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do you have an e-commerce business or a , business with an online presence and , you're struggling to convert more of , your current traffic into leads and , buyers then stay tuned because I'going , to cover my landing page best practice , checklist right now before we continue , be sure and download ME-book on how to , launch knockout products on Amazon it's , free and instant access just click on , the link below in the description also , take a minute and subscribe to my , channel to be updated on the latest in , EECOM news and'll ask you also to , please like this video so that more , people can see this video and its , information it's funny to me how much , time is spent and focus and energy is , spent on creating the perfect homepage , I'vie talked to clients and worked with , people in the pa stand they spend so , much time and energy and effort with all , of the team member sin the company that , they want to have this perfect looking , home page and in reality the homepage , is one of those page son your website , that technically should be seen the , least if you're using paid traffic and , you should be using paid traffic then , you want to very specifically answer the , question that people are asking people , type in the search bar question and it , should land them right onto your , dedicated landing page they want a , specialist to help solve their problems , so give them one in the form of your , landing page now like I said whether , you're a local business online or an , e-commerce business or whatever the case , may bethink of this example it's the , easiest one to understand so you're a , plumber in a local area right you have a , website and you run ads for air , conditioning repair right so when people , go online and they search for air , conditioning repair or problem with my , air conditioner the keyword sand the ads , that generate that , should land them Ina dedicated , air-conditioner page specifically if , they have a clogged drain and they're , typing in that problem then that ad , groups keywords talk about just that and , the ad lands them on that page and the , same thing goes for the hot water heater , in your house at the hot water heater , bursts or emergency hot water heaters , service it lands them on a page that , specifically identifies with solving , their problem sin an instant so that's , what I'm talking about about a dedicated , landing page and you can do that for a , local business a service business , product businesslike EECOM and more hey , guys I hope that you're enjoying these , videos and tutorials that'vie been , making if you like this video then , please give me a thumbs up when you give , me a thumbs up more people will be able , to see this video and benefit fr omit so , thanks so let's jump into my eight , must-do elements for high converting , landing pages this is going to help you , convert more people into customers , with outspending any more dollars than , you're already spending right now so , item number one is the five-second rule , within 5 seconds of somebody landing on , your website or landing page that person , needs to be able to identify with where , they're at and realize that they're in , the right place you have to answer three , quick questions you ha veto answer what , how and what , so the first what is what is the service , that you're offering a hot water heater , repair right number two is how how is , them being on your landing page going to , benefit them emergency service one hour , response time right that's the how and , the last one is what what do they need , to do in order to make contact with you , so what is your call to action item , number two is you want to have one , single offer and you want to try to have , one single outcome on that landing page , don't distract people with anything else , then those , two things one great thing is if you , want if your local service you want , phone calls or you want form fills you , want to try to promote one of those two , over the other and to do that you need , to try to do sorry don't try to do you , need to do AB split testing so you need , to try to put the phone number in a very , prominent place and encourage people to , make phone calls to you another , iteration of that landing page you need , to have very prominently the form on , that landing page and you're trying to , promote people to fill out the form and , let them know that you'll call them back , within minutes for this emergency , page and do the tests to find out which , one will perform better and then push , the heck out of that guys if you have , any comments or tips or tricks that you , want to share with people then leave a , comment below like hash tag landing page , tip that way people can benefit from it , and'll see if I can answer your , question Thanks item number three is a , clean layout you want to have a super , clean vertical layout with just a few , pictures that are relative to whatever , the topic is on the landing page you , want to remove any traditional , navigation bars , anytime somebody is clicking on one of , the links that takes them away from your , main objective which is to get a form , submission or a phone call also the only , thing I would really put on there down , in the footer is a link to your privacy , policy where you could talk about GDP , you don't want to be in trouble with GD , bar or GD GD PR compliance you can see , a video that I did here on GD r , compliance but that would Bethe only , link that I would Putin this super , clean focused landing page item number , four and five kind of go together but , item number four is benefits not , features so I know that your product or , service has a lot of features more than , likely use those features to write , benefit , it'sublet point a few benefits because , people don't buy features they buy , benefit sand item number five is use the , features to back up your statements or , claims about your benefits , item number six is use video on your , landing page is the most engaging form , of media that there is currently you , don't have to have a fancy camera just , put your cell phone on a tripod get , yourself a couple of lights and bang out , a W second or sixty second video that , tell people what the most important , things are on this landing page and what , you will do for them and finish that up , with a strong call-to-action also use , the same call to action in your video , that you are using on your landing page , item number seven is social proof and , testimonials if you have current , testimonials great if you don't go get , some you want to use this on your , landing page use two or three , testimonials if you can get it in the , form of video have a little video clip , of two or three customers that I's , seconds long each and put them on there , it does wonders when other people see , that you are solving the community's , problems and last but not least and , super duper important is a bold , call-to-action a boldest right you want , to have it right up top on the page , there's something that'scaled above , the fold and it is what viewers see when , they are on a landing page Ora website , where and they don't have to scroll down , so whatever the initial view able space , is that is above the fold you must have , one of your CTA buttons call-to-action , buttons above the fold , people will scroll down the page and , read down the page and at the bottom you , Giotto have another CTA button same one , as its above but just let them hit it , right down there don't make them scroll , all the way back up to the top to do it , boldest s okay guys thanks for watching , this video , I hope that you're able to take this , information and really put it to good , use for you also don't forget to , download my free e-book on the seven , step framework on how I launch knockout , products on Amazon again it's free and , instant access just click the download , link below in the description and don't , forget to please subscribe to my channel , to stay up on the latest intercom and , also give this video a thumbs up the , more thumbs up this video gets the more , other people will get to see it and now , watch this video .