Thursday, April 25, 2019

Landing Page Copy writing for Maximum Conversions

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those are alto of words yep those are , the ideas I want to include on my , landing page Just need to whip it into , shape , that's all seems a little long but I , need to get all of this on the page it's , really important information that the , visitor is going to need to make , decision I would have done this earlier , but had a lot of distractions today , yeah that's annoying people should stay , at their desk right well now I'm gonna , be late here editing this you should , just cut it see like right here like you , could do this trim that you could put a , billeted list there you could do you , could cut the hats you'vie already said , that twice so I can go , effective landing page writing requires , you learn how to write in away that you , don'thieve to explain yourself allow me , to explain great landing page copy is , made of sentences that don't have to say , everything they just have to say the , right things if your sentences are , properly constructed the reader's , imagination will do the rest , Kevin Lynch chair director of copy at , instigation writing for conversions , keeping through the less is more , approach is a good practice way to , train yourself to think and speak less , is to learn how to write like an a first , or in an afforest extol fir isms pack , a lot of thought into a very small , amount of space , writing in the style of the average can , keep your copy tight persuasive and , compelling some of the commonalities , between aphorisms and great landing page , conversion copy are both can use , language to create images verbal imagery , fires the senses take this sentence it , was bright cold day in April and the , clocks were striking thirteen the little , rowdy will know that this is the opening , line of George Orwell's this is the , kind of line that produces a powerful , unique image in one'imagination use , phrases that cause your readers to paint , themselves a mental picture both can , evoke emotion if you're going to play , with another's emotions you need to be , careful this means that if you're going , to present them with the verb age that's , going to prey on their dreams or fears , then do so tactfully , take this classic knee buckler as an , example both contain facts the strength , of aphoristic writing is that often in , just a few words very profound truths or , facts are revealed when crafting copy in , this manner it may help to thin kin , terms that are specific and concrete , then say it in away that conveys , broader implications both can make , promise sand here's a promise follow the , lessons presented in this copy writing , course and your conversions will blow up , I can promise this because you'vie , learned how to write in away that , people can'resist hope this lesson , helps you focus your words and does its , part to improve your mastery of , copywritingthanks a million for , watching the onstage marketing , Academy  

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