Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to Grow Your Email Marketing Contact List Quickly

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hey everyone this is Jake burns with the , bigger better biz Daniel and today I have , a good one for you it's actually one of , the biggest questions we get all the , time from new people who are using , constant contact or really you know any , different email platform and that is how , do I grow my list have a new business , Orin have anew email marketing account , and I want to grow my list so today I , put together three of my favorite ways , to grow your email list number one , really really simple you have friends , you have family you have current , customers possibly ask them for their , email address or you know take the email , addresses that you have for friends and , family and you know current customers , and utilize them as your base list , really really simple usually gets you , maybe like hundred two hundred , different you know contacts in there and , I'Mont saying go and use every single , contact you have in your your email , address book don't want to do that , because you know probably lot of other , things in there from you know other , businesses you're working with whatever , you don'twat to do that you only want , to use your actual friend sand family , and obviously customers so number two , and this is actually a really big one in , a super easy one I'going to show you , how to set something up here on Constant , Contact but the second one is if you , have are tail shop physical location , like a restaurant or something like that , absolutely the best way to get new email , addresses is to have assignee form in , your actual location so you can do this , a number of different ways as an example , you know here in constant contact you , would go tasking forms and under , sign up forms you know there are some , different options you just click on new , or you click on landing pages and , sometimes you know like think there's , an app that you can download for an iPad , so if you want to do that you can , certainly do that which works out really , well you can do text to sign up which , actually is one of my favorite things so , in a restaurant Orin allocation you can , tie disc , - somebody signing up for your email , list all they ha veto do is text you , noway number and they're going to get , back a thing asking for the email , address their email address , automatically gets put into your email , list that you want so you come here you , click on text to join and it'gonna you , know circle around you get to pica , keyword so somebody'gonna say you know , restaurant and text that to the given , number and after they do that then , they're gonna get a message saying hey , please join my list and from there you , can select what list room really really , simple love using that have used it for , all different kinds of things I'vie used , it for clients that are having events so , if you are business-to-business in , Europe and like trade show this works , perfectly for say a contest sign up for , something if you're in restaurant and , you want to get people on your email , list it works great to get that like% , discount if you sign up for email list , right now , and that works really really well the , other way is if you're a retail shop , same concept you can give them a , discount or maybe there's an extra , little handout that you give people when , they sign up to your email list works , really really well , and this means you don't ha veto have , kind of that typical you noway piece of , paper and then have to go and type , everything in and people you can't read , their handwriting and everything so that , usually dozen't work too well people , will sign up for it but you can never , read their their actual physical you , know typing or handwriting especially , when my handwriting is horrible so you , would never want to see what I write , down there they would never never get , that the other way hereto hit on , physical location is to create a landing , page and that landing page you just , click create landing page and you can go , through the process and choose your list , you want people to go into and you know , add any other additional fields you want , choose a file if you want to have a logo , at the top and then click finish and , you'll have a newsgroup form this , sign up form can be on an iPad like , said there's also out there an app that , ties into Constant Contact where you can , use that app in , automatically recycle itself so either , one works fine I just like I Saudi'd , like to get away from using that pan and , paper because of all of the inherent , problems all right number three and , probably the fastest way to grow your , list with your website and that is using , when I go up with sign up forms Constant , Contact has it built in now they did add , a relatively recently and here it is so , once you get to this page all you have , to do is choose what I think is the best , one here which is the pop-up form you , click on that and you're going to go , through the process you can update the , title you can update some of the colors , you can update where the the list is , actually going to Goethe the sign ups are , going to go you can update all of these , different thing sand then once you do , that people are going to come to your , website this is going to pop up and say , hey maybe you can you know download you , know something that's you set up an , autoresponderafter the fact and you , know you get an instant download just by , signing up for this list maybe you get , an instant% off maybe you just sign , up because you like getting the , newsletters whatever the reason is you , have to have any reason that people , should give you their email address come , up with that reason to discount the , download the gist effect you have great , content whatever that thing is and then , build this out and then load it onto , your website I guarantee you guarantee , you that you're going to grow your email , Liston matter if you have a small , business anew business or otherwise if , you're getting traffic to your website , and you want to get traffic to your , website obviously when you get traffic , to your website you're going get email , signpost's really that simple so I , want to leave you with this again we're , going to go over the three ways that you , can grow your email list with a new , business or with a new Constant Contact , account email marketing account number , one is friend sand family an din current , customers they are the people who want , to know how you're doing in your , business and they're the people who you , can easily get on your email list right , away number two having assign-up process , and be that text to join or be that you , know an iPad or something like that on , location worst case scenario you can do , pen and paper , but you know that'skint of a pain and , number three a pop-up on your website , with a call to action it has to have a , call to action that call action has to , you know give a discount or something , like that some reason that people should , join your email list and you know as an , example a great client of ours a long , time ago and gave away free paint balls , and you know they can be kind of , expensive so they got a thousand people , to sign up for their email list just , from their pop-up and that was within , think it was about month so you know , it's great way to grow your email list , definitely recommend it and it's really , really simple to implement hey thanks so , much for watching the bigger better busy , anneal I'm Jake burns and I'll catch you , next time hey thanks for watching you , know bigger better biz is dedicated to , equipping you with the tools and know , how to grow a bigger better small , business it all starts with you so if , you enjoyed the video please click like , below feel free to ask questions in the , comments and it is not too much to ask , subscribe to the channel and click that , bell because you'll be notified every , time we have a new video to help you , grow that bigger better this here's your , success  

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