Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Perfect Landing Page Pt. 1 [Design] -Inside The Mind Episode 6

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hey what's up guys welcome to inside the , mind where we talk about online , marketing strategy what it is why it's , important and why you should care in , last week's episode we talked about how , to make a sale using social media then , it occurred to me we'vie talked about , sales networking strategy content , development and key performance , indicators but we haven't talked about , one of the most important pieces to the , whole equation which is landing pages , the glue that brings this whole online , marketing business together so we're , going to Tarantino those mother fluff , and work backwards in part one of the , special two-part guide to landing pages , in today's episode you'll learn about , different design techniques why they , work and why you really need to be , focusing on your landing pages but we , can'just sell stuff off my blog well , little Tommy let's look at this from , your customers perspective today you're , involved Ina back-channel chat on , Twitter for this example we'll just say , it's a chat about Twitter tips and , you'vie just happened to write an e-book , on the subject and in this chat you're , on fire mean you're giving super , actionable advice left and right and , like every other tweet you come out with , get retweeted by at least W to W , people well it's inevitable that someone , will think that what you're saying is , spot-on so they go to your profile and , click over to your website now in one , scenario that go directly to your , homepage which is kind of generic and on , targeting so they spend about W seconds , before they click the back button and go , back to the chat and in another scenario , that go to a specialized landing page , that acknowledges they're coming from , Twitter gives Little background behind , who you are what you do and the most , recent project which happens to be an , e-book on Twitter tips it's at this , point the person makes a critical , decision DI buy the book or do I leave , now you could argue that there are a , number of factors that go into this but , the design of your landing page has a , lot to do with it now while there are no , hard and fast rules when it comes to , designing your landing pages you must , remember that they are used to focus , your visitors attention present a high , degree of message match and gently guide , your users towards their goals with as , few negative barriers as possible , elements like a strong logo can make a , significant impact on whether a person , can trust you with their credit card or , their email address headlines being one , of the first things people read should , not confuse or bore but invite the , visitor to take a closer look depending , on what your landing page is about try , playing with different fonts and come up , with something that , he really reflects the message of the , page trust symbols like third-party , verification or better business bureau , logos indicate that you'Webern verified , to be secure companies like AC lens saw , forty-one percent increase in , conversions once they started using , versing in a highly visible location on , the page and while we'll talk about , content more next week'episode the , content has to be there in order for , people to learn more about the product , if you skimp on the content you're sure , to lose out on conversions things like , product descriptions testimonials or , reviews and guarantees are all big , factors in gaining the trust necessary , to hand over a credit card or an email , address make sure to that your videos , and images reinforce the wording of the , page also including a video of customer , testimonials or reviews can have a , really positive impact on viewers , because when you think about it you can , fake text but it'serially hard to fake , being someone else over video and , finally a strong call-to-action should , always stand out on your page and be , above the fold also depending on what , sort of information you're looking for , your call to action might be right above , your button or the button itself orange , or yellow buttons tend to do a very good , job at catching viewers eyes so keep , that in mind the next time you design , your next button yeah yeah but what , about colors how do I know what I want , like colors need to be great question , little Tommy there have been various , tests showing that people associate , colors with different feelings so , depending on what you plan on using the , landing page for will widely depend on , what color scheme you use black for , example is viewed ass powerful and , sleek color while pink is seen as , romantic and feminine won't bore you , with all the details on that you can , just follow the link in the description , to read a great article on the subject , OK and what about some of the more , advanced stuff so if you're selling a , product show the product it seems to , make sense but there are still ton of , companies that fail to do this let's , take a look at blackberry for example , while their website is beautifully , designed there is very little here that , shows their new phone oh wait there it , is oh now it's gone there'snot hing here , that gives me a look at what the product , actually is and they'remaking me look , harder than I need to to learn more , about their newest device apple on the , other hand shows me the iPhone , for seafront and center and two out of , three of the images here show me the , different improvements that they'vie made , with this generation of iPhone all , the others oh I get it what else Derek , over at social triggers has turned me on , to these three concepts he says as smart , as we human beings are we can't resist , certain urges and three of those urges , are as follows one people can't resist , following the gaze of other people two , people can'resist seeing where an , arrow points and three people can't , resist following the line of sight of , objects in this first example you can , see that the people are looking towards , the opt-in area which instantly draws , your eyes over to that spot on the page , they also make it very clear through the , design that all you have to do is enter , your email address then click the button , next people not being able to resist , seeing where an arrow points is also , very true granted using arrows is about , as subtle as a punch in the face it also , visually tells your visitor to ignore , everything else and look here you can , see this quite a bit on Facebook landing , pages to call attention to the like , button also email marketers will use , this to draw attention to the opt-in , form on their website people not being , able to resist following the line of , sight of objects is also very true in , Derek's article on social triggers he , shows this image oaf baby looking at , the headline then points out that the , baby's chin also acts as a subtle arrow , to the rest of the text when the same , image was run through I tracking , software a study found that viewers eyes , were first naturally drawn to the baby's , face then followed his gaze to the , headline then moved in sort of an F , pattern towards the call to action mega , affiliate Maitreya dies has also , found that heavy use of line of sight in , natural reading ponders has become one , of his top converting landing page , designs in this example he shows a , strong headline than an image of the , product right next to it then he , interrupts your eye pattern with an , opt-in box brings your eye to the right , side of the page with a video and then , image and then brings it all the way , down tithe bottom of the page with , another opt-in box whoa that's a lotto , take in yeah it sure is there's a whole , segment of the market that's dedicated , to landing page optimization because , there's alto that can go into the , design of a high converting landing page , and the final thing about landing page , design is that you should always be , testing if you feel like another design , is going to work better test them , each other to see which one will work , best now if you're like most people , you're on your own so I'vie included all , of the resources I'vie used in this video , in the description so you can gonad , read up on more in your own time Thanks , alright that'Sally we got for today's , episode of inside the mind my Facebook , twitter and google+ please be sure to , like this video and favorite it for easy , viewing if you have a question please , leave a video response by clicking on my , face we're asking them in the comments , below and subscribe if you want to be , the first to know when the next video , comes out , you  

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