Saturday, March 30, 2019

Split Testing Landing Pages - 100K Subscribers

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Steve ditto here how the heck are you , this fine day me I'm feeling somewhat , anxious because I am about to do another , one of my blogs where I talk about , something which I don'think I'm an , expert on we're going to be taking a , look at seamstress add on some , different tools that I use undress , that helped me grow my YouTube community , actually that just helped me grow my , community and I'vie done a little bit on , word press in the past you folks liked it , I'vie goat lot of comments on the , channel sand do more on Word Press Steve , which is the genesis of my anxiety am , NOT a word press expert i muddle through , as best I can so today it's going to be , muddling through as best I can special , on dittoed as we take look At few , of the different WordPress add-INS that , i'm using in growing my YouTube channel , to W,W subscribers , our website is still the most important , asset that we have at least those of us , who are in the in the in the digital , space I'vie me with the YouTube channel , even though my YouTube account is where , I concentrate so much effort really the , pay off the engine that drives the , entire machine is the website because , when people come to the website they can , opt it on my mail list I can track them , more effectively and I can start to , ultimately sell to them it sounds kind , of mercenary I know but at the end of , the day we have to convert followers , into customers at some point in this , process and the website is where that , transition starts to occur so one of my , goals every day when I look at any , product that I'm producing is I am I , going to be able to create new followers , get new people into onto my mail list so , that I can eventually at some point , downstream market to them so one of the , things that'vie really concentrated on , the last few months is my landing pages , my opt-in pages I it all started when I , looked at product called click funnels , some of you might have looked at it it , creates landing pages and sales funnels , as they say that converts it's are ally , well-thought-out product I think they , did great job building it and signed , up and used it for a couple of months , now it's not cheap it's ninety nine , dollars a month but I learned a lot , about their philosophy on building sales , funnels now of course the sales funnel , starts with an opt-in page where we get , people to opt-in and we usually give , them something for free and then we lead , them through down a path usually with a , series of emails talking to them , eventually leading them to getting more , and more interested in a course or an , offering that we're selling and I felt , like I haven'done a great job in that , area I wanted to learn more about it so , i bought click funnels and i started to , work with it and i worked with it for a , couple of month sand as I say it'SA , good tool but it's too much for what I , want to do right now and at ninety nine , dollars a month I just felt that my , dollars could be spent better elsewhere , having said that I'm still glad that i , bought it for the months that I did , because learning their philosophy on , sales funnels and landing pages and , split testing ended up being incredibly , valuable in something I think I'll be , able to apply downstream even though I'm , not going to be using that tool take a , look at colorfulness think you can , sign up for free for a couple of weeks , and then it'ninety nine dollars a , month it's well worth it it's not the , most intuitive tool bu tit does but if , you spend time going through their , training materials and tutorials you , will learn a lot about how a sales , funnel works but that's not really what , I wanted to talk about today instead I , wanted to talk about the tools that i'm , using in word press and one of them is , came out of this it's the split testing , of landing and opt-in pages because I , recognize that I don't know what people , are more likely to opt in on you know , what sort of a landing page you know , what sort of an offer it within that , page is going to create a actually , inspire people to give me their email , address and sign up for the mail list so , I went and I know that there's alto of , conversation about a/b testing testing , your landing pages testing your opt-in , pages and I Haydn't done any of that I , just basically built one page at a time , I would build them an optimized press as , I went along and you know would have , however many people opted in on whatever , webinar or whatever product that i was , doing as we're gonna opt uni did't , thin kit made that much of a difference , but having gone through the process and , click funnels recognize that you know , they were talking about split testing a , lot i split tested when ran a few , projects within click funnels i did split , test different landing pages and , noticed a big difference in conversions , now my split tests were very simple , had a basic text landing page and I had , another landing page where I had a video , with me encouraging people to opt-in , telling them about whatever it was they , were opting in on and in click funnels my , video landing pages converted better so , I thought oh video pages make a big , difference but the second time I ran a , test I wan't the same so I recognize , the fact that it depending on the , audience it's not always going to be the , same type of landing page or opt-in page , that'seagoing to work so I said ah I , should do more split testing so I went , on a journey looking on the web for , tools to help me do split testing , because I knew I wan't going to stay , with click funnels and everything that i , found was fairly pricey this is a an , incredible service from unbound they , create the hell , you build pages they help you test them , out and they tell you what's converting , better and to optimize your landing , pages and this is a it's it's one of us , a number of great services but it gets , pretty expensive when you look at it you , know if you're a small-time publisher , like I am you know at a W I get W or , forty nine dollars a month is a lot of , money the other thing that concerned me , about using these services frankly is , they host your landing pages on their , sites for the most part and that's , something that I was uncomfortable I , did't like it and click funnels I , did't like all of my pages being on , their site and I don'really like it , here in in the in the other tools as , well so I started on a journey looking , for a word press plugin that would allow , me to do split testing now there's a , couple of them one of them is called , optimize which does which also tends , to host all of the pages on their site , at leas tit'll it seemed to me that it , did then I found this tool called simple , page tester which is a word press plugin , from some folks down in Australia and it , is dead simple it's you plug it in as a , word press plugin and you can't do super , fancy split testing but it allows you to , try to pages out and compare them with , each other it costs forty nine dollars , Australian and so I bought that and , installed it so this is what I wanted to , show you today was I first of all want , to think your journey to understand why , Think split testing is important but I , installed that the tool it's the simple , page simple page tester yeah let's , figure out the name at the tough name to , remember I don'TKO why simple page , tester sou install edit as a plug-in , and we can see it right here in my , dashboard right here under split tests , right there so I this will show us the , resulting split tests that we're running , but what I'll do to begin the process , i'll show you how you create a split , test and then'll show you what happens , ass split test is running okay so , creating a split test you can take pages , or posts it dozen't matter and i'm just , going to jump into my pages here and , just quickly show you the newest one , that'vie just created i'vie just created , an opt-in page for a , for an evergreen webinar that'm going , to be running so if Iago in and I edit , this page and I just go into the basic , editor once the page is published over , here on the right-hand side you see that , you'vie got the ability to create a split , test and if click on set up a new , split test it will then take this URL , this web this this opt-in page and use , it as what's called a master page once i , create the master Page can duplicate , the master page or choose another page , that i'vie created or to create new , blank page and it will then run a split , test of those different pages once , they're all published now how do i how , did I convert now or how did I create , kind of different pages well for the , most part what do ISO create one page , that has just text on it and another , page that has Little running video on , it and then I would see which one , converted better or worse some of them , perform have performed for me pretty , much the same other ones surprised the , heck out of me Always thought the , video one would would it would convert , better but that's not always the case , often will especially for something , simple people just want the text they , don'twat to be bothered they just want , to be able to opt in and I had a much , higher conversion rate with a text so , it's been already proven to be a very , useful tool once you create your split , test deciding which pages you want then , what happens is it starts and serves , those pages alternating to whoever , comes to the master page URL so you use , that master page URL and if we and then , I'vie go tit I'vie got to test that it's , still running here so I'll just take you , into that and show you it so this ISS , classic test between one video landing , page and one text based landing page but , over time what it does if we take a look , here is it will serve based on you can , adjust the percentage how many views you , have or for each of them so this one , pages at W views this other W this one , is converting at twenty-three percent in , this one is converting at sixteen , percent if you want to see the page and , view the page you just click on view , page because sometimes you forget which , is the master and which is the variation , so in this particular case here the , master page is this is a case my video , page look that'st he one with a video , on it inviting people to opt in for this , free tutorial that one is converting at , sixteen percent and if go back you'll , see that the page that is converting at , a higher percentage is the exact same , page except I'vie just got a graphic here , instead oaf video go figure I would't , have guessed that but you know , statistics don't lie now one thing is , what does it cuts like what is a , conversion represent that's one thing , that you have to pay attention to it's , not just people coming to the page it's , what do they do once they're active page , we're measuring their interaction so , over here in the right hand side is a , conversion code this is a little bit of , code that you basically drop on your , your target page so in this case here , what I did is I put this on the success , page if people have opted in on the , email address so if they'vie gone to this , page if they'vie gone to this page here , clicked on get started now which will , then launch a little light box that will , allow them out of the name and email , address as soon as they click on get , started now they're taken to a success , page thanking them for registering and , given them instructions I dropped that , little bit of code that you just saw , there on that page and that's what , tracks the conversions that's what , tracks the success and then it gives us , a little bit of a report here at the end , and you can decide over time what the , winner is of course you also get a nice , graphical representation so split , testing your landing pages split testing , your opt-in pages think is a is become , an essential part of my business process , because I don't always know what's going , to convert the best and even though I'm , getting a lot of indication so far that , the non video pages are converting , better'm still going to create the , video pages because I you know as I , create different products other ones , might perform better and if I'm spending , the energy to build a funnel to build a , landing page and to build all the back , end product in the back end content I , want as high a percentage of people that , land on that page to actually opt in and , get access to the information and join , my mail list as possible so I'going to , continue to you , a tool like simple page tester I do do I , see a time when I might graduate to one , of the more sophisticated services , absolutely I see a time as my business , grows and as is the number of people , visiting pages in the number of options , increase I can see a time where one of , the other tools like one of the other , tools like unbound becomes very , appealing to me I'm going to stop it now , KIA don't think we'vie gone on long , enough I'll do a couple of other of , these of these different Word Press tools , and different word press plugins that I , used over the over the coming months I , recognize the fact that they that you do , enjoy and get alto out of the kind of , the the narrative and the journey that , I'vie gone through and deciding what , tools i'm using which ones are working , for me i really look forward to your , feedback in the comments area telling me , what you're doing around split testing , offering me suggestions and correcting , me if Image any mistakes on this , particular video and that is it for , today you might have noticed that of , course this video as all of my growing , your YouTube channel to W,W , subscriber blogs is ad-free that's , because it's supported by our patrons at , patron if you want to know about what , patron is all about in supporting the , dittoed channel is all about and what , perks are included encourage you to , visit us at patron and don't forget to , subscribe to this channel and subscribe , to our newsletter as well then you'll , hear about all of my upcoming courses , that's it for today till next time I am , Steve ditto have fun storming the castle , you  

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