload edit's it's messy , after it almost all the time type of , thing and it basically looks at at , various income generation models , business blogging tips affiliate , programs and how to leverage the , different systems into a system to work , as an automated system for you and , obviously make profits and income and , generate income from there so that's , that that's it for my from my sideman , the free affiliate the filling to yes so , next time take  

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