Saturday, March 30, 2019

Why We Procrastinate And How To Get Unstuck

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my name is Russell Bronson and the , second question today to go over is , procrastination how many guys are , procrastinating too long and you know , that so if you have a problem and you're , busy watching YouTube videos how do you , beat procrastination so I'm actually , gonna duel this one out again so this , right here this is your computer alright , and on your computer there's tons of , stuff happening right you'vie got your if , I'm gonna make little laptop you see , my mad drawing skills'm actually , really bad at doodling there you go , there's laptop and you're typing away , and there's all these things happen that , there's there's YouTube and there's , Instagram and there's Facebook vacuum oh , she has watching this on one of these , platforms right now I guarantee and so , you're probably in this procrastination , mode we're not focusing on just just , getting stuff done and so for me what I , what I have to do is a lot of is comes , back like how you structured and how , you figure some of those things out but , if you want to stop procrastinating , there's a couple things one of the one , of the reasons why entrepreneurs , procrastinate I learned this from from , Dan Sullivan he talked about the moon my , books over here so we talked about most , of us entrepreneurs right we have we , have this vision of this thing we want , to accomplish right so here'sour , vision and you're like Want to do that , I want to serve these people I want to , create this product want to make money , doing what you have this vision we're , trying to go right and here's you over , here and you see this vision and you're , like this is how what I have to go and , see start on this path you start walking , towards your vision then something , happens where you get stuck right we're , trying to learn something new that you , don't understand and you're like ah you , get stuck and then what happen son about , you but I'vie written now a couple books , and I get this all timing around my , books from'm like I'm reading and , there's like pain associated and my , brains like I need to do anything except , for the painful thing that'soever here , so you start trying to figure out other , things to do and what happens is then , you start shifting to this mode of , procrastination and usually this this , this detour happens you're trying to , figure out how DI do something right , like how do I do this thing you start , researching then you listen your podcast , and you're Reading book and another , thing another thing another thing is , you're going searching YouTube then you , listen to video that shows you how to , band you like see all the cute girls in , the video there should watch those then , you off on this tangent then you're and , next thing you know it's like three days , later right I mean as that happened for , more than once again and so what Dan's , flow been talked about so look if you , want to get to your vision you can't , keep procrastinating that's what this , says right here Pro Crest , because the reason the thing that causes , procrastination is this how like how do , i how do i how DI do this thing he , said where you have to start shifting , your focus to is instead of like how do , i do is is this question of who who , already knows how to do the thing'm , trying to get done right so for me when , I was building clickfunnels , I could have been like alright first , step I need code software called , click funnels right and Would have sat , down and I would like okay hey the , programming bookie'm in reprogramming , I'm gonna learn Ruby on Rails like I , learned JavaScript Icahn literally sit , and I would have been procrastinating , for forever because I'm not smart enough , to be a programmer right or I step back , said who do I know who actually knows , how to execute on this already and I met , my partner Todd Dickerson , who's the dude who built click funnels , initially and Todd was who already knew , how to do it , so I need to learn how to do programming , I just found Todd who's Lou and he went , our programming and got us closer to the , vision right and that's like okay I need , to design a sales letter now I'm not a , designer so Unneeded somebody help with , that and Unneeded and instead of me , trying to figure out how to do like how , to sweatshop how to use Facebook Ads , how how all these things each of those , house put you into this like mode of , procrastination where you're stuck , forever right and so instead of doing , thinking out the house that figure out , who are the people I need okay if you , look at any good superhero movie what , always happens right usually there's , like this person there's you and this , little cape on you see you're a , superhero right but most superheroes , can't say the day maybe it's just CZ I , watched Justice League and Avenger sand , everyone recently but if you look at all , the superhero moves when they got a big , vision what do they do the Justice , League calls their people in the Avenger , group gets to get the whole can they get , Thor and they get all the people they , get all the who's around to help them to , dominate this vision okay so for you as , the entrepreneur if you're not careful , you can get in this procrastination mode , where you say instead if he's are saying , who are the people I need to build this , this vision then it gets you off this , procrastination or and get you moving , towards your vision and some of you guys , are sitting back saying Russell I don't , have any money to hire Todd or hire , the people that need to get my vision so , I have to learn it because don't have , any money I'm broke right well I have , good news for you guess how much money , pay Todd to build clickfunnels at first , zero now he gets paid a lot of money , right what happened we partnered on it , he saw the vision he's like all that , visions off and I wanted said cool , we'whit together let's do this thing , and we both got together we both got our , skin our time or effort into it and then , we build thing right and then I , I don't know how to buy add so then John , on my team I make John here's the vision , John's like I mean boom he start buying , ads and we start bringing all our , Avenger team together to go and conquer , this vision so for you you just got , figure out what's your vision who are , Thermos you need to execute on that , vision and then bring them together all , these your superpowers partner together , and then go and create the vision that , way you won't get stuck in , procrastinating which is where most , people get stuck and I always tell , people like entrepreneurs usually don't , it's not that they that they don't have , the vision the problem is able to run , out of time or money before they ever , get to the vision it's because of this , they're trying to figure out the house , the house on every single step of the , path and we do that you never actually , get to the end go also take this take , your computer turn off YouTube turn off , all these things arena'helping you and , start focusing on who who are the who's , I need to dominate this now depending , when you're watching this video have , really cool service coming out call it , funnel Rolodex's full of a whole , bunch of who's helped you get to your , vision and so it's either there right , now it'gonna be there very very soon , but funnel Rolodex's a tool for you , guys to help get your visions created as , an entrepreneur to launch your business , you can make money and change the world , so that's the second question about , procrastination and hope that that helps , you guys thank you so much for watching , every single week we publish new secrets , just like this so make sure you , subscribe so you don't miss any of them , and'll see you on the next video  

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