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"ClickFunnels Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To
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hey Sam here let's talk about easy Pro , funnels just a few seconds to check my , huge list of high quality bonds is , included in this offer let me ask you a , question , do you know the easiest way to make , money online affiliate marketing easy , profile nuts is an affiliate email , marketing and sales finance automation , tool it enables anyone to create , affiliate product panels bounce pages , webinar style sales pages interview , pages from JV zoo warrior class and , Click bank products the system is fully , integrated fully customize and , automated includes over three of the , product if to achieve four simple steps , step number one three free products add , any free products you want or choose to , them for you products select some free , products and automatically create your , bonus page you will get a link for your , pages step number two create , lead magnets choose category select a , free bonus product entry title customize , your page and you will get the demo view , step number three paid offers select , product from the list view product , details , and get your fluidly add your lead , magnet to your autoresponderand click , on the list select the campaign and link , it tithe affiliate offer , step number four take the webinar and , review pages to create webinar page , select your affiliate link enter a , webinar title and name at the YouTube , code for the video you can also choose a , start and end time you will get the link , you can send to your subscribers similar , process to create review page you need , to add the product name and write some , features , [Music] , by seasoned OTO is included in the , software , [Music] , you , hi welcome toe Pro funnels I want to , give you a very quick walk through the , system so if we perhaps look at this , page this is one of the affiliate , centers we can promote affiliate , products Fromm's from warrior plus or , Click bank of course we want to create , some kind of sales funnel some giveaways , etc to be able to increase our chances , of making those sale sand make , everything nice and easy so let's go , back to the beginning so it's look first , of all at free offers so if I go in look , at creating free products and bonuses , and on this Page can actually add in , any free products I want but of course , the system comes with hundreds of free , products already and we can just look at , the category it'just with internet , marketing and we can see there's a , number of products already in the system , here so as I said you can put your own , product sin there they'll all be added , to this list so I'm going to just stick , with this for the moment and also on , this side we'vie got great bonus pages of , produce packages so we can use multiple , of these free offers to create bonuses , to be able to give to our buyer sand you , do that simply by selecting someone or , whatever you want of the free offers I'm , just gonna select few of these and , they're just got to give it a name just , bonus pack one just to show you and and , title so bonus pack one I am and we , add the bonus pack and it'll see it , you'll see it comedown here so there's , our bonus pack one B P one or the B P , one am and we can look at it we get , two offers of that on ewe get the actual , one that offers it and one that delivers , the links if I just show you what that , looks like it dynamically creates a pack , for you so they are super bonus package , and this is all the free offer sand down , here are the links to get those free , offers as well so that's what your bonus , page looks like , okay so we have created or gotten our , free products so next needs to do is go , back to one of the affiliate centers , notice in it's all pretty much the same , so I'll stick with kazoo one so you can , just see what's going on so once we'vie , go tour free offer we need to turn into , some kind of lead magnet so it's got to , create lead magnets and now we can , create a custom lead magnet from a free , offer , so again just choose a category now we , get a list of the free offers so I'm , going to use a smart funnel blueprint as , the free offer for this lead magnet and , I need to put a page header in here or , the page one header'm just going to , create profitable funnels with ease and , the rest of it can actually be left and , it will also generate using defaults but , if you look down here what you can see , is you can completely customize a style , you'll kind of leveraging your opt-in , forms here and we'vie got main header , color body text sub headlines button , text button color different headers for , the page two is A-step opt-in page , product title color and wit hour , background image we can add so if we , have aback ground image let's just click , on there we'begot a number of , background images here that we can , choose from so I can drop that in if I , need to when I say it will default if , you don'you can also go to pica's and , download some of your own if you want to , so symbol does that create the lead , magnet okay and and you'vie got it you'vie , got a demo view of what your lead magnet , look like so you can see the product , here the title you originally put in , buzz head all these sub headlines etc , are all vegetable eyes is the background , and they're all colors etc and any lead , magnets you create you come down the , bottom here so you can look at these at , any time and see what the lead magnet , look like that you'vie created there's a , one for a tube ninja and you can click , Tao full page two , you if you want okay so just gives an , idea what the Optic page looks like so , we have a free product and we have , converted that into ale ad magnet with , an opt-inform so we need to go to our , affiliate centers assembly on kazoo , Click bank or warrior plus I'll stick , with JV zoo just so you can see what's , going on there they all operate very , similarly but for those specific , platforms so now we have free offer , and we'recreated lead magnet from that , free offer and we also created a bonus , page or bonus pack so weened some paid , offers now to add into our funnel now , easy Pro funnels comes with a number of , all - approved products so if you want , to add these products in you can see me , select the product from the list and if , we look at the details and down the , right hand side we'll see we have the , product name the JV page they'vie get the , feeling coupon codes etc to be able to , do that and we can add that product in , and they'll appear in the list that you , can see underneath but of course you can , add in any product you like any approved , products or Anglican product can be , added into the list you're not limited , to just the products that you're given , so now we have a free product and we , have a paid products we need to combine , those together so we need to add or , Alice magnets to an outspending , this particular Case'm using same grid , but we can use get response as well and , to do that we simply select the custom , offer that we created earlier from the , list and you'll see it come up here as , an image from the in the free section , the sales pages over here but that's the , free one so let's add that to a campaign , or list that will generate the , transponder and the delivery email etc , we create automatically so I do that , and then there you are it says new list , created welcome email campaign created , and the number of the campaign so that , appears now in the great affiliate link , list so once we create a campaign from , that campaign we can select that , campaign we'vie just created just the , three triple one the three travel one , one there that's the camp awe just , created and of course we can add an , affiliate product so from this from this , set of products that we'vie added over , here we can select it in this drop-down , box and go to ID in the next generation , affiliate and as you can see that then , appears up herein the sales side so , we're now creating a lead magnet , attached to a product is also an exit , pop as well if it's done the other way , around so we can create affiliate links , which generates direct to the sales page , and then exit pop to the free offer or , we can't really magnet link which goes , directly the lead magnet first and then , auto exits to the paid offer so either , way we can do that let me just put my , custom link in there so I'just gonna , cal lit thong it's just to fill , your link okay so I want to create the , affiliate link yep want to do that and , you'll see it come sup under current , link up here which I can use it also , end sup you know our linked lists up , here and as you can see what happens , with this one is I can just test the , link from here make sure that's working , the next generation affiliate page is , loaded try to exit that page your exit , pot will come up and then you click here , for your free gift and of course that , goes off and offers you your free offer , hi welcome back to easy Pro funnels in , this video I'll show you a few of them , were advanced features of the system so , we'seen how we can create sales links , etc so let'just see what we could do , with those to make things more exciting , so we can create webinars and review , pages or webinar style page is more like , something like the webinar replay style , thing , and the way we do it very easy was not , to generate and it really do is we can , use YouTube so here on the page you can , see it says webinar review center and it , ISS form of the left-hand side which , creates the webinar style pages and we , simply select an affiliate link so let's , say for instance we select one of our , links that's going to promote a an , Instagram product for instance or , Instagram ads products be as light more , specific then we simply put in webinar , name and title and we can go to YouTube , just click on the button here and we , need to find a video and we can do that , just by literary search if what we want , so Instagram ads training here we get , loads of videos on training for , Instagram ads so I'm just going to take , this to pone here for me it says how to , create chrome out so beginners W oh , yeah one tip here is you know make sure , you know filter it on on current time so , you get current videos you don't want to , be using any old videos that were the , information's update so let's just , have a quick look at that one gonna go , pause that so I can talk over so as you , can see is actually a guy here is , showing you how to generate how to , create Instagram ads which is great , most of these will have a pitch at the , end of course so we can't need to find , out where that is so we can go to the , end just have a look and see where the , training stops and the pitch actually , starts and we note that time and I'll , show you why because when we go back , here we'vie got the option , to set a start time so we could start , the video whenever we want and the end , time so we can end the video and miss , any pitch at the end or any use the , beginning the start time to miss any , preamble and also we'vie got a pop up , time and a pop up time gives us , basically the offer which is your link , that you're promoting plus of course you , could select them but one of the bonus , packs so you create a bonus back around , Instagram in that particular case for , this and at ascertain time it will pop , that up for them so let's just see what , that might look like in reality so once , you're created they're all appear down , here so let's look at this Facebook for , e-commerce for instance so we'vie got the , details from there and I can test it so , if we send this link Tao subscriber or , even offer this up as a free offer so as , you can see there this is Agni , training Facebook strategy in its go so , quite a long ways half an hour or so and , what you do is set your pop-up so I kind , of pause the video and let it run it's , linked tithe video so it will pop-up if , you set the time at whatever it is , usually somewhere bearish in the end , and I'll show you what happens where , I'll pause the video until that's so as , you can see the offer pops up says , before you grab your free bonus please , check outta very special offer so you'vie , got Little link down here for the free , bonus page and you'vie got the you show , me my special offer , and if Click my special offer it gives , me a Facebook traffic blueprint data get , loads of targeted ads and cheap blah , blah so obviously that'slink ed directly , to the video that was being shown , okay similarly we can create reviews to , our pages need to put a little bit more , in again , you can select YouTube video this time , just for review so whatever your title , is look for reviews loads of people do , reviews and similarly you can change the , start time and end time to chop up any , bits you don't want on the video so you , just keep the actual review going and I , say there's reviews on every product you , could think of so it'll be in there , somewhere , and similarly select your affiliate link , select your bonus page or your bonus , YouTube code start and stop time , and and now because it's a review , patient you add a few more things in so , what's the product you're promoting as , you put the product name in and then put , headline a couple of sub headlines , because you can change the background , image as well if you want and in here , you can just simply write some features , and what I normally do for this is you , just go to the sales page and it's , always got a list of feature son the , sales page so just copy that and paste , it straight in as long there on separate , lines install this cell phone okay , that's it and then generate your review , page let's go and look at one that , made earlier for covert video press , there's all the information about it , I'll say it was just copied directly , from their website and YouTube video , that found , there we go so as a covert video press , product review demo and bonuses the , headlines that you put in and in this , case it was avid with Todd gross , actually promoting this product with a , review or a demo and so we'vie added that , one in literally from the sales page , again the features of the product and , need to know more important when you , purchase through my link goes through , this page your bonuses will be delivered , automatically with your purchase and , underneath is the bonus pack that was , added in so there you go the tree takes , W seconds to a minute to create a , review page we could also look at , traffic statistics this is all order , made there's nothing to set up for this , trials are all built in so the moment , you're getting this let's give you an , overview of the overall traffic but you , can of course select your option sour , traffic like product buy lead magnet buy , campaign or buy individual links and buy , individual links you'll actually get the , detailed individual traffic numbers and , the individual sales of course so you , can see easy Pro funnels very very , powerful software makes it very easy for , a literally anyone to jump into , affiliate marketing and have all the , ability and facilities that the top guys , have