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hey everyone its Pamela and Kyle from , mania solution sand we are here to talk , about your email marketing we are going , to give you some tips today on how to do , an effective email campaign from using , templates to building our content to , knowing when to send your emails we'vie , got a lot of great content today to help , you outwith your email marketing , efforts so let's get started so all , right let's start at building your list , what do we need to know about that um , the first thing to do is start , immediately take your contacts from your , email export them Tao file a CSV , spreadsheet anything like that and get , it into a system always use Mail Chimp , they're local company and the best , thing about it is they let you start , with,W users for free so if you're , not you don't have any excuse not to get , started if you'vie got more than,W , then you can start looking at their , plans and that sort of stuff but I have , feeling that if you have over,W , contacts ready for your list you're , probably already doing this , I do use Mail Chimp it's really easy to , use I have not exported my contacts , though so why should I do that like walk , me through that yeah so there's alto of , do's and don'ts with that right you love , it when suddenly you start getting an , email from someone and you haven't opted , in so the first opt-in there this was a , big thing that I know we talked about , before we got here yeah is how to make , sure somebody's giving you permission , and be on that list yes , so Mail Chimp has a feature that'serially , easy to use and when you import the , contacts there's a button that says this , person gave me permission to add me to , the move to the list and you can really , easily say yes and they will not get an , email yep that's what you don't want to , do unless you're taking a list from , another program if you're building a , list for the first time you want to not , take that because if you send if you , import the list and you haven'taken it , it's going to send them an email saying , hey Pamela has imported you into her , list and do you want to opt-in no wand , then they have the ability to say yes I , want future emails from this person or , company and that's the preferred way to , do it that is the way to do it opt in , you always there are things called , opt-in and double opt-in a double opt-in , is the next part let's say you'vie you , imported emails from your Outlook , contacts and now you're gonna go to your , website and you'vie got a contact form or , a subscribe for more anything like that , you would have double opt-in would , look like little button at the bottom , before you press subscribe or send me an , email and it would say I want to be on , the newsletter that's the first opt-in , double opt-in the next one would be them , sending an email saying hey you just got , subscribed to this list right click here , to confirm yeah so that's the Mail Chimp , standard double all right okay and I do , use that for my list and just actually , want to make a point about opting in and , getting permission I'vie had it happen to , me probably three or four times lately , where I meet somebody at a networking , event we exchange cards and now you're , in their spam and the next thing I know , I'Mon their email list and it really , irritates me because not only Dido not , give them permission did't even know , they had an email list frankly I just , found myself on it all of a sudden so , it's really irritating for me because , I'm getting more email that I have to , deal with bu tit also creates work for , me to remove myself fro mall these lists , and I just think it'snot polite you , know it's just not polite to do that to , your contacts that you hardly know so , please don't do that please don't do , that , that brings up to new topics for to new , videos does yes I know do's and don'ts , of networking right right don't just , start harvesting emails yeah and the , other one is how to actually effectively , get rid of that there's a nice way you , know the nice way to stop that is to say , click here to unsubscribe and then get , all that right there really not wise way , is to say spam man if you're using , Google Apps email or something like , that , and you mark iotas spam then they're in , trouble yeah and they get enough of that , they'll get blacklisted and ads like , that so the reason we're telling you , some of this stuff is we don't want you , to get blacklisted yeah we don'twat , you to get credited we want you to build , your business but we want you to do it , the right way in a way that won't piss , people off so yeah , rule number one so what about building a , template the only get template yes next , topic so um I , I'm a marketing agency I thin kit's , really important we do these for , customers for about W bucks that's at , cost it takes about five hours to do , something like this sometimes it takes , more but you you want to have , professional-looking mail to template to , send the emails fromMailChimp and , here's somethings to think about one , you want to have it on brand when people , get it visually does it have the same , colors and logos as the rest of your , style guide and that's pretty , straightforward to do you can do it , yourself , Mail Chimp gives a lot of mobile , responsive templates these look good on , cell phones that sort of stuff but it's , really easy to start getting in there , and and messing stuff up so I personally , think it's worthwhile if you're gonna , give them started on email marketing to , make the investment to be on brand and , have Good template when you do that , you want to start thinking about , segmenting your audience and this is , something we could have talked about , when you're talking about importing your , your contacts into the system right , right you you you may have some people , in there that are customers some are , just people you met at networking events , that you want to do business with and , things like that you don't have to do , don'Tet that stop you from importing , and building your list and getting , start edit's probably why I did't talk , about it first , but when you start building a template , you can think about what are the key , messages I want to have in here that's , righto I don't want to necessarily send , one email to everybody that only talks , about one thing may have three , different audiences I want to talk to , when I do Little teaser to sponsors , about this Want to do something to , partners about that and instead of , giving them the entire bit of , information all the content want my , template to be built to say here's a , little headline about each of these , section sand I use the/W rule on , visual it's a teaser style you say , here'S's% picture and W% text right it , has an ice clear call to action has a , nice headline so when they see that the , message in your email the the the , headline and they click on it and they , open it up they see maybe two or three , segments with really easy to understand , oh that's what I'm looking for click on , it go to your website yeah , so one thing I'noticed Englishman's , program is that they have a lot of , predefined templates that you can even , do and are those any good there are um , they're also limited you want to know , you want to pick something that fits , your business and if it dozen'then , don't try and start with it and keep it , just to save money mean you find , something just completely plain instead , of something with a car and some coffee , or something like that because you can't , get that stuff out of there templates , righto'vie tried I have tried yeah yeah , it'Sally hard-coded in there so if you , are gonna do it yourself start with , something vanilla but mobile-friendly , and and get your headline in there try , and get LOGO in and build out your , sections so what about adding content , yeah woman is king right content is very , important don'try and give it all , away in the email lot of people spend , alto of time riding long blog post in , the email or taking everything from , their website putting it in there I , think of this as a way to trip feed your , audience you know just want Good you , just want to you just want to tease them , a little bit and get them to your , website so you'vie spent time writing , some blog posts some people subscribe to , your social media you'vie been sharing , those regularly and maybe they'vie gotten , them maybe they haven't maybe they , haven't been tuned in that well so now , instead of everyday every week whenever , your frequency is on blogging and , sharing on social media someone who has , been dialed out sees an email come , through and says wow I'm not that tuned , uni will now have an opportunity to , catch up this is the monthly or , bimonthly you know digest of here's all , the headlines of everything what's been , happening since the last time got an , email and how am I gonna catch up with , this source I'vie subscribed to right so , um try and keep Ito'vie got a , non-profit I do the newsletter for , called , MO and we have the headline of the the , monthly event that we host we have a , section on events that are in the area , that related to what we do and people , lo veto you know how , events with us that we can then share , with our list and then we have a section , for the sponsor sand that's a really , easy place to update we'vie got sponsors , that change every month for the events , we'vie got the events that change every , month that are happening around the , community and then we have our headline , and our headline just has the name of , the event a picture of who's presenting , and a bit of information with the link , to the website so they can come find out , more right yea hand I do the same thing , Have my newsletter which using scribe , to and I'm going to have to take some of , your tips about not writing too much , text but I do send out articles , sometimes yea hand those are fairly well , received but but I'experimenting so , I'm experimenting with the videos I'm , experimenting with articles and right , now it'skint of A's/W split so I'm , still feeling out what works for my , audience and what I have found helps me , is to send out a survey so it sen tout a , survey a gun one so far and I'begotten , a bunch of responses and like I said , it's pretty split evenly down the line , of people who want to see videos people , who want to read article sand also the , topics that they want to see but at , least it's giving me some idea of how , readers are responding to me and what , they click on so Think that's a good , way to do it I use Survey Monkey and , Survey Monkey integrates with Mail Chimp , so it's really easy to set up survey and , they have pare-written Legree-written , questions that you can choose from so , you don't even have to write your own , questions these are tested question sand , they'll help you build the survey really , quickly get it out to your subscribers , and just see what they have to say when , you send out couple of newsletters , send them a survey and say hey you know , do you like what I'vie sent you so far , and hopefully they will give you some , good feedback good qualitative feedback , yeah that's that's my tip for the day , I'm turning this one over to Pamela Wow , no it's a she brings up a good point the , thesis't I'm not giving you the rules , for every email all the time it's just , guidelines the best practices when most , businesses but you know Pamela is at an , interesting stage where she's learning , her audience and doing a lot more , intense development of who she's talking , to so that two-way feedback through , email that was survey sis great market , research yes yeah , so what about sending emails when do you , send them you mentioned you know don't , send them on a Sunday night when , everyone's asleep yeah there's a lot of , research that and again these arena't for , every audience and every nook and cranny , but a lot of BB I think in general is , what I focus on marital can be very , different and I think most retail people , know their audiences very well , especially for e-commerce so I'Mont , going to touch that yeah that's my , caveat all the beauty but in general , Tuesday and Wednesday mornings seem to , be the be stand and there's a lot of , research behind this and why that seems , to Bethe case and it does go back to , people what they what their habits are , at work and and what they'redoing and , and when do they have time to read it , and if you put yourself in these shoes , and you think about your own situation , it starts to really make sense you maybe , come to work on Monday and what's the , first thing you do you'begot a lot of , spam or things you subscribe Tonto real , spam things that you don't have time for , and the week starting and the cliff is , getting back into the rhythm of work , after two days off can I'm challenging , so what do you do delete delete delete , anything non-essential maybe even , stuff your Boston right another session , about that you just delete it all so , don't be in that delete box don't do it , on the weekend just because you have the , time to spend the time to look at your , open rates look at analytic that , you have Milton gives you all these , tools to see okay I sen tit out who open , it when do they ope nit how frequently , do they click on it those sort of things , and say all right I know that Tuesday , Wednesday mornings are great and and for , most businesses that seems to Bethe , case there are times where you can try , and get into somebody's lunch hour some , some events it'five o'clock and , afterwards on you know middle of the , week and that sort of stuff but the , message really is learn your open rates , but but experiment don't think that , you'vie Giotto get it right in the first , week or and you'll have to know , everything about this immediately I , would stay away from most weekends just , depending on what you are , other things and they're not they're not , dialed in right right I have a question , yeah yeah so what I have been doing is , sending out my email newsletter and , wait maybe two or three days and then I , will post the newsletter on social media , so that anybody can see it and I'll send , the link to Twittery'll put it on , Facebook etc etc do you think that's a , good idea the link to your email yeah so , what Mail Chimp does is it gives you the , URL they call adept URL and so it's , just URL to your email newsletter if , anyone has that URL they can go look at , it and so technically they could go look , at it at any time after you send it but , obviously they're not gonna know what , the URL is because there's some I don't , know you don't letter in it whatever , it's a shortened URL yeah yeah so I make , that URL available publicly on social , media after I send my initial campaign , maybe two or three days later I think , that it helps to get word of my , newsletter out there but I'm not really , like I'm not basing that on anything , yeah no no you think about that like , the fact that you wait until everybody , else has already had a chance to yes you , don'twat the numbers that come in from , that to cloud your analytic on what's , already been sent tanks because the key , information you're trying to get there , is who's open it when are they open it , did they click through who on your list , is opened it correct yeah and when you , start sharing the other URL you're gonna , get opens but it's not gonna be tied to , anyone right um the really neat thing , again about so you'decided on some , days of the week Monday Tuesday , Wednesday'm sorry Tuesday Wednesday , Thursday are probably be stand then , you'vie said okay now what time of day am , I gonna send it Mail Chimp's got a really , cool tool because they'vie got , everybody's email somewhere and they , know what lets they'vie subscribed to and , they'vie got this big data cache they , have a tool where you can say let , Mail Chimp optimize this for me and you , can tick that and it'gonna say okay I , know who's on your list know what they , do with the rest of the emails that we , send them they open what is the best , time for us to send your email and , they're gonna make it tell you what time , it it is for that day that's great but , is that available to the free version or , only , she should be seen but I will look for , it yep I will look for it I'vie got a lot , of free accounts maybe that I just every , 2,W users start anew free account , sorry , so there's a tick mark that will tell , you the optimal time yep our checkbox to , tell you the optimal thing it says send , with time warp and there's some other , options down there at the very bottom , and one of them is let let Mail Chimp , choose the best time and you can still , change the day right but every time you , choose change the day the time of day , change sit won't tell you the best time , of best day of the week and the best , time yea hit'll only tell you the best , time of the day they know so and you say , interesting I'm going to try that , think it's very valuable great okay so , what about how often should I send email , newsletters but that's again gonna be up , to you and how hyperactive you are if , you are the type posting something on , social media it's here your audience , everyday then you're probably in a , rhythm where you're sending it you know , once or twice a month it just depends on , you know how how much you have to say , right some people as you said don't wait , until they'vie accumulated three or four , things to talk about , they send an email every time just to , make sure they blink it in every Avenue , yeah there's nothing wrong with that , yeah the key is just get to know what , you feel is best if you were in the , shoes of somebody subscribing to your , content that's the the litmus test for , any UX or user experiences and try and , empathize with your own audience and put , yourself in their shoe sand say what is , it that people want from me and what , kind of communication strategy do I want , to put together yeah yeah the thing that , I skipped over was headlines oh yeah , when we were talking about content , skipped the the headline message the , title that comes through mm-hmm that's , really big and I felt bad that was , skimming over I kind of thought about it , in the middle the last bit but yeah , that'SWAT people see and that's what , decides whether they're gonna ope nit or , not what is your teaser text what are , you saying what are you letting people , know you have a product do you have a , valuable resource is there something , you're giving , there's Mail Chimp as the tool sit'll , tell you is this spam related you know , you gotta be careful with the words that , you're putting in there because that's , what determines whether or not you end , up in somebody's inbox or in their spam , filter so words like free you want to , stay away from yeah things like that any , anything that you'consider spam , probably not best to put in there but , just be simple be descriptive and again , try and tease your audience a little bit , and get them to think ooh what is this , all ab outright so what do you think , about asking questions in your headlines , I have not done that that's a good idea , I do that sometimes have not noticed , that it has given me a higher open rates , but Ithacan't hurt me either , so I like it because I like to write , about things or make videos about things , that questions that people are asking , themselves so that's what Would put in , my headline you know how do you deal , with you know marketing email you open , this now watching iotas you saw an email , and you said now I'm a sucker for how to , do well and think how to is a big , thing too when I see how to and I have , mine even if it's something know how , to do I tend to click on it because I , want to see what other people think , about that thing you know how to for , instance just did a video that I'm , about to release how to stay healthy on , a really busy schedule it is a question , that know so many people cover mean of , course this has been done to death , practically but some audience members , wanted to know my take on it so you know , that's the question put in the video , and that's the question I answer there , and that'st he question will put in my , email headline hope we'vie provided , some valuable tips for you please leave , me a comment leave negative or , positive review Id on't I'gonna do , care if it'negative I do but but I , just want to hear what you think so , please give me a thumbs up share this , video engage in the comments and let me , know what you're thinking and this is , again Pamela Morita's and my guest today , I'm Clearings with Mamet solutions , and you can get me a mammoth dot , solutions right back has ta Lego