Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to Drive More Email Revenue From Your Online Store | CXL Institute Free Webinar

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 ,  hello everybody this is a Austrian , here with me is the CEO of brand growth , experts , he helps business owner sand better , smarter more profitable emails and on , pipeline from constitute and we're , herein my small office today talking , about email marketing email marketing , yeah I'm excited , awesome so first thing how everybody is , like yeah yeah I do even marketing but , like are they are they really doing even , marketing like what are they not doing , your average marketer sure it's it , that's are ally good question because , you're right everybody thinks to , themselves if you're asking them you , know do you do email marketing right oh , yeah we do email marketing the , difference between somebody who's doing , optimized email marketing and somebody , who is just sending out a couple of , emails once or twice a month is drastic , it's completely different okay and and , so usually it takes a while like asking , questions when I'm working with , different different plants to figure out , how well they're actually performing , with there'Somali questions that Ask , are usually around you know what , percentage of your emails are our , automated or triggered emails versus , specific like just you know campaign , newsletter emails oftentimes people will , just be sending outta newsletter emails , and completely neglecting the triggered , email side of the business and what do , you mean by trigger database is like , transponders or so you know , I work mostly with e-commerce brand sand , triggered emails are emails that are , fired off of specific actions that , people do or do not take on your website , like Add to Cart buy something at a , coupon code like yeah exactly so that , really allows it to deflect to break , down the differences between emails , there's a newsletter or campaign style , which is you have batch , blast it out and then triggered emails , which are based off of different actions , so like you mentioned somebody could add , to cart' and that's one thing they can , do they could like browse is a big item , look at it and then leave and that's , browse abandonment and you can email , legal base out of Gaza Andaman and they , could make a purchase and then you could , trigger emails based off of their , purchase my shirt ones of bones , exactlyupsell type emails also in the , other side there's people who don'take , action so you look at the people who buy , but don't buy again so they may hi ta , certain threshold where you realize , they're not buying it and you can assure , your emails off of how long do you wait , you know like what's a reasonable , expectation the window should buy again , yeah and that that'st hat is that is the , big question right and that'st he , question that every business is really , different but if somebody's selling you , know example microphones online right , somebody'gonna buy one and they're , really so for Doritos yeah exactly to , sell the next model comes out so duh , you're not gonna panic if somebody , dozen't buy again in the next days on , the other hand if you're selling let's , say a complex coffee or you're selling , replenish able socks right the the , life cycle that your customer has is , going to be much shorter so you'd want , to identify when people are most likely , to buy again and then when they pass , that threshold but when they're most , likely to buy giving their own and you , might want to trigger an email to them , based okay so which out of all the , possible triggers one of the like the , top three that everybody should do yeah , so if was to break it down by top , three I think would look at the ones , that generate the most revenue um and I , would start by looking at , before even going into what emails us in , I would look at how you're capturing , emails on a website okay because you're , not going to be able to send a lot of , those triggered emails if you don't if , you haven'captured , somebody'Somali and don't have that , don't have that email in your database , to be able to send them emails so first , time first before most I would say it's , the most important thing you can do is , to increase your opt-in rates you're , capturing more and more emails and have , a larger database do you remember , commend pop-ups or a turtle so couple , things you would I definitely recommend , using some sort of APO-up but I would , also recommend building opt-ins into , your website right so that it boxes yeah , setting boxes with clear offers I think , that most the time when people are , struggling to capture capture emails , it's because they just haven't defined , the offer well then like a really , quality offer and tested it to get , people employedAlvers disco yeah I mean , so the most basic one ISS discount , right the most standard down but still , work it's it still works sure like if , you're if you're selling a t-shirt , online they're selling shoes and you say , you want percent off a lot of people , are going to opt in for that yeah it's , better than they want to though the , white paper about this jeans exactly do , you have it written by the person no so , that does that's highly relevant the , downside was giving away discount is , obviously you're giving up a percentage , of your sales right so you're giving , every day you're giving up attend of , your margin right over the back of the , tailor's in up so so the question that , you know you want to ask is is it worth , to give IPA W% off so you can test , multiple different options there you can , test% off you could test W% off you , could test , dollar off so maybe if you your average , order value is around $W maybe you give , $1 off some of these first purchase over , $W and let me care about$1 off no like , $1 percentage at Oh $W off it's , something like that , noon it's not going to be that valuable , we're but you you can take dollar , percentage off and test that or , something like I'vie had a lot of success , with sweepstakes giveaways so if you're , selling let's say you know pups got a , nice leather bag here this if you if , you're selling leather bags for four , hundred dollars maybe once a month you , give away leather bag to people who , subscribe right so you give that away , and that's gonna cost you is say two , hundred dollars maybe a hundred and , fifty dollars okay so yeah but you , capture tons of email sin exchange for , giving away that once once once a month , and it's gonna cost you a lot less right , okay so first up Igor you a bunch of , emails so when they come also then we , need to cookie them so we're able to , know was adding to cart for them so if , depending on the tool that you use if , you most email service like if you're , using like what I recommend which is , clay VI for e-commerce email marketing , if you set it up it's they're gonna be , cookie to make the pixel will track them , adding to cart for algebraic abandoning , even if they're not logged in so once , you capture their email yes they'll be , cookie and it'll track their profile , around no matter what they do on the , site you'll be able to see what they , view unless they're you know using their , work of beer or a phone or exact usual , cookie problems you usual cookie , problems okay once once you capture the , email right like some of the most , profitable things you can do one , immediately mo veto try to get that , initial sale so start by if you have it , say let'just go with the biggest most , BASIC% off if you have people opt , in for that then using some sort of a , evergreen limited type offer to get them , to redeem that within OR W hours , having your code expire is a very good , way to be able to get people to , initially make a purchase they don't buy , right away it's not over do some of the , real anger but then you , exactly you can send that our minder , really what I like to cal lit is a , sequence I call the fire die sequence , where you go and you the only goal of , that sequence is to inform people enough , and provide enough offers to forget to , give them to make their first purchase , because it ultimately your best , marketing is your product right your , best marketing this people trying your , products't matter how much how many , videos they'vie seen until they'vie , actually experienced it they can't , really how many how many evangelists do , you have of your conference that have , never been to your conference Oh , hundreds thousands well evangelists , people that like could actually yeah I , guess so like something like about the , brand's because sure yeah , but ultimately the best experience is , for sure somebody actually goes like , yeah yeah yeah so so the initially you , know good amount in your first sequence , should be designed to get them to make , that first purchase so you know examples , ahead we're expiring coupon sand then , moving through content showing them a , lot of like sometimes the big question , if they answer the questions in a , prospects head that they are that , they're struggling with before making a , purchase lot of times , social proof like they want to know like , is the product and a work for me , specifically so providing reviews with , people that are explaining how it's all , the specific problem for them that's , effective for driving sales and then , that's what I was talking about earlier , was alive cycle depending on the style , of product your timeline of when you're , gonna provide incentives to make a , purchase will either shrink down so , imagine if you're selling a$W.W it's , some sort of fifteen dollar no-brain er , type product like aw ell I always go to , theta-shirt example because it's like a , no-brainiest's a thought , no thought processors't to buy a , t-shirt so that versus selling a , fly-fishing rod right $1,W fly-fishing , rod , might take some more , time to think about whether that you're , going to invest in this and in that , sense your initial sequence might be a , little bit longer before you start , escalating an offer to get somebody to , make an initial purchase rule so that , that's a sequence that works really well , is like an initial buy or die sequence , to other really profitable sequences if , you arena't running them or if there may , be under optimized the abandoned cart , sequence little it's definition of a , trigger an email somebody somebody adds , a item in their cart they leave and then , you follow up with them to kind of push , over the edge to me on sale for a , discount or just remind them first , that's a fantastic question so I like to , think about think about the actual , process of abandoned cart , not everybody abandons a cart because , they think that it's too expensive some , people might think that but not , everybody so I don't initially go don't , recommend usually going to a discount , offer can think about the person who's , you know they're at their house they're , looking they Add to Cart and then , something happens maybe they got a run , out to go pick up their kid from school , maybe they added it on their mobile , device and they are they're gonna think , about maybe go checking out later on , desktop those types of people they don't , need a discount yeah I use like when I , shop at Amazon like I had the same , researching like my daughter's , birthday's coming up so I should be , researching crawling baby dolls that say , mama yeah so I have like W different , because they're only in the car it goes , like I'm gonna buy one of them like for , comparison reasons yes I'vie been sitting , in the car at the Amazon for like a week , now , yeah haven'decided yet so family , would send meany everyday like ya know , so but again so imagine one of those , things goes on sale for W%off your car , you might pull the trigger on that one , well I'm not a price sensitive buyer , okay so , and the great a great example of why , initially you don't necessarily know you , know important birthday gift so it needs , to be the best of all anyway yeah like , whether it'twenty or thirty bucks , so so initially like I'm not going , initially to offer a discount at a , certain point no it's it's definitely , work it'definitely worth trying and , testing between a I mean the typical , sequence that I run is like start with , no two hours later the scent of email is , more customer support type email it's , like hey we noticed that you added this , to your cart how can check that you have , any questions feel free to reach out to , our support team here yeah , what's the typical uptake rate of those , emails how many can you get back to , percent% o plank placed order rate , yeah like when they send a reminder , email and how many actually come back , and complete the purchase , oh so on that first email after it goes , on it for two hours like to see around , like between maybe five to ten percent , of a place toward a ring and you can you , can see if it's if it's a really , effective man you can see it CZ some of , the most people gonna buy anyway like , you mentioned add into your cart so you , can you know have alto of success with , that one after that first two-hour , period then it kind of moves into a , different time where it's people that , maybe were scared off by shipping costs , I mean that's if you look at the number , one reason why people who are actually , intending to buy abandoned it's usually , shipping cost yeah and so those people , then you might then you might start , escalating and adding an additional , offer maybe you give them free shipping , maybe it's percentage off and you start , working your way through a sequence , like to escalate over a period of time , over like seven days so maybe the first , ones low a low discount than the , higher discount couple days later than , a higher discount for that your best , offer , the reason I like doing that is because , then you don't give away your margin so , you , you give the idea is to get people to , convert at the lowest possible discount , you maintain your margins what about the , threat of training people to amend the , card so they will get discounts so that , is a that's a good question one and , globular we are nervous of now we have , the tools and the ability that it's , almost that we can very easily prevent , that so if you use a tool like Clay VI , or maybe like retention science either , one of those you can split it up so that , people who are first-time customers , receive different offer sequences then , second time customers you could you , could even you can split it up based on , like you mentioned earlier not being , price sensitive that be price sensitive , shopper you can set it up so that if , somebody is previously only purchased , with a discount then you offer them a , discount if they'vie previously purchased , without a discount they never would see , a discount because you're defining , between lower prices if not too high , sensitive again Allah that's like kind , of overkill and it's only way you get to , are ally large brand that you want to , dive into that the most basic test that , I recommend people run is running one , sequence that's percentage off and , running another sequence that's dollar , off on whatever offer you're giving when , I say dollar off that mint mean like , five dollars off of forty five dollar , product maybe $W off forty five dollar , product is then actually be just email , if it does contain so what you can do is , you can split it up and send fifty , percent down one channel send on the , other channel and then you can let that , run for couple months and see how what , your place where it is you could also , even split out another group that , dozen't receive anything and then export , it all and look at look at the results , no often those two groups differently , are they mostly the same or be different , results so you can see very big , differences in terms of results , especially around dollar off and percent , so clay Oran AA study last year where , they analyzed every single one of their , abandoned card email sequence sand it , was a couple million emails and they , found that there was significant about , performance of people who are using , dollar off versus percentage off , sequences so W bucks off is better than , W% off no that'd be good yeah exactly , and for whatever reason in the abandoned , cart scenario that was oh that was , outperforming he was driving more , revenue per recipient so that was that , big takeaway from the last year's , analysis of wattled has been doing , okay so abundant cards good what other , graders so the other other big trigger , emails to think about like what happens , when somebody makes initial purchase we , touched on iota little bit but your , second the second purchase made by a , customer is is way more profitable to , your business then generally then your , in the first purchase with you're going , out and you're spending like most , commerce businesses are out there , spending money on Facebook Ads , Goldwater's there's a high cost per , acquisition for that initial set a rule , if you can then get that person on an , email list and drive a second sale , through email it's no longer you no , longer paying per click you're paying , basically a fixed fee for your email , service provider and then when you send , an email and so we mix approaches you , don't just spend whether it's OR W , dollars for an acquisition costs like , you would your redacting some , really profitable profitable sequences , are sequences designed to get somebody , Togo from a single purchase to a second , purchase and with that you Giotto ask , the question like winner people most , likely to buy again figure that out and , then once you figure that out you can , set IPA sequence that tries to , basically incentives , to make that second purchase so you have , to analyze alto of this is product , analysis so it's looking at what type of , product are you selling are you selling , your replenish able you're selling , replenishablewhen do people typically , run out and then right about when they , run out you might send the man email , that reminds them to make the second , purchase not offering anything yeah , that's are minder just couple of days , ago a dude from Poland emailed me and , awesome like he runs an online furniture , for yep and he said he has no repeat , purchases because he wants you to buy a , bed his day for like years so it like , it was like the hell do I do to increase , you know repeat purchases so if you buy , if it's seriously like a one and done , type thing and no one's ever going to do , it ever gonna buy again then what I like , to say it's either have to identify , identify best actions they could take so , if they're only gonna buy one ever but , they might be able to refer you to a , friend so sequence you could set up , with me something like ante Promoter , sport where you follow up with Net , Promoter Score survey and if people rank , you nine and at en nine or ten meaning , that they're highly likely to refer you , to a friend maybe that guy with run of , sequence after that saying about , explaining his referral program'm glad , you like the bed very simply like the , way our business grow sis through , referrals we don't have a large , marketing budget the reason we were able , to keep our costs low explaining this is , because of referrals from call it like , customers like you , if you know somebody here's our program , and maybe even offer them something for , the referral , that's what you do again no like in , those scenarios you can still have a ton , of success optimizing foppery-purchase , triggered emails yeah ended card like , for him browse abandonment , imam sequences where people may be , at-at look at abed but don't make a , purchase then you follow up about that , specific bed yeah cool when you're , sending these triggered emails how much , coffee too is it very short and to the , point or like you know long narratives , stories so it'definitely a mix of the , two , depending on what what's the goal of the , email is let'start with a tangible , example which is like an abandoned cart , right because start by analyzing what's , the goal with a man and card email it's , to get them to make purchase , so generally those emails are shorter , have limited call to actions except for , going back to the car I would always , include on those emails phone number , customer service opponent phone number , as well as email some people could , connect back and also set it so that , somebody could easily reply back to that , email so I'vie only shown from no reply , no no make sure make it easy please , reply yeah please reply what is your , problem sometimes set those up in a way , that looks like it's personally written , by a customer service agent or even the , CEO of it's a founder facing brand and , that can be really effective because , people will reply back right away but , people reply back saying oh like I'm you , know the quite an email goes out saying , we noticed you added this to your cart , we we want to make sure that you know , this is a busy time of year we want to , make sure that if you do actually want , it we have it in stock because it's been , selling out quite quickly so we need , some urgency in there yea hand we say , yeah I'm just following up I know that , if it'interested if you really wan tit , make a purchase the next couple days , then people reply back thinking it's a , real email I'm waiting on payday like , it's going to like I'm yeah so so in , regards to copy and how long it depends , on the email of and card emails are , generally short , I like to put in urgency and send try , penalization that me generally has , worked so in terms of penalization so , you know like if it's AB's email we can , do you know enrich the email you can , clear it for whatever so we know that , their product manager attending another , company but these people we like Yahoo's , and emails yeah what else do you know , about the size of name hope you did , personally so that it depends if their , customers or not previous customers so , if you're if you're using a service like , like clay VI you have really you can , pull variables from everything they , never plays billing others like hey , how's the weather in Texas you could do , that think that's so that's kind of , overkill but say somebody adds something , to this is like going kinda down a crazy , rabbit all but it's possible , say somebody add something to their cart , they had a sale some converse sneakers , red converse sneakers that pups wearing , with add those pads him to his cart , right I could see that on his profile in , Laval I could then take that and turn , that into a it's a variable so I can put , that in the email and be like hey I , notice that you know you added those , converse those red conferences to your , cart just want to let you know you , know it's gonna be a run of the we're , almost out of that specific item good , choice though if you want to make that , purchase , but again that's that's too much moment , that penalization's more sending it , from like testing sending it from a , person versus sending it from just the , store the store name and how often of , people get like creep ed out the county , can now that I'm buying the sneakers you , creep you're watching me well I think I , try to try to stay away from like , putting umbrage variables , the email was not that effective it is , kind of creepy so Id on't often do that , but a lot of times if you go around and , if you wanna do this experiment go to , like or eat online direct-to-consumer , stores handcart leave and watch the , emails that come in almost all of them , are going to include a picture of the , item that you edit your cart generally , people arena't creep ed out by the fact , that you're reminding them about man , they added to the cart if you are super , personal about it and say like we'vie , been watching your car it's a little bit , away you know but it's like sensitive , you know Pointblank you know six , points browsing distilled is over here , hey you just I just read it was a party , dude the one that's that'seagoing to be , that's where you have to figure out , exactly the season is here no products , product specific link like you like you , imagine it like if you got W emails , about the dolls cool so email copy got , it first of eyes can how can we avoid , over emailing somebody because you know , let's say that we're triggering emails , for you having newsletters how do we , ensure that somebody dozen't get two , emails day , sure so there's I think there's two ways , to do that one of them is more of like a , bigger picture process which is emailing , your engaged people mm-hmm so how do you , prevent people from getting too many , emails well you can vary the segments , that you send emails to so you might , have a group of people that are very , engaged me and they open up every single , email it's okay to send those people , every single email like , and every single business there's gonna , be group of people who are super fans , and then there's everybody everybody , else and so the people who are opening , every emails every email you might want , to continue emailing them or increasing , cadence for that group people that small , segment people who arena't opening up , every email you might not only vary it , to send them a cup maybe four emails a , month or something like that if they're , not opening as much weight to to , specifically answer your question about , how to keep people from getting two , emails a day most email service , provider shave something like smart , sending technology on it that allows you , to automatically not send an email to , somebody who's previously received an , email generally Alike to use like I , always say it's about precedence so , trigger , emails the emails that are based off of , actions for me always most likely have , precedence over whatever campaign email , your some key attributes literally no , time unless it's like aback Friday , promotion so because a triggered emails , based on something that they'vie done so , it's relevant to them so I would let I , would put smart sending on my , newsletters and I would let my abandoned , carts and browse abandonment's go out got , every time and then because they're , there generally be more profitable than , whatever newsletter I'ms ending out yeah , and you know what it seems that this , webinar is brought to you by Clay do , clvi don't come sexually not like what , an honor email tools can be used to get , up old stuff so you can talk about , cleaning it- no yeah no it's Good , question because it really depends like , the right email tool depends on what , your business is so the reason I , mentioned in Claudia that work with a , lot of Shipshape visits is your , Magneto business there's a good , integration there so I generally , recommend it you could use I mean so we , know we're more popular ones are , Mail Chimp Mail Chimp has a commerce side , that's not as sophisticated it's not as , good for triggered emails bu tit's okay , I like nobody called retention science , attention science based out of LA there , have gone kind of towards more of the , enterprise Enterprise commerce , companies you could go those are I mean , like there's active campaign , those arena't those arena't as popular for , e-commerce specifically drip is getting , into the e-commerce game and they're , they're setting up a better Spiffy , integration on the e-commerce side the , two main games in town amidship in , clay VI with retention science pulling , off a couple and then there's also like , some bigger ones lakefront but Br onto , Br onto is not as active in their , development of the platform and so it's , Id on't recommend it as much because , they're not rolling out features the way , that some of these other companies are , MM-hmm okay coo land then there's , always the question of attribution so , you know we're sending all these emails , trigger them in whatever ways so yeah , how can we actually know that that email , made us money and how give me like how , much so basically you need the economics , or emails yes so a couple things , depending on your email service provider , if there's a really good integration , between your platform and what whether , it's Shoplift Magneto or custom car if , you have good integration it's a lot , easier to track sales between emails and , in your platform so if you're using if , you'reusing retention science if you're , using clay VI if you're using drip , believe there's integration sit's going , to give you some sort of a readout , inside the email server better again , that'seagoing to be something that that's , one way to start looking at your , attribution and see the effective , effective effectiveness at their emails , if you're if your Google Analytic set , up is really really good and you'vie done , a good job of you know doing the , technical side , that said that up that you can add UTM , parameters to your specific email sand , when people then click the UTM parameter , we passed and recognizing you Google , Analytic to see what happens when two , people make a purchase right but that , begin you ha veto make sure you're using , Google Analytic the enhanced e-commerce , all other other good tools that you , could use specifically for capturing , emails there's basically four on the , e-commerce side there's just you know , there's sumo there's pretty , there's optimum those are this , optimist those are the top kind of , like five that are doing interesting , things on an e-commerce think it'sit , really interesting it's feel that's , dozen't have a lot of like super strong , players there could be some more , innovation in that field , I see have you seen those lifting bones , to changes to business like spin wheels , spin the way that's good you know'll , see what they're dis companies like game , buying it ramification so balance , exchange is doing that that's another , really big player about to change , Weller so with the gamificationthat's , become really popular if you're going , anywhere shopping now you're seeing , ramification on the email opt-in so that , genuinely drives a lot of leads but it , also drives a lot of bad leads my people , just put in there you put in a junk , email to get some sort of coupon so if , you're using that you have to really , like clean your list and make sure that , your make sure you're removing the spam , junk emails lot because two times in , the last six months that clients come to , me and be like our email our email open , rate went from% to% what do we do , yeah , and they got put in this fan Gm ail spam , box and we had to like start process , of getting out of that and ass it's , that's just purely because that bad , listening we had the same plant both you , know about the same numbers but like , basically they'vie deliver ability issues , and then open rates went down then , talking to my friend Brian being who he , purges his list once a year or twice a , year basically anybody who Hans't open , an email in six month stake them off the , list yes and Is tarted doing this as , wellie started to basically send them , one last email it if you open this email , you can stay on the list like if you , don't open this one and yeah it helped a , great deal with deliver ability of course , open rates because I'm not treating , people you know went away yeah yeah , because that's it dozen't matter how big , your list is it matters how engage your , list it's really like that people get so , caught up on the numbers they're like oh , we'vie got two hundred thousand is bigger , than you know exactly probably not , buying as well and you can check that , yeah also reduce the cost as most tools , charge based exactly subscribers let us , also check if you guys have any , questions so so far no but we're taking , questions so start typing the questions , okay so what would you say are like top , three mistakes people do Thailand , marketing top three mistakes , one of them was not purging their email , list that was one of the things that I , feel is a big issue and and you know , sending this is a typical example people , will kind of be capturing a lot of , emails not really be emailing and then , they get around to November and they're , like Q they're like okay we really want , to have we want to have a huge keyboard , we'gotta and they're like alright , we're gonna hit what I said email out to , everyone and they since they haven't , established cadence with their , audience they just show up in these , people's inboxes people even know when , the last time they received an email , from them they don'tavern know what the , company is anymore and they're like , unsubscribe unsubscribe and subscribe a , nice to me all the time if somebody , sends an email like I'vie long forgotten , another subscribed and why yes and then , there's sends like email the Hawaiian , like even though it's a line of like we , have this come today you know we do this , that was help yeah triggers my memory , exactly that'sit that's big that's a , big mistake you have to be thinking at , the general one that you know not , planning not planning is is it is an , issue like not plenty waist's not , planning your content and email , marketing strategy out over period of , three months right like you should have , that organized and you should be able to , know how many emails you're going to be , sending out the biggest way if you want , to improve over the next three months if , you want to make more money from email , channel just start by planning out the , next three months put in whatever you , know and and defining cadence if you , know you want to send four emails a , month and that'sour goal plan out , those four if you're if you'recurrently , sending to double it to four and you're , going to have more success but only if , you plan that out and and make it easier , in your team because there can be some , somewhat of a burden and a lot of times , people fall into this into this , just-in-time emailing like all we do is , just send promotions because we need to , drive sales and we're just hitting them , up number three , mistake number three was another big , mistake , I think in general you know treating , your treating , all your subscriber sand customers , exactly the same way there's it's , relatively easy now to figure out and , look at different segments of your , customer base and find the difference , between people who have never bought , find people who bought one time and then , those people who bought five times don't , send an email tithe people who have , already bought five times , telling them about your customer story , it dozen'make any sense , yeah treat those people treat those , people like you would be treated if you , were a VIP at a at a boutique store , right have a different sequence for the , people who are we're VIPs and different , segments cool well let'start taking , these questions here so first question , was what do you think of mail jets for , email marketing so I don't have a ton of , experience with mail jettison't been in , my sphere of like little brands so I , can't either recommend or not recommend , mail jet it says what do you recommend , is the email marketing strategy for , relatively high cost items one commerce , product cost region $W and higher so I , don't know what product you're selling , just know it'sat $W or higher I think , the the question is are you are you , nurturing your subscribers enough to , educate about your product to have to , give them the information they need to , make a purchase so let's say so , wristwatches and leather jackets , all right wrist watches and leather , jackets okay so I mean it's it's gonna , be the foundations strategy is going to , be very similar the content like what is , different about your wristwatch and , leather jacket you definitely want to , define that in your early emails if you , want to identify the people who have , like if somebody's view the product page , three times and not added to cart that's , an indication that they are potentially , highly motivated for this so if they're , some of these does that you might send a , specific email to them about that , product and in the limited quantities , you got it what it comes down to just , basic marketing where you want to , actually you want to focus on what's , special about your buck if these leather , jackets are like handmade if the , wristwatches are limited put scarcity , and put that sort of story into it , mm-hmm another question here despise do , email notification before sending out to , avoid getting into the spam box so no I , don't believe that they're doing any , e-mail verification before sending out , that's something you need to do it's , it's put on the the person the business , of collecting emails to verify the , emails and you'vie got a personal , responsibility do you bring the business , tools like bride's very fun there's , others today you know for cleaning , purposes so yeah especially that those , are really effective if you'vie got a , list an older customer let's like that , scenario is talking about where people , get to queue for and they're like oh , well I don't want to juice sales we're , gonna email them and if you have an , email for a while and you haven't been , that then it's a great tool to run those , through to find some of the ones that , are no longer valid emails and remove , them before you send a bit of cold , another question here is picture really , important while doing email marketing , because it might increase the chances of , getting stuck into spam it really it , depend son a lot of this mean my , default answer is it depend son the , product right so here's if you're , selling wristwatches leather jackets and , might be really important because you're , following up with the quality the craft , those sorts of things , I also recommend though testing plain , text versus picture emails in a split , test it's that's that'sine of those , things were I'vie had a lot of success , with plain text email sand in situations , where people might expect them to be , getting a fully HTML textured email cool , another question here withal and , Yahoo well having a promotional tab how , will be just somehow get to our users , so yeah how to get to them really box , yeah so but that's really not gonna , happen if you're if you are sending out , if you're a brand and you're sending out , emails you're most likely just gonna , ha veto deal with the fact that you're , in the promotional tab there are tax , that you can try a lot of times like , busy be I'm said I'm tweaking my own , like newsletter and sending it to so , like to email us and to see where it , lends and the things that'vie noticed , is like first of all you really need to , sound like you'rewriting to a person , yeah not like as soon as you eat sounds , marketing it goes into the marketing box , no picture snot more than one link , because if you email offend you're not , gonna put like links yeah I think , that's that that question is really the , way you should be thinking about it is , how do I create enough value in my email , make a valuable email so that people , want to read it and open it because if , it's valuable they're gonna find it in , the promotional tab if it's not valuable , it belongs in the promotional tab so , just thinking about you know am i it's a , privilege to be in the inbox am i , creating something that'salable and , putting that out not the hacks the hacks , like telling people to reply to the , email that's not going to be a long-term , strategy and then my question what are , your thoughts unknown , Gage sequences versus one-off open click , this email or you're out we were going , to set A's-day re engagement sequence , with the different offers than usual , venom frequency so basically think , he's asking about reactivating inactive , subscribers sure , so versus a one-off open click so I , think the question is has to do with , like like a sunset email is kind of you , were described yeah yeah how do you do , it that'sit they're gonna start doing a , W-day re-engagement sequence mean the , over let's say W days right you're if , you're thinking about doing a W day , re engagement sequence don't know what , your product is and like when people , arena't almost likely to buy it again or , if it's replenish able but yeah over , those over those W days you want to put , out quality to see if people are opening , them up older what Cup was saying is you , just want to identify the people that , over the last six months you can go in , your list today look at the people over , the last six month shave never opened up , an email but have been on the list and , receipt you know been the list for at , least let's say at least at leas ta , month and just look at the people over , the last six months we'vie never opened , up an email and never made a purchase , showing you and those are the people , that you want to pullout of your list , because they're not gonna be they're not , gonna be the ones that increase your , hope and major increase revenue you got , to be careful don't just immediately , blast an email one-off email to all , these people who are unavailable are , gonna open up you may get two percent , open rate so what that's another big big , mistake is people here they like all we , want to make sure that all these we want , to you know we want to reduce our email , list and so they they'll find all these , engaged people who are , open up an email in six months Ora year , they put them all together and then they , send one-off email being like are you , still interested and they get like A , percent open rate and that might Bethe , straw that pushes him into thermal , spam lines so really high response rates , there most of my my subject lines are , very threatening back off do you , know like well sure but you're doing it , consistently right sometimes people do , this and they'vie never ever cleaned , their list it's like they say their , sun glass company and like you'vie got , also a personality and like you're , sending quality content it's like , imagine if company selling mops sent you , an email if you'vie never opened up their , emails yeah and they they send an email , to a completely disengaged list that , generally can Beau cold and let's take , one last question your best tool that , the current demand for email campaigns , with feature of preference ,  ,  so anyways your recommended email tools , or using Shipment incomers , I would recommend using clvi if you , have a custom cart it's a little bit , more difficult but and if you're those , yeah so if you're on your custom cart , and it really also depends on what , you're doing right if you're if you are , selling if you're selling urns or , something like that and that'Sally you , don't need to have a lot of emails maybe , you just go on Militiaman you just , sent me out newsletter emails and you , can take em out sir but if you really , are serious about getting you to , triggered emails driving more revenue , clvi do the tool cool alright thanks , Austin , alright thanks Pat and you guys well , thanks you guys see you later sometime , bye  

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