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I'm Daniel rolls from Target Internet , and in this video we're going to be , talking about email marketing , measurement so start off by putting an , email marketing perspective and then , we'll talk about two key issues that you , really need to consider when you're , trying to measure the impact of your , email marketing so email market is not , really seen as they're kind of sexy or , exciting bit of digital marketing , anymore book is very interested in , social media and there's other new and , newer channels but actually in reality , email marketing can be really effective , and actually most of the studies show , that the two key channel shad the best , return on investment are normally search , engine optimization and email marketing , but there's a big difference between , doing email marketing work and doing it , badly and a lot of email marketing is , done badly just shouting out sales , message sand we just ignore these kind , of emails now now when we're measuring , we want to look at what impact our email , marketing is actually having and one , thing you might be aware of is if you , send out an email and there's slink in , that email that goes through to your , website somebody clicks on that link go , through your analytic sunless there is , tracking cod eon those links or show , that traffic from your email as being , direct its traffic so let's talk about , what tracking code is and what direct , traffic is so direct traffic in your , analytic is basically people that just , type in your website address or a , bookmark to and go straight through to , your website but actually when you click , on an email Google Analytic and other , analytic packages don't know where , you'vie come from so that traffic shows , up as direct traffic which can be quite , misleading so what we need to do is put , tracking code onto our links and , tracking code ISS bit of an extra code , that goes onto a link and when it goes , to analytic it identifies exactly where , it'coming from , so some email marketing tools like , Militiaman a button that you can , click and that button will automatically , add the Google Analyticstracking code , or if you just search the phrase URL , builder there's Little form that you , can fill in from Google that allow you , to add tracking code as well so that's , great we'vie added our tracking code and , in our analytic we can see how much , traffic is actually coming through to , our websites from our email marketing , now then what we might look at is how , many people ended up doing the thing , that wanted them do they converted , they completed whatever my goal was came , from email marketing we might look at , that and we might find that it's Avery , low number of people that got my email , and direct he went on to maybe fill in , the form or make a purchase so we might , said well is email really working but , what we need to think about is where did , the email fit into the user journey so , did someone get an email then do a , search then coming from Facebook then do , another search then actually purchase , email was still part of that user , journey but if we'vie got a tracking code , set up and then we'vie set some goal sand , our analytic can go through and we , can see did people do the things we , wanted to do and Could look at a , report like multi-channel funnels which , is another report in Google Analytic , and that will tell me every stage of the , user journey and where email fitted in , because quite often email USN'the last , thing you do but it is an important , touch point along the way now that's , fine that's a fairly straightforward way , of going through and analyzing your , email marketing but there's also a real , change in behavior that we need to , consider so a lot of us now will get an , email and we'll read that email on our , mobile device so we'vie got W%of emails , I'vie actually read at some point on a , mobile device but then we might go and , respond to that email on our laptop so I , might get your email read about your , Brandi have some sort of familiarity , because already subscribe to email , they're going to go through to my , computer and'm gonna do one of two , things may go through and type in your , website address directly or I might go , through and to search your brand name or , your product in Google so what you then , end up with is your email marketing is , driving more direct traffic that is , people typing your website address and , it'striving more organic search traffic , so we need to understand how these , different channels are working together , and there'Son real way of actually , tracking that directly in analytic that , you read an email over here and then , actually a number of hours or days later , you went in I did a search in Google so , we can't necessarily connect the two , things because we're on different , devices what we have seen lots of , evidence of though in a number of , organizations where they just switched , off the email marketing obviously there , haven't got any traffic from email , anymore but also their direct traffic , and their organic search has dropped , fairly significantly because email , marketing was a good brand touch point , it reinforced it reminded people and , that led to traffic coming through other , channels so what you need to be really , careful of is when you're measuring the , impact of your email you don't a hundred , percent rely on the analytic data , that's coming directly from email you , also think about what impact is that , having indirect and organic search , traffic as well because there's always a , connection between these two things and , that'serially increasing because the way , we use mobile devices that we kind of , triage your emails on one device but , actually maybe going to respond on a , different device so make sure using , email marketing effectively make sure , you'remeasuring that would also think , about the connections between different , channels and the cause and effect they , might have wit hone or the other as well , so I hope you found this video useful , please subscribe if you did and we'll , see you again on target internet com