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I'm gonna guess you're probably spending a ton of money on social media ads or , social media content creation but just last month Cereal Entrepreneur did , $W,W in sales from email re marketing campaigns and the best part about that , is we only spent one hundred and thirty one dollars and W cents last month on , email re marketing so to say that email marketing is dead would definitely be , false and in today's video we're gonna cover the best tips and information , you're gonna want to be aware of about email marketing in W stay tuned here , we go welcome back everybody my name is Jordan Ste en also known as Cereal , Entrepreneur and at this channel we talk all about starting a marketing agency , building an online personal brand with the YouTube channel or a blog or podcast , really just building any kind of online business and if you're interested in any , of those topics definitely hit the subscribe button and the notification , bell in the bottom right hand corner so you get updated with all of our future , videos free training's and our giveaways that we do every single week so guys , email marketing is still one of the most valuable assets for building an online , marketing campaign or really a good re marketing system with your email , marketing campaigns the reason why is because like I mentioned in the , beginning I spent one hundred and thirty one dollars and twenty-five cents on , email re marketing for serial entrepreneurs , last month and we generated around ten thousand dollars in revenue just from , the email re marketing campaigns now the benefit is again we spent such a little , amount to make a ton of money so the ROI on that spend is definitely worth it and , not only that but once we have our campaign set up we don't have to really , do much to them on a week by week or even a day-by-day basis to maintain them , and make sure that they're still sending emails and still generating leads and , sales for us so I have five things that I want to cover for you guys really five , tips for email marketing that I want to share with you and we're gonna go into , my software and show you guys a little bit about our setup and what is relevant , in W and why a lot of people's marketing campaigns via email arena't , working so let's get into that oh and a lot of you have questions about email , marketing and actually reaching out to get potential clients and if that's the , case we'vie actually put together a quick training on four templates that you can , use to attract customers with email so if you want that make sure to , see tuned to the end of the video and we'll give you access to that now before , we get into the screen share I want to share the first tip with you guys and , this is the most important one because a lot of people mess up in this area , that's why most people don't actually achieve leads or sales conversion with , their email campaigns and the first one is penalization what I mean by , penalization is making sure that the content you send USN't just broadcast ed , to everyone in a list making sure that the content you send is actually , something that that viewer is going to be interested in that's why we're able , to maintain such high open rates and such high engagement because we don't , just send content to people that have no interest for example we have two courses , one on starting a blog and a YouTube channel or a personal brand and another , one on marketing agency I'm not gonna necessarily send people on who want to , start their own personal brand content about starting a marketing agency unless , they express interest which we can find out and I'll talk about a little bit , later but we don't want to broadcast every message to everybody and vice , versa the people in starting a marketing agency might not want to start a , personal brand so I would't want to mix that material or that content that we , send to those people so make sure that you're personalizing the content making , sure that it reaches each person only based on the topics that they haven't , interested now people always ask me well how do I make sure that happens it comes , down to the next few steps I'm going to mention but it also comes down to just , making sure that when you create a content stream right or an automation , that you're not mixing the content in and broadcasting it to everybody it's , only sent to specific people on a specific list so let's break that down a , little bit more through my software that I'm gonna show you guys alright , everybody so the first thing we want to talk about is active campaign this is , the software that I recommend using for email marketing trust me guys especially , if you're doing a marketing agency or if you need multiple accounts for like , different businesses they give you a W% discount after you purchase your second , account right so you're automatically getting W% off of all accounts and then , as you add more accounts into your list if you sell you know marketing agency , accounts and you're reselling white labeling that service using this , platform then you can actually get more and bigger discounts as you increase the , amount of sales or people that you're putting onto the active campaign , platform so really really cool we're gonna leave a link below this video in , the top of the description if you want to sign up make sure you check it out there because we actually have a discount that , active campaign gives when you use our link this is active campaign this is the , dashboard what we're going to first start off talking about is automation's , and the reason why automation's are so important guys is because again it takes , the time out of you guys having to really create content every single day , right which means you can automate your business and spend more of that time in , other areas that actually do require your time and you know focusing on Caps , as you guys hear me say which are cash producing activities that's what this , allows you to spend more time doing but you can see we have a ton of different , email automatically people who are not customers yet and then there are , automation's for people who have become customers so like your on boarding , automation or an up sell automation that you have built into your strategy so , remember those things but what are we really trying to talk about here because , what's the hardest part is getting people to buy from your email content , right so how do you actually go about doing that and really again what it , comes down to is creating automation's that are very personalized like we , mentioned in step one but also making sure that you have valuable offers , inside of them if you're going to do offers of some kind when you follow up , with these emails then you need to actually try and follow up with someone , so we'vie built in a process where we and not only that but we're tagging , everybody based on what type of automation they're entering so we have a , whole naming convention in an Excel document that says automation twelve is , starting a personal brand right and so we tagged these people so that way we , know what content they'vie viewed in the past and then we can create new , audiences and new lists of people to contact later with new products or , information or downloads or templates or lead magnets whatever it may be but we , can segment these people out and we know who we're talking to based on their , interests right because here's what we're doing this tag when they'vie been , through starting a personal brand this tells us they're interested in our broad , topic starting a personal brand then you can see we get down into other things , like your pricing or picking your marketing strategy monetizing your brand , right so what we could do and our monetizing your brand we give there's , six different ways that you can monetize a brand right you can do affiliate , marketing you can a blog with partnership you can do ad , revenue of course there's so many different ways right and so what we did , was inside that email article we segmented down by which person or by , which people were clicking on which type of revenue model so for example if , people are clicking on how to build an online course we can then send those , people because they were tagged with online course now and then what we can , do is we can send them emails that are specific to content to building an , online program right so now we know that we're sending them content that they , have to be interested in not necessarily W% but more than likely if they click , on something it means that they're much more likely to have interest in that , topic so building out your automation's to where they're simple enough but where , you're also tagging people updating your contacts and tracking goals but that's , really the biggest thing guys running and creating automation's taking time to , build out right so look here's our email for this well let's go into a different , one monetizing right you can see this is the , email right here and we talk more about monetizing the personal brand on that , document right there right so there's tons and tons of different stuff but , guys just remember that automation's are super important this is what's going to , help you save time and money and effort when you start creating your marketing , campaign so spend time thinking about what value can you add and then once , you'vie added value and they'vie been through the email series for so long , then you can start to add your offers and your promotions to try and get them , to come back and buy and if you're wanting to learn more about our , automation sequences and actually how we built them out we'vie already put , together a video on that luckily for you so check out this video up here in the , top right hand corner now the third tip to email marketing that I want to go , into you guys with is mobile optimization this is definitely , important and really it's nothing you really need to concern yourself with , other than is the platform you're using automatically optimizing these emails , that they're sending for mobile devices if they are then you're good if they're , not then you need to check out a new platform in which case I definitely , again recommend active campaign because it's gonna make your email look like , this this is it actually will shrink it in and this is actually cutting it out I , see you over here on the right hand side it's like cutting it out on mobile it , dozen't actually do this again this is just an on screen example of it being , compressed that's what it looks like on mobile you need to have a mobile , optimized Oh a quick question for you guys are you currently using email , marketing at all in any of your campaigns whether it's , for your agency your personal brand or for your clients are you using email and , selling email if you are I want to see what types of emails you're writing are , you doing automation's or are you doing broadcasts and if you're not doing it , say no I'm not using email marketing let me know something you plan to do to get , email marketing into your strategy for W now the fourth thing that we're , going to talk about is important and we kind of mentioned it a little bit , earlier but it's segmenting your contacts into different lists and again , the only way you really do that is by segmenting them when they come into the , list and then once they enter into the content once they click on something or , view a specific email or take a specific action then you can tag them with other , actions for example we're able to tag people when they visit our website all , we have to do is put a link in the email to our website when someone clicks on it , we can track that right and so there's all types of things that you want to , track about a specific user so that way you know okay well they visited our , website which page did they visit the sales page for the digital marketing , tool or for the personal brand and we can tag based on that right when they , visit those sales pages now we know what email marketing content to send them , right it's what they're interested in it's what they're going to care about , and that's what that's the only way to do it when you when I keep telling you , guys send them information they care about and not all of the other stuff , this is how you do it it's through tagging it's through segmenting your , list into different lists of contacts based on their interests but not only , their interests also their intent do they plan to buy or are they still in , the beginning of the info and research stage right know where they're at in the , sales cycle but also know what content they care about , finally for tip number five a studies recently come out that shows that images , or pictures or video inside of email marketing campaigns actually make it , seem a little more spam my so one thing you actually might want to , consider doing is a strategy that we incorporate where we don't really put a , ton of actual content or images or anything like that visual inside our , email marketing all these are the content pieces right there so if I show , this all of our emails are pretty much just text with links and straight to the , point right most people think that those kinds of emails with images and stuff , it's spam so try to kind of mix up your strategy do some AB testing and say , okay what do our email campaigns perform like when we don't use images how do , they perform when we do use images and then test and make sure that you analyze , and then say okay make a decision whether you go A or B but as you , guys can see email marketing really USN't complicated and it's definitely a , huge moneymaker for people marketing online the question comes down to , whether you're truly building out your automation segmenting your contact lists , and sending them the information that they actually want to read or not that's , why we get messages from people all the time telling us how great our email , marketing content is because we actually focus on what you guys want to read and , want to see versus just trying to sell you all the time or sending you fluff , that dozen't actually help you you know reach your goal but that's it for , today's video thank you so much for watching if you stay until the end , well you're here so you definitely stayed till the end check out this video , in the top right hand corner that we promised you in the beginning it's on , for cold email templates to use to get your agency clients and you can even , take this strategy and incorporate it into the email marketing campaigns that , you create or your clients so definitely check that out thank you guys for , stopping by and I will see you guys on the next one but before I get out of , here hit that subscribe button and the notification bell that way you don't , miss a beat but I'm out for now Cereal Entrepreneur out bye guys , start living the six-figure work where ever be your own boss lifestyle well at , Cereal Entrepreneur Academy will teach you how to use a laptop and internet to , start your own social media and digital marketing agency get started with our , free Facebook Ads training links in the description below guys see you in the , course and Cereal Entrepreneur out