Tuesday, April 23, 2019

This Is How You Make Money Online With A Sales Funne ( Sales Funnel Math )

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hello everyone and welcome to the next , video in the series hope you found my , last video really helpful I hope you , were able to take that information and , now you have a clarity on how to build , your sales machine how to create your , first product or multiple products and , so today what'm going to do is I'm , going to teach you how to take that to , the next step but I'm going to teach you , that OK now you already know the , industry you want to be in you know the , products you want to sell then how to , make a lot of money by selling those , product I'm really excited because some , of the information here is really change , your business if you're someone who's , tried internet marketing before and it , did'twerk for you or maybe you're , doing it right now we already have a , product or you have a you know coaching , or you have an agency or something like , that and you're not able to make a lot , of money well this video will solve that , problem for you it will teach you how to , take any business any business model any , product and how to make a lot of money , from that product and so what I'm going , to do today is I'm going to teach you my , formula how I do it and you can take , this formula and plug it to anything you , do so whether you're selling Anne-book , or you're selling a physical book a , physical product or you have an agency , or maybe you work on up work fiber or , you have a coaching business no matter , what business you're in , you take the exact same formula and you , just plug that in and I guarantee you is , going to make you a lot of money just by , using this this is the key to going from , like a small business of simple business , to having million dollar business so , I'm really excited and with that let's , get going'll gonad every business , obviously is to make a lot of money not , just little money but a lot of money and , making money to me is just a simple math , problem you basically have an equation , you know your products your customer , your traffic your advertising it's part , of the equation and in order to make , money you just have to keep tweaking , your equation until you're making a lot , of money so you know you could be , reducing the cost of your traffic or , your with you know selling more to your , customer you're charging more to your , customer something something in the , equation all these pieces you keep , moving them around until you're making a , lot and lot of money so that's what , we're going to cover today I'm going to , show you my question and then you're , going to take this equation and apply to , whatever product or industry you want to , go into you the first thing you're going , to do , make a lot of money it's you and sell a , lot of products to your customers one of , the things you'll find that people or , companies or internet websites the ones , that make a lot of money have lot of , products they sell to their client sand , not only do they have lot of products , that sell to their clients they also , sell alto of products at the same time , to the same client okay , and so here a couple of examples now if , you look at this image this is from , Amazon if I tried to buy this Toshiba TV , Dell the original price for that is W , what's important here is right , underneath that they're offering you the , extra products so if you just look under , the image of the TV they have ATV and , the cable and the wall mount and they , say you can buy all three together for , W so now they went from to if , you buy this then comes a second offer , on the right side where they say by the , way do you also want to get a protection , you know you can pay twenty eight , dollars for four years or twenty one , dollars for this match and then you can , also add more accessories another SS , underneath that for$W.W you can get , this ultra thin antenna or underneath , that there's an echo DOT so now you , see they're selling you multiple , products it's not just W their banking , gonna buy W bundle and then you're , also gonna buy some kind of you know , insurance on that and you're also gonna , pay for some extra accessories and then , underneath that they again are tempting , you with the wall right underneath there , they're showing you someone a remote and , other TV screens and they're showing you , some similar eyes so they really want to , sell you this is your first example so , they what they're trying to do is , they're not trying to just sell Mae TV , for W and then find a new customer , they want to maximize their revenue from , me because they also know that when , people are buying something they're when , people in the buying mode they will buy , a lot of stuff anything that can help , solve the problem anything that goes , along with their original purchase they , will buy that so if I'm buying TV and , buying the aw all-mount can make my , experience better'm going to buy that , it's also something very similar they're , not selling me a glass wit hit that hey , here's Glass you can also drink while , you're watching TV that makes no sense , right but the wall mount makes sense , usually they also show you give you , those speakers and all that stuff with , that because it increases your , experience it makes your experience , better so whatever your original offer , is you can add products that complement , your original offer and you can always , sell those okay , and then here's the next one this is , from Best Buy once again I'm trying to , buy this game here and with the game and , right underneath that they asked me do I , have everything DI also have the , console DI have those cable to have , this game so they're showing me all of , that pack and then the right side once , again they're showing me this warranty , that can get this two years one T for , $4.and that's tipsily is this is , what the extra still a so I did't come , in to buy a warranty I did't come here , to buy are mote or anything Elsie just , want the game console but they'retrying , to sell me something extra so basically , they're making sure that Is pend not , just $2.but something and more or , more on that that's basically what it is , that you have to have multiple products , that you sell to the buyer when they're , ready to spend money so you can increase , your revenue per customer and that'show , you make a lot of money when I first , started my business had a product and , you know and I created a great sales , page Is tarted sending traffic to it the , page started converting people were , buying my product and Iowas selling was , making money but was making millions , of dollars and the reason I was not , making millions of dollars is because my , my earning per client was very little so , if a client comes and buys the product , for$W and then leaves sure I could't , steal for $W -my expenses maybe I made , a profit of $W or $W right but if I , could somehow increase my profit if this , guy is replying for $W was going to buy , hundred and fifty dollar snow that extra , hundred dollar that comes into my pocket , that makes a big difference when this , customer comes in buy something my , expenses Dell do not change they remain , the same now if I can sell him more then , my profit margin increases because the , next hundred dollars that I'm selling , him I'm not making any extra expense on , that one so my expense is still the same , but by selling more I'm making more , money and then you have just one product , you can't do much with the math you , cannot manipulate much you cannot make , much change sit's very little you can do , and let me show an example that will , make more sense to you so let's say , just created my first product and now I , went to Facebook and I spent some track , it spent some money to get some traffic , so I spent$W and then from $W , thousand people clicked on it and came , to my side of the thousand people W , people ended up buying my first product , for $each now I'm pricing my product , at Avery low price , now this is something good because if , you can turn your funnel into profit at , a lower lower end product you know it , you will definitely make money when you , increase the price so I spend $W , thousand people came up 2,people W , people and end up buying my offer for , dollars I made $W basically that means , Just lost hundred dollars now this by , the way is also very normal this is , going to happen when you start your , first business this is exactly what's , going to happen W% of the time your , first offer it's not going to end up in , profit and that's how it works for every , single person to you you create an offer , you send traffic it won't convert as , good and then you ask yourself how can I , make this better Cain reduce the cost , of traffic can I make some changes to my , sales pages you know can I add another , product and that'show you do you keep , tweaking it and you make it profitable , so this is natural the way your first , champions Will percent the time end , up in loss and then you improve it to , make profit with it so in this case now , we have basically two things here right , we have three things here we have a cost , of traffic we have our sales page , conversion and we have conversion from , our advertising right so here if I want , to make more money this is all I can do , Icahn maybe try to reduce the cost of my , traffic or I can try to charge more for , my product you know and that'Sally I can , do so let's just say we did that so I , reduce the cost of traffic by $W maybe , I create my new ads and these as people , click more so I only had to spend $W , to get thousand people to click and of , that you know W people bought okay so , now my cost went round by hundred , dollars there and then I said you know , what I'm gonna charge a little bit more , for my products so I just increase the , price maybe by like $1 and that's why I , have$W here I increase the price so , now what happened is instead of being at , a loss of hundred dollars I'm at a , profit of twenty dollars right so before , my cost of traffic was and the sales , price was four hundred dollars so that , the loss of hundred now my traffic cost , went down by one hundred dollars and I , started to charge more for my products , so instead of being minus hundred , became plus twenty right and that's what , I was telling you when you will start , with your first funnel your personal , will W percent of the time end up in a , loss and then you will start making , tweaks to it and the things become , profitable my fastback ad can , Payne I was getting a landladies , basically when people give you their , emails was getting a lead for about$3 , in some sense and then I reduced Otto , W cents right that's a big difference , and that's what usually happens if I'm , obviously getting a lead for $3 , something and bring it down to cents , that's big margin that's gonna increase , my profit margin a lot and that's , natural that will happen to you so I , just want to share that with you how , this whole process works to get to and , get the idea- so now as you see there , here I was able to make a few tweaks but , I could only make so many tweaks and , make so many so much money now imagine , if I was able to like if I had multiple , products what would happen imagine if I , had more than like three or four and I , could apply the same formula three or , four times my profit could have , multiplied three or four Panther I'm , gonna show you in a minute how does do , that the point I'm trying to make here , is if you have one product you can only , do so much you can only change two or , three things try to reduce the cost of , traffic try to increase the conversion , of the page try to charge more and it , can make little difference but not in , a difference and to me this is Avery , bad sales machine you know this one is , not going to put a lot of money in your , pocket going to help you survive but , it's not going to make you rich and the , reason this is also dangerous is when , you start this way right you start , making some money but then life happens , right all of sudden your car breakdown , seen to buy a new car or maybe want to , go on a vacation you go on avocation , you ha veto buy a new car all of a , sudden there's a dent on your personal , finances so now what happens since your , stress level starts to go up because , your business is not giving you enough , money to survive and now you have all , these other expenses that are coming up , your credit card bills are going up your , loans are going up and then you start to , get stressed you start to get , demotivated and then you runaway from , that business and that's why I keep , saying this is a very wrong way of doing , business this is how W%of people start , their business they just create one , product and then hope that the one , product is going to make the millionaire , it's not going to make you millionaire , so when you start your business from the , very first day you make sure you're , selling at least two or three products , if you want to be able to make a lot of , money and'm gonna show you how soon , how that's going to make a big , difference okay I'm also like Is aid , this allows you to make a lot more money , for yourself so let me show you an , example and then this would make more , sense to you so now we had put it had an , example where we send five we spend $W , on Facebook and we got thousand visitors , and at the end we were able to like make , a sales for$W in the profit of$W - , after we tweak so we used the same , example okay so we just spent five , hundred dollars and got thousand , visitors and then that's the same thing , happened W people came and bought the , product for$W we were at aloes of , hundred dollars right and then this time , we said you know what I'gonna add an , up sell so I added up an upsilon $W , Absolute's basically another offer that , you give to someone right after they buy , writers it's exactly what we swain the , Amazon and Best Buy how they we retrying , to sell the next product after the , original product so in the case of , Amazon you know after the TV when they , were displaying the cable or the wall , mount that'st he upland the case of , Best Buy when they were suing the remote , control and other accessories that's the , up sell so any other product any second , product that you offer after the , original product that's an up sell so , you're basically saying you after they , buy your original product you say I want , to sell you one more thing of a special , offer for you right if you are an agency , you just created you know a design or , like some images for someone and say hey , you know you got these images for your , sales pages thank you very much but now , I think you would also need some images , for your social media because you want , your branding to look save so for , another dollars I'going I'll give , you face book cover'm gonna give you , three images that you can use so you , just offer them something else that goes , with the original offer right if you , just like to wrote a sales page for , someone in like hey you just goat sales , page but you also need to now send nice , emails to them so people will come to , your sales page an dread your sales page , because of nobody's coming to your sales , page nobody's gonna buy it so for the , sales page you already have it now for , another you noway thousand dollars I'll , be willing to write you five e mails and , emails whatever it is so that's what , really upset is basically whatever they , buy you after they make the purchase you , offer them a second product that is very , similar that that makes the first , product or the experience of the first , product better right so that'SWAT I , did here I added second product , second offer to simplify it you had a , first offer that was twenty dollars , then after they made the purchase I , expose them to a second offer to say you , can get this for thirty seven dollars , and of the twenty people let's just say , like five people bought it for , I just got W dollars now I'm at a , profit of $W so I started here at minus , hundred and I haven't made any tweet to , any pricing right NOW just added one , more product and I went from being minus , hundred to plus then I said you know , I'm gonna ad done morosely John now , my next step still is like you know you , just put the stupid of knives also , want to send you this knife sharpener if , you have this knife sharpener you can , sharpen nice the rest of your life you , never have to buy on the set of life , this will save you a lot of money in the , long run so do one of those twenty , people again ended up agreeing to buy , this set of knife so I sold two set of , knives for forty seven I'vie been another , ninety four dollars now my profit went , to one hundred and seventy nine dollars , so I started from minus hundred I'm only , at once I'm already at one hundred and , seventy nine dollar profit so you see , how good this happens when you have , multiple products to offer and if you , also see I'Mont showing like crazy , conversions here right I'just saying , like one person is buying this two , personnel people are buying the three , people are buying this and just by , having few people buying that just a , couple of people mind that you can , really make a lot more money right and , then I say you know what'm also gonna , offer them some kind of monthly , membership in a monthly membership is , something I highly recommend that you , have because this is really where you , make a lot of money the good thing about , monthly membership membership is like , Netflix where you pay them some money , every month and in exchange they give , you some content every month right so , based on your industry you will say give , me like you know this much money $5 $W , $W $whatever you want to charge , I'vie sensually with people even chime , in monthly membership where people even , charge like five hundred nine hundred , dollars a month right so it depends on , your product depends on your industry so , the whole idea with this is you you sell , them once but then you keep making money , every single month and this gives you a , lot of stability imagine if you have , hundred people right paying you twenty , dollars every month that's $2,extra , coming to your pocket every single month , without spending any more dollar any , more money to get that money in so , that's really good thing it gives you , stability it gives you extra money to , reinvest in your business sou highly , recommend that you create some kind of a , monthly payment system where you know , basically offer them some product where , every month they get some kind of some , kind of new products I'm gonna have , information something in their home so , they feel like okay I let me , this much money and now you can make , extra money to bring stability so now , what it doe sis all of a sudden you know , three people bought it for twenty bucks , and we got extra W bucks almost and so , now we then to our profit went to two , hundred and thirty-eight dollars and , ninety seven cents so we print from , minus hundred to two hundred and thirty , eight thirty eight dollars right and the , good thing is in every month you're also , going to get now this fifty nine dollars , coming to your pocket right that's the , good thing about it right so now we , haven't made any tweaks yet and we have , went from we have gone from minus , hundred to two hundred and thirty-eight , dollars just by adding now if you're , wondering like hey I don'twat to do , this because alto of people are gonna , get pissed off that you know I'm showing , the mall these products well let me tell , you something when people in the buying , mode they want to buy as much as they , can this is just human nature okay so , when people are ready to make an , investment into something they want the , full solution they want to go it's like , when you go to buy a car right people , can just buy simple car to go from one , point to another but people want fully , loaded car they want all their CD , changers or whatever the new thing is , you know they want the Bluetooth it's , because when you're in the buying mode , everybody wants the best for themselves , so in that point if you don't sell them , somebody else is going to sell them , somebody just came to you right somebody , wants absolution for their problem , somebody wants to buy product to make , their life better anything that goes , with it , anything that can add to their , experience make that experience better , they're going to spend on that then I'm , going to show you some numbers soon so , it'll make sense to use this works for , both of you it works for you because it , allows you to make more money and works , for the customer because the customer , needs all those extra offers that you're , giving them the customer wants to buy , the installation for the wall the , customer wants to pay for the extra , insurance so they can replace the TV , down the road get it repaired so the , customer wants to buy the extra your job , is to give it to them so they feel that , they got a good deal they got everything , they wanted to and they can find peace , or if they don'find peace in your , offer either they're not gonna take your , offer or they're gonna go and find that , there extra somewhere else this is why , sales happen this way people buy it , people buy it because they want it so , don't worry about it people will buy it , nobody will get upset I promise you so , this is we we talked about this right , now we have added some product sand we , start making money now , let's just see the possibilities if we , start tweeting like we tweaked the last , name last time and we make tweaks we , went from minus W - dollars this , time that I'vie been making the tweak we , are already at two hundred and , thirty-eight dollars only because we , sold more than one product to the client , to the customer and that makes a big , difference so now let's start making , tweak and see what happens so let'just , say we start to reduce the traffic cause , we start to maybe charge more for the , initial sales maybe we can add one more , up sell like right over here - maybe we , can add a third one or maybe we can also , charge more for the up sell and then we , can also improve our conversion rate so , these are the options so now you see , that when you have multiple products you , can do so much more to increase your , revenue before there were only three , areas where you could make any changes , now you can make changes in so many , different places and now let's start , putting those numbers and see what , happens so if Went you know dropped my , traffic cost from five hundred to four , hundred and then Increased the price , from twenty dollars to twenty one , dollars for the product basically just , went from you know the same thing we did , last time so I dropped by hundred , dollars added twenty dollars so I'm at a , profit of twenty dollars instead of , minus hundred and then I did the same , thing went and increased the price for , by three dollars so I went from thirty , seven dollars to forty seven dollars now , this is something also you will know in , business you would realize that other , times $3 $4 $5 here and there dozen't , make any difference you can increase the , price you know that's why you can test , your price you'd be sometimes surprised , how much more you can charge mean my , dating industry my first product when I , was selling I was selling for dollars , the same exact product then now I'm , selling for $if only I had tested , those price points earlier would have , known it would have you know would , have known that it makes no difference , and I could have started charging this , price from very earl yon the same thing , for my coaching right and when I started , my coaching was initially charging , $W for the coaching and now I charge , $W for that coaching and so you just , basically try different price point sand , if you find that by changing the new , price people are not buying it then you , can reduce that but it's always good to , test a higher price point you'll be , surprised people are willing to pay so , much more for your product also know , something they're always very critical , and judgmental of what we , so if'm teaching this intern Mac and , have been doing this for W years , obviously I had so much more than Icahn , give you in a video right now so if I , were to comeback and watch this video I , will always feel like oh yeah I gave , this but I did't cover this and this , and this there is no way if I were to , cover years of my experience in this , video you'll be sitting here for at , least year seven if I like compress , that information so you will always be , very harsh critic critique of your own , products of your own services but let , the audience decide let the customers , decide with their own money if they find , it worth it or not , sometimes you would also find it let's , say you increase the price for $W and , if your refund rate goes up then that , will also tell you that okay maybe , people find $W too much for this , product and then you can reduce the , price so that'SWAT it is but less , people tell you that what you're , charging is go odor bad , don't use your own judgment don't use , their own criticism of words that I , think Woody Allen once said that one , time he's like you know when you make a , film you can never see your own film , because when you watch your own film all , you do is you see criticism and your , imbalance of everything you did wrong , and everything you could have improved , so don't see your look at your product , or don't decide it's pricing with your , own set of eyes let your audience decide , if it's wort hit or not because I , promise you your perspective to it will , be completely different than your , audience's okay I get distract know I , get distracted but See think of these , things that'm going to share with you , because when you go it's not your , business these scenarios these , challenges will come in front of you and , when they come in front of you you will , have my voice in your head and you will , know if it's a good thing or a bad thing , to do okay so so now we just added the , price point here and so from W we went , to W we made extra $W and now at this , point our profit is $W so when we , did't make any tweak our profit was $W , now that we are making tweak we are , actually at the point of making $W , that's almost three times at this point , or two-and-a-half times whatever and , then we go to the next one we do the , same thing we increase the price from W , to dollar sand the you know , converging then change now we made extra , money and and then we decided to add one , more up sell so before we're selling only , two offers as an up sell now we added , third up sell an done person ended up , buying it for$W and so now our profit , went to$W last time we were at W , $W here now we're at three hundred and , forty dollars at this point right that's , again double the money so see how much , you can do now because you have more , products you can make so much changes so , much tweak and get extra money in your , pocket and now we did the same thing , with our membership price a monthly , membership price we increase from W , to $W made some extra money and now our , final profit just went from to , now you see how much money you're , floating in and it dozen't end here , because on top of that now you have , signed these people for monthly , membership tax that's extra money , that's coming in your pocket every month , now that's how you make big money so , this is why I want to say it one more , time that you don't just create one , product when somebody comes to buy a , product from you you X you introduce , them to three or four products at the , same time because the more you can sell , tithe customer you know the more profit , you will make in that moment okay so big , generally what will happen is your , website setup your sales funnels edible , look like this they'll come to your page , you'll have their first offer here's , your book you your service that you're , offering your whatever product you're , offering they will look at that offer , and then as soon as they buy that offer , you will say thank you very much for , buying the software here's my second , offer think this will go very good , with their first software you should , take this as soon as they buy the second , offer or they decline the second offer , should't the third offer when after , they buy the third offer you show the , membership and then after that you take , them to the Thank You page now you can , have as many offers as you want in my , dating I have about seven up sell offers , you know and they're already expensive , offered and they convert really , beautiful it's it's totally up to you I , think as long as they're relevant as , long as they are connected as long as , they make their learning better then you , absolutely can use them as it's , something completely different for , example somebody comes to buy you know , health and fitness somebody wants to , lose weight and then your next thing is , Want to sell your blender they're , thinking what the hell I'gonna do at , blender now you're thinking that yeah or , this blender you can make smoothies but , it'still far of a stretch as opposed , to you noway recipes on how you know , what to eat would be in better shape , that would be a much better putter so , make sure that whatever you sell , complements your original offer and , every upsellcomplements the original , offer then your sales would be good , then people won't be upset that you're , not trying to tell them something that's , not relevant and that's what it is so , your website this is what it will look , like when they come when you created , offer make sure you have two or three , products and as soon as they buy one , expose them tithe second tithe third , and again Is aid creating products is , very easy if you don't have time just , hire someone to make good content make , sure your content is always very good , because if it's not good then people , will ask you for a refund and that's not , gonna help you you always want to make , sure that your customers love you , whatever you give them really helps them , because if that happens they're gonna , stay with you for life they're gonna , keep giving you more and more money , because whatever you give them really , helps them okay so now you saw this that , how simple this is right just by adding , few products you can really increase , their profit and it gives us the , opportunity to make lot of tweaks and , then we can make a lot of money and in , our pockets right and also you once you , start tweeting and once you start making , profit you want to continue to do that , you never ever want to stop doing that , reason you don'wanna stop doing that , is because your business has a lot of , expenses and you need this extra revenue , to meet those expenses right so if you , just made$W but customer that , dozen'ts it in your pocket you will , spend a lot of money to acquire new , customers to keep this customers happy , and that's why it'Avery important that , you charge more and you keep increasing , your profit level so you can keep , investing more in your business mean , you know when you start your business , right you have a set of course so if you , start a business you have to pay to , create product you ha veto drive , traffic you have to maybe hire experts , to set up your website write sales pages , create ads we have to hire staff for for , customer service you know then then you , have to buy pay for hosting pay for , email sand your time also its money so , if you're devoting five hours a day that , five hours you could have worked , somewhere else you're not able to make , money to that those hours that you're , giving to your business is also money so , when you start business you ha veto , make all these investments now when you , want to grow your business you have to , multiply these investment sand I have to , create five more products you ha veto , spend way more money on advertising you , need more staff to handle customer , service you need more people to create , content for you and that'shy when you , want to grow a business you will have to , actually spend a lot more I know there's , the whole thinking around business that , the more you save the more you make it's , actually wrong the more you can spend , the more you can actually earn the , reason for this the more you can spend , the better content you can create the , better team you can have to work for you , the better your website can have better , articles you can create better products , to sell and so the more you're investing , back in the company the more you're , going to earn back so here's an example , alto of people when they started the , business what did they do they go and , find the cheapest content writer they , can find the right blog page and blog , post right they want to pay $3 $4 for a , blog post now if you have money and you , had someone and you paid them hundred , bucks to do research and write a great , unique content with a lot of great , information proven information backed by , statistics backed by data that content , will rank way higher then somebody , else's generic content right and that's , what really makes the difference is then , if you make more money you can hire , better people create better content , create better everything and then you , have everything much better then you , make more money okay so once again the , best way to do that is by selling , multiple products so when people like I , said when people are in the buying mode , they would buy more than one products or , sell them okay so now just to recap this , remember the way to make money is one , the sell multiple products at once to , the customers you can increase dollar , value per client and then once you sell , that you try to reduce the cost for , advertising by creating some better ads , you also try and test higher price , points for your product sand then you , add some kind of monthly membership so , these are four things you do just add , more products reduce the cost of , advertising you know to test some higher , price points and then add some many , membership and that's going to start to , put a lot of money in your pocket , however you know when you start doing , this it's a great start but this is not , enough this is not going to make , millions of dollars in your pocket it's , going to give you enough money to RNA , sustainable business but there is , something else you need to do to , increase your profits so what we did , right now is called front end funnel , okay this is the front end this is where , people come and they're buying and you , know you're paid money it's brought , somebody else and they bought some , products now once they buy the products , now they will be in your back and now , you have captured their email they're , your buyers so people who are not your , customers anything you sell them that's , in the front end offers there anything , you sell more to the people , we bought from you that's your back-end , and anything in the front is called , front end okay I'just giving you some , industry terms you also get familiar , with those things so what we did right , now to bring the front end funnel then , if somebody comes you're gonna sell them , three or four products make a lot of , money and then add them to your list of , buyer sand now what you do is you build , a second sales machine for your buyers , and this is where you make money this , will you make a lot of money and this is , where you actually make millions of , dollars why because number one these , people already like you they already , trust you they already have a taste of , you they'vie already seen your products , and you have no expense to sell , something to them you're not advertising , for them anymore you just start sending , them an email or sending my text message , or calling them because you already have , that information so the cost of , acquiring them is zero so anything you , sell to them now I's percent profit , and this is where you make alto of , money and this also by say that when , people buy your front offer you make , sure your products are amazing make sure , their products are so good that after , they go through those products they feel , like Mani want to bu ya W ml part from , this guy whatever this guy said it gives , me is great it's amazing want to buy , more so make sure your products have to , be really really good that's when if , your products are good your back end , will do really really good okay this is , also your customer service has to be , good so now you understand this would I , tell people if you're honest and if you , really work hard to help your customers , it helps both people right so if I want , to take more money from you I will have , to give you better customer service I , have to give you products that deliver , what I promised and if I can do those , things you will have no problem keep- , keep giving me your money because you , know every time you give me your money , give you what you wan tit makes your , life better you know it gives it solves , your problem and so then it works for , both people don't now what you're going , to do is we're going to sell more so , these people have already given us some , money now they're going to make more , money by selling them more and how you , do that is there are basically five kind , of things that you can sell them after , they bought for you one you can sell , them a new product if somebody just , bought Rolex and then you can create , another product that is similar to that , which is you know somebody wanted to , learn how to invest and you can have one , more product and an investment that they , haven't done before so let's say before , you ever teaching them how to invest in , Wall Street now you can say hey by the , way I also have a , product on how to invest in real estate , and real estate is much more safer than , Wall Street so if you're interested in , that you can also see it still around , the topic of investing an dhow to make , money when investing bu tit's a little , bit different you can sell one more , product you can also then sell some kind , of service for them you can say hey you , know do you want me to like help you , guide you with your investment do you , want to look at your portfolio and give , you my feedback you can give them some , kind of service on that and then I'vie , got theirs membership it's like hey do , you want to join my membership because , if you do our membership I'm gonna give , you especial tips every month and these , people are already part of your , membership you can give the ma superior , membership and say hey have a special , group of VIP member they're very , selective people that keep in there , it's a limited group limited people and , we shared a lot of personal thing that , nobody else has access to anywhere else , would you like to be upgraded to this , membership so if they're already members , you can take them to the next level , membership and you can charge much more , for this membership and then of course , there's life coaching or high end , training product sand I tell you guys if , you really want to make millions of , dollars focus on this this is the , easiest money I tell you the easiest , sales you will ever get in your life , it's when you charge lot of money and , I tell you why is that the reason is , that is this people who spend $W $W , $W these people usually don't have much , surplus money okay and so when you try , to sell them OR dollars it's a , very hard decision for them because , ninety dollars is a lot of money for , them but someone who can afford to pay , W,W W,W W,they have millions , of dollars in their bank account so , spending that W,W W,IT's not as , hard of a decision for them as it is for , someone to sell W dollars even today I , find selling digital product sis like , hundred times harder than selling a , product for five thousand ten thousand , even hundred thousand dollars it's crazy , when you sit with people who have money , and you tell them hey Have a new offer , for you$W,W okay here's my check , just give it tome , it's insane how easy it is so Will , highly recommend that you know even if , you don't start with this make sure if , you want to make your goal your goal , should be that once I you know it start , with my front end offer once stabilize , my business try to get some money and I , wanna then build something that I can , charge people a lot of money and that , will really take your business Tao , whole new level very very fast okay and , we're gonna talk about that tube and , then of course you can , send some affiliate promotion sand , that's the other thing you know if you , don'thieve your own products you can , find other people's products who are , similar to what you're selling right now , and then you can sell those to your , customers these are five ways have your , own product sell some kind of service , you know sell them similar membership or , upgrade the membership , have some life coaching or some kind of , high-end training and then affiliate , promotion sand so let's take this , quarter so what we saw right now was , made about four hundred dollars by , selling all those products right so our , profit was four hundred dollars by , selling all those products by adding , those new product sand making a few , tweaks so now let's see what happens , when we add more products and we make , more changes what happens okay so once , again we go tithe same thing we go and , you see what happens is we paid five , hundred dollars and we got twenty , customers to buy products and then we , sold one up sell and then that brought us , one hundred eighty-five and then he said , the second upstart burden under , then in the membership it brought us , into the thirty-eight and then we spent , five hundred dollars to make six hundred , seventy dollars so bottom line is when , we spent five hundred dollars , we got one hundred and seventy dollar , profit that was our math until this , point and here and by the way also , missing one upsilon $W be Little , bit dozen't matter we just stick to this , one right now maybe spend five hundred , dollars we got six hundred and seventy , dollars which means our cost of customer , is each customer who bought fro mus cost , us twenty five dollars right so we spent , five hundred dollars and we got twenty , people to make purchases so five hundred , by W is $SO we know that as long as , we make $W or over our business in not , loss so anytime we sell something to , someone it has to be over W so let's , just say if you were if touting't have , any of these multiple products and , you're only selling one product it means , if you were to price it At's dollars , every time customer buys it you're , going to make $2 profit so you know that , even if you priced at OR W let's say , you're testing something you know you , know you would not be at loss and you'll , be okay with that but obviously you want , to make more money but I want to tell , you how we think about this right and , then every customer is giving us $W , point thirty three point five dollars on , average right so six hundred and seventy , divided by twenty we get thirty three , point five so now we know that every , time we spend $we get thirty three , dollars back so our customer is paying , us thirty three which means , advertising cost goes up we can even pay , up to$W up to W dollars even to make , profit and we'll be okay even if he is , spending$W because that's what we're , getting , so that was an original offer and they , added different product sand made a few , changes , they are basically making six hundred , and seventy dollars now being have , customer sin the back end right so now , we start selling them something else on , but in the back end when after they have , made the purchases we send them an email , and we send a new offer of fifteen , dollars and five of those twenty people , ended up buying that so now we made , another $and then we sang maybe a few , days late rand affiliate product and , then one of them bought that and that , gave us another ten dollars and then we , try to sell membership because remember , initially there are only three people , who bought membership so we tried if we , sell it out to the remaining W people , and one of them agreed to buy it and , then we made another $NOW we could , have of course try to upgrade the people , who already bought membership but we're , not even going there we just keeping it , simple right now see we sold Otto one , more person by selling them emails right , and then we sold our high-end training , then we started introducing the people , to our high-end training to say hey come , and learn this from it is really going , to help you or hey let me help you with , this area of your business let me create , this for you let me create this new , sales pages whatever it is we sold , something pricey to them yeah once again , I'm pricing it here only at which by , the way to me it's not a high-end ticket , to me unless you're selling two thousand , dollars and above it's not high and , that's this what makes sense to me okay , so anyways mister put something for nine , hundred ninety nine dollars and now we , had we made eleven hundred dollars from , this this is just from the back end by , the with this $1,W from the back and , $9.W nineteen ten seventy five right so , in the front end we sold them for six , hundred seventy dollar sin the back end , we sold them for eleven hundred and , three dollars now you see how much , difference that that makes we actually , sold mo rein the back end and this is , where we had no advertising cost so our , profit margin here is much higher right , there is no cost and our profit is , really really high so now if we divide , this right so now if we add this we lad , eleven hundred and three that is shown , in the back end and six hundred seventy , we sold in the front end now our average , customer cost is $W , I'm not constantly average income from , every customer is $that's a lot of , money so we're spending $W to get a , customer and then you're making $W on , that that's almost three times of what , you're spending , that'massive profit profit right now , imagine if hundred people are giving you , that much money every month that's a lot , of money in your pocket and it's very , simply how you're leading them right and , this is just by spending twenty five , dollars you're getting eighty eight back , that's brilliant , this is how you build your map this is , how you build your funnel is how you , build your money you expose them to , multiple products in the front and once , you set it up and once people are buying , it you make it profitable , once they once they buy the products , they become coming to the back end then , you create some more offers and yourself , them more offer in the back end and now , you're making money and once this , happens you just ought to put it on , autopilot you're just repeating the same , process over and over and you're gonna , keep making lots and lots of money you , can take this information this funnels , design and apply to any industry it , dozen't matter if they get to fitness , you can take Otto I don't care you know , finance to self-help any industry , through physical products to service it , will work every single place okay so now , we just saw that we'vie spent total of , five hundred dollars and we got , seventeen seventy three back plus let's , not forget that now we have people who , are going to pay us a monthly membership , that's extra income that's going to come , into our pocket every single time and , that'serially how you make money and so , this is an example of my dating funnel , just want to show you how it works , so basically when somebody goes and buy , product sin my dating funnel my very , first product is $W they buy my , front-end for $W as soon as they buy , that introduced them to my next , product to say hey you want to watch my , live interactions with the men that's , $W they buy that then I seldom , relationship product to say hey do you , want to learn how to be in a committed , relationship wit ha woman have a , relationship product W , then I have my next over foot then , there is an offer for $then after , they buy that they get an offer for $W , then they get an offer for forty seven , dollars and then they get to the thank , you page site so there have been seven , offers in total that they have to go , through and then they get to the Thank , You page the total of these offices one , thousand dollars and my , average sales value is W meaning on an , average every customer of mine spends , four hundred and fifty seven dollars , that's alto of money that basically , means I can spend four hundred dollars , in advertising and still make a decent , profit every single time how's that , right and that's so that'show your , front end should look when you create , have multiple offers with different , money they should all align with each , other and then take them tithe Thank , You page and now here's my back and my , back end basically starts with my first , offer is nine hundred and ninety nine , dollars I offered them a virtual , training but they could have some Skype , sessions with me and they can get all , the lessons they want oh you know from , their home so - my first offer that they , get and then I sell them an product for , forty seven dollars this is an addition , the products I'vie sold before will , partner I say hey by the way the screen , this new product would you like to have , access to this product and I charge them , forty seven dollars for that and then I , try to encourage them to come out and , take live training from with me to say , look give all these products but if you , come to me I can you know get you going , in three days I can you know personalize , everything to you and get you the , mastering just three days so then they , come to me for the three-day training , during the three-day training then I , bump them to Ito say hey by the way if , you like this would you like to come for , two more sessions with me I can do a , group session and I will charge you , $4,W for two more training sessions , because the first training it was so , good and they see this is the deal that , for forty five hundred dollars they can , spend two more weekends with me then , they upgrade to that and then I have , next training which basically I sell two , times a yea rand I charge fifteen , thousand dollars for this training , program right now think how much money , each customer can bring me how many , options how many expensive products I , have to sell them and then the next , level training I have is one hundred , thousand and then a two hundred thousand , that's my back end back and in my back , and have some really expensive , products and they sell really good now , think about this in the back end if I , sell Justine of ea chin my year just , one of these in a year right how much , money that will bring me that will bring , me almost two hundred fifty thousand , dollars if I sell just one product each , if my customer come and whoever bought , my first product for four hundred , dollars if they buy even one training , from this right Justin thousand dollar , training that's fifteen hundred dollars , per customer , it's a lot of money that's a lot of , money if I can if I can just sell$W , to one product would't you be happy if , you run out you spend $W and they give , you$1,W back would'that be great , funnel that's my point , so that'shy you need to build your , funnels well you can make lot of money , in the back end and then you're good then , is going to be rich and this is , something that people don't realize so , that's why they never scale their , business never are able to make a lot of , money now I know this might be sounding , too much work right now it might be , sounding too much because I'm talking so , much and I'm giving you so much specific , information that's probably like filling , your brain up but trust me it'Avery , easy it's very very simple , it's just I'm giving you so much , information that's filling your head the , bottom line is gonna come down to create , multiple products in the front you know , test different pricing for them reduce , the co stand you're good and then after , people buy create more offers in the , back end that's pretty much what you're , doing and nothing gets but'm just , giving you so much detail so you , understand so this is what your funnel , is going to look in the back you're , basically going to send traffic to your , front offer they're going to give you , their money as soon as they give you the , money you introduce them to your next , office you say hey here's a second , product here's a third product also , wanted to be with me on month to month , basis give me some money , they buy all these product sand after , they buy these products you add them to , your buyers list because now these , people are your buyers you don't you , know you'vie already purchased products , from you you don't have to advertise to , get hold them you have their email their , phone number everything you can get hold , of them when you want and then when your , friend an offer is over now now once you , all your buyers you put them to the back , and offer and then you start selling , them back enough for you start sending , emails to sell anew product to sell , some kind of training some kind of , high-end products you know some , affiliate offer and then you make extra , money and this is how you generate , massive profits so now you'restarting , to see that how simple this is right you , built rapid you take them to your main , offer that you're advertising as soon as , they buy that show them some more offers , then they go to your back end and the , back and you sell them some more and now , you have a business system that's going , to give you a lot of money and then all , you have to do is automate this and , scale this that'Sally you have to do big , once you start making this once you , recognize that okay I'vie done this for a , couple of month sand every you know , every time I do this I make$W.W , $W.W $5,W , whatever it is now I can spend more , money can just scale this can spend , five times the money Icahn take it a , different countries I can take different , region sand then you automate this and , then you really scale this and make lots , and lots of money , so and now you understand that how this , business works yeah just want to give , you quick recap of how this works so , basically you created front-end offer , then you add a few upsilon you try , to get them to buy a monthly membership , then you test higher price for all your , product sand you try to lower the cost , or profit this is your front end and , with this you're done with the front end , and then after they buy you try to sell , them more products you promote some , affiliate offers and you sell high-end , product and that's pretty much it and , then you put an autopilot and now you're , on your way to being a millionaire so I , know Agave you a lot of information and , I seriously hope that you found this , information very valuable and I'm , seriously hoping that after going , through this information now you realize , how you can be rich with internet , marketing this is something people don't , realize but'm hoping at this point , you're feeling confident now you see the , secret formula that puts a lot of money , in people's profit and it's giving you , idea how to build your sales funnel so , but I know it's also alto of , in formations probably again over burn , you I know I do that quite a bit just , like to give too much information but I , hope you appreciate my intention there , that Just wanted to give you , everything so you have everything to run , a successful business and if you like , this I write your comment CZ I always , appreciate positive comments too and , please do share it with your friends in , your family let them also benefit from , this information and get gets me some , more exposure too so it helps me - so , once again'm really hoping this is , going to help you and tomorrow I'm going , to send you another piece which is , really going to help you more with your , business so thanks again and take care .

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