Monday, April 22, 2019

with Sales Funnels Building Your VALUE LADDER

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hello life I hope I think what is up so , if you are watching the replay here in , the group hashtag replay in the comment , so I know if you are catching this on , YouTube , what up YouTube yeah I'm pretty weird , today and out in the wilderness , well where it turned into unicorn goat , unicorn greatest of all time when people , say oh what do you do for a living , freaking prance around drinking , American and if you are new to the , channel or new to the group welcome my , name is Rachel s Lee and this channel or , this group whichever you're watching , this recording on is all about online , marketing having your own online , business so you could be freaking weird , and wear whatever you want you know , business on the top no pants or yoga on , the bottom you know work from wherever , don't even home right now I decided to , go on a little trip , so we're all about passive income all , about automation if you guys are hopping , on the live so what we're doing herein , the life let me know say hi let me know , you can hear me , I am re-engaging a group for the past , not even full year maybe ten months from , right now I'Webern doing a lot of , affiliate marketing stuff a lot of , affiliate marketing training showing you , guys how you can also make money with , affiliate marketing so not necessarily , your own products your own info products , your own courses your own coaching maybe , you don't know I don'TKO what to to , create it's been all about affiliate , marketing and making Commission's , promoting other people's stuff that's , that's how I so what happened to me , before I soon as owned back into my , unicorn vibe but what happened to me is , I was making cool funnel , and info products and coaching and and , selling it and then it got him Tacoma , and started selling that and then got , burnt out from it Just got burnt out , from it it wan't really passive income , at all it was a lot of active work , active income I mean even with passive , income we have to put an active work to , make passive income but it was like a , lot of work and I was like gosh if I put , the same amount of energy and focus and , time and money and effort into , businesses that are passive that will , make me passive income even though I , won'Tet paid right away might not , even get paid in two weeks I might not , even get paid in two months maybe in two , months three months it would still be a , good investment of my freaking time and , life and energy and effort and focus we , need the acronym for that hey if you , guys are OK hey Ryan hey Eric hey Alan , yeah Eric'sliver sweet super glad you're , here hey Derek so I did this , presentation kind of like this a little , while ago bu tit was value ladder more , based on affiliate marketing I'gonna , show you hereon my screen let me move , my face and if you guys are resonating , with what Aim saying if you're picking , up what'm putting down about wanting , to make passive income with your effort , it'snot that you're afraid to work you , know you have to work you know it's , gonna take learning new things and , implementing new things and you're and , you know it's a real business and you , ha veto invest time and money into it , and you're okay with that but you also , know it's smart to put it in put your , efforts into things that are gonna make , you passive income whether it's , affiliate marketing or not so that's , just the way I I knew I mean I the way I , headed like well okay I want affiliate , commissions , I want passive income let me tort head , towards affiliate marketing promoting , other people's stuff other people's , courses other people's info products , other people's , software's that they created that's a , big one got big into the software , click funnels convert kit climatic , traffic you can even get affiliate , commissions from traffic like you d me , traffic courses other so load things , just just so many things and then when , you start doing so many things you kind , of head back into oh Icahn turn this , into an info product and make more money , with it everything that I'vie learned are , put together for my business could , repackage it up and also make more money , by packaging it up and selling it , selling it different things or offering , it as different things why keep all the , knowledge to yourself if you spent , thousand dollars putting together , projects you hired people you paid for , things took a lot of your time you can , sell what cost you a thousand dollars to , get set up for your business resell it , and I'm making five thousand dollars , from that or more so this was like maybe , five months ago or something'm just , screenshot from in YouTube the , whiteboard I was mapping out my value , ladder for you guys and it is kind of , similar now but it's different so what , I'gonna show you today is different so , if you remember that presentation this , is different different content cleaned , it up this looks like this now so what I , want to share with you guys just within , the next minutes or so is how you can , fit things into here the reason , reengage this group this um we might , change the name you know the name was , different I changed names of things but , this is more of a funnels conversion and , traffic hustlers group it's no tall , about affiliate marketing we're still , super into affiliate marketing but this , is for the people that are also down to , sell their own info products their own , coaching their own courses create their , own funnel sand we're into conversions , in traffic and maybe it's overcome , everyone dotcom going maybe I should , put some of these uh , I can maybe drop ships maybe I could , buy these headbands for W Cent's , overseas and then sell them for free , plus shipping , you know funnel I don't know let's see , thanks Derek says thanks for continuing , to deliver high quality high value , content and thanks Derek for being an , affiliate for me beak that's you know no , one'gotta put my stuff promote my , stuff if it USN't high value and that's , really good that you're on this training , right now because I want to show you I'm , gonna show you goes like everything in , my value ladder I'm just gonna use what , I have created as a reference point for , you because want you to be thinking , well Keith you hat what can you do what , can you do so in here don't know if , it's hard to see this I'm gonna go into , each one it might be kind of hard to see , just because the stream and everything , bu tit basically it says ultra free is , the beginning of your value letter , things that we can giveaway for ultra , free I'gonna give you those examples , of it then there's free but we still , want people to opt-in so it's still give , us something low ticket which is money , recurring low ticket mid ticket high , ticket ultra high ticket we can sell , different things we can sell affiliate , offers they still want you guys thought , oh by the way some of you guys in this , group it was like what I did't even , know Rachel does anything with affiliate , marketing like I want to do affiliate , marketing in addition to whatever else , you'redoing great let's do that Philly , it offers digital products info products , coaching let's let's do services , like client work maybe you're a lawyer , inhere maybe your chiropractor and , maybe you're in fitness still gonna have , this value ladder especially online like , we are talking about funnels'm a , reference click funnels in here because , I use click funnels but you know what , there's other landing page building , software'Soto there's there's different , things you can DI use lots of , different software's my EECOM store is , on store envy right now integrated with , prideful I have funnels up on builder , all done Spiffy before we go I got , Word Press I'vie put courses and things , like you could put things into idem , teachable we're not gonna like build , funnel sin this quick training so ultra , free what is ultra , this I think I'm covering ultra free , this is conduct you're posting on social , media so like YouTube Facebook Instagram , Linked In or SEO things that are on the , internet for free and people don't have , to really do they can just consume your , content they don't have to even opt-in , this presentation right now if you were , watching this on YouTube its ultra free , if you are watching it though in the , Facebook group right now which you life , people are it wan't ultra free it was , free in exchange for you joining my , group or we gonna have lead magnets that , they're free you can get my free cheat , sheet you can get my free online course , for affiliate marketing you can get my , free funnel course it's actually here in , this group you guys can get that and if , you're watching on YouTube I'll link in , the description but in exchange if , you're gonna get my free course you're , gonna need to give me your email or opt , in to my bot or be in the Facebook group , and then in some cases you can even do , free for phone number or address , depending on your business now there's , this cool new thing in Facebook I , haven't used it yet but seeing people , using it it's the Facebook opt-in so you , know when you sign up for like Fiver or , canvas or like an app and you want to , like sign up but you don't want to like , create a username it's just a sign sign , up with Facebook that's what that is , like opt-in with Facebook and then , Facebook puts in the extracts the email , so I am definitely going to be using , that more in my funnels super stoked on , that let's go back to ultra free YouTube , this YouTube this is YouTube is ultra , free it's social media it's search , engine I get paid because'm promoting , my paid offers I'm getting traffic I'm , getting people into my free opt-in , funnels I am getting people buying , affiliate offers Facebook my Facebook , Page lot of people view my Facebook , page here let me open this up yes I , I need plug in the laptop'll go , inside soon Just wanted to be outside , because it's nice the unicorn needs to , get some shade and Sun so if I was , posting like free training or a , live stream somewhere on my Facebook is , the this Facebook page then it would be , ultra free people are following me or I , have friends but they don't have to be , Linked In Instagram's ultra free let's , keep going lead magnetos lead magnet , it used to be like give me your email , please but now it's like well off into , the bots and then you can get it or get , into the Facebook group and you can get , Ito do hear a Lot have been hearing a , lot and I'Webern doing this too it's , like okay I did this let me tell you , what I did let me tell you my mistake , some people made me not consider a , mistake thin kit's kind of weird now , that now that think about Ito had , this lead magnet and you guys can , promote this lead magnet whatever my , dream car strategy how I got one my , dream car fromclickfunnels is being an , affiliate you have to click the bot then , the bot opens up and then the bot opens , up a landing page where you ha veto , enter your email and then you can watch , so I was like I'm so smart am getting , the rebut I'm on the bot and email and , then like follow up about my Facebook , group or I did that you could even with , my mini course it's like okay bought and , then you have to then Had an opt-in , page and then I had membership sign-up , page and then you get the mini course , that one is way too much way too much , do need that so like for the dream car , strategy this is what I just recently , learned is don't have too many options , to get someone in like they get the min , and then when they're in then you can , move the mover so like okay you want the , dream car strategy okay click on the bot , from Facebook get the dream car strategy , I'm not going to ask you your email , right now I'll ask you for your email , maybe in a couple days and the follow-up , sequence to get by get asking you to , join on the mini course , and also it's like there's so another , mistake Iowas doing Sweetish's in the , group and she does BOTS and as she's , like pointed this out hired her he's , pointed this out like Rachel you just , made a lead magnet to get people in , another lead magnet like my dream car , strategy they opt-in there's a lead , magnet to get then people in the , mini-course she's like arena't you trying , to like sell things like it just depends , but I was like that's Good point , so yeah you want to give give give all , this free stuff give the ultra free , stuff give the freebies in the lead , magnet to keep coming up with cool , things today like it was just second , nature non-negotiable for me to do this , training did't even have to be , motivated to do Ito just it was like , it's just gonna happen I'm just gonna , put out this content because it's , content for my group it's getting people , in the group it's content for the , Facebook I could send it off as an email , Could send it off as Ashgabat it can , be purposed so many ways and it's , just aha bit for me to do this ultra , free stuff and these free in exchange , for email or bought things or Facebook , group or soon-to-be Facebook opt-in what , is this this is a screenshot of unit , section in a Facebook group when people , are in your Facebook group you can also , set up units which is like also a free , course or affiliate offers or paid , offers you can organize it in the unit , so that's just another example of like a , value you can give it's free but give , me an email and to join my group people , have to enter ask enter all the , questions or answer all the questions , and one of the questions is what is your , email so oh yeah that's another strategy , by joining my groupie'm getting people's , emails and then I'm using software , that just took a screenshot of that , somewhere I did bu tit's okay it then I , get them into my email transponder by , using group funnels if you guys want to , use learn more about group funnels or , get group funnels , I'll put a link in the YouTube , description use my affiliate link , basically okay now let's go into , to low ticket and let me check on the , comments okay well hey everyone who's , coming on live what's up , let me know you're here , Derrick easy product creation you know , it is because even this even this thing , I'm doing live could even now , re purpose Otto Id on't have to put it , on to YouTube for ultra free Could , make it into Arno you want to give to , opt-uni could even make it into a low , ticket training I can make it this into , a seven dollar training I can make it , into $W training and add things that , you can I can put it in my hire ticket , things , Derrick what's up with Slide Share well , oh that you mean this slideshow yeah I , can give you guys if you want these , slides really you like my slides cool , your whole model ISS blueprint you guys , can't even see that in readings close , okay everything you do you can resell is , my point so low ticket to me low ticket , it's different in different industries , low ticket could mean different things , so like in online marketing let's say we , see the dollar the number seven seven so , this was from one of Marquesas and , Spence rs funnel sit was like Soto , people opt-in and then I try to charge , or sell them something for seven dollars , or we can do's W W people love buying , things that are under like W like the , double digit sand then here I have an , order bump for another so this is , like email survival kit you guys can , also get affiliate links for my email , survival kit make Commission's off of it , recurring low ticket that is like you , have monthly membership so even my , program daily Commission's club it , is free right now at the time of this , recording it's like it'S's W or the , year access or W payments of SO to , me payments of W it's kind of like , recurring low ticket it's kind of , recurring mid ticket to recurring low , ticket is actually like what about , software's so this is my click funnel , screenshot you guys click funnels let's , say someone's on click funnel sand , you're an affiliate for click funnels , and they're paying W a month so you're , making thirty eight dollars in , commissions every single month from them , you get sign ups like I have right , no wand your commission start to stack , up oh my face is in front of this and , it's not even just $W Commission's , there's like W $W a month , Commission's with builder all I'm making , like $W $ranges per month every , month per person also like just getting , low ticket let's say you as an affiliate , sold my monthly membership thing which , I's:W a month but you are making , percent commissions W times see W , times 0.2 that's $W a month in , commissions and if you had people , join with your link as an affiliate , that's $W a month recurring low ticket , mid ticket what's mid ticket think about , this for yourself what can you create , that's mid ticket and what is my ticket , to me it's like $W $just kind of , in my industry you get him of course but , you might want your course to be more , higher ticket you might want to aim for , a course that's but in the beginning , you're going to have to start with , something you know and you're not gonna , have everything like you're not going to , start from the beginning start with your , ultra free then you , free with the opt-ins then low ticket , and then when you're ready you'll be , ready for mid ticket this myth I don't , even have high ticket or ultra high , ticket I definitely don't have an ultra , high ticket offer right NOW just don't , I just don't and high ticket it's kind , of relative my highest ticket thing is , W right now and partially it's just , how ready you are and then the other , part of it is just making the decision , that you're gonna create an offer that , is$3,W or that is $W,but it's , okay to take your time work your way , they're eating me I'm working my way , there right now my um so I have a min , ticket right now anew offer it's six , weeks so making something limited time , is cool to like six weeks alive I'm , doing as ix-week mastermind influence , inner circle and each week is a , different topic and the price is five , ninety seven and then I have a little , lower ticket order bump for ninety seven , you guys can be affiliate for this too , in my affiliate portal'll make sure I , have link sin the description for that , also and then what I'm gonna do is , present this live and then when I'm done , presenting it live to everyone who , bought live now I can repackage it and I , would't resell it for ninety seven , right away because that's not fair for , like you got to be like considerate to , your offers are going to be like , changing and evolving and that's good it , just means they're doing better and , better and better and every day as long , as you take action you'll be moving your , business forward because just because , you don't get paid right away or you , don't get paid next week or you don't , get paid in two weeks , actions you do today will pay you in two , months from now every step you're taking , is taking you further along that value , ladder another thing Have this covered , up live events live events can be mid , ticket even free events you can have , high ticket events to in-person , masterminds but I'm we're looking at the , mid ticket so payment plans , when you have payment plan don't do , payment plan for low ticket and payment , plan for mid tickets not even really , necessary either but by offering a , payment plan you can make up to W% more , I think is a good threshold so like for , instance daily commissions Club it is , nine ninety seven and I'm happy to , receive that am happy to get that sale , or as an affiliate you would be happy to , get two hundred dollar commission or if , you're Inc is three hundred dollar , commission or I'happy when someone , join son a payment plan one twenty seven , because that's over the span of W , months it's an extra five hundred , dollars throughout the year can hold , off for twelve months like the patient , wit hit and make that much more money so , either way works for me and it's , important though you might be thinking , well people what if people cancel or , whatever that happens but that won't , hap penis much if you have a good , program my programs this program daily , Commission's Club it was free in the , beginning it wan'tackled daily , Commission's club but it was my free , thing or is in my group I'm coaching in , my group that in my affiliate group then , I felt ready to sell a$W , program and I was making sales sales , sales then I felt ready to make IT , then I felt ready to make IT then , from there I jumped to with payment , plan shad it out that for awhile and , then I recently raised it to W with , payment plans because things will just , get better over time and then what I do , ISO break it into pieces so you can get , the whole program W or the payment , plan or you can just get the email , survival kit part and then soon I'll , be ready to be like okay now you can , just get the influence marketing , survival kit for W , and then soon enough I'm gonna have the , traffic survival kit and you could , create more digital products that way , part of this creating your product and , the other part is like actually selling , Ito want to say you should try to go , for selling it before like see if you , can even sell something and then work on , creating it or as you're trying to sell , it you can be creating it my influence , or inner circle I created it it's not , like ready though I don't have the I'm , gonna be as I'm selling it over the next , few Weeks'm working on my content and , curriculum or even in daily commissions , Club there's a lot of stuff in there , there's alto of stuff in the rebut , there's also I'm gonna go inside I have , to plug in there are also sections that , say coming soon and you know what it's , fine it can be coming soon because , there's other stuff people can go , through while it's in development and it , also it's good to keep adding things I , know that's not necessarily as passive , but we also want to have fun okay I need , to close this or the cat's gonna get out , wait let me check on the comments and , see how you guys are doing hey corner um , yeah Derek I can get you the slides do , Eric says do you funnel out your entire , value letter do you split it in between , several funnels um think if are you , asking like or certain offers can they , be access can certain order forms be , accessed from multiple places yes , like I pitch DC see daily Commission's , club in various lead magnets it's in my , dream car strategy lead magnet it's in , my mini course lead magnet and follow up , in the bot follow up and the email , follow up within the actual pages in the , funnels my email survival kit you can , access that from the free cheat sheet , you can access it straight from the or , form you can access it in some follow up , sequence have like people here about , it with various things so when I'm , working on my email marketing on my , email sequence sand my chat bot and , those sequences got to remember like , pitch dude pitch pitch give value and , oftentimes'll launch something and , I'll only have one follow up like you , get the delivery email or the delivery , bot message or and then maybe the one , day later messages follow up but just if , you can keep adding on to them and have , seven days or W days worth of follow-up , or like a sequence that leads into , up selling more things that is what we , want to do but you can also like launch , things before you're ready so I launched , my dream car thing when it only had two , emails ready in two box ready but I , still started sending traffic to it with , on Facebook and different method sand , what and then now we're adding more to , the sequence every days it's busy its , active lifestyle making this passive , income but you know you don't have to do , any of this you guys don'thieve to do , anything what you want to do um but it's , fun we want to do fun things okay high , ticket one-on-one coaching can be high , ticket a mastermind can be high ticket , may be like a longer master - like a , one-year an in-person thing in person um , intensive hey bra Oh Derek says this , training is worth at least once I , throws name on it and graphics she , wanted see something sick oh I can't , show you right now because it's I don't , have it ready it'slake my screen , dozen'thieve it open but I went on , Fiver and got graphic designer to , make me to turn my programs into , graphics so daily commissions Club yeah , there's a sales page and videos and all , this stuff but he used Photo shop or , whatever to make it look like a laptop , and an iPad and actually watch , watch this I'm gonna just drop it right , here look at this oh it'SOS cute like I , mean he's still making edits still , asked for some edits but like now I'm , gonna do this for all my digital , products and just start doing that , getting like D boxes and stuff um Rob , yeah we got to connect actually I'm in , Orange County right now I think'm , driving home at night tonight Eric oh if , a challenge is over a month away sold at , crazy oh okay is that the one funnel , away thing that was a cool promo , did'really promote it that much , though because I did't want to get the , shiny object syndrome I just need to , some days you guys are gonna be in like , content creation mode some days you're , gonna be in like quiet mode working on , your automation's and behind the scenes , the trick is create content and then get , it mewed in multiple ways and then it , looks like you're doing so much more , like again this training for example I'm , doing this live right no wand I did a , post to get people into the group and , cross promoted it and then I'gonna , send out but an email sending people to , watch it and get more people in my group , and then to get in my group you guys are , entering your email and then you're , getting on that email list and I'm , promoting my free course and I'm getting , on my bot and it's just like omnipresent , you always want to have something to , sell to okay ultra high ticket can also , be one-on-one coaching or mastermind or , inner circle fifty thousand dollars , twenty thousand dollars however much , eighty thousand dollars high ticket to , me is like's or more you don't need to , have these like I was saying before'd , like to start with your ultra free , you're free your low ticket and then mid , ticket is kind of like your breakthrough , like you're putting together , well like look any low tech is your , breakthrough if you can create your own , digital product and go on Fiver and get , something made up and it can even get , these made for your freebies'm getting , bunch made and I'm gonna like have , them everywhere , so cute okay when selling anything this , ISS reminder think of the with him , what's in it for me , so what's in it for your audience it's , not just email survival kit with ten , different types of emails that you can , copy and paste for your affiliate , marketing it'slake yo this is done for , you you're gonna save hours on work you , don't have to go searching for offers I , already found them for you you don't , have to write up emails I already wrote , them for you , and it'singly $W and you were gonna , make your money back quick with this and , like that'seen telling anything that's , what we want to do and it's after I , remind myself to this you know because , we get caught up like so in it like oh I , created it and you're getting this and , this and all the technical stuff on it , and we want to like sound smart when , Russell Bronson would say simplify it so , start'vie been saying this start with , free and work your way upon that'SA , journey and it's a continuous journey , it's never gonna be done it can be done , something - what I'vie noticed I'm just , gonna share this with you guys is if you , start specializing and very like tech , tutorials or tech info products this is , exactly how we're doing Google Ads and , this is exactly how we're doing chat bots , and stuff that information is great and , people want that stuff but it's gonna , expire soon because the technology , changes fast and it won't be relevant , within like aye so for me personally , I want to remind myself to create , content that can be more evergreen that , will last me from years to come so more , like a business frameworks as instead of , very specific tech tutorial training's , because it just the Rios dozen't last , as long also be sure to have , or else it just becomes work and another , job and it's like why don't I just go , get job then no I wanted to do this so , Could sleep and wear unicorn headbands , and do whatever so have fun , if something's not fun maybe it's not , the right thing that you should be doing , in your business and you could do , something else of a certain traffic , methods not fun there's other ones that , are if a funnel certain funnel is not , fun for you to build it's okay there's , other ones that are if what you're , selling you're like not even into it , it's okay find something that you do , want to promote and sell start , networking mean not saying you guys , don't network but you guys on the , Facebook live are actually really good , at that mock-ups Derek said yep bundle , graphic mock-up bundle graphic , okay let's see what else what's , Russell's Derek foundries Bronson , underachievers formula i want to see , that yeah Eric and Eric and Eric and , they're come yell everyone was promoting , the same offer tithe same people too so , I did't want to like you had to like be , ready for it , do you see , what is that what's DCW strategy okay , here's something big to always over , deli verso with your free stuff don't , give us shitty free stuff you how good , free stuff like epic free stuffs then , people are gonna be like wow this was , freak well now now I'll like the low , ticket things got to be great to like , always over deliver protect your , reputation , maybe I'vie sold things before that , wan't Iowans't like Ottawas't that , great , maybe I promoted something Taiwan't , that great joy I regret it yeah I kind , of try not to regret things in my life , but like I don't want to have out , there I also don't want to be a , perfectionist'm gonna take massive , action Want to start before I'm ready , but I always over deli verso you should , always over deliver then you're gonna , get less refunds less cancels less , charge backs less complaints you don't , want any rumors you know what people , talking about you behind your back is it , mean I don'twat you guys to be all in , fear but like run a good business and if , you run a good business you're gonna , feel good about it it's gonna be fun , it's gonna you're gonna be more , motivated so always over deliver and , always be closing , always be closing so if you guys want , help with this I'm just gonna leave this , out her ego to Rachelle's comm / , coaching - cal land it's a funnel that I , have up I would consider iota low mid , ticket funnel , and it's for a single coaching call and , we'll get on coaching call and record , it and'll help you with your value , ladder if you need help figuring out , what ultra free content to do we'll work , on that if it's more the free in , exchange for opt in I can help you with , that if it's low ticket we can put , something together if it's minting it we , can put something together and you know , what if it is high to get ultra high , ticket we can I can still help you put , something together because oftentimes , you guys might be coaches also it's it's , hard to code yourself but when you're , helping someone else you see it fro ma , different perspective and you can give , lots of good advice for that so my , credentials got 2 comma Club with EECOM , last winter and we're gonna be doing it , again this winter even bigger want , that too comma Club the W million , dollar award also just hitclickfunnels , dream car for affiliate gonna hit , builder all dream car affiliate soon , also and I like affiliate marketing info , products coaching online courses econ , all this fun stuff so if you want help , with it we can start with a single , coaching call with that link or if you , want to discuss working long-term , one-on-one with me you can message me , for info on that or we get to start with , one call and see how you do with the one , call see how if it'SF you're ready to , go on your own or you want more help and , then we can discuss working longer , together so I'just gonna finish , checking the comments thanks Derek for , being here and Eric yeah watch my dream , car exact strategy video I have to , re-record it because Just want to , rerecord it like I make thing sand then , I make them better so record something , and make it better even this value , louder presentation Id id it five months , ago and today made it even better , [Music] , do you Jared do you generally make an , outline before you jump , are you brainstorming and sharing as you , build out Wednesday build like what , Justin general'll think of something , and try to implement really fast , have some cool funnels have some , really cool silos I don't know Id on't , want to open up all the funnels right , now though here I'll open up this funnel , I'll show you guys this funnel this one , was inspired by Caitlin I got a coaching , call from him and he shared everything , he was doing this was like about five , month sago I think four months ago so a , simple opt-in page testimonials video , testimonials at the bottom get your , coaching call we get a name and an email , get hundred off your first session if , you guys are watching this recording , later the price might be different but I , recall recorded probably should even , add some more what's in it for me , statements like what's in it for you , statement some more benefits because , these are the feature sand we gonna have , our benefits but the thing is I'm , actually working Ina new coaching , funnel actually could show you guys it , is up oh it is so cool coaching with , Rachel it's just I did'twat to share , yet because Iowans't ready but it's , gonna be ready soon I need to film a , video and everything this is a coaching , funnel and it's an application one so , they click he refill out the application , and the non the next page after the , application is another video and the , order form with options for one call , three calls or ten call sand order bump , and then on the next page will Beau Ito , so that's , what I'working on and then when it's , up I'm gonna put it in my affiliate , Center and you guys can be affiliates , for it awesome , okay thanks everyone for watching'm , Lea Id are I'll share with you the , slides for this for sure I'll put it in , here all my I'll make it just for in the , group it's a group only thanks if you , guys are watching on YouTube be sure to , come over in the group guys thanks , for watching and joining and I'll talk , to you soon  

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