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okay so in this video'm going to show , you how to make landing page using a , really cool tool that I like to use , called liturgists thing is really , awesome and Want to show you exactly , how do it check it out , okay so another great way to build an , email list is using landing page sand I , love to us ea tool called lead pages , because they just make landing pages so , user friendly it'Mobile responsive the , designs are just amazing and they're , constantly adding new tool sand features , to this product so I'm going to gonad , show you how you can build a landing , page using leadpages alright so if you , don't already have lead pages you can use , my affiliate link below this video , otherwise go ahead and log in alright so , here we are inside of lead pages and I'm , going to show you how many templates , they have they have currently W , templates and the cool thing is you see , this button right here says okay sort by , conversion rate they actually constantly , test out of all of the templates that , used throughout all their customers , which ones are converting the best so , you can go and click on this and you can , see that all of these forms are , currently ranking the best as far as , opt-in and conversions so we're going to , go ahead and continue to see if I can , find you are ally nice squeeze page so , you can basically select one this looks , like a pretty good one it's called the , elegant basic opt-in page I'm going to , click this one and it's going to ask you , which industry in and I'm going to say , I'm in marketing company in and it's , literally this easy basically you can , click on any of these forms and you can , just make some edits'm gonna go and , click on my logo and I have already , downloaded some logos right here , somebody's going to click on it and , click OK , see it's already been uploaded'm going , to go ahead and change my headline so , I'm going to click on this , alright then we can just change some , bullets of what people receive am I , going to click on this change some of , these headlines okay cool so now that , change that Icahn also change my video , and then we can also change some of more , of this other text and what's really , neat about this page is you can change , some social proof of where you'vie been , mentioned in so it kind of just , validates that you know what you're , talking about okay so now we have , everything set up basically when you , click on this form'll show you what , they call double opt-in form so , basically it requires someone to click , on this this will pop up and then they , can enter the email address and you can , go into differentintegrations using , Weber contact MailChimpwhatever you , have and you can basically change some , settings there you can also change this , form you can change the you can add an , image to this form let's say I want to , add avid on the side so just kind of , validate a little more what they're , getting can change the way the submit , button looks like you know I can change , the text the color of the button the , width all that good stuff second , everything is very customized this is , very user friendly also you can change , your thank-you page to let's say after , they opt-in you want to send them to a , different page that you customize you , can actually create acute Thank You page , and paste the web address right here , okay so once you're all set you just , basically click Save and add a name to , this form so I'm going to call iota map , training example and then click Save , alright so after you have all of that , completed you can basically start , publishing this to your website so you , want to click the publish button , and it's going to say how would you like , to publish this so I want to publish it , on my WordPress website , so in order to do that you have to , download the lead pages WordPress plug-in , we're going to go ahead and do that , right now once you download the plug-in , we're going to go inside to our , dashboard and get it all set up so we're , going to go to our plugins area we're , going to click add new and we're going , to click upload okay so we have our , lead pages zip file we're going to , install it once you have that go ahead , and activate it alright so we have this , plug-in cataleptics connector and , basically now you have a new option on , layperson the left hand side of your , dashboard menu we're going to click add , new and we can select the lead page that , you want to display is that let's say an , event you created multiple you can , select which one you want but this is , the correct one sou'm going to go ahead , and leave that and then I'm going to , leave Mike I'm going to create accustom , URL so I'm going to call it , how about we're going to call it , training video and click publish okay so , now that have this landing page , created'm going to go ahead and go and , put it on my menus tab so I'm going to , go to appearance go to menus and I want , to add it Tommy navigation so it's gonna , be a custom link push this down arrow , and want to type it in the address that , I just created okay and I'going to , give it a name so let's just type it , training click Add to menu and maybe I , want it as next to my about page so I'm , going to go and move it on up to the , middle click Save menu alright I'm back , on my website go and click refresh , great so NOW have this new training , page and watch when I click this alright , so there we go here's our quick landing , page that we just created in lead pages , as you can see it was so simple to make , it really really just took a few minutes , to do and now you have are ally cool , opt-in form when you click this button , this will pop up you can start , collecting email addresses and giving , your audience something to opt-in for , all right so I hope you guys enjoyed my , video on beat pages and how you can use , lead pages to create landing pages'll , see you guys in the next