Thursday, April 25, 2019

Lawn Care Sales Funnels

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patch the leaks in your sales funnel , everyone Andrew here again today I'm , going to talk about one of my favorite , thing sand that is ice cream I love it , and there's no better tasty treat for a , hot summer'Day it really makes every , day feel like celebration and frankly , it'just delicious all joking aside we , are not going to talk about ice cream , but do love ice cream and we're gonna , talk about something not at all related , we're going to talk about sales funnels , very exciting not as not as exciting as , is ice cream but still very exacting so , sales funnels are the first place that I , start when a company hires me brings me , out for a day or two consultation we , attack their sales funnel first that's , the first place that we start we look at , all of the marketing that they're doing , what's working what's not what needs to , be beaten into shape how are they , selling their services and really tear , everything apart and then put it back , together so the reason the sales funnel , is important and why it's important that , you understand it is because once you , really understand how your sales work , works and how the marketing plays apart , and how your salesmanship plays a part , you can really go in and start to , fine-tune all of these different areas , within the sales funnel and when you , fine-tune each of these different areas , all of your marketing all of your sales , becomes more effective and you sell more , so the example that like to give is , that every company's sales funnel has , holes in it and out of those holes leaks , sail es leaks clients links customers so , when you dump a bunch of leads in the , top they start escaping up the sides but , the only way that you can make a sale is , they get them to come out here at the , bottom that's the only way that you're , going to get a sale and to get through , this funnel to progress through this , funnel they have to go through a couple , different stage sin the first is , attention do you stand out in a crowded , market are you getting in front of your , customers are you everywhere your , potential customers are looking for , services like what you're offering next , is interest we have their attention is , our marketing is our message interesting , to them do we keep their interest if we , don't pique their interest then getting , their attention dozen'matter so after , we get their attention after they see , our ad after they see our flyer after , they see our truck do we get them , interested in using us or checking us , out or getting more information and the , third is engage we'vie got their , attention , our marketing message has made them , interested in now they're willing to , engage with us they're willing to pick , IPA phone they're willing to email us , they're willing to reach out and raise , their hand and say you know what'm , interested let's talk and then finally , the last is action we'vie engaged with , them we're communicating with them now , we got to get them to take action and , without getting them through each of , these different steps we can't make a , sale yes they don't take action we don't , get a sale if they don'engage with us , meaning they raise their hand or contact , us or talk to somebody on our staff we , can't get sale if they don't find our , products or services interesting they're , not going to buy them , if we can't get found they don't know we , exist so none of these thing scan happen , so every step of the way we have to go , through these steps and that's really , what marketing is about it's about , general gently nudging your buyer your , prospect down a specific path towards , sale and this is really the first place , that I start when I consult with , companies when they bring me when they , bring me on for a few days and I analyze , their business this is the first place , when we start we look at what they're , doing on each of these different stages , and how we can fix or improve it or , streamline it and make it better and , everybody's sales funnel has holes you , never close a hundred percent of the , prospects or themes that come your way , I don't you don't nobody does so the , goal an done of the most effective , things that you can do in your own , business is to patch all the little , hole sin your funnel keep more leads in , the funnel and if you keep more leads in , the funnel they can travel down here , towards the sale so that's the goal with , indium sales and marketing plan and let's , break each of these down specifically  

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